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201004287 <br />restored. If the Directors have adopted and published rules and regulations governing the use of the <br />Common Area or the personal conduct of any person thereon, the voting or other membership right <br />of any Member may be suspended by action of the Board of Directors, after a hearing before the <br />Board at which the Member or any other interested person may be represented by attorney, for a <br />period not to exceed sixty (60) days, if such Member, or any member or a person using the facilities <br />though such Member shall have violated such rules and regulations. <br />E. Right of Membership. <br />1. Each Member is entitled to the use and enjoyment of the Common Areas in accordance <br />with Article IV of this Declaration. Membership rights may be exercised by an Owner and may be <br />delegated to and exercised by all Residents who reside upon a Lot. Each Member shall notify the <br />Secretary of the Association in writing of the name and relationship to the Member of any person <br />who is entitled to exercise membership rights under this Section. The right and privileges of such <br />person are subject to suspension by the Board under the preceding Section in the same manner and <br />for the same reasons as those of any Member. <br />2. Any firm, person, corporation or other entity which shall succeed to title of any Owner <br />through foreclosure of a mortgage or other security instrument or through other legal proceedings, <br />shall upon issuance of the official deed to any Lot, become thereupon a member of the Association <br />and succeed to the rights herein provided. Conveyance from such person, firm, corporation or other <br />entity shall pass membership in the Association to the Buyer as herein provided. The personal <br />obligation for delinquent assessments shall not pass to the successor in title to the Owner at the time <br />the dues and assessments become delinquent unless such dues and assessments are expressly <br />assumed by the successors, but all successors shall take title subject to the lien for such dues and <br />assessments, and shall be bound to inquire of the Association as to the amount of any unpaid <br />assessments or dues. <br />3. Each Class C Member shall have the lawn maintained by the Association and the snow <br />removed from the walks and drives for his or her Lot. Each Class A Member and each Class B <br />member may have the lawn maintained by the Association and the snow removed from the walks and <br />drives for his or her lot. Each Member receiving services shall be responsible for the cost of <br />maintenance of his or her Lot through either general or special assessments. <br />F. Powers and Responsibilities. <br />1. The Association shall have the powers conferred upon nonprofit corporations by the <br />Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act, and all powers and duties necessary and appropriate to <br />accomplish the purposes and administer the affairs of the Association. The powers and duties to be <br />exercised by the Board of Directors, and upon authorization of the Board of Directors by the officers, <br />shall include but shall not be limited to the following: <br />a. The acquisition, construction, improvement, development, maintenance, operation, <br />repair, upkeep, replacement and administration of the Commons including the implementation of <br />reasonable nondiscriminatory rules for the use thereof. <br />b. The fixing, levying, collection, abatement, and enforcement of all charges, dues, or <br />assessments made pursuant to the terms of this Declaration. <br />6 <br />