:-. . _ .` . . . . . . ; . : .
<br /> . , , . - . , . .
<br /> .
<br /> _. - _.._ _ .:. . . ..� �_ . -:. ... .. . ._ _ _ .. _ . .. --- - - - - - �- - - -- - ---------- - --- --
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<br /> ,. -_ . . . - .
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<br /> � , r-�-----Y---� `. ' -- � ' � . ` � ` � � � , . . � ' - - --�- , �.
<br /> �_ :� � - l � � � . � �� � . f- � _ . . . 9��.�4.��� - � � �
<br /> . , . . � � .
<br /> ' ' • � N,ON-UN1P01t1�COwENAriTS.Boctorretsad LSnder�urther cnvet�ant and agce as fotfo�rs: � � � . '
<br /> - ` r ' :7!. A�stlor:R!ll�iei.I.e�l!'t ai�lt�S wtice to Borro�t�/e[or tQ��foilorrty Borrvwl�s• , , , .
<br /> �erel�E�q ed!rrrt oc s�r�eae�t i�tlir Seerrit�r I�ut�se*t tb�t�ot�rlat to`aoeeteritto��Mcr�ry�yY�13,�i!7 , . , , , ,
<br /> . • �1rr�iiealle law#ra�fiw ot�etwt�ef.'!1��otiet iW qecifj►:tv�tre d[tad�tb)t�e ictio�e+e�rirei to e�re dre . :
<br /> �r..�cc�s tiee,..��ew w.�o�.n�ro���ee�e.odc��d•e,�to Bore�o�.u.br+�e��e�t�t■�c ee� . -
<br /> �:.� � s�t(�!t�t!l�rre�o euc ehe�diwis o�o��e tMe�tc s�ad6ef i�rie�oties wsy rs�tt tr�aeader�tk�oc eY+e dria� , .
<br /> � seaita��1Mi�Sit�rit�t��l�ie o�.tl�t Pra�ertx.TMe�otk�sl�lt f�utfea`iKar�8orronter at tMe ri�t tv
<br /> • � e�le ai�soKi��.t1e rl�At.to i�a'bow�t tietio� to aNert tlie eos�oi s det�alt or�]►;u�� -
<br /> ' � t�e�t D�r�wee!a#�d���If tMe iefa�lt is�ot crred o�ar bEfore die iate s�i6e!ia tir rotke.Le�ier . `� ,
<br /> � � � .,�t i�a�ti��►re�ie+e.bireii�le Mln�a�t i�.hl� ni all���ecacca by tlds SeC�rity L�sWse�t wltMoat tart�er .
<br /> ���laitri in�e tit j�we�of s�le ri tryr at�erra�eiia�ittb�y MNka1k 4w.Le�ec sluti6e aditld to ; �
<br /> � . : aMi�t,1E es�[. vei�reK i� �.rr�.i.�{uu rea�e�ee M'a�ide�`iw a�is /ira� 19, i.�l�. I�c .or l�ca .
<br /> ' � � r�riieMll�e�e�s•l�etrMa�beflitiee*IM�ee. ' . , , :
<br /> -_ _ - _: `'it.��o�eet ai ss�e�5�,Temiee-s�s!!�:_*�k!�Rt�tE i���at�-L.stitct asg�rt at t�e =.-- .. -- ----
<br /> . .� � . L'e�et�►is loeatei a�i�MU w�U co�i+es ot a�eY�otke i�tie�a�+er�racr�bcd tiy ypli�te law to BoRUwer d to tre
<br /> _ # ` .�fret Mr�s�eaeei��!/�1�esMe law.Afber�it t�U�e++eAired 6Y�!!�k�s.Tn�ta stialt ai�e}�tic aotlre ot , - , `
<br /> � � Mlt te tM�t/e��s M!Nt t�e�rer*tesc�iiei 69 aMli�bk law.Trostee.wit6out demaed oa BaroRer.slult�ell tMe , .
<br /> � ; �r+Nettp at�k s�ttio�io tl�e ii�est bHier at t►e time and{►iace md wider t�e terrns dsi�nt�d is tle�ot�ee otsik i�
<br /> e.e��r wos�Mreek ui tn w►orde:Tnacee�eCa�tnes.Trascee ma�poshone sale ot au or an��.reet ot�e rro�'bs►
<br /> Nilk�a�utceweat at tke tiiae s�t,place ot iwy�rerio�!ac�aled sak:Leader or its desipee�y oarci�a�e tre
<br /> . Fr�rt�at�al!de. � � - �
<br /> - - - . �U�RreiK,�f�ay�wt of ti�Rie�e bi�'Fwr�te�slwtt�teil��t�:o tt�e yarc�s�ar Z�sstr*s tix�eoa�e�£a�t� . , .
<br /> ,. Pe�o�tety.TMe neit�i�t6e Trpsta's dee�sWll be prim�c facie e�ideece oi t6e trutb oi We state�eeb made t6ectia. .
<br /> .- Tr�tee swlf a�ly tbe�toeeed�o!the sate ia the foltawing order.tsl to vl expeases of tht ssle.includis�,AnE�ot 13�Ited .
<br /> ta.Ti�etee'a fees as�itted by s�ttabie!�w aed rawea6le attarneys'lee�(b1 to s!!sums secnrcd by t6is Seerrity . �
<br /> . . � � . I�e�l;a�M tel d+y e=ee�to tMe�eesau oe�9erwr�s teg�WY eatitled to it. �
<br /> � � 20. Lender in Pos�esttan. Upon acceleration under Paragraph 19 or ahandonment of che Propeny. Lender(in
<br /> ' �`,person,by agent or by ju�icially appointed rec�iverf shall be entitted to enter upon. take possession nf and manage the
<br /> � Froperty and to collect the rents of[he Property,ineluding those past due.Any rencs coflected by Lender ar the rcceivet
<br /> �hatl be a�ptied first to payment af the costs af mana�tment cf the!'�operty and collection of rents.including, 6ut not � .
<br /> � linutad to,receiver•s fees.premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys fees.and then to the sums secured by . ;
<br /> thisSecurity Instrument. , � � �
<br /> 21.Recaa�eyaACS.Upon payment of all sums sccurod b�this Security lnstcument;Lender shall request Tnuta to �
<br /> ' ; � reconvey the Prw�perty and shait surrcndet this Secur�ty tu�truiize:�t artd a3i naies csndencing debt secu:�by this Security - ..
<br /> ' � � Instrummt ca Trustee.Trussx shall reco*��ey the Property w�tho�t wananty ared without charge to the person or ptrsons . :.
<br /> le�ally entitled to it.Such person or per'sons shall pay any recordation c�sts. � � .�
<br /> 21.S�bstttnte Trusta.Lender.at its opiion,rnay ftom time to timc remove Trustee and appoint a succasor trustee , _
<br /> � to any Trustee appointed hereunderby an instrument recorded�n the c�unty in which ch�s Secunty Instrummt�s recorded. �
<br /> Witfwut ccynveyance of the Ptoperty.the succe5sor trustee shal{succeed to aN che ntle,pow•er and dutits canferred upon .
<br /> Tnuta herein and by applicabte law. � -_
<br /> ' 23.Re�Mest tor Noticd. 8orrower rcquests ihat copies af the notices af default and s�le 6c sent to Borrower's , --
<br /> �. ' addras tafiicb is che PropeRy Address.
<br /> Zi.Ridet'�to this,''+ec�rity Ie�traMeet.If one or more nder�are executed by Bc�nower and recordcd tvgether with �t�
<br /> � this Secusity insz�ument,the coven�nts and agrcemcnts of cash such r�der sha11 t�e incorporated�nta and shall amend and
<br /> � i ' supplem�nt ttse cavtnaats artd agtameets of chis Secunty Ins:s-�ment as if [he nder(s1 were a part of th�s Security ,
<br /> lnstrumenl.(Check spplic�bte tx�a(es)j
<br /> , � Adjustable Rate Ridtr � Ccndommium Rider � Z� Family Rtder �
<br /> ,(j Gr�duated P3ymtnt Rider �; Pianned Umt Devetopmenc Rider
<br /> , ' : [� Other(s) [spec�fyJ `�
<br /> BY S1GNlNti B�Low. $orrower accepts anc3 eg�ees to th� terms and covenants conta�ned m t"tus Seturity
<br /> Instnttnent at�tn any rider(s)txecuted b>fie�rt�wer anA recorded w�th�t �
<br /> r �............................................. .......... . . .. � . . ....... ,(�i)
<br /> � Larry . ton -so�,o�w�
<br /> . . . . .... . - �- --; . .. .- -- . . . ._ . _ _. . ......- --- �--�- - - . .. .. .. .
<br /> . lf,����'4"���-`' .�,-�'��t.'.'�-!�. 15es1)
<br /> ....................................... ...... .. ... . . . . . Uelma E. Fent�n --so.,ow►
<br /> STATE C7t NkBkAtiKA. N�1�. �.r+�utt�.;: .
<br /> Un this 17$ft d�� i+f AuguSt . i�l 9Q , t�rlutr iiic. ti�e uiyde:c►gncd. a NEit�ry �'uFs1iE -
<br /> ' dulycommissioned andµualifieci Fe�r ��►i�!�uuuty.�ret+urrafly 4amc Larry �. Fer�tC�r� �nct Uelma E. ___ _T
<br /> �enton, Husband �rid lilife � ,tv me knc+wn to be ehe ,
<br /> IUC11Il�;AI (7CflClil(�j vW�'I<tir 1�8ii'tC(+} dic +iiii�tiii�rCu 1i� i:ii ii�it�:i=iii`�'. iri,�ii::07C:: <'.i.`v :i�.�.":1:16`.�.°•N'a'.°S�. 't:: :X$:J�:Jl1 •
<br /> � �hereof to he the%T ,suluutarc ,t�� :+iid elccEi .
<br /> V1TitnCSS ray h�nJ and n�tanat ;c:�!at Gtantf Is�anr�, ideb�'aska . in Sa��1 roiimy,thc
<br /> . ' datt afoTesaid. .,.....��„„ .� . - -
<br /> , ���Ma�l�1���°:� .. �i
<br /> � My Q'nmtnisst�n expites: �� Y � �� / �....- ' .
<br /> �OII�I�,�WttAl.19�: �, .`. .'�,!. . � 1. . . .
<br /> `- r. 6':�r•t �
<br /> kE-V1:t 41 kf►Fi. It!�. e►'��! ti �tit [ � �`
<br /> tA
<br /> . �'<r'fkt-Stl! . t�
<br /> .' i. _ �l%_i5� �i,- - --:iif!=tj►•i Ttii' �i,=—�±,:t �. .: � ..,i ,iF,_�r.r r,r=fr.�, i:.E•zr�rc•f � .. .i• •
<br /> , T�te unctr��iFUC:i i. iF�e I�c;lc.cs c�f iii�-i�_ i �i c� �•.. . ..
<br />� Wlf�l$��iJl�'ICf i(�L�C�1ICljIIC�c�:'.:F1Ci�t`o Ifi:: (I;C.1 i�� i tIl•i. �}:i•C i-:.��c i•��i; ,i. ' i;� �� �� .t'. S:: �.�f4,. (t'.�C�S S�� ilTi.,C�-.lil:
<br /> .. Ilf!(e U:. IIU(L"t dll[� f�il4 ��Ct'l� i�f �(L3�I, .<i�i �� .Et_ . .'�. . .'�1 , r� JI1il ! t _. m:t. �. . , - . �d�` . .Il( +: . . ,tfi
<br />� � ttUik fi�al� k1� :t?If [lSlitfE tlll'. IiCe'II t7t {• �_e1 . �h� � .'7, ,. �r }�Cf. •r� ._..:t<< - �1� • 'L�+. � .
<br /> � Date: �
<br /> . „
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