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<br /> _,__ - �'-_ _ :—�_—`___—___' �___ . __ ' t ... : . � ... . . - t �
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<br /> ' < . � . ' ` • c . - , z , , .
<br /> L . . .. , . � � a . . . ` _ . . .. . . . _ . ._ — . ' _. .—. —-.__ ''
<br /> '� � � � : � � , . � � . A�usr�t� �� iun� 9�--�04'7.�� � . . .
<br /> , . ` . � " . � . .� . (1tRarTrnsu�gtadax.ltare�.p) , - �•+ ' . ` � ,
<br /> , . ' ., , .� , .
<br /> . . � .: �THISAD1lfSTA�IL$RIRi'£�IDElti�tadethu '1Tth myof � Au��t � • ':19 ,�1n '-._
<br /> ard ii ievoryarai�d i�+�ed��bt 4eese�to�aKad aad iuppkas�t tlje Mdrtp�e,�ted of Tru3t.or Sec�c?Fry UxQ(the••Sact�ty .
<br /> � trtr�r�t"]o(tbt t�t drte firsa b�►t�e rade�ned`{tLe••Barowa�•)w=eaut 8orro+ra's AdjruuWe Rate YJote(the••Nott,�)ta►MQIIE ,
<br /> � , ' QMtiQ iSLAMR NEAltA3KA(tLe"Lender"j of[�x�tne due aat ooverint the , �
<br /> -—� : �rope�'ty ducr�ed ie thc 5aqtitT�wenmvest md tont+ed aE: ` ` _ .- - . - -,' .
<br /> . 14t14 Brandi� Iron, Grand Is�.and. 1VE E88Q1 � " � ` .
<br /> ' � _ (pfa�itY Addtes�) ,
<br /> ;.` ;�.,. . 'ifi� s�t e�ilir I�Irt�MMi�frs,elw�er b�!iM�rMt rMe aM rT w�Mf - � �
<br /> x ` . � . , �aa�.S'ri w!c a1M�it��e aiwt�i�iatNt raee ew s!�st�a�e d�e oi . , . . .
<br /> ' ` , ` i�14f���tM�c�r�ir�r�fel�nt/ipr. ' � � __ - —
<br /> . 11D[�[TIO�Ut.QOVEI�IAMB.In idditlan to tha onva�ts and�s made in the So�wlt9 T�ramdit,Botrowa uid I.��nda_ � .. '
<br /> ` < t�rtiers�o�earntaada�eeutoOaMS: , • � . . �
<br /> • , , � . . ,
<br /> .A. �t?�I`�ATE ANID MOAi7gLY lAYl1�PiT CAAi�fGFB • .
<br /> < i • TYe l�to[e provldes for iAS iaiwl�ncecat rate of 9:2� 9�.Sectian 4 of ltie Nbte provide�for ci�a in the intast nte and the � .
<br /> • maat�l9 Pa3'm�t�.A:.tc�c��s• � , ` , - - : -
<br /> , � U) C�wtDrM�r : . . '
<br /> intartu rate i will p�t msy cMt�eoa the Fust dzy of � �nf omtior ` .19.�_.ifld oa thi�tUty Nery
<br /> � ; ' . �WB�ve month�theraRer,.Esch date an vrhi¢h my interest rate coufdchange Is caUed a"ChZnae Qate." .,
<br /> m a�r.� � � .
<br /> He�writh the fust Cd�aese Datea my intaest rate witt be based on an tndex.'1'�e•`lndex"1s tAe wakly average yield on United Sutes
<br /> ; ' Tralwq►�eauritie�idlmted to a coastant m��t�uity ot 1 year.u inade avAitabie by the Fedrnl Reserve Bwird.Tt�e most recrne tades fiture ' �-
<br /> awiLbk�s of the date 4S days betofe ach Chan`e Date is calted ttx"Cunent index" . , -
<br /> • It the ln4a�is no toe�er'�Jsit�bk,the Nae HotQer wiU choose a r�tw indea w�.hi:b is b�sed vaon compuable infarmation.The Note
<br /> ,
<br /> � Holder�riU siv�mie aotice ot tNs choioe.
<br /> i (G7 Gk�olCr� 1 � ,.�.
<br /> , defaeach Gh�e Due�the Note 14otder wf11 calculue my new intccest ratc by adding �O dr. t�-h3�f D��u�E� � 4 �-��
<br /> ; ��
<br /> • poipti t 2,5 �)to the Curreat En�dea a�d roundina to the s�euest I/8th of Iri,subjece to the limits stateQ in Sectioo 1(D)below. -
<br /> _ _ ,•-
<br /> 'I�is roptbeel�mouet�vlll 6e ery ntM iacerest tate uncil the rtext Chsnge Uate.
<br /> � � The Note Holdqr wil)then determicte ilu omount of the montl:ly p�yment that vroutd be suffictent to repay in fult the pr(ncipal!am
<br /> eapected to wre on that Chan�r Date in substaatially equal payments by!he rtwturity Qate at my ncw intaest rate.The resuIt ot thisalculation' —
<br /> wiA be tbe t�v aesouat of my monthlY paymmx. .
<br /> (D) I�tb N INt�t RMe Cir�e. .��
<br /> T6e i�erest rate t am requ�red to pay at �tse first Change Date wil! not Ix giater th�n 1�,.?� •�i er less [han ,
<br /> � i 6,.� �Ai.Therqittp.my interest ate will never be increased ac decreued an eny single Change�ue by mare than Tme
<br /> s j72TCe�t fromihe tateoSinttresll hsve b�eenVayin`far thepr�ading twelve mamhs.The minimum interest rareonihis toan rvill never be
<br /> � kt�than �•z5 Mi�nd the maximum interest rate will never he greater than_�3.�5 __ _''o. �
<br /> �
<br /> • I (E� f:iTl�ltlre IaAte 01 Cl/y!N .
<br /> � My new interst r�te wlll bccome effocuvc�on each Changc D�te.l wilt pay the amomnt of my acw momhty paymcnt bcginning on the Cust .
<br /> � monthly p�ynKnt date after the Chanse t�ate until the amaunt of my monthly paynnent changes again, •
<br />_ ' (i� NNke W CMya '��!"s
<br /> ' � The Note'HoWet wi11 mai!or delivtr to mc a noticc before cach Change Data The rtatice wi0 ndviu me af: � ";! `
<br /> (i) the rie+v intere�t ute on my toan as of the Chxnge U�re; '
<br /> (ii► the amount of my montS�ly payment fottowin�t�e Change Date; .
<br /> � ' (iii) .any aQdltianal matters whlch the Note Hotder is requitcd to disrtasr.and
<br /> , ' (iv) the address oJlhe nssociation you cvutd contsct regatdingany qaestions abnut the ed;a:tment notice.
<br /> . ' S. AIA�GFB:1dEN9 .
<br /> .. . . _._ . . . ._ ... .. ._ .._ . . .. .. .---........ .... .... .. ... . ... ...
<br /> Unlform Covenane 4 pt the Secutity Instrumeht isemcnQtA tp rtad as fvltcr«s:
<br /> �. �;Uer.Borrower shd}.pay all ta.ces,assesvments,and other rharges,finev,artd impe>>itia;,e auributabte to the Properey which may
<br /> attalna priori[y over this Security fnatrument,a�d kuebold paymen�s a(grnund rents.if any.in�he�^anuer praviQeA under raregraph 2heroof
<br /> ' . or.it 11ot pNid in auch nf�nMr.by 4lorrowe�maMlna�ymem,when due,direcily�a�he payee ihereof.43oreawer�hali pr��mytty furniyh l.ender
<br /> ' al!notioes ot amal�nts due under thi3 nYradroph,and.in thr�vent Iiorrawer shatt rt�ke�ayment QuecAy, floteowet sfult ptomptly furnish to �
<br /> '' ' l,t�sder rectipt.�evidencinn suCJ1 pay�[ttnt�.f3arrowa shall promptty discharge any I�en whicA hac pr�ority over this Secunty Inst�ument;
<br /> • howevet.Bor�ower sfiall not be re�uirtd to discharge any such licn so lang as i3nrrowrr. ta"/shail ogree in wTi[ing[a the paymene u!the
<br /> . ubliptioa saurtd by sucf�lien in the manrter acceptable to Leader.(bl shall in g�I faith contest xuch lien by,or defend against enforcemom rof . - -. - -
<br /> ' such lien in,te;i1 praadinds wbich in the opirrion af Lendcr�peruce�o�reoent�he cnforcrmen�of ehe lirn ar forteiture uf�he Nruprrty or any '
<br /> qrt Uxaeof;or{c�shall secure fram che hoIder of such[iers an ngrecm[nr in n rorm se�isf�ccory ro.l.ender subardina�ing sucb iien tv tt�is . �
<br /> Security Ins.trumcn=.
<br /> !i Lender Qetermines th�t alt or any parc of the Proper�y,s sudject tu�ti�n whlcA may atlain e prinrity o�er�I�is Sccu�ity(nstrumem, ;
<br />.�---�---�--....---- � --" ��.tll{;CT 9�1i�$IVC�tllfl7ltCT tt 11Ut�1'C It�CI1�l�ylf►�]11��i�t�11,�Ul'i0itii L�ia�SdiiS��Sit:�i�ic'ii tii i8�i�i3i1C tii TOif vi t�ii&�1ifiRi's£'s�i3fa�i 8bU.0 . .- ��.
<br /> withintendsysaf thcgivinRotthenoticr. •
<br /> �,,,: • C. NfYl7CE .
<br /> 'UnitornlCaveuantl4oflhnMUritylns�runirnrisamendrdtareada�(.�Iluus� ' r.
<br /> LS. Notite.Eacept for nny noiict xeyulred anScr applicabl:►�w ta br gnen�u:�usth:r msna�er.(a►:iny nc�u:e en lfunu:+r,t p:e�ti�dctil f"t�r e:s th�s �
<br /> , Setutity Instrumeni shal!be gi�ea Ery dcliretiag':t ec hy ma�li��it by rtst cl:u�niail t�13acruwer ut ttte Yrorcrty:idlrr..or a�::�_h uthet�ddres. �P _
<br /> . . .. . $S H(7JYUWCT iTTSf ifC51g.(Id}C t1}RLIIICC'fV Y Fifd:7 al5�€(7zT��TRCTTf.�tT3(f7i`71i�Rl�ffLP Ti7 I Cii::.'I�R.lIE Y£�'IL"t`IT I'�f fifTST i11c��m;s,i in i rrs�irr': � �-- -
<br /> acidtess atatcd hereinoi to su.h othcr address a�t.cnder may desigrute hy nnt�ct-�o isrrrnucr�.��riti-ideJ f:crc,n. Ar�v mm�c;•::�.idc,,f��r�r�ih�-
<br /> ,,
<br /> S�eurilyfnsttumer�tshallh�Jeemte�tohatieAcengi�entcrUntruwernrtenJere+hci�F�FCn�rf}:.:�n�anne�ii:'•i�;n,7tf�iF.crcu, , ,
<br /> _. . . . .
<br /> �
<br /> . � ,.
<br />