<br />made +hall he added to the lout ;tpal sun, t..,u1a ,111 the aho%c
<br />I itre. +hall be se:uted herchs, ,tlld %hall heat nitercst ,i the fate +ct
<br />tonal III the ,alit note, until pull
<br />That the Ifoirtmer hetchy assign +. transicl% and sets user to
<br />the 1 ender, Its he .lpphcti it,.sard the payntcnl of the note and ,111
<br />sums ,cured belch% in ;ow of a default in the performance of
<br />,fns of the terms and :ondi-,tons of ;his mstrun:ent or the ,aid
<br />note, all the rents, resenucs and nl,•t,me to tom• dc:Ilc;t from the
<br />said premises durng such LIInC o the mtlehtrdness.hall remain
<br />unpaid, .Ind the 1 endel shall tease pottcr to appoint an% avvni tit
<br />J14011% It Mat desic lot the purrow of iepairing Nald prernue•s and
<br />of remulg the same and :01eoing The rents, rc•,cnues and incline,
<br />and it may pay oul 01 said ituortlas all ,cspeirw% kit repairing ,slid
<br />pretnhe, and nC:cssat% ,otllmNsivn, J.110 Illcurre.f rte rem
<br />nil and managing the sank aid k,l ,ultec:.aa rentals therefrom,
<br />the balance remaining, It aln. to I,<• applied toward the dls :hares
<br />of said rndc•htc•ducss
<br />Ihal the ROINIAO „Ilf I,.ti I`•lhe anpro% nen;+ Ilk,,. C\I,tlllr
<br />or hei caller crested ,• Ihr rr•• r,_., III, Illed .1+ nla, he rcc,,II ,l
<br />bona fink to little h, rhr lens!:: araknst lo- hs tare .Ind othei
<br />haraids, casuallies slid .J:nin2CL :3e• in such .1mkiuni% and h,t %,,:It
<br />periods as nlas he letful -.ed M the Lender and • ffl pay prom;,riv.
<br />when due. ,tits l„clnu.I ^+ on .u:h ulsuranec prmislon for pa,nlcnl
<br />of ,sht.h has 1?k1f hct•Il made hereilhefote •111 insurance sl ill be
<br />,artt•,•d In ,t,ntpanle, apprmcd bs the 1 ender and the pol:;te, .ink)
<br />renewal, Ihercot .hall F,c• t•eM by the I ender and hate atta, lied
<br />theretl, IP,,, pa,.ahle claa,c•, in I.l,t,r of and tit form acceptable IV
<br />the 1 ender art OCIII t Iv„ 13,,rro.ser will glcc Immediate rton,t:
<br />ht mall r,, -he I rr,.I,•: 'lo ma% make proot ,if Ls if not made
<br />pi••1riI ^' :',. h, B. ?rr.`wr :..t:rd e.l,ft ir.,uran :C :%irnpan) :on:crroj ,,.
<br />'•hors :ed and th.,x-vii to 1,c41Ie palnlenr for such I,s +,
<br />dnr.rl: 'r tae f cndci Instead of '.v the tson,,wer ,Ind the I ember
<br />Jouttl }. 'he'.11,ktr,an:e pto,ecd%, or ant ; ,irr lhe•reot, mas be
<br />applied hs the 1 t p A"' at Its option olhet to r.he '.,.lt: ;t[or1 of the
<br />Indehteduess hem!-,% s%Nured or to the ic•storation ,,r repair tlq ncc
<br />propel;% ddly ed In eccm of lore,tosure of 'fa, instruntcn^ or
<br />other uanste! .,t title to the mvrtgat:cd prnperts in evungutshl: let, t
<br />of the indthtcdness .e:ured hereby, all tight, tt;h• .Ind ttuele,; ,t!
<br />the Horrowet in and n1 an% in,ntantr pt•I!,IC•. !hest ui !or,r .hall
<br />vas, to the vurclwi.e orar,tte.
<br />O That as additional and ;c,3.a val ,c,unts tm the paunent of
<br />the note des,rlhcd. anti A! sumsr,•r 1-c•—file dlic uncle; this instru -
<br />nlent, the D, rrk)%cr hret+y assigns t.• the• I t, rider .a h' prntlt,,
<br />revenues, royalties, tight, aria ;.,nett, a:;nnsh ;c, the Borrower
<br />under any and all oil and gat least% tin saki ; r<miscs, with the
<br />right to wvnc and receipt for :he same and appl. them To .aid
<br />indebtedncss as well before as A tec default in the conditions of
<br />this ins :rgmem. and the 1 ender nlav .demand. sue for and recotcr
<br />any such payments when due and payable. hw shall not he re-
<br />quired so to do Thaw acssignment Is to terminate and become null
<br />and sold upon rtlejse of this instrument.
<br />10. That the Borrower will keep Ih,e 6utIdinks upon said premises
<br />in good repair. and neither :ommit nor permit Naste upon said
<br />land, nor suffer the said premises to he used for any unlawful
<br />purpose.
<br />11. That if the premises, or any part thereof. he condemned
<br />under the poser of eminent domain, or acquired for a public use,
<br />the damages awarded, the proceeds for the iai,;ng of, or the i:nn-
<br />sideration for sucft acllulsttion, to the extent of flit full amount of
<br />indebtedness uptm drill instrument and the nuts which it is given 'to
<br />secure remaining unpaid, are'herebygslsigned by the Borrower to-
<br />the Lender. and shall he paid totlhwith to said Lender to be ap-
<br />plied by the tatter on account of the next mattering installments of
<br />such indebtedness.
<br />12 1 he It,lihtwet further agrees that should this instrument and
<br />:h: note se:uled hereby not he eligible Ior insurance under the Na-
<br />nonal Htiming .1:t ,snhnl eight months Irons the date hereof
<br />o%rilen statentent of ally Officer of the Department of Housing
<br />and t'rhau Wnelopment .•r authorircd agent of the Secretary of
<br />Ho11s111► and i than Deselapment dated subsequent to the eight
<br />months' time tram the date of this instrument, declining to insure
<br />s,thl note and this mortgage, being deemed conclusise proof of
<br />such itch ;il:lttyl, the lender or holder of the note may, at its up-
<br />"On, declare all slims secured hereby immediately due and payable.
<br />\a slthstanijuly, the furegoinl;, this option may not be exercised
<br />I-% rile I ender or the holder of the note ashen the ineligibility for
<br />nsul an.e under the 'National kt; using .-pct is due to the Lender's
<br />IaiinrC '(I rCtrlit ;he mortgage Itrsurance premium to the Depart -
<br />nlent of Housutg a,tlzd. Urban Deveopment.
<br />I 1 Chat It ;I ;c• I,i,,: rower falls to slake any payments of money
<br />sho -, [lie same L+-,.Nl lc due. sir falls to conform to and comply
<br />ttuh ,url. Of the ;alt :4itons or agreements contained in this; W.I.gS,t1-
<br />liwr't- or 'tic note. 0�.ch it secures, then the entire principal, quirt
<br />shall at once become due and payable. ;f,, the
<br />All etve notice to l3iniolcer prior to accelerad,,n
<br />r:.Cl;: r i :�. 13arrrt +cr'. breach of any cosenant or agreement in this
<br />prior to acceleration under paragraph 12
<br />pro%tdes titherwise). The nsstice shall specify:
<br />t ')te. Jt:M lc. , :hv the action required to cure the defaua; (,;) a
<br />?css :`tan 30 days from the date the notice is gavel, ,:o
<br />134 ,cast, h% NNbich the default must be cured; and (d) that failure
<br />;'c-v :hv ifelfauls on or before the date specified in the notice
<br />I'll... - ',!It in accel,tauon of the sums secured by this instrument
<br />,nl l +ait..si ale I'nsperty. The nonce shall further inform Borrower
<br />o'
<br />at t�kht hs ncizlstate after acceleration and the right to bring a
<br />,our: a.,:on t,� a:<.rt the non - existence of a default or any other
<br />.ietcnsc of Boziower la acceleration and sale. If the default is not
<br />,urea oil t +r hefo:e the date specified in the notice, Lender at its
<br />option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured
<br />by this instrument without further demand and may invoke the
<br />po.0 t of sale acid and ether re.^.t,cdiC. ip,—rnalltc'd `vy appim' dVIC law.
<br />I ender shall tie eutrtled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing
<br />ti: Fir
<br />iiirdirs 171a,it3rd to Fills paragraph i3, including, but not
<br />limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence.
<br />if the power of sale is insoked, Trustee shall record a notice of
<br />drfaua In each county tit w h:JY any part of the Propeny e;, hcated
<br />an4 ;wall mail copies of such notice in the manner prese'rilmd tai
<br />apr lteable law to Borrower an& to the other persons precn,,ied by
<br />art Jiia'rlc law. V cr the tone required by applicable law, Trustee
<br />g;.ve public ,oif,v of sale to the persons and in the manner
<br />prc- m,::•a'ued by applicable law. Trustee, ssithout demand on Bor-
<br />rowcer, shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bid-
<br />der aT the time and place and under the terms designated an the
<br />notice of sale in ur,e or more parcels and in any order Truswe
<br />determines. Trussc% may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the
<br />Property by public announcement at the time and place of any
<br />prevlously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the
<br />Property at any sale.
<br />Upon receipt of payment of the pnce bid. Trustee sha9.' ,d6 -.er
<br />to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Propery.. T:e.
<br />recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evideitae oQ the
<br />truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apptj, ire pro-
<br />ceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to all expenses of the
<br />sale. including, but not limited to. Trustee's fees as permitted by
<br />npplicable law and reasonable attorneys' fees; (b) to all sums
<br />seetoted by this Security instrument; and (c) any excess to the per-
<br />son or persons legally entitled to it.
<br />• Page 3 of 5 HUD42143DT
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