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- 1 <br />— — NON- UNIFORUt COVENANTS. 8otrower and Lender further covlenant and egret: as figlb - 104358 <br />It. Acesletmiloq Rwosdias, twsda don the satke tG Rime *e w M se�� kYowiaR B"Mwer's <br />br ati Grow ea+wast or agnsAaat 13 asd 17 <br />sat w rw 9. IMs 44llttwie).11e tttGttce doll oledfo W tft dtls* W dto' ' -1k t retrticr+ to etlis+e the <br />te)a ira,aat hole doolieft" tray the 41110 tis sisdete ft shmWil a :GwGr,I*,wbk§ th **ft alt ssttst be afoot; <br />10nn <br />and (d) fiat fee= tin dshGk M Gr btttlasa tha dob spaelisti bt 06 statics lMx: i fie tit edwatke of nee non <br />aaewe d b this � bowl om and aNe or the Pt<Ggagry 1W oodles dMIN tlbedeb+r• rtlratae Harrower at the trwA to <br />I, - - aftw aftskiratlois raw fire trf* to brig a Coact aetisa "loner tic swsas trlaaea or a det wit or say other <br />iersssaGtlsGerowGr Mattosiseatiaassldsak. Irel ~e�lfwtitiaMtctte�tesst'iortRe thi�itMea/aeiirdia thl nudes. t.GGder <br />st its �a Gsay rawirt iwatadiats Mysewt r iWt K W attr aaesestE b!► this r#ty IasiraGteM without tirsiher <br />throat awy r.elte tie *GwGt: Gissie atM airy adut csostMiM �MAitad by a!!i, iit+iiill, kw. Loader stall he added to <br />eaileet ON aP=w reGrsa a is rate dg ilia t+sws M psi idad Is this .T;T; r lodim bat Gast iiwitatl � <br /> atar..ya• e.telw Gr tea. a W ■ t+� <br />IE die � at attic r iaf+Gitsd. Tsastse Gh.IR ssreseis tlotilce GtltisAttrit this Garb eraaty r wliieb ay dart Gat the <br />>t is retNMaad donna coon atiwetatkteitte*oitettsterllewcdhtMl► olieaiierw a lleerrwer ar to eie <br />/m> t - N o bdr iMMlieaiie rw Atllttr the tiig erg bs sM icali 1ktr. "rrGStae sWl fire t)aMk tttatiite of <br />foals to tbG [ waft and r tic tGaaslrr pGacsiMd b UK TrU1011% tll000 0009" oft Boerower, total sell the <br />Ptilet is srtgGllie atat tioa a the ii�aat tidier me tlttatiaw= tfeifg 6011 ant flutter ft �ir m &dPftd fia the ttodm et aalt is <br />GGSSr Acrelhh» aatd r aq tlndarT *roedetaerLw. TrgMaemy fstt#gieUim ataKor my PoDd of *8 PrePerty by <br />**Ac soma leetaeat at the tine ad Naee of srerrowkady.athodoiGi vale: Lester or.. its da lgote way pirchase the <br />4�`eMrq► at nay sole. <br />• <br />Utz recei*t or MIaeM of dire. Pon bib► Trtsaas tissoliaWiyer tO Die rMrri T o tee's deed <br />PlePorty. Mw tnwhais In the Trrtoera:daed aball be #rim we Owl -0,0_610 tirstir ?ar7.i' w statem ats =No* tbizi a. <br />1 <br />TtwrlaG tlbali awiiy ate gr+oa+eeds attie.asie i.ate.ral�itrii ae+ise: ta)hN a11F R�iaslsoittie Lode. ieiGdl■d. bat alit- b�stited :' ..:...; <br />� ;�:`; <br />W TIMMIn's rhea as I a* ­60 y anUmbte rw'ir6d' sea in" atatsiejrs'.t ;(i) to all alsom s r i eel by dtr Swierity <br />IhMtttGASSIt; sat te) Yy excess a the loo!_a o>r X eatitlssh Gt. <br />20 harder In P 1 Upm. -Mom fiat under paragraph 19 or abandocmovIt of the Property, Lender (in <br />person. by Wnt or by judicially apparn :; ; i ) shad be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the <br />Property MW to collect the rents of the Propertyladuding Bose past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver <br />shit-11 be applied Ant to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not <br />limited to, receiver's fem premiums on receiver's bonds sad reasonable stttttneys' fen. and then to the sums senimted by <br />this Security latrttasent <br />IL Iwta Mveyaaoe. Upon payment of all sums sewed t qMs Security Instrument, lender shall request Tt ' Oee to <br />:f <br />rMcaivty tbc,hVileny and SWI surrender this Security Instr'3eo =1 and ark.1wes evidencing debt wcumed by this Security <br />D oil t6- Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Ph p rty with wt warranty and without charge to the person or persons <br />iEgatSSyentftii dab it. Such person or persons shah p4 siuy recordation costs. <br />US" Me Tr wft Lender, at its option, may from titee to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />to any Tru44,t�sppointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />%U,bout conveyance of the Property, the suceegm tAMW shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />"i; rus,;ee harm and by applicable law. <br />2,3. >0srGest for Nazi m Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to a rowtes <br />address wfai is the Property Addras, <br />24 ltAerr to this Seem ity IftiWoweaE tr- one or more nders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with <br />this Security Instrument, the ccversants and agreements of each such rider s lWi be incorporated into and shall amend and <br />suppkxrtertt the covenants and agreemenri of this Security Instrument as if the nder(s) were a part of this Security <br />Instrument. (Check applicable twx(es)j <br />rXJ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider i <br />C] Graduated Payneent Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider <br />R3 Otier(s).(specifY) Ackrx5wledgeme'nt <br />BY Stc;mm BEtow. Borroultr .accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security <br />Instrument and to any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it. <br />.......... . ..................................... :..... ..... <br />........... i.:hae S. ray <br />.......... ................. ... ..`c <br />Alice M. Gray <br />STATE OF 114CI9t'ASKA. Hall <br />County ss: . <br />................. : Seal) <br />................ {Sal) <br />A .a„w <br />On this 'Mr, day of August .19 139 before me. the a Notary Public <br />duly cornmism. breed and qualified for said county. personally came .q (- peel S. Gnaw and Alice <br />S t Gray, Husband and Wife , to me knows ;. y be the <br />identical pe00110) whose names) are subscribed to the foregoing iruument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county. the <br />date aforesaid. <br />=844M No OaIR Illy <br />........... . '!tee, y �� Z w? .1►............ . <br />� <br />RUQUi;". FOR RECONVUYANCE ft:oolry Nuaat <br />M in t <br />) tee is idnt!g110 -11 is the tts+;Cttt (it ttie (tote [1r 111iaes scoured by th10 th-ed u1 said nuts ,sr llestc4, ;t,�JCttler <br />wlffe .11E nnhrr w4chtednevs sel.trred by this I)eed of I rust, hasc hccn ®aidir full Ymi arr herebd dlrettr:d t,►s;aw.Vl'..n��l <br />a;,te 0I IIWIV; J11d IN" i)CM NI ilt)et, µhe,h ale dehyered hetebp, ilttl.; (1, (fL[)IILE'Y. W {it milt �L,ICf;ltl'L, ,lit ltr: t' •l:fh <br />.:..ha Itt'iQ tT4 y:�U under child leery c,t It"A If, Ole rcl :bra of rmsons icp,01v ftli0c'.1 1 -mvi" <br />irate <br />.r <br />(1 <br />I <br />