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<br />OEM OF TRUST. Bonnie C. Brendesi,
<br />of Aug • ` air and omarp Merlin 1 i n G . Bre nden THIS DEED OF iRUST, made this S day ;
<br />whoa tntlaing oddness is -3559 Ili 115ide Drivel , G.Y. N>?. , husband and wife
<br />(herein "Trustor "It and Bank of Wood -River, Ne. 68883 . whole mflhV oddness is �Sl�lltx 7lR1c�
<br />688 Is. (herein'Trustee,` and "eeneliciary"j. P. . 457; Wood River, Ne.
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDEAATEOIll, including Ilse indebtedness indentitied herein and Ilia Itust•iterein created. the receipt of which is hereby
<br />ocknow4dged. Trustor i'rrevocobip groat!:, fron>;fers. convoys, and assigns to Trutftte, .11C, 1111111 WITH POWER Of SALE: for the benefit and
<br />security of eenei'Iciay. under and subject to the lams and conditions of chit: peed of it rsst; itie coat property ,test ribed os foMows:
<br />1OGETiIER WITIf „all rertt5:' ;it0ils, royrrlllex,.intamr•and oilier bartsfWt derived liom the real property; all fe,yies or subiiinlls covering the
<br />real ,,raperty or any pof lion 1144of, now or hereafter exhlinq or eale4d into, and all fight, title and interest; V Ifustor thereunder; all lit -
<br />terri- A- 7,.•estale or other cloimt,. both in low and in equ"r►p, which Trustor flaw has or may hereafter acquire in INt.reol psop+artyr all easempnls,
<br />rights•of -way, tenements. hrreditoments and apptxterlances thereof and (hereto; all oil amt gos rights and 9rsths. water rights altd water
<br />stock; all rigfit, title and interest of Trustor, now owned or hereafter acquired, in and to any land fvi tg within the right-of-way of ally street or
<br />highway adjoining the feat property, any and all buildings, fixtures, improvements, and oppurlitnotcr.es :taw or hereafter erected Thereon or
<br />belonging thereto, (herein referred to as "Improvement” or •'improvements"); and any and all owards rrc8v, for the totting by eminent domain
<br />or by ony proceeding of purcbxlaln li.0 thereof, of she whole or any par/ of the real rcepart y,
<br />AN of the (oreyVing astat,i f rperfy and interest hereby conveyed to Trustee hereiiFc0leclivefy :t.t_K k' lu igti 11 "Properly ".
<br />(a) 11w poymanl of indebtedness evidenced by lfustor's note of ej-en•do.14 herewiEhip the princ'dnif -moi
<br />?i.rne thhousand dollars
<br />togelt:er with interest of the rote or rotes provided theren. q erein, together with nnq and all renewols, mod 1'i tttions, and extensions (hereof,
<br />referred to as the "Note") both pritrcipol and interest on the Nale being payable in accordance with the terms set Tariff therein, reference to
<br />and payable ,node, the finol QayinJIof Lwincipol al :�lfe �st.cif not sooner mii and it no thereof. newals, modilkalions of extensions are made.
<br />due 00 the performance of each ogteettlent and coveltont of !tustor herein confnined: ond� v
<br />(c) The payment of any sufn at, sums of money with interest thereon which may be!irreatter paid or advamlw( unrler file terms of this l rvtf M
<br />Trust.
<br />(d) The payment rsti nay futufIt advances necessory to pnotecl the security at any future advance mode of file 01561"1 of 1116 parties; al1E)
<br />(ef The pet fornarcre of nn obligation of any other person nomed in This Trust OeM to a benelicior y.
<br />1. Iolmovit of firioctfiel aui Interest. Trustof stroll promptly pay when due file ptinfipf►1 of trod interest on she it+debledfless evidenced by q•e
<br />Note, oral all other cliotges and fees as provided It the Note, aitd ttte p,iflcival of and interest on city future Advances secured by This D"d of
<br />Trust
<br />2 ttlsrlimly •f title. Trustor is fuwfully seized find possessed of good aid indefeasible Title of Ill estate to the Property hereby conveyed and
<br />has flip right to grant o+td convey the Fropefly; the Prot+e+ly is free orfd cleat of all liens and enturnbfames except liens now of rermd- and
<br />Truster win watront end defeftd the title to she Propetty against ail claims aM dentotrdt.
<br />3 1496s0 eseeee fled (errryltesee with tows. Truster slr;ll keep the Property in flood coftflition and repair aid shrill riot commit waste or pr. rniii
<br />;Impairment Of defef forolion of Ilse rrop•rty ofvJ Shall comply wish the+ provisions of of IV least, if lain teed of Trust is on a (eosehold. Na improve -
<br />ment mw or hereafter eret.fed upon flit. Proprrty SlKlll bit uttered. removed or demolished without the p!ior written consent of Beneliifrlry
<br />Truster sttalf rrnrply wilh alt lows, otdin�rf =_es, reg0otivnt. r_orrrrl1•tts, cimfitioits nrxl restrictions atfectitlg the Property arnf flat contlnit, suffer,
<br />or pernril arty or-t to be. done in or upon file Property in 40,0110n of affy thw, otdirrrtlite, regtifution, coverranf, condition or resbiclion. ffu;for
<br />shot, con+plete of restare Ifo"Vily and in good worGmnnlike■ rnww*f (ply imptovemetd off the Property which rimy be r artlttged at drshoyed and '
<br />pay, Allen dub, t" 071tns tot lobos per fofined and rmilerinls tutnished therefo+e and for any alterations 1hoireof.
<br />.4 (wtereace. Thusta►. of its ellpense, ";"maintain with insurors opproved by llenefitiory instMtdce with resfaect to The Improvements and
<br />Mloco prow IV, corlstitUl".11 M Presser IV, eposnst lost by lire, 1':ghfr1rq, inrlvldo• m4 other petilt attd hotords covered by standard evieflded
<br />toreecige enf%f.,e +tl0nt, in r" f1,!!o(,x,t eirial to of feast a" htlfldted pmce'rf of itfe full reptacernenl value thereof and histlfonte ea'tinsf srjrlt
<br />aIbet IF) I(0dS err•) ;,I %iJ,tr rt,nrtq,ts 0% iI ItIstonfatiIf cot Iiel bV Owffer1 (114 rnprutbls of Sin +tlt!p Ill filler Iies c* n6 /7pne tic ittty rnily I I, I;,@ fr.r it
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<br />::aefgsls fit llrw tejt;e -I4�e r-lites All in @ifrgre p0i,rrt r*-•t ;ntftinrj r;jH ;;I.,t tr. chit Ilned Of TFU*,t 0,gll wv!le TifOgit•t (In:) ppil "fr6wit (it. in
<br />S."e'It. ai 1410:! Ittvit".ef i+ lefests rmy eype'tr, afld vfo i�,�is 1F71 111019 Stt +lit ire f,7 fl3't '! }'ntiO,t c%r 117leji tlrp; 1G r!. ;e.
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