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<br /> , _._. ..-- � �
<br /> �,0403�
<br /> NON•UNiFORRt CovENANTS.Borrowcr and Lcnder further cuvenant aii��T�s foliows:
<br /> ' l9. Accelcratian; Itemetlte�. Leader �hdl aite naticc �a 8orrower prior to acceler�tian [alluwing Borrowe�'o
<br /> rrMCA ot�ny corenaat or aaeen�ent tn thls Secu�tty In�trumeet(but not prioe to�cceteralion under par��r�ph�13�nd 17
<br /> IIIIIfM a�Hl'�bIE IaN �QrI�li O�Ml1'M�1l1. TIK nuHee slu�ll specity:t�) tl�e def�ult;tbD the�etton reQutred to cuxe"the
<br /> a'ri�iiui;ir.f�a�ie,n�i iew iiuu��dsys iron�iwe daie zoe aatica is�iren io Borrower,by which the dei�ult mau be cu�ed;
<br /> � aMi t�tiMt fuH�e to�ewre tMe defi�l!on w betore t�e df�tt speN�ied Ie the notice n�ay mah in srcelentioA of the�an�
<br /> �wrod bY tib Se�w�ihv I�iaent�ad sale af the Proprrty.The notice sball t�Mhe�inform 8orrower of the ripYt to
<br /> Eei�tate stter�cceleratles!aad tbe ri=ht to�inR�couet scNon to asu�t ths nan�xi:tence aE a default os any ot�er
<br /> dek�se ot Borrowrr to�cceknttio���k.If the detault b aot cNred on�before the date spectfled in the notice,Lender
<br /> d ib o�tioa a�sy repire iwasedl�te pyaunt in fall oi all :u�ns stcured Sy tbiy Sccurity lnstrument without fu�ther
<br /> . �.nd��!�sY t�roke th!poner at aate snd any othcr rPmedter permittcd by 4pp11.,Ab1e t,�w.Lender sha11 be entitied to
<br /> oollect all e:�ua i�c�rred [w �nutey� tlie ren�edi�s pro�ided in this p�r���h 19� inclwding; but not Ilmited to.
<br /> reaoM�lle attoraeys'tees and conc�+Ptltk e�idence.
<br /> It tMe'ower ot sale i�tarolced,Trustee ah�ll reoord a notice ot default in ach county in Nhich any put of the
<br /> ProMrty b lo¢ated�d diall mail co�ie�ot s�ch nohce ta tl�e manner prescribed by spplicsble taw to Borrowe��nd to tLe
<br /> otYer�to�s�etscribed by ap�liable I�w.ARer the ti�e required by sppllcabk I�w,Trustee�hall�ire publlc aotice of
<br /> ak to tLe�eno�t aNd ip the manae�p�sac�i6ed by oppt�cable law.Trustee,withoat demand on Borrower,shall�ell the
<br /> Fro�eKy at'abli�aYCtion to the bi�hest bidder at the Hine and place and under t.he terms daignated in the not�cc ot s�le in
<br /> one or�ore prrceb aad in sey order'Y'rustee deteneiwet.Trustee msy postpone a�te o!dl or any parcel ot the Property by
<br /> �wbilr a�noracea�ent at the tinne and pl�ot any pre�iously sc6eduled s�le.Lender or its dasignee may purchase the
<br /> , Propetty at sny sale.
<br /> LIloa recetpt o!payn�ept ot the price bld, 7�wtee shall deliTe�to the purcbase�'I�ustee'a deed con�eying the
<br /> Pro�erty.The reciWs in t�e Trustee'�deed aball be prima tacie e�idence af the truth of the statemenb mad�the�ein.
<br /> '�'�st��l�el!��ly�Ir prQSeec�-±ot t�t salr in tl:e iollaai�g a��;,�:t�f iu�!t e��z�ot t�,e sat2,ir�ct��ic��,bui�►t�i ii:�3.ed
<br /> to,Tru�tee's fees as permitted by app8cable law and ratsontsble attorneys'tees;(b)to all sams secured by this Security
<br /> Instn�ment;and(c)any exceas to the person or perao�legitlly entitled to it.
<br /> 20. Lendee in Passession. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment oP the Propeny, Lender (in
<br /> , person,by agent or by judicially appointed receiver)shull be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the
<br /> Property and to collxt the tents oP the Property including those past due. Any rents collected Ery Lender or the receiver
<br /> shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of'rents, including, but not
<br /> limited to.receiver's fees,preminms on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees, and then to the sumc�ecured by
<br /> this Security Instrument. _
<br /> 2l.Recon�eyanee.Upon•payment of all sums sccured by this Serurity Instrument,Lender shall request Trustee to
<br /> rcconvey the Propeny and shall surcendtr this Security Instrument and al!notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property withoat warranty and withaut charge to the person or persons
<br /> legslly entitled to it.Such person ar persans shall pay any recordation casts. � �-
<br /> -= s�•3eiosiiiais irasiee.iender,at ics opcion,may irom time to time remave Tru�tee and ap�int a successor trusia -`��
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded.
<br /> Withoat conveyance of the Properiy.the successor trustee shall succeed to aq the title. power and duties conferrcd upon
<br /> Trustee herein and by applicuble law. _
<br /> . 23. Reouat tor Notiea. Borrower requesis that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent ta Borrower's �
<br /> � ' address which is thc Property Address.
<br /> ZM1.Riders to this SecurTty lnstrument.lf one or more ridus are executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br /> this Socurity Instrument.the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> suppkment the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the nder(s) were a pan of thcs Security
<br /> Instrument.(Check applicable box(a)]
<br /> _ ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider (] 2-4 Family Rider ^
<br /> [� Graduated Payment Rider � Planned Unit Developmcnt Rider
<br /> .��
<br /> ❑ Oth�r(s) [specifyJ . ,�..
<br /> . BY SIC3NING HEl.ow, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Seeurity
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)ezecuted by Borrowes and recorded with it.
<br /> �—�
<br /> ........................................................................................ ...... .... � .?.... . ... . .-.�-:�,�-,�,.�........................ 1)
<br /> -8o�sower
<br /> Rogor . Smith
<br /> . .................................................. .................................... .......�.�-�-...../.4':�........���,..............................(Sea!
<br /> Elda M. Smith —BOrrowc�
<br /> STATE 11F VE[iRASK 1. Hall (���unt}' �ti: �
<br /> On thls 5th da)� of JUly , �y 90 , hcti�rr mc, ihc un�lcr.irnrcl, a tii�tar} I'uhli�
<br /> duly cornmissioncd and qualified for saiJ rounty, rcr.�>rt;:tt� ramr Rog�r L. Smi�h and Elda M. Smith, __«—___
<br /> each ir� his and tter �wn right and as spouse of each other . ►�� rn�• t,n����n i�. i��• �h�• �
<br /> idCntiCal person(s) whntic namc(�) are tiubscrihrd tc� Ihc iurcgnin±.� �n.liumrni .in�i :i�kn��«lecik�•il Itir ��rr.nlu�n
<br /> thcrcof to be theiT tioluntar� ait and dcrd. 1
<br /> Witncss my ha�td and notarial scal ttt Grand Islanc#,� Nebraska ui ,,���) ,,,�i����, i���•
<br /> d�tc aforesaid. �
<br /> R1y (;ommission carirc�:� 1- �/�� j '� ��
<br /> L . . .�. . � � .
<br /> �t�TAA1f,iLle N rlr�q -"�'"�.s-� . .�`:�.` �.,. !�.� } : `.-`/ ��
<br /> JOY M.�EI1ZLEY • t`'
<br /> kt (jl.'f 5( 1(S11C�Fif�((�. I 1 •�`�( f �:
<br /> Ih���E�to.S�111.1993 ' ��t
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<br /> ��tlh.illi�lhri incichti'�liic„ ti'�inr�lh� Ilu. f)�c.' ��1 liu,f. li.t�� I�:�n 1�.��.} ��� ��ii� 1 ��i�. . �� • . . .. ,i .{ i , ��,, � i. .
<br /> �u�lc itt tu�t�:. .iuil th�, I)ec•:I ul 1�u.c, uht.li :u. J� li•..�:J li��.��� , :�: t ., . � . ��i: . .:i��. � , !. �
<br /> ni�u hcli� h•. ��ni �niJri rlii� I)��cl ��1 Iru,r �„ ih: t�ci ��;i .�� �, , ,��•. � , . . . •
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