<br /> , � �
<br /> � �o_, 10�03�.
<br /> � lf I.rnder required mangagc iasurance as a condi�ion uP mnking thc loan sscurcd by �his Sccurity Instrument,
<br /> Borrawer shait pay �he premiums required to maintain thc insurancr in effect until�uc!�time as thc requirement Por thc
<br /> insursnce terminatcs in accorcianee with Borrawer's artd Lender's written s�greement or appticable law.
<br /> �. 1�s�eedo�. Lender or its agent may make reasonable cntrics upan and inspectians��f thc Prc�+erty. Lendcr
<br /> ! sh�p�ive Borrower natice at the time of or priar to an inspection specifying reasonable eause for�he inspection.
<br /> � 9. Conde�ae�►tion. She praeeds of uny aw�rd or claim for damages.direct or consequential, in connection w ith
<br /> � any condemnation or other taking of any pan of the Property. or for cam�eyance in lieu of condemnation,are hereby
<br /> � uslgned and shall be paid to I,ender.
<br /> . tn the event of a total taking of the Froperty. the proceeds shall E+e appliod to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument.whether ar not then due�with any�xcess paid to Borrower. In thc cvcnt af a partial taking oP the Property.
<br /> unkss Bon�ower And Lender otherwise�gra in writing.the sums secured by chis Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br /> tho�mount of the proceeds multiplied by the fallowing fraction:(a)t�e total amount of the sums sccured immediatcly
<br /> beFore the taking,divided by(b)the fair market value of the Propeny immediately before the taki�g.Any balance sha0 be
<br /> p�id ta Borrower.
<br /> If the Praperty is abandoned by Borrawer,or if,after notice by Lender to Rorrower that the condemnor offers to
<br /> make an award or settle a claim for damages,tiorrawer Pails ta respond to Lrnder w ithin�0 days pfter the date the notice is
<br /> given,Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,ut its option,eithcr ta restaration or repair of the Property or
<br /> to the sums secured by this Security lnstrument,whethcr or not then due.
<br /> tlntess fixr�dee and Burruwer otherwise agree in writing,any applicatian of proceeds to principal shall not eatend or
<br /> postpone the du�date of the manthly pa�ments referced to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the umount of sucb payments.
<br /> 10. Borwwer Not Releaud; Forbea�sece By [,�nder Not� Wai�er. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> modification �f amortization af'the sums secured by this Seeurity Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> intercst of Borrower shall not uperate to release the liability of'the original Borrower or Bottower's successors in interest.
<br /> Lender shall nmt be rcquirtd to cammence proceedings against any succasor i� inte�est or refuse to extend time for
<br /> payment or otherw�ise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument by reason of any demand made
<br /> by the ariginal Bcrcrower or Borrower's successors in intercst.An�r forbearance by l.e�der in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> sh�tt nat be a waiver of or prer9ude the exercise of any right or remedy. .
<br /> 11• S�ccawra and Mtigiq Hornd;Joint and Serernl Liabillty;Co-siqners. The covenants and agreements of �
<br /> this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and 8orrow�er.subject to the provisions
<br /> : of paragraph 17.Bo�TOwer's cov;,nants and agreemonts shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security �
<br /> Instrument but daes not eaecute the Note:(a)is casigning this Security Instrument only ta martgage. grant and eonvey ' -`
<br /> thst AOifOVVer's interetl in the Prnrx�nv un�i.r�ha . �� �ti�o eV ., i L.•___. �-��
<br /> -,__ . . s..r:w !'...:v.....�u:i.;.„strs;.��c��;i„��,��o�peraunaiiy obiigaieti to pay -
<br /> ths sums secarcd by this Security Instrument; and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bonower may agree to eatend, ? �
<br /> madify. forbear or make any accommodatians with regard to the terms af this Security Instrument or the Note without �
<br /> that Borrower'sconsent. �
<br /> 12• 1.oan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instniment is subject to a faw which sets maximum loan
<br /> charges. and that Iaw is flnally interpreted so that the intercst or other loan charges collected or co be collected in
<br /> eonneetion with the toan exreal the permitted limits, then: {a) any such l�an charge sha11 be reduceaf b�• the amount
<br /> nocessary to reduce the charg=to the permitted limit;a�d(b)any sums alread.c.vllected from Borrowet which exceeded
<br /> permitted limits wil) be refunded to Borrow�er. Lender may choc�se to make th�s refiend b�� reducing the principat ovred
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct pa}ctEent to Aor�ower.If a refartd reduces pnncipal,the reduction wi11 be treated as a
<br /> �attial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> � 13. LegiislaHon AReeting I,ender's Rights. If enactment or expiraFCOn of applicable lawc has the effect of
<br /> • rendering any provision af the Note or this Security Instrument unenforcrable actording to its terms,Lender,at its option.
<br /> . �nay require immediate payment in fu11 of all sums secure.d by �he�Security Instrument and may m�ake any rernedies
<br /> __ ptrmitted by paragraph t9.lf Lender eaercises thisoption.Lender shall take�he steps s�rificd in the second paragrap6 of �
<br /> paragraph 17. �,t
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provideci f�r in this Secunty insttumcnt shal)be g�ven by deEi�ering it or by � .
<br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law reqmres use �f another methcxi. The noticr shall be d�rected to the
<br /> Property Address or any olher address Borrower designates by natece t�Lender. Any natice ta [,ender�hall be gc.en�y
<br /> first class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any nther adJress Lender designatec by ncit�ce to Borrow er. Any nntice
<br /> provided for in this Security Instrvment shastt be sieemed to ha�•e been given to Borrower c►r l,ender when�iven as provided
<br /> in this piragreph.
<br /> 15. Governing l.a�t;Sevenblltty. ?his 5ecurity Instrumcnt shall tx gi�ticrncd hy fcdcral lr�u•and thc law af thc
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. dn the event that an� prov�sion nr clause c�f this Security Instrument ar the
<br /> Note conflicts uith applirablc law,SuCh��aflict sha�l nnt affeCi�ther provssions c�f thit S€rurity 1st�S�umcnt�,r ihe tivtr
<br /> which can be given eff'ert with�ut the conft�cting pmvision. T�this end the�ravi�um.�f thi�Secunty Instrument:,nd thc
<br /> Note are decla�ed to be severab[e.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Horrawer shall be gi�en one confarrned cc�py��P tP,r Nute and�f th��Secunty Imtrument.
<br /> 17. Trirtsfer ot the E'roperty or A Beneftcis�l lnterest in Iiorrower. 1f all or .,ny part of the Pruperty ar any
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a heneficial interest�n Borrower i�cnld or trantifcrrcd and fi�rro«er i�nnt�rrature�
<br /> person)without Lender's prinr written consent. Lender may,at its opdan,reyu�re �mnu•d�a�e �a}mcnt u�lull c�fali tiumS
<br /> secured by ihis Security Instrument. Hawever, lhiti optton stiall not be exerc�u;�t by [ender it ercrci�e iti pn�hib�ted by -
<br /> federal!aw as of the date of thi�Security Instrument. ` T�
<br /> If Lender exercises this oFtion.Lender shafl give dorro�rer nonce�f accrterahun. The ntittce�ha11 pr��vide a pennd
<br /> of noi less than�0 days from the date the notice�s dehvered or ma�led u•ithu�wh�ch Hc+rr�n�er mu�t pay�Il wmti�eru red hy
<br /> this Security Instrument. If F3orrower fails to pay thesr sums pric,r tn thc cxp�ration s�f ih��prn�xi, 1 rndcr may �i��ake;�ny
<br /> remedies permittcd by this Security Instrument w�thout further n��t�rc nr demand�m Burr��w•cr
<br /> 18.Botrower's Right to Reinstete. If Burrow�er mect5 ccrt��in c�nd�tu�nti, E���rr��w�r�hel1 h<«e thc n;ehi t�� haLr
<br /> enforcemcnt ofthis Security lu,trument discontmued at any hrne pnor t��the carlicr��F Ia)5 d�+y�Ieu�ucto��ther �,rr,�,d a� �
<br /> applicable laa•may specify for remtitatemenU hefnre ti��le of the I'rcf��ett� punuant �u.�n� p��wer��f�alr.��ntaincd sn tluti �
<br /> Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgrr�ent enforc�ng thiti Serurrty In�trument 'thu�z cnnditi�m�arr that Hnrr��acr ��t
<br /> (a) pay5 Lender all sums wh�eh ihen u•ould he due under tlns Secunty 1ntiUurnent :uz� the tie,te ha� n�� ,�,,:��ler.in�n� ���
<br /> occurred; (b) cures any dePault oP any other co�enantti ��r �green�ent�: (r► �na�� .i1t exrcm,. n,curreci n� �•idr.rur►�� iln�
<br /> Scc��rity Instrume�it. :nc)uJing. hut iiot hmitc�i ��. rc.t,uuui�lr atf��rnc}�' fcc� �r�c! �d1 rati�•,.u�li .,��,.,r� .�. I cndrr m.,� t-,r
<br /> reasonably rcyu�rc tn atisure tha! thc Itcn nf th�ti Serunt� Intitrut►�en�. I rnticr � �i;.�h�� �n 1h� {'i��r�crs� .:u;1 tinrr�.u�r'.
<br /> oblig:�ti�n tc� pa} thc tiumti ticrurcd hy thi� 5e�urit} Inurumrrit .h,,Il .�,��un�ir un�I�,.i„•��t 1 ��„�, �• �n�i,,t.•,n, :,t n� .
<br /> R�rr��acr.thi�Sreunt� In.trumcnt and thc�,hli�ah�mti ticrurcd hrr�hy �h:�ll rc•rn,iri f u�h �ft�•,n�c.�.it r,�•.e�.�Ir� �tti. :� I�.i,l
<br /> ��ccurrcd. Hnac�cr. tl�is n�;ht t�>rcinst.+tr,hall n�,t ap�,ly in tlic..i�r��t.u�rlri.�ti•.,�in��i�i �• .r ��•r.��,l,. 1:,., �-
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