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l' <br />.._ . _. <br />O. 11141E'ORM SECURM INSMUMIENT; GOVERNINtl; LAW; SEVERAl1UM <br />Uniform Covenant IS of the Security Instrument isarreaded to read as follows: <br />IS. V Wanes aeewrity iatNruaraeat; Gotteraift Law; SrrereM Ry. This form of Security Imtrumettt combines uniform covenants for national use <br />. and non - uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument coveritgt real property. This <br />Snooty Instrument stroll be &owned by federal law and the law of the jutisditt(on in which the Property is located. In the event that any <br />provision or clause of ¢his Security Instrument or the Note conflicts with applicable law. such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this <br />Security imatrtur ent or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. and to this end the provisions of this Security <br />Instrument and the Note are declared to be severable. <br />E- TRANSFIMR Of THE PROFF.RTY OR A BENEFICIAL INIERDST IN BORROW FM <br />Uniform Covenant l7 of the Security In.strumnnit is amended to read as follows: <br />1y. Trassfer of the Property or a Stsefkial laterest is Borrower. If alt or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred <br />(or if a bcorwia1 interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) without..Lender's prior written consent, <br />Leader may; :.t end:r's opt -or., declare all the sums secured ny this Security Instrument to be immediateiyalrr' a;nd payable. However. tl'ds <br />option shall r-m tiz r aer.fW.tav Lender if exercise is not au!ho: ized by Federal law. Lender may wdi.vetise exerese of this option if: (a) Borrower <br />causes to be :°* �rtud to Vi—xler information required ';2:- Lender to evaluate the intended tramsfe>:ee as if a ni�y loan were being made to the , <br />a4weree; and (b) lender rm.onably determines Char l ;et's security will not be impaired by the loan as! itan and that the risk.ttl tJ : • : :, -.: . <br />L�rach of any covenant or y,igmnent in this S&urity fra:;::;mcnt �s acceptable to Lender. ?: <br />Totheextentpornittedbyapplicable •E.uw,Lendernwc _ ha rcea reasonable fee asacondim.g.' W Leader's consent tothrls7anassump". <br />Lender may also require the transferee to it1 -q sl; the rx„r,r ,,n,d agvements made in the Note,trn'l;;it this Security Instrumt�m <br />"If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, c'_.- , �: ,cs: t rr..:, 3nrrower notice.of acs: trm;ba in accordance with piix7. yti t4 hereof.' <br />Such notice shall pro;lde a period of not less than 19 dz ; °, ir.. 7, Ids.• the notice ds r� tt "r;�,� #`;j::�;• which Borrower gray pay lime sums dect4m i. <br />due. if Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the ;rip;: t tixi ,.a. period. L� 'L�, f:�;.: i "out further notice or demand on Borrower, <br />Invoke any rt 6tdies permitted by this Sc xtriry Instrufl4w_'4:: <br />"NotwlrAvanding a sale or trancfir, ink `rower V ectd III, I--, ±,: ,tligated under the No;.:z,ns:!hi, Security Instrument unless Lender has <br />released Borrower in writing." <br />E. LOAN CHANGI:S <br />If the l.,ansecurMt by the Security ft—i-,runtent I,. ;utrt,.t to .r tav, which set maxirnum 1owI _scarp, s. and that law is (i ❑ally interpreted so <br />that the interest or tither loan charge, collected rr to be f ollekrrcl In connection with the loan cxce'ed permitted limits, then• (1) any such lout <br />charge shall be reduscd by the amuunt necessary to reduce th- Lharue io the permitted LmiC :std (2) any Burns a:rrady collected from borrower <br />which etceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Rnrro%%vr. I ender turn% vhuow w mahc this refund by owed under the <br />Note or by making a diem payment to Borro-xvr. If a refund IetIuce% tu,noval• the tedudtoa will be treated as a partial prepayment under the <br />Note. <br />IN W1TNUSS WHERFAW, Borrower his executed 1h;•, AAjostahlsr Rs!r Ritter. <br />(Seal) <br />Michae Poay Gr 11 Rt, VLK <br />Mail <br />Alice M. Gray WWRC>tWLIt <br />n n <br />z a <br />_ M M <br />t'i; t'b � � • 2 <br />7R <br />Z' � Fit [• ` \` <br />f ,•L <br />(Seal) <br />(SIGN ORIGINAL. ON] Y) <br />� <br />ry -I <br />ew <br />•'' <br />� C` <br />-rr � U <br />w <br />U) <br />tp <br />