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<br />. 89-4 -04227
<br />5. Taxes, Assaismete, end Ots rget. Trustor shall pay all taxes, ossestments and other charges, including, without limitation, lines and im•
<br />positions ottr'tbutoble to the Property. oW IeesehoM payments or ground rents. if any, before the some become delingieni. Trustor shall promp`
<br />fly furnish to Benefkkwy all ricilkes of *mounts due under this porograpti, and in the event Trustor shall make payment directly, Trustor shall
<br />prwMlly furf*h to Beneficiary recelptx evidencirp such payments. Trustor shall pay all taxes and assessments which may be levied upon
<br />8enef'tclory's interest herein or upon this teed of Trust without regard to any tow that Play be enacted imposhig payment of the whole or any
<br />W fhwoof upon the Beneficiary.
<br />6, Addlfewef ilfeee rtlfd Mtedhe of •eeefklery s, lieewity. Trustor stall mace all payments of interest act principal and payments of any
<br />other charges. tees and expenses contracted to be paid to any existing lienhoklers or prior beneficiaries under any prior deed of trust or mar -
<br />tgop before the dote they ore defiflrtuent and promptly pay and discharge any and all other Betts, claims or charges which may ieopordize the
<br />security granted herein. If Trustor fails to make any such payment or fails to perform any of the covenants and agreements contained in this
<br />Deed of Trust, or In oily prior mortgage or deed of trust, of if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects Beneficiay's in-
<br />ferest in the Property, including, but not limited to, eminent domain proceedings, or proceedings involving o decenderst, or if Trustor fails to pay
<br />Trustor's debts generalty as they become due, then Beneficiary, of Beneficiary's option and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and
<br />without releasing Trustor from ony obligation hereunder, may rTcs�T such appearances, disburse such sirens, and take such action us is necessary
<br />to protect Beneficiary's interest including, but lint flinttd t¢, fr- fAlr*,Ement of reasonable attorney's fees, payment, purchase, contest or com-
<br />promise of tiny encumbrance, charge or lien, and P- openly to slake repairs. In the evens Iliaf Trustor shall fail to procure in-
<br />wr,rsWe of to pay taxes, assessments, or any other rf ngps er is make any payiniints to nxislinq prior lien holders or beneficiaies, Beneficiary
<br />rftW+ecsr ^tsge such insurance and make such payment. Any amou"f s disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to this Paragraph 6 shall become additional
<br />k*btedness of Trustor secured by this heed of Trust. Such amourais shall be payable uiton notice from Beneficiary to Trustor requesting pay -
<br />►sleetl thereof, and shall bear interest from flip date rf disbursement of the rat* payable tram time to time on outstanding principal under the
<br />f*ofe unless payment of interest at such rate would he confrafy to applicable torn, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest
<br />ro1,e permissVe under applicable Inw. !lathing contained in this paragraph 6 shall require Beneficiary to incur any expense or take any action
<br />hereunder_
<br />7. Assignment of Rents. BerTefidaty 3frnil have flip right, power and autholily durinq the continuance of this Deed of Trust to collect flip
<br />rents, issues and profits of the Property mid of any personal properly located thereon with or without taking possession of the property affected
<br />hereby, and tailor he►ehy ubsotutely rtld ur +conditionally assigns ail such rents, issues ofrdprofils to Beneficiary. Beneficiury, howe4sr" hereby
<br />consents to t he! Tfustor's collection cr, „Iii wtenlion of such rents, i ^,sure! mid profits as they occtue and become payable so, lelagcs If' uslor is lint,
<br />et such lute,. fah defofllf with respect m rtrynnent of any indeht'?dri -,.T. vvcured hereby, or in the performance of.o»y og!pIptie T.hereunde.r. Upon
<br />Orly such default, Beneficiary may at any time, Dither %n tsersan. C ±.wm?tit, or by receiver to he oppoinfed by a tmu►t, without notice and without
<br />°r *Ilford to the adequacy of ally secufity for the indebrt',4?ess her «by secured, (a) enter upon arrd take pe3i _, on of the Properly or any pace
<br />I- SMteof, and in its own name sue for or otherwise collect such rents, issues and profits, including those post due and unpaid, arid apply the some,
<br />ess costs arid expenses of operation and collections, including reasonable attorneys fees, upon any indebtedness secured hereby, and in such
<br />.,order as Beneficinry may determine( (b) perform sash ncts of repair or protectior, as may be necessary or proper to conserve the value of the
<br />Property; (t) lease the some or coy part thereof for such rental, term, and upon such conditions as its judgment may dittole or terminnte or oil-
<br />t.-,l the the terms arrd condition%of any existing tease uy leases. Unless Trustor and Beneficial y agree otherwise in writing, any opplicatioa of tents,
<br />rxues ()r profits to any indebtedness secured (tereby shall r-n! txlernd,or postpone me due date of the installment payments as provided in said
<br />r pfnissary note or change lite amount of such installments, Tav ii,.W►ing upon and taking possession of Otte Property, the collection of such
<br />ter±;, issues and profits, and'Ohrs application thereof 0% sell not waive or cure any default or notice of defal)lt hereunder, or fn-
<br />,t- -Odefe any act done putsvoity: lio such notice. Trustaf are .o as further security for the perforrv:rr:r_e of the ct: rations
<br />ramtfred hereby, all ptepatr rents and oil wadies which r-�t -i F,t;s N i�.uct ;ry• `e-y f o fr+.fter be deposited wifJ� s;ri.t( Trustor t-1 wr r lessee ef, We Pro -
<br />petty, to secure the payment of any re o- 1ti domages, ant! canal 60t, %,i► in lbe performance of any of t:-rt rrtwisions hF,rik;t, Trustor agrees to
<br />deliver sucht eni s and dr. positsto Betio franty . Delivery o!wrifiv: +; act:. -p ofBentffari»ry "s exerciseo! the r<;r:sgraftedh!•rtiis. to (iffy levant sic -
<br />cupying scrod premises shoe he sufficient to require staid tenant to yoy: ,d rent to the Beneficiary until 6:10 1", , osice.
<br />8, Csedemnetlea. of till# to uny past of Otte Properly shall be tug? ^+ in rondenulalion proceedings, by right of tftminent domain or similar action,
<br />or stroll be sold under ff>lprtr of erend*n!ngtion, all awards, dornager 'r ^d p *coeds ofe hereby *;signed and rki -M be poidto Beneficiary who shunt
<br />apply such 04tlyds, dantngps arfcl ptc,eE'r!c to the suits secured by tart; ,;feed of Trust, with fhe ttx'ress, if call, paid to InuErrv. If hustor receives
<br />Orly rolice'?r rther informnlioa t11�;v-fii,:g such actions Of pfc<<tmlings, Trustor shall give prompt written notice lliatfaol to heneficinry.
<br />Reneficiaer stiollbe entitled, of its rali•on, to commence, appear in and pfosecute in its own nome any such a lion or proceedings arid shall hp pr,-
<br />tiA(d to make uny (afT +promise or Splllentpol in [Onnocf.rn with may Such action of proceedings
<br />'7 flemeilles Me, Inclusive. Renefiriary stroll be e,trttled to efelf' -r- povrltenl arid pptfmronftte of any indebtedness n► abligntions "rufpd
<br />lullaby wid to estertise off t%gids 0111 I-C-mtt`x under this Deed of Ti uil't`t undet filly other ugrrencenr executed in consists: liearterewit7, m rimy :r•.'s
<br />new of fteroaflpt n, force. uotwilhstamd +ng some or all of the such inef.:biedoess arrd abfgutions secured hereby tray now of lteieaf ter !:a1 aftf6,r
<br />s!cu►ed, whether by martgvge, deed of trust, pledge, lieu, ossigrinneor or otherwise fleifhar flip aru!pfuf►ce of this Deed of Trn ;f nor its
<br />ytnlr•ramlfnt witeltntr by court action of putsuUnl to the power of stttri or outer, nowols Ire# ein cotrtahted, shunt prejudice or in (lily nrnfinr r frfinrf
<br />ff•'o'1Wli(iafy f rigfit to rrolites vpollor enforce (illy other security fin” OF helpttftpf heal by RntrnUrirtry, it 1whr4*tgfped #flat Qettpficinry %tu/tl lip
<br />enfillpd to enf :rtce this Ueed of trust Gild any other secuf ifs now d' hereof far lint() by Uprrnlu;tir y in Stitt' Of lea (jilt, nwnnrr ns it "Iffy its its (11) -
<br />sr..tute discretion determinp. fro remedy firtein contested upon as reserved to 11Rnof iciury is inrnndeil to be e.rrlusive of nay other reiriprty hpf pin
<br />vr'ise IJw vovidP4 or pr•rfltif fed, but each tholl be cunnulntive and shall be in (I'Mition to every other remedy giglan hprev ldpr or slow of irrrptiltpf
<br />exist *-rtg at low or in efptity at by statute. Evety power or remedy provided hereunder this Opted of trust 10 Be(teliciory of to which it nifty by
<br />alln7wice ##titled, (flow be rpricised, concutlently or io,lepeiidently, front tittle to tf-fte atld its often as may be drpmed expedient Bonelirinty
<br />ttffd it flint, pltrstflf incomittanl ternedies. flolhing herein sho!1 he construed u% p+oltib ilintl eannftcirny tram 50469 n dotifiptlf y judgnn+ftt uu+t;fIrl
<br />Ihst 111istat to the extent slrh ur tion is p!snlilted by law.
<br />1Q Ifomfer of Preyelly; Assit"11iee. If all of ally purl of the pr=operty fit uny iWe►ert tlln►rif► is sold, lruttsfesrpd er conveyed list Trtion1
<br />A lffiD,dt BprfeN •ur le e, I•tipr wtitlen consent, exchnlinq (u) cite creation of a 1:6,11 ur ear willonnre, mbotdiliale to Ihis Used of trust, (b) flip (rata
<br />ito" of q votlt`tso ill —wt, Sr` re it y interest for flausef►etff f,hitl'9nces, fc) 0 fr f+nclnt by divoice. ff pv! wst r_.r by opeltilioo of IryN upois if r, densh tit •r
<br />pT+rit tpntrnt or (aft Ihe* (yanl Off' arty ientfhord imeurest nt flfteo years vt test na► ttnntr,ininq flit -pfien to puffttt7se, pellitlit i•tfy raryl, lit
<br />Be+fefitffry "s Minn, declare all tine suns secufed by flit% 1 *1 '! /rust to fie tl,ttned,ntefy rhfp fPvi i, tyre /!p. or (Huse the trustee 1n flip it +••`#,^
<br />of dA "If pi- ofi %ifrty %1411,3-40 w- tivr,1 such epliut, lit fl: teferolp it t,firtr to flip rmlp It rr.rrSfpt (.t rr- lilpyttrltp, ilplfplifirtfy (pt,l fhr+ppl Rf
<br />pi turf tlsw y�f9lrt'ff{ is
<br />It? 1'P %7T•t n+ trpn,fn+rer) Muth tlq.emor-lit ;ff vfr ftsf`q tl •.t 1110 ffp•1•t sff �.• It f:rr liar i% %rnhainf Ivry art ilr•t,ph, !,sty . -- „f if . l
<br />ifati!.fe!t•,! I••(yft },ffrfy►ttto e±rtts !f•* f +.thy nl,if 11rel? f•1 IflJtt 0!11 1,' fit st•s t. tt,tr, ,f; hr•. _f1ro,lt'v %t” f'l req,ta1.1
<br />,r
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<br />. 89-4 -04227
<br />5. Taxes, Assaismete, end Ots rget. Trustor shall pay all taxes, ossestments and other charges, including, without limitation, lines and im•
<br />positions ottr'tbutoble to the Property. oW IeesehoM payments or ground rents. if any, before the some become delingieni. Trustor shall promp`
<br />fly furnish to Benefkkwy all ricilkes of *mounts due under this porograpti, and in the event Trustor shall make payment directly, Trustor shall
<br />prwMlly furf*h to Beneficiary recelptx evidencirp such payments. Trustor shall pay all taxes and assessments which may be levied upon
<br />8enef'tclory's interest herein or upon this teed of Trust without regard to any tow that Play be enacted imposhig payment of the whole or any
<br />W fhwoof upon the Beneficiary.
<br />6, Addlfewef ilfeee rtlfd Mtedhe of •eeefklery s, lieewity. Trustor stall mace all payments of interest act principal and payments of any
<br />other charges. tees and expenses contracted to be paid to any existing lienhoklers or prior beneficiaries under any prior deed of trust or mar -
<br />tgop before the dote they ore defiflrtuent and promptly pay and discharge any and all other Betts, claims or charges which may ieopordize the
<br />security granted herein. If Trustor fails to make any such payment or fails to perform any of the covenants and agreements contained in this
<br />Deed of Trust, or In oily prior mortgage or deed of trust, of if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects Beneficiay's in-
<br />ferest in the Property, including, but not limited to, eminent domain proceedings, or proceedings involving o decenderst, or if Trustor fails to pay
<br />Trustor's debts generalty as they become due, then Beneficiary, of Beneficiary's option and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and
<br />without releasing Trustor from ony obligation hereunder, may rTcs�T such appearances, disburse such sirens, and take such action us is necessary
<br />to protect Beneficiary's interest including, but lint flinttd t¢, fr- fAlr*,Ement of reasonable attorney's fees, payment, purchase, contest or com-
<br />promise of tiny encumbrance, charge or lien, and P- openly to slake repairs. In the evens Iliaf Trustor shall fail to procure in-
<br />wr,rsWe of to pay taxes, assessments, or any other rf ngps er is make any payiniints to nxislinq prior lien holders or beneficiaies, Beneficiary
<br />rftW+ecsr ^tsge such insurance and make such payment. Any amou"f s disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to this Paragraph 6 shall become additional
<br />k*btedness of Trustor secured by this heed of Trust. Such amourais shall be payable uiton notice from Beneficiary to Trustor requesting pay -
<br />►sleetl thereof, and shall bear interest from flip date rf disbursement of the rat* payable tram time to time on outstanding principal under the
<br />f*ofe unless payment of interest at such rate would he confrafy to applicable torn, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest
<br />ro1,e permissVe under applicable Inw. !lathing contained in this paragraph 6 shall require Beneficiary to incur any expense or take any action
<br />hereunder_
<br />7. Assignment of Rents. BerTefidaty 3frnil have flip right, power and autholily durinq the continuance of this Deed of Trust to collect flip
<br />rents, issues and profits of the Property mid of any personal properly located thereon with or without taking possession of the property affected
<br />hereby, and tailor he►ehy ubsotutely rtld ur +conditionally assigns ail such rents, issues ofrdprofils to Beneficiary. Beneficiury, howe4sr" hereby
<br />consents to t he! Tfustor's collection cr, „Iii wtenlion of such rents, i ^,sure! mid profits as they occtue and become payable so, lelagcs If' uslor is lint,
<br />et such lute,. fah defofllf with respect m rtrynnent of any indeht'?dri -,.T. vvcured hereby, or in the performance of.o»y og!pIptie T.hereunde.r. Upon
<br />Orly such default, Beneficiary may at any time, Dither %n tsersan. C ±.wm?tit, or by receiver to he oppoinfed by a tmu►t, without notice and without
<br />°r *Ilford to the adequacy of ally secufity for the indebrt',4?ess her «by secured, (a) enter upon arrd take pe3i _, on of the Properly or any pace
<br />I- SMteof, and in its own name sue for or otherwise collect such rents, issues and profits, including those post due and unpaid, arid apply the some,
<br />ess costs arid expenses of operation and collections, including reasonable attorneys fees, upon any indebtedness secured hereby, and in such
<br />.,order as Beneficinry may determine( (b) perform sash ncts of repair or protectior, as may be necessary or proper to conserve the value of the
<br />Property; (t) lease the some or coy part thereof for such rental, term, and upon such conditions as its judgment may dittole or terminnte or oil-
<br />t.-,l the the terms arrd condition%of any existing tease uy leases. Unless Trustor and Beneficial y agree otherwise in writing, any opplicatioa of tents,
<br />rxues ()r profits to any indebtedness secured (tereby shall r-n! txlernd,or postpone me due date of the installment payments as provided in said
<br />r pfnissary note or change lite amount of such installments, Tav ii,.W►ing upon and taking possession of Otte Property, the collection of such
<br />ter±;, issues and profits, and'Ohrs application thereof 0% sell not waive or cure any default or notice of defal)lt hereunder, or fn-
<br />,t- -Odefe any act done putsvoity: lio such notice. Trustaf are .o as further security for the perforrv:rr:r_e of the ct: rations
<br />ramtfred hereby, all ptepatr rents and oil wadies which r-�t -i F,t;s N i�.uct ;ry• `e-y f o fr+.fter be deposited wifJ� s;ri.t( Trustor t-1 wr r lessee ef, We Pro -
<br />petty, to secure the payment of any re o- 1ti domages, ant! canal 60t, %,i► in lbe performance of any of t:-rt rrtwisions hF,rik;t, Trustor agrees to
<br />deliver sucht eni s and dr. positsto Betio franty . Delivery o!wrifiv: +; act:. -p ofBentffari»ry "s exerciseo! the r<;r:sgraftedh!•rtiis. to (iffy levant sic -
<br />cupying scrod premises shoe he sufficient to require staid tenant to yoy: ,d rent to the Beneficiary until 6:10 1", , osice.
<br />8, Csedemnetlea. of till# to uny past of Otte Properly shall be tug? ^+ in rondenulalion proceedings, by right of tftminent domain or similar action,
<br />or stroll be sold under ff>lprtr of erend*n!ngtion, all awards, dornager 'r ^d p *coeds ofe hereby *;signed and rki -M be poidto Beneficiary who shunt
<br />apply such 04tlyds, dantngps arfcl ptc,eE'r!c to the suits secured by tart; ,;feed of Trust, with fhe ttx'ress, if call, paid to InuErrv. If hustor receives
<br />Orly rolice'?r rther informnlioa t11�;v-fii,:g such actions Of pfc<<tmlings, Trustor shall give prompt written notice lliatfaol to heneficinry.
<br />Reneficiaer stiollbe entitled, of its rali•on, to commence, appear in and pfosecute in its own nome any such a lion or proceedings arid shall hp pr,-
<br />tiA(d to make uny (afT +promise or Splllentpol in [Onnocf.rn with may Such action of proceedings
<br />'7 flemeilles Me, Inclusive. Renefiriary stroll be e,trttled to efelf' -r- povrltenl arid pptfmronftte of any indebtedness n► abligntions "rufpd
<br />lullaby wid to estertise off t%gids 0111 I-C-mtt`x under this Deed of Ti uil't`t undet filly other ugrrencenr executed in consists: liearterewit7, m rimy :r•.'s
<br />new of fteroaflpt n, force. uotwilhstamd +ng some or all of the such inef.:biedoess arrd abfgutions secured hereby tray now of lteieaf ter !:a1 aftf6,r
<br />s!cu►ed, whether by martgvge, deed of trust, pledge, lieu, ossigrinneor or otherwise fleifhar flip aru!pfuf►ce of this Deed of Trn ;f nor its
<br />ytnlr•ramlfnt witeltntr by court action of putsuUnl to the power of stttri or outer, nowols Ire# ein cotrtahted, shunt prejudice or in (lily nrnfinr r frfinrf
<br />ff•'o'1Wli(iafy f rigfit to rrolites vpollor enforce (illy other security fin” OF helpttftpf heal by RntrnUrirtry, it 1whr4*tgfped #flat Qettpficinry %tu/tl lip
<br />enfillpd to enf :rtce this Ueed of trust Gild any other secuf ifs now d' hereof far lint() by Uprrnlu;tir y in Stitt' Of lea (jilt, nwnnrr ns it "Iffy its its (11) -
<br />sr..tute discretion determinp. fro remedy firtein contested upon as reserved to 11Rnof iciury is inrnndeil to be e.rrlusive of nay other reiriprty hpf pin
<br />vr'ise IJw vovidP4 or pr•rfltif fed, but each tholl be cunnulntive and shall be in (I'Mition to every other remedy giglan hprev ldpr or slow of irrrptiltpf
<br />exist *-rtg at low or in efptity at by statute. Evety power or remedy provided hereunder this Opted of trust 10 Be(teliciory of to which it nifty by
<br />alln7wice ##titled, (flow be rpricised, concutlently or io,lepeiidently, front tittle to tf-fte atld its often as may be drpmed expedient Bonelirinty
<br />ttffd it flint, pltrstflf incomittanl ternedies. flolhing herein sho!1 he construed u% p+oltib ilintl eannftcirny tram 50469 n dotifiptlf y judgnn+ftt uu+t;fIrl
<br />Ihst 111istat to the extent slrh ur tion is p!snlilted by law.
<br />1Q Ifomfer of Preyelly; Assit"11iee. If all of ally purl of the pr=operty fit uny iWe►ert tlln►rif► is sold, lruttsfesrpd er conveyed list Trtion1
<br />A lffiD,dt BprfeN •ur le e, I•tipr wtitlen consent, exchnlinq (u) cite creation of a 1:6,11 ur ear willonnre, mbotdiliale to Ihis Used of trust, (b) flip (rata
<br />ito" of q votlt`tso ill —wt, Sr` re it y interest for flausef►etff f,hitl'9nces, fc) 0 fr f+nclnt by divoice. ff pv! wst r_.r by opeltilioo of IryN upois if r, densh tit •r
<br />pT+rit tpntrnt or (aft Ihe* (yanl Off' arty ientfhord imeurest nt flfteo years vt test na► ttnntr,ininq flit -pfien to puffttt7se, pellitlit i•tfy raryl, lit
<br />Be+fefitffry "s Minn, declare all tine suns secufed by flit% 1 *1 '! /rust to fie tl,ttned,ntefy rhfp fPvi i, tyre /!p. or (Huse the trustee 1n flip it +••`#,^
<br />of dA "If pi- ofi %ifrty %1411,3-40 w- tivr,1 such epliut, lit fl: teferolp it t,firtr to flip rmlp It rr.rrSfpt (.t rr- lilpyttrltp, ilplfplifirtfy (pt,l fhr+ppl Rf
<br />pi turf tlsw y�f9lrt'ff{ is
<br />It? 1'P %7T•t n+ trpn,fn+rer) Muth tlq.emor-lit ;ff vfr ftsf`q tl •.t 1110 ffp•1•t sff �.• It f:rr liar i% %rnhainf Ivry art ilr•t,ph, !,sty . -- „f if . l
<br />ifati!.fe!t•,! I••(yft },ffrfy►ttto e±rtts !f•* f +.thy nl,if 11rel? f•1 IflJtt 0!11 1,' fit st•s t. tt,tr, ,f; hr•. _f1ro,lt'v %t” f'l req,ta1.1
<br />,r
<br />atriL
<br />1
<br />