. ' '. • ::�.�,_:'>•r:. . . , . _ .-- ;
<br /> - . -_.:.. . : . . _ . t . � .-_' .-� . . � � �
<br /> c---�---�-�-- , ' .• � ' ' � ' , -`-_ . �
<br /> .__-- �� --------- -- --.. . -- - � . . � `' - - - ----, -- '..� . .
<br /> � � -_ . � � , � � 90-�-i;a4,�s�. � � . .
<br /> , , . . , .
<br /> . . . ir r,��a����.�:��e d�ee����a e�►�s�,r�w� . �.
<br /> ("- Baria�ar si�Y p�T t�e pe�cd�i�ed�o.�.ita:t�e iawia�oe ia daet�auc�time�ti�ersq�eat fart�e ,
<br /> �` i�wta�esee�i�tesw�ccoc�c+tw��oemw�r'�a�Ol.e�e`iwrtttmapeemeata�ap�ea6ktaw .
<br /> - - R i�c�r. tx�des at�s a�n�t atg aiire[tYO�6t���pow��o�s a!'tie�toprsty.Ireirda
<br /> ; . ' tWav�eDo�e�row�e��tioe�tt�eti�dor�ti�ara►si■�pecti�o��pecifjiiste�oMbkaa�tfvre�caipe��tios.. .
<br /> � !.. aiiN■rli�. ='1'iE'�[aoeedt aFrr�►aMacct�m fad�es.direet orco�eqrarti�is�oreetia��it1 .
<br /> . � , w�r oo�de�ti°'°a ot�er�t�triwi�r7 P����!►•a tar eaave�ta�oe ia�iat af�,ane Dere� ,
<br /> . �ipedaMliYbtp�idb��ilt: �
<br /> , . - � I�e�e�a�t af a>otat ert�d tLe Prape�ty.tle'pE�noeed��D be spplied to tBe�s�6�tLio Sec�t ` •
<br /> - - - .- .��r�esler ar�ot t�sd�wid�aa�siaae�pW tQHa�m�Ia tieew�t af ap�etid rati�a[t�e FrapartY. , �
<br /> � . j�aie�Haet�era■d i,�sde�rat�a�ieapeeis wdtii�t�es�t�ees�b�►tMsSac�rity Ia�ttv�estsi�be c��oedby -- - - - --
<br /> -- - tMe a�o�■t d�ie�pooeed�.�ied 6!tlre t�ollowb�fractioo:(a)tbe totat ama�st af tbe aes�eeweed�Oe�edy
<br /> . kiae�et�etal�i�,dir�dedb�N�t�fi�r�e.t vaaedtbeProge�ty immed�tdq bda+r,the t�.'/�sy�1�rsWt6e
<br /> � _ - � pidtoBoav�er. � , : ..
<br /> ' , If tl�e 1'ta�perty i�aD�■do�ed 6�r Boero�r�er,ar if.alta naice by l.eader to BottoMa tbat t�e ooad�eor afas to
<br /> s�teastnt�dor�ettleac�forda�a�d.Ha�afa�t+ot+apondto LeBderMitlrirt 30dapsattertlied�tatLeantioe's �
<br /> . j�,I�des�e aN�o�iae�W odbct ad appty t�e prooee�dt,at its aptioa.dtt�er ta�+esw�anti�on a n�pir d'tbe Yropaty as
<br /> . � tatl�es�ssee�hgth��I�'�.wb�tlxraraotthenduc
<br /> � UdutLe�tkradHorr�o�aotl�er�i�ea/teei�writitt�aeysppikstiortcf�rooee�d�wpiaciplaL�qnotpcte�das
<br /> � � � pottpo�ae tie dae dMeQ[t11e atoati�!►Prlt�fs tefe�t�ad to on p�tyrspl�t 1 aad 2 ar¢i�aje tUe a�hoaat of p�A p►�ta. • ,
<br /> iR d�t�+�wr N�t t�lwf Fi�i�a�at H�r I�ier rl�t s Wah�a. Fateasian d tbe t�ae fa pya�mt o�
<br /> . . �aodi�catioe of amo�oo af tLe�■os�xvred by tbis Secarity ltawtnent pytnted by I.etidear to any au�+oeror ia � �
<br /> isterest at'Ha�r�owa siwll tat opaate to rder�tbe Tiabi�ty of tbe oripn�l Botrarer or BotrowePs suooesfors iA interw. . . '
<br /> � Leadet�aot 6e cequited to ooma�eaoe pvoeediap�st any wocasor in iataat cx nfux to extead time fa -
<br /> � . p��nseacora�tLv+v�e mod�r amott�ondtb�eaamse�aredt�r tbi�sec�uiry Tnswn�entby ras000fanyaem�ndmade � • .
<br /> try tbee o�u1 Bae�o�rer a Borrow+er's�aooe�ors in lstaat.My forbannc�e by Laider in e:acisin�u►y ri�6t or rmiedy .
<br /> ' �llsotbea�rdvrrcforpebctudetbeeuscireaf'any ri�tor irmedy.
<br /> �L S�eaws�■/A�s Mt J�i�t�■/�e�eM Ii�Mlttl,C��s, 19x covrnaritS and ap+eanents at
<br /> tbisSewrlty►Imtruments�lt6iadaadba�eittt��rc�oa�o�saada�ip�sd'l.endetaad8onowra.�totliepari�o�n " �
<br /> . otpra�pb 1�.Horra+res'=oc�reo�nh�nd yreareats:La12 be jant aAd�ereal.Any Ba�o�+va�)ro oo�sipis tAis Security ,
<br /> Ius[nuomt bat daa na e:acate tlie Notc(s)s oo�i�this 5acarity tustruma,t onty ta mor��e.�gmt a�d oaovey � -
<br /> tlat Bore�ra's iAtetat in t1�e Propa�ty w�der tbe tams o�tbis Security Ieistrua�enr(b;is not Persae�ll�►ob�iwtad to p�y �� .
<br /> the wms secura!by tt�Sanrity instrumeat;sna(c)aFas that l.ender and any other BorroMer msy yree w extead, �: �:�
<br /> aiodify,fabar or malce�ny ao�oo�a�odtitions�vitA reia�d to ehe tera�s at this Secnrity Instrument or tl�e Note Mithout '
<br /> � tlut BoetoMda ooeuat.
<br /> 12. Iwr�1�e�e�. lf tbe lo�teeurod by tbis Securiry/nstrument is subje�t to�1�►w�vhich sets muimum lou� , . -
<br /> e6a�es.isd tLaat 4�r is AAaIIy interp[eted w tbat the inuret or aher lan chu�es collaetad or to 6e cdiectad ie
<br /> ooaaectiop writb tbe taan exoeed tbc peradtted tiniit�,then: (a)any sacb lo�chuse sha!!be reduoed hy the amount .
<br /> � • necxsrary ro nduoe tLe c6at^�e W tbe pentiitied timit;�(b)any aunss slready c,ollated fr�m Borrores Mhich exco�ded .
<br /> peno.itted timits�v�1 be reliinded to Berso�ru. Lender msy choose ta ma�ce this rdund Ay rodnci�E tAe princ�pal owed � :
<br /> undds t1u Note ar by�n�in j a direet p�yr�a�t c�BorroMer.If a refund reduces princip�l.the reduction will bt ttated u a '
<br /> p�rtttl p�epaymeat�vithout artY prep�ymmt char=e undu the Nate.
<br /> 1�. �.�tio�A11atL�I,es�er'a Al�a. If mactment or expintion c�appliabte isws bu t3se eRxt of
<br /> reeder�a��ny provisioo oithe NWt or this Seeurity lnstrument unentorctsble tccord�ng to its terms,l,ender.sc�u option, •
<br /> may requin imtnediats p�yment in fu11 of all sums aecured by this Security tnstrumem rnd msy invoke any remedies �
<br /> pe:mittedby p�r�p�nh 19.ItLRnder aenisa tbi�optioe�Lender ehall tatce the stepsspoc�fied in thesecond paragripb of
<br /> � pata�rapb 17. ,
<br /> 14. !Voli�w. M�aotice co'Borro�ver pmvided for eA tt�is Securitg►Instlument shalt be�iven Dy deliverina it or by
<br /> mailin�it by Ant elat�msil,untess appliqbk law roquires use of another method.Thc notice shall be ditected to the ��'��
<br /> property Addras ar�ny ather addre�s Botraxer�aiputes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sh�1!�e given�y ' �.
<br /> � , .. Arst cl�w enail to Lender's�ddras stated herein ur any other rddreu Lender desianates by notice to Horro�er.Any notice .
<br /> pcavldad'fof in thn Security lnstrument s6a11 be doemod to have ban�ivcn to Borrower or Lender wrhm aivrn u providod
<br /> in this panp�ph. � .
<br /> iS. C�enty Lw;Se�enMlity. This Security Instrumrne shall be govemed by federd law ar�d the law ot�he
<br /> � jvrifdiction in Mhicb the Pr�operty is foeated.ir,the evrnt thst any provision or clause oltAis Security tnstrummt or the
<br /> . � Nots coaAic,taa Mith�ppliabk IsM,sucf►rer�tlict ahall not attect other provisions of this Security lnstrummt or the Note..... __ __.
<br /> which can be pvrn eRect�►�ithout the conlfictins provisian.To this end�he provis�ons of this 5ecuney Instrument and the
<br /> Nae u+e deel�rod co be severtbk.
<br /> 16. Hoe�ow��Co�ri Bomarre�r sh�11 be pven one conformed copy ot the Note�nd of thi�Secunty tastrumem.
<br /> � 17. Tr�ter M tie Pto�My or�Be�tAeW I�terett t� Borrower. lf all or any aan of the Property or any
<br /> � inteteat in it is wW ot tnnsferred(ar it�benafici�t interest in Borrower is svld or transferrM and Borrower is nat�n�tunt
<br /> � qetson)�v�ithout LRnditt's p�ior Mritten con�tnt.Lendcr msy.�t�ts option,reqv�re immediatc piyment in full of all sum�
<br /> socured by this Stcusity lnstrument. Hawever. tAis option sbalt not be exercised by Lender�f txercist ts prohibited by
<br /> fedenl law as of the datt of thi�Security Instcument.
<br /> � Ii LenQer extreises chis oqtion,l.endrr shall pve Horroxer notice of acceleration. The amice sftdt provide.�penad �_- -�---_
<br /> ot not tatttun 30 d�ys 1'rom the d�te�he noticr is del�verod or mailed w+ithin which Borrowcr mu�t psydl�ums sccured by .
<br /> this Security lnsttummt.lf 8otro�ver faits to psy Ihese aums pnar to th=espiration of this period,L.endes may invokt any
<br /> rtmMits ptt'mittt�by thi!�urity insttument without furiher notice or demand on$onower.
<br /> f�.QKrowa�a R�rt to Relrhta If Borraxn mats certun conditians,Borrowet s1W! h�ve tAa nght to have .
<br /> � enforcemenr u�t�is�ecuriry instciimenz d"iscontinueri�t any time pricrr fc,tFe ra�tier�f f:)S days{tsr such ot�:�t�sic�is - � �
<br /> �ppiie�Dk IaM m�}r specify for r�nsutcment)tkfure stte of t!►t Propenp pursu�nt to�ny powcr of s�le canta�llL'�t!1 t}113 ��
<br /> L Security lnstrumem:or(b)entry of a ju8ament enfarcins th�s Security instrument. Thosr condn��n��re�hat$orrowe:: •
<br /> (ai psys I.tttder sll svms�vhich then wautd be due under this Secunty lnstrument rnd the Note htd no scceterauon � •
<br /> accutred;(b)curos�ny ddault of any mher cavwnts or sgrtemrnts: (c}pays all eapenses incuure0 tn enForcmg ths� ��t
<br /> Se+eunty lnstt�wt►ent,indudu�.but nat I�mited to,reason�blt sttorneys' fees,and(a)takts such acuon�s Lender msy ��
<br /> t�sonably requue to assure that the lirn at this Srcunty Instrument, Lender's ngAts m the Rr�peny ind Elnrrower's , �,
<br /> obti�tian.to psy the sums secured by this Steus�ty lnssrumem�shatl cuntrr►uc urrrhinged t�on ransutement by . .s:
<br /> �Bosrower,thts5ec�ney tnstrerttrnt anfl the obT�g�tions sccured hereby shalf oema�n fully e}fes�ive as itno ueceletasinn 1[�d �
<br /> uccurteQ.Howtver,th�s nght to teinstate shAli nr�e epply�a the tasr af accelttgtian under paragraphs 13 ar 17
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />