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<br />11. Accolerestett Yves llefeef , hitettiad", fete. Upon defoult by Trustot in the payment of or pertamtance of the terms and conditions of
<br />the Note, or any renewals, modifications or extensions thereof, or the payment of any other indebtedness secureditweby or in the performance
<br />of array of if* convenor is or ogreements hereunder, 8enelkiary may declare all sums secured hereby immediately due and payable ond'the some
<br />sholl thereupon became due and payable without presentment, demand, protest or notice of any kind. Thereafter. Beneficiary racy deliver to
<br />Trust" a woman declaration of default and detnood for sole. Trustee shall have the power of sale of the Property and if Bornellkla!ry decides the
<br />Property b to be sold it shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Note or notes and any other documents evidencing expenditures
<br />secured hereby, and shall deliver to Trustee a written notice of default and election to cause the Properly to be sold, and Trustee, In turn, shaft
<br />prepare a similar notice in the farm req*ed by low which shall be duty filed for record by Trustee.
<br />(o) After the lapse of such time cis may be required by low following the recordation of Notice of Default, and Notice of Default and Notice of
<br />Sole having been given as required by law, Trustee, without demand on Trustor. shall sell the Property In ape or more parcels and in such order
<br />as Truster may.detetrmine on the date and of the time and place designated in said Nance of Scslw•r,71 public oucl'ron to the highest bidder, file pur•
<br />chase. price papoble In cash in luwfuf money of the United Slat.es of the time of sale. TP*M.,.tn vaftdlrclinq the sole may. for any cause he or she
<br />dean exped'lent; postpone the sale from tinier to time until'r't, +tiO be tm t>fihw and; in ever( �� case, notice of postpoctelnenl shall 6m given
<br />by public detlwr thereof by such person at the time ark place ifs@ eainted for the sale, ps axided, if the We is postponed for longer than
<br />one (1) day bfj,:litt�Tfte day designated in the Notice of Sole, rolice'.0 t•eel shall be given in 0io sane manner as the original Notice of Sole.
<br />Trustee shill leiit:ute and deliver to the purchaser its Deed conveying the Property so sold, but without any convenont or worronfy, express, or
<br />Implied. The recitals In the Deed of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of•!he truthfulness thereof. Any person, including without
<br />linsitol(an Trust; may purchase at the safe.
<br />(b). When MA—fee sells pursuant to the powers herein, Trustee shall apply the proceeds eit I ftO sole to payment of the costs and expenses of
<br />erercfsing the power of safe and of the sale, including, without limitation, the poymetif - A.Trutee's fees in tutrred, which Trustee's fees shall•ttat
<br />Irn,ti aggregate exceed the following amounts based. upon the amount secured Isltt-icxy atd remaining urlpaidr S percentum on the bahmrce
<br />lYwr_11; and then to the items set forth in subpaogre0i (c)3iere if in the order the n; %:fisted.
<br />(c)'After peel the items specified in subporagropls tf4l,..4, the sale is by Trustee; i the proper.court aid vilter costs of foreclosure am 'sale
<br />It the sale_ ant to judicial foreclosure, the proceeds of sale shall be applied in the.order statrtd below to the payment 06-:`.
<br />.41 } .Ct? "61 any evidence of title procured in connection with such sale and of any revenue required lobe paid! "
<br />.Heys fees;
<br />•?;: 'A rmr,, then s e t u r e d hereby;
<br />„ tii'c.lr*,rs1 deeds, mortgages, cr4thir lienholdecs; and
<br />'s! fife remainder, if any, to the pettir or peasant legplty entitled then etc.
<br />(d` It the Beneliciary of this Deed of trust is a bank u3 defined hq Nebrosko taw, nny slatemenl contained'in any other section of this deed
<br />notwithstanding. the Beneficiary shalt not be entitled to receive or debtor shelf not be obligated to pay or give; any confession of judg-
<br />ment, power of attorney to confess judgment, power of attorney to appoor for a borrower in a judicial proceeding or aglonmelsi to pay life costs
<br />of collection of the attorneys' fees, tmless such acts of coNrclian would ►rot otherwise be prohibited by Nebrosko law. Provided, 1►nwever, that
<br />this section does not apply to the trustee fee referred to in ptroo,oplt 6 (b). Providmi fumfler, that Ibis paragraph 311011 Olaf apply to Illis geed of
<br />Trust. if the Beneficiary is not a book.
<br />12. Aiifitleltel SecerHy fnetrwnents. Tiv%teu, of its expense, will execute nr►d deliver to than iinttetitiarry, promptly upon demand, such securi-
<br />ty instruments as ntay be rewired by 8erefie:ory, in farm arid substance satisfactory fo Benefiiiruy;' coverilig any of the Property conveyed by
<br />M4 Deed of Trust, which seetrily instruments shop be additional security for Trustee's fnithfuf.peilarn►ance of all of the terms, covenmds.ar►d
<br />coufilions of this Deed of Trst, the promissory notes inured hereby, and any othrri t.ozer icy instruments eteemied in connection with Ilifs:•trun-
<br />so6i6n. Such instrumems shall be recorded or filed of Trustor's expense.
<br />13. Atlphntmewt of Successor Trestee. Beneficiary may, from tune to little, by a written instrument executed untfi acknowledged by
<br />8enef jt[ary, mailed to Truster and recorded in the county or counties in which the Pv pprfy is located and by otherwise compl4iit9 wills the provi-
<br />sions of the opplitabte lams ol'the State of Nebrasko, substitute a successor or sumalive! to the Trustee nurnedf►erein or acting hereunder.
<br />14. Mrpctleee. Bcne(-tiar�r.,rr its aaenls, representatives or war kmen, are outh aTite d W utter of any reasonable time upon or in ocy,parf -
<br />of the Properly (.r the VVV1 .i*'ss ifisp".0rig the sortie and for the purpose of performing alp of the acts it is outhroired to perform under tile*
<br />tehns of the Deed of Trust. '
<br />15. at[ee to fsreclete. 0itur the occurrence of ony default hereunder, Permliciary Shull have the option to foreclose this Deed of Trust irr
<br />, ?- n'r'anner provided by law f or lH foreclosure of wort(
<br />agcs on rent property.
<br />16 Faebeerenee by I tneficlay Net a Welver. Any lntpbenrowe by Crt►plir-iul y it, pxattising filly right or rrnindy 11efetmder, or atttplwise
<br />offotded by applietble law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude file eyercise of any such I iyhl or remedy. likewise, the wuivrl by Beneficiary of
<br />any default of tt"Afty under this Deed rf Mist %boll no! to deemed to be a waiver of any other or similar defaults subsequently atttlnitta.
<br />11. 1tester vkt affected.• fstensian of the tin►n for pr,ynlpnt or mortification or rpnarlitatiott of life Sums secured by Ntis Pred of loll-to
<br />groltted by Beneficinry i -) nq+t vecessor in interest of Truster shall not opetute rorefense, in uny manner, the fiabifify of Cite at igirtni trustrn and
<br />Trusior's tuccessnt it► b =t v#m. fleneficiary shall not be required to Commence 1prilreedings against such successor or refuse to extend tittle for
<br />Payment or 0thttw +are modify atno►tirRtian ttt the sums si cured by this Uped of T►usl by reason of any demand prude by file original Truster and
<br />Ttuslor's sacral rr in interest
<br />IB. lift"lkfary's Pewee. Without offetling the liability of the itustor or tray otfter person liable for the payment of any ohligotion herein
<br />n wrtioned, and willioul allotting 11,e lien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon rilry par lion of the Property not Ihett at theretofore released us
<br />warily for the full an n silt of all uilpaid obligations, Drneficiary may, from time to time and without nalice, (i►►elense nny person so liable, (fit
<br />r extied the maturity or ul►er any of the terms of any such obligations, (flit gtunt olltet indulgences. Gvl retease or reconvey, or cause to be
<br />rotHonsed of rKOnveved a, ctty rise pt 6eneflcinty's f3pl4vns why r•;Ittel, putllon fir nil of tl•n Nat -F-, ly, Of rope ur noble +e nny a ►hp. ar nitdi►lottt
<br />Security for any 01`ligntinnlie rPill trte III ioned, or NO mt:ke torotpositions or other tntongnmnnts with dfbirr %in refntian Ihp?Oo.
<br />10 Fsrtrre Aillimets. Upnn regap%l cl trusleir, Tnrslee Olt Trustpe's rptinn. prioi to r fcormtevullco rf the Properly to ttutint, tiny rttnt.n
<br />lututt trlvotxes M TruStOf S--'Ch future adunntes. ,t,ilh inrr)fest rheteon. sb,111 be srttir+d by this Trust [tnrd wht+n evidencgd by foor,tlssary
<br />roles slating that said notes ate toured hereby: provided that at M terse 01,111 lire termed prinril:ut_ future adiiantes. riot indudinf) stitits ud•
<br />wow-el loprotett thip sp.,ttrrif y. exceed a" a3glrpg•tle rsintip,il amnuht of 5 `T, rTDnx-0
<br />L
<br />20 Itectlovel Hrre by trustee, ttrirrn wrillerttert:te4! of praptrricuy tt,tt;tq lt:ot fill annc snr;• adbrrahy hit +p hnnnptti-1 (3ttdupl,,, vArt'n,ll•r
<br />of tt iS llnr{l of Lrrco r3ii"t tt•n Hntts +f) Ulttrp lot ar r'eilgliit tttl !etE±,tti.•n 11:•1 tq *r.•r t,IYrrn =}, by lrrtltt► of lt•rttr•r+'+ fnnt. ftvclnn th.rtl
<br />tt•'Ntlp� Ir, Tru;hr P/ (her t ntt�t f7r (t rgnng ipttty etrtlitlad Ilterela without +v,Prrut'Y, n +Ii C—ii^Y of 111cr itCl)Mty Iftprt i•n1 tit ^rrGl*'tP► iErn
<br />for itrisMt'J'ItretrrtJ@V1YVr,rlgry'J milt" 14" tftieffsfi 'llllletotiff')6vppfer -I noI[.nit•dhl:d•1nCCII•Yferif it'+ pent l; ttrnn oft r;tylQ[f•l,vny•p••pN•ty
<br />fir rfr. ;•e:?,fi ! ,;; r!.n ! _ r c�„ -r I.r+rer „•, tort••ify p =.lei!'►•} ll�s<tptn”
<br />ll.
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