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201904287 <br />merely as security for the performance of an obligation. Membership shall be appurtenant to and <br />may not be separated from ownership of any Lot, and ownership of such Lot shall be the sole <br />qualification for membership. At its first meeting, the Association shall adopt By -Laws for its <br />organization and the conduct of its business, which By -Laws shall include provision for the election <br />of directors and officers, the mode manner and effect of the vote of the members. <br />C. Voting Rights <br />1. The Association shall have three classes of voting membership each consisting of two <br />subclasses until a subclass is terminated as hereinafter provided. The votes of each subclass shall be <br />combined in determining the votes of the class: <br />Class A: (Which includes Class A-1 and Class A-2 so long as Class A-2 exists). <br />Class A-1: Class A-1 members of the Association shall be the Owners of single-family <br />lots. Each Lot shall have one Class A vote and a vote may be cast for each Lot owned on any matter <br />of Association business affecting this class. <br />Class A-2: The Class A-2 member of the Association shall be the Developer which shall <br />have ten Class A votes for each Lot owned by the Developer. <br />Class B: (Which includes Class B-1 and Class B-2 so long as Class B-2 exists). <br />Class B-1: Class B-1 members of the Association shall be the Owners of Townhome Lots. <br />Each Lot shall have one Class B vote and a vote may be cast for each Lot owned on any matter of <br />Association business affecting this class. <br />Class B-2: The Class B-2 member of the Association shall be the Developer which shall <br />have ten Class B votes for each Lot owned by the Developer. <br />Class C: (Which includes Class C-1 and Class C-2 so long as Class C-2 exists). <br />Class C-1: Class C-1 members of the Association shall be the Owners of Row Home Lots. <br />Each Lot shall have one Class C vote and a vote may be cast for each Lot owned on any matter of <br />Association business affecting this class. <br />Class C-2: The Class C-2 member of the Association shall be the Developer which shall <br />have ten Class C votes for each Lot owned by the Developer. <br />2. Termination of Developer's Sub -class (sub -class 2). The Developer's membership and <br />voting right in any class shall cease and be converted to the sub -class 1 membership of that class on <br />the happening of either of the following events whichever first occurs: <br />a. After the entire Neighborhood has been finally platted and when the total votes <br />outstanding in sub -class 1 equals the total votes outstanding in subclass 2, or <br />b. on December 31, 2040. <br />3. Unless a matter requiring a vote specifies a vote by class and the class of members entitled <br />to vote upon such matter, each matter entitled to a vote shall be voted by each member and the <br />majority of the votes of the members disregarding class shall determine the matter. <br />D. Suspension. <br />The voting and other membership rights of any Member may be suspended by action of the <br />Directors during any period when the Member has failed to pay any Annual Charges then due and <br />payable; but, upon payment of all the past due Charges, right and privileges shall be automatically <br />5 <br />
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