<br />Id l p,vt ,t :: :t: .nt,1 t I:u.t; ,.r,, r,tl•1' I 1 ,•. .11•.ut.l, an :ic ,,t
<br />tilt• I'ropet't%. i 01% :I t • { \r.,1:,, ,
<br />1 11 ,rc :; :•,N: R,,
<br />{1Jilltta! reVeltc:l %h,116 be cticr.ted to elll:e 1.,1JIt. f,lt,e (41„C„1111 Of
<br />and Inallaw 111W 117ttllmi, •In,f to:,ltRNt Qt:: - cm. ,lt Wt I'l,,I• •ft
<br />lflchiding lhkN�, pa,t illy %It,. (en:, �N!,`,•ttetl bt i CtAler 111 tilt
<br />twelser Shall be appiled lint to pavuttlt of lilt :r.ty let nlana,!t-
<br />nlellt of the 11roperv. an cuElectntn o1 rend, In;ludtng, but ,,It
<br />limited CO. rWeI%W% fcc,, premium' on Ieccner•s r lll,l..111,1
<br />reasonablc am.lrneNs' fee., anti 1ht11 1,, lh; ,unl, wcured 11N Uu,
<br />Ir•.ununcln.
<br />IS. Upon p1q�1nCn1 .,l all ,CIiI. ,e:1rle,i t11 fill, ,nVl'tl ltlCnl,
<br />l ender shall req.utsr i1•usttl to recon%e% tilt 1'ropertN and ,hall
<br />surrender this lm'trument and all mites cN ldencl ^g debt secured I,.,
<br />this insitumem to Truvec- Trustee ,hail reconses the 1'nlpertN
<br />gtthout "a"413% Jild Nlthdnl :hdlet 11el„1n pr l•er„1II,
<br />legally Catated U'l it. Such I1cr.on of pet%011% ,hat' {;n ,ntN It,rlda
<br />Icon rtut'.
<br />Ib l.ende,t; X Its optlall. rtlal mini ewer ,,1 hilt renitlte
<br />TcUitce and alz ,mat a su::Oio,or irt;'-te 74N ZION lm,tec allponued
<br />IN
<br />89
<br />liil,un,lel !,, ,,11 :t :n :t.I ,r „�I,tr.t m the „lint] ul ehl:h tin.
<br />nt,uum :nl L: :„n.t,,t \ \nh,a1! ,ole,rla :;e,1t ;he 1'toprin, the
<br />.uue„ol 11MIve ,11,111 .uc:cell h1 .III [Lc 4a:, pov%v1 .and ,Itltlt,
<br />,ontttred upon hate'' herein ,nil 1•4 appRlcaha lal►.
<br />I' Holltmer le,{ut%t% :11,11 :t1111e, Of file t1ollCes of d0ault i1111i
<br />-AV be .till to Ilotloltel', addle” Nlllch 1, tike 1'IOperly Address
<br />IS It title of more riders lie eta sited 11% Rorrov er and rttiord
<br />ed t,lce;hcr malt Obis amutllnent, the colatants and agrcenlents of
<br />ca :h ,lk•Il Inlet ,hall be ul.ulptllaled Into and .halt amemt ansl
<br />,,i; i +I•at1C'111 tilt tiOlCI1.111I, atld ,Ii1reen1CIII, t11 fill, IIla1RI111tI11 , r(
<br />file lldcrt,l xNaq a dart tit 1111, nlstrulnent.
<br />N. l he ,:o %Onaats hereto eomauted shag hind, and the benefit.
<br />.old Jdsantatw% ,hall more It'. the hair, e\cruh..rs, ad-
<br />nunl,tratol,. w:resr,rs, alai a-,s` ,P,;t-, .,•,c tare parties hereto.
<br />\1 hencccr used, the .Ir..at'sar ]tut ]her s11a11 Include the plural, the
<br />{11ma1 the ,mguhll. Jilt] ahe use of any Lender .hall iut ode all
<br />�aldtls.
<br />Ily signing E+cYou, Elos ;,alto accept' anJ grey% to the Iernl, ,,•.errant, �ntall•.ed in Ow. `• [y
<br />cl:uted by $orromv and recorded %sill, t ltun hlstnmlent and in :lnt tidcrysy e�-
<br />CATHERINE ANN YORn R �I�G'uL � t �1rJ -4 -✓ f tie,')
<br />Bunn „er
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<br />nnrmwer
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