<br />Bummer and I ender rmrtlunl tend n;;ree us fullulss:
<br />1 that Itonowcl will ,.I% jilt. nalehn`Jnt,t. a, het cnlhc tt,Ie
<br />pro %tdrJ Itri%ilet!V i, !e,et%etl tit p.l% the .fill: 111 %%hole of ,II p,llt
<br />on am nt%iatlnicnt due flue
<br />2. That, together wuh. and 111 a,ldmon to, rile monthh
<br />payments of pnn:ll,al did uncle %t l%a%a111c 1111.1et 1110 IVIni% of the
<br />note %ttutedi heleb%- the Hortottcl 11111 pay In the 1 ender, on file
<br />first day of cash month until the %.1111 mite 1% 111111 paid, The
<br />follow Ing sulnt.
<br />(a) Amount %uflicienf to pro%itte tile' holder hereof with funds
<br />1cl pay the nc%t mortgage insurance premium if this instrument and
<br />the note secured herch% arc ensured, or a inonthh charge (,rr !,cc,
<br />of a morrga`ce iresur.ur.e• prearrurnt rt nco. arc ;geld hl the
<br />SeOretar% of Ifontulg and I rh,el E >ctc;%Tprnent. a, foilott,
<br />(1) It and -it, lone is %a3i 71P :c ,`t. vtell title aR!j. Ih1, ittt :'a.-
<br />Ment are insured tit arc 7ct;,2•;,PC \f :u:a.- !hc 111,011%% + +t:+. •.: the %.I
<br />r,, *sal Housing •1ct, an ,111!e`Ji`I: ac;uuulatc In the
<br />C'ands of the holder one (1) nn%:: n+ due date the aiuut3t
<br />mortgage Insurance prenuum in r-Jrez 'ia }•,rti%I,ie %wh holder %%till
<br />funds to pay %u0h premium to the,. -) of H11u %mg ,lid l 1
<br />ban M clopmenT pursuant Io the \4:.:,+1.41 Htlrl%nlg : t, ,1,
<br />amended. and allldicable kecaia` r: ,. ^�;leundc r. or
<br />(11) If ,end •41 lone a% ,aid note ,,r. ,•son ,f,ue ,u1d 1111% 111,1111
<br />cent are held by the tic• :retar% of H and I than I)e%c•lop
<br />ment. a mu,rr!!4?% charge ten i,cu of ., e :rnuran :e 111VIIIIIIIII'L.
<br />wh10h shat: fps• rl an amount equal to r: :e :uclith 0 12) tit one -
<br />Mf (1 2) "cr centuni of the a%eiape out <eandnle ha; '.,:e due ,al
<br />computed %%mhout akin in a ,o
<br />F •o , tint Jdin,4ucncles or
<br />ib) A sum equal to the ground tent,. ;; x11%, nett Clue, plu% the
<br />premium% that %%ill nett !%e0rnte due a ~•Ji iT :'vilile on pohcte', of
<br />fire and other harard ul+uriu,:4 ancrinE llic' plopc•ri%, pin, late%
<br />and a,sesment% next due oC; !I _•e pooped% Idll ,r% c•,rrrn.rtcj/ ht I/,,.
<br />Lender) lets all sums, ahead t t+,t;d therefor dt%1de'J h% the nuluhe,
<br />Of 111011th% to ciapse 11e70rc %'i:ic it Tr the date % :11,11
<br />such ground :err,, premtumt. tale+ ,,::,1 .ati;tsmcnt% %%Ill he:onle
<br />JChitrluCtii, +Lm: ,Un„ iC% fit• hei,t h% I e;:d',•r :r, lr11%! it; -a% %aid
<br />ground rent,.. premium%. !ayes ;;;,t %pcoa: assc%snlcart ,,u !
<br />fc) All payment% mentioned In the :tit, t', : t•:,t, ,,.I,,;c: non, of
<br />this paragraph and all payments t,, he 17 ;,a6r• the note
<br />secured hereby shall he added togettte: j1p(: 111;1 aggrc•gare anitiunl
<br />thereof shall he paid b% the Borrower e;,a;; - >onrh .n a ,mete pay
<br />ment to be applied by the Lcadt:r to the foilauing ncm, in the
<br />order set forth:
<br />(1) premium charges under the cotetrao of insueance ,%litt
<br />the Secretary of Housing and Urban De„-ft,rmcnt, of monthh
<br />charge (in bcu c'f mrrtgd�lc rn•1rr.vnc• Plennuni), as The ;r +e may
<br />be;
<br />(11) ground rent%, taxes, a%%essment,, fire and o ;ta:r haiard
<br />Insurance premiums.
<br />(111) Imerc %t on the note se0urcd l.cFeb...
<br />11 '1 amortlrauor. 'C :he pn11,1PA of ,did note: and
<br />(fir) late charges.
<br />Any deficienct in the amount of 'U Ch agFregatr monthly pa%.
<br />ment %hall. antes, made good by the RWI-Mver prior it, the due
<br />date of the nex'n 411:11 payment. ; onstttljrc°4mn` etent of default
<br />under this mortk,iere T'Fe Lender may co�:c :-r ,3 ' i.,tr charge tr•;
<br />to exceed fouF cewi (4Cr for e3'ch dollar tit) _of. ca,.Ii.paYi-nent
<br />69- 102669
<br />Ill% %IC 111411 Illtt'cll tlil d.l%% In AlWAIN tit :,Bel (ht• a %11,1 t' \pillti•
<br />Inwhed 111 haudlulc 'Mili'ruenl ;ia%nn•nt%
<br />1 I1141 it the 1111,11 of (ilt• p.l%nlcnt, lu,ale h% life• Nouuwri
<br />tinder 1111 of Ilara;;lallll 2 precahng %halt etcettl file ,11111111111 tit
<br />lt,oulenl% actuaih made bi, the I ender for glou11d rent%, l,t\C%.111,1
<br />a+,c + +IIk9T1, of 111%ulatwe pTcillllllll%, as the Caw 111:1\ be, such ev
<br />,e +%, If tilt' it' -ill is cutlent, al the tllllioll of file tiorrllwer, ,1.111 lie
<br />,Icthtcd h) the 1 ender kill ,uhset(ucnl lattmcnl% to be made I,%- file
<br />Itono%%er, of fefundctiU to the lloll% tier. 11. howeter, file ulonlhl)
<br />paynlem% made by the lim rots 4r under (b) of paragraph 2
<br />preceding %hall not he +ufri0icnl to pin, wound rent%, f,l\es and
<br />,t- c- Illents or ui%uran,�e premium,, a% the 0atc 111a) tie, Mien the
<br />,.tote ,halt 11c:oine true and pa>abie. then the Horn%wel ,hall V.1%
<br />!a the 1 cz do ant aniounr necc% %aT% it, slake ull the deficienc %, on
<br />OT hetote the date whoa payment of such groutttl rents. tase%.
<br />prenluun% %hall he duc it ill .tn% t'ttlze
<br />13; :,;,1,t't,;r ,hall lell.fo to the t ender, in .1aorJall:c %%trh Eric
<br />the note ,tt'urcJ hereby, full pa)tnent tit tote cnt>re
<br />tcpresented thereby. Tile Iender %halt, all :ompuung
<br />tl?c amount of %1101 1116 redness, ercdm Iv the acctitu.:11 of the Bor-
<br />1,1%tce all pa%ments maje Ender the pio%I+wns ,,f 4 a,`.of paragraph
<br />hereol %%hlch the I e;tJe`r has not be vine oFa,;a;uS to pa> to the
<br />Ne :10-M tit tiominc .iN Vrban Uetelopnleni and an) balance to
<br />nl.uwnr Al. '.he fund, .i.cumulatad under :hc I•ro%voom tit (h) tit
<br />_ hc•rc•ol Is t "err• +hall tit: a,W :r'au!i tinder jilt% of the
<br />t`I,,t11111% tit 1111% ins!,ar` n, te-Iung tit ,1 public %alt• tit the
<br />I"rentiseN :owled here!'1l.., >- if the 1 odder .%:quire% the propell%
<br />,vhel%tJW atler detaui. ! ; F, ender -,ill!) apply, at the lime of the
<br />:otnnzell x-'Twilt of ,1101 proceeditlg. ,Ir, at The Tillie the proper %% 1,
<br />olhemi,t• :ual._;ned. tire batan,e tL•:: ; otllaming ill the tend+ a0-
<br />:uniulated a1; 0i, (b) tv ,raraglaph 2 ;'Ceding, ,1% ,1 :Iedlt agalliq
<br />The amount of prier :, %j,C .;en lemalning unpaid tinder %a ;tf note.
<br />JIM %hall properh as;i,4;ti j{ pa%nuni% which +hall hate horn
<br />111,1dc• under (am tit pai;;4:•j"II '
<br />d Fh.0 -1.i :,'durrtmcr %%Ill pa) Ground rent%. tase,..1stc +•tT
<br />oaf.•! ../..- _'^.f utr 1 •
<br />-- °- -bCi RRme:t. �. .,......�� 1,111'•,
<br />Of III,pO,Itipns. tor tth;GaT. pro%i%ion has that been rtr,ulc
<br />l4rCttl1lhefWe. dill Ift .d.rl��.pll rlitreM !Ile 1 erlder rnu: Pay The ,a :IC.
<br />•Tod :ha! !G,: Hcro%%cr %tTt;;+t. %`tTtl'lo delnel the official ic•cerpt,
<br />thereto; r ,. tie !: code'
<br />file •.iy. all talc, which may he 10110,1 upon
<br />!hc 1 ender'% mte:e,t r, , ta] real estate and rtnpro%clllvnl%, ,utd
<br />%%lush ua% he Ic•%ic,] u>;*%va rho% instrument or the debt %"tired
<br />llercb% Ihui only to the :xent that such I, not prohibited by tat%
<br />and only to the £%tent that such will not make ihl% loan u,unous);
<br />but e%cludmg; any income tas. State or Federal• imposed on
<br />l ender, and %%111 file thev;fftcial receipt sho%%ing such payment
<br />%tilt the I ender. 1'pull ,..;,y,at,on of this undertaking. •c,r it the
<br />Borrower t+ prohibited F ar..y law now, or hereafter eu %Ting from
<br />paying the whole or any portion of the aforesaid taxes. or upon
<br />the rendering of any court decree prol-ulming the payment b) the
<br />Borrower of any such taxes, or If %vch law or decree protlde, that
<br />.m% a u
<br />mont so paid b% rt:e Borrower shall he .rcditc•d on t tic debt.
<br />Ihc I ender 'hill hate :h% rghr o cite nulett day%' %%rinen notice
<br />ro the r%%net ill the preml,c,. rt:quiring the p;Iynlc•nt t,) The debt.
<br />It ,u,h nonce he Even, the %aid deM shall hecome due, lm%ablc•
<br />and ,t%ile,tihie at the expiration of %aid ninety days.
<br />r, 1 hat ,hould the lt:trri er fad tv pay anN %, ni or heel% any
<br />%.o%en;mt prottded tilt rr ;cis Instrument. 'her, tf*i !'ender. ai
<br />`VIt,n. MA% i at - perform the ,amt, JrJ all ;\Nndnuie, ,o
<br />Page 2 :•' 5
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