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<br /> UM1i1FpRM COVE:NANTS liorr��+er ena Lenaer cm•enant nnd agrre���fi�ll,�w�:
<br /> 1. P�yMeAt of f'�Incip�)�nd intese�h,Ynpayment Aed l.�te Charaes, ��orru�►•rr tih�ll prr�m�tly pay «�hcn du�
<br /> thr princi�l c+Pand intr�cst on the dxbt evidcnred by the Note�md any prcpa��ment nnd la��c rl►a�gcs due undrr�he Notc.
<br /> 2_ 4uwda tne Ta+cK�wd inaunwea_._ Si�h�rrR tn an�licr�hl�law�n!'tc1 il!!�(Il[Ctl N�11l�€�h�'T-�q41e1',13�r[oW'e��ht�l!p3jY
<br /> tp Lendu an thc day monthly pxvnunts ue dne under the Nntc,until the Note is pnid in full,u sum("Funds"2 equal ta
<br /> � one•twelRh of: (a) y�eerl�r to�es a.nd assessments w•hich may �ttain priority cn�cr thia Srcurit>� Inxl�umrnl; (b) y�rariy
<br /> , lerxhold aymenis �r ground rentg c�n Qhc Pr�perty, if any; (c) yratly hazA�d insurr�ncc prem�ums; and (d) yeArly
<br /> � man�e insurance premiums,ii any.These itcros pre callect"escraw item�." Lender may estimate the Funds due on the
<br /> batisafcunent d�t�and reasaexblc estim�tes oPfuture esc�aw items.
<br /> 'fhe Funds shail be held in an institution thedeposits ar accaunts oPw•hich Are insured or guarunteed by A federal or
<br /> st�tc agency(includint Lender iP Lender is such an institution). Lender shnll apply the Funds to pay �he rscrow items.
<br /> I.ender msy not charge far haldin�and�pplying the Funds,a�alvxing thr aecount or veriPying the eccrow iterr.s,unlecs
<br /> Lender pays Bor�awer interest on the Funds and opplicable law permits Lender to m�ke such u charge. Borrower ana
<br /> Lender msy�gra in writing that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicable taw
<br /> tequitts interest to be paid,I.ender sh�l)nat be required to pay Borruwer an�interat or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br /> � ahall�ive to Harrower.without cha�ge,an nnnuel accounting of the Funds showi�g credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpost for which p�ch debit to the Funds was made.The Funds Are pledged as uddilional�ecurity far Ihe sums secured by
<br /> this Security lnstrument.
<br /> If the amaunt oP the Funds hcld by Lcnder,together with the futurc monthiy payments os fiundc pavable priar to
<br /> the due data af'the escrow items,shall caceed the amaun�reqcireai to pay thc cscrow items when duc,the earess shatl6e,
<br /> �t 8arrower's option.either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthlv paymcnts nf Fun�s.If the
<br /> ' amount oithe Fun�s held by Leader is not suflicient to pay thc tscrow items when due. Barruwer shall pay to l.ender any
<br /> amount oecessa�ry ta make up the deficiency in ane o�more payments as required by Lende�.
<br /> Upan payment in full af all sums secured by this Security�Instrument, Lender shall promptiv refund to 8orrawer
<br /> any Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 19 the Property is sold ar acquired by Lende�,Lender shall apply,na luter
<br /> than immediatcly prior to the salc of'the Pro�xrly or its acquisitian by I.ender,any �unds held hy Lendcr at the time of
<br /> �pplication as a credit against the sums secured by�his Security Instrument.
<br /> 3. AMlication ot Psyments. Untess applicablc law p•ovides atherw•i�e. all payments received by Lender under
<br /> para�raphs 1 anu 2 shall be applied:tir�t,to late charges due under the Note;second,to prepaymrnt charges due under ihe
<br /> Notr.third,to amounts payable under paragraph 2;fou�th.to interest due;a�d I.�.st.to principal due.
<br /> 4. Char�es;Liees. 8orrower sh�ll pay all taxes,acscssmcnts,chargec, fines und impc�sitianc attributable to thr
<br /> Property which may anain priority o�•er this Security Instrume�t, and lcaschold payments or ground rents, if any.
<br /> Borrower shall pay thesc obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner, 8orrower�hall �
<br /> pay them an time directly ta the person owed payment. Horrower shall promptly fumish to l,ender all notice�of amounts '
<br /> ta be paid under this parAgraph. If HorroKer makes these paymems directly,Horrow�er shall promptly furnish to[,endcr
<br /> rcceipts ev'sdencing the payments. �
<br /> - -- - D ��. 1 •f.. �...«.. �'.... t.'..►. �...� ' ' �.'_c_.... t.._.._......... �..._ o..�_..»..._.�..� � :_-
<br /> _. _ _ �� wCi�...:��aiviuj.a�i i�iiivu���a, ai�j�ivui►ui�u uaa�.iwi�it C.ie'i'aai�.n�.uiiiy uuuaueeni iii��e�.van��.wc�.�ql - r-�.
<br /> agrees in writing ta 1he payment of the obligation secured by the liea in a manner acceptahle t�Lender;(l�)contests in gc�od -
<br /> faith!he lien b�•,or defends against enfatcement of the licn in,Irgal�roccedings w�hich in Ihe l.ender'c opinion operatc to -
<br /> prc�ent the cnfvrcament uf thc lier, or f�rfeiture c�1'any pan of the Proprrty;or(cl secures f'rom the holdcr af the lien an
<br /> agrerment satisfactory to Lcnder subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument. If Lcnder determine�that any part of'
<br /> the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priomy over this Secunty Instrument, Lender may give I3orrower a
<br /> notice identifying the lien. Barrower shall satisfy the lien or takr onc rs mare of the actions set forth ahove within 10 days �
<br /> of the giving of not�ce. . �?
<br /> S. Haurd Iesunnee. Borrawer shall keep the improvements now ex�st�ng or hereafter erected on the Property
<br /> insured against toss by flre,hazards included within thc term"extended co�•erage"and any othcr I�azards fi�r which Lender
<br /> requires insurance. This insurancc shall fie mainta�ned �n the amountti and for the peri�xis that Lendcr requ�res. 'i'he
<br /> insurance carrier �roviding the insurance Shall be cliosen by Horruwer�uh�ect tu Ixndrr'� appro�•al which shall not be
<br /> unreasonably wilhEtetd.
<br /> All insurance�licies and renewalc chall be acceptable to Lender and shall �nclude a standard mortga�e clause.
<br /> Ltnder shall havc thc right to hold the policies and renew�al�. If Lender requires. Borr�wer shall promptly gi�c to Lender
<br /> � all rec�ipts of paic!�remiums and reuewal notic�. ln the e�ent of I���.s, Horr�w•er�hall���c pmmpi nouce to the�nsurance
<br /> carrier and l.ender.[.ender may make procif of lass if not made pmmpt ly�M•Finrrower. �`•
<br /> Unlcss Lendcr and I3orrou•cr otherw�sc agrec�n wnnng,insuran�c prcxrcdy tih�tl b+:applicd t�.rc�turanon c�r rrpa�r �
<br /> � oP the Properry damaged.if the restoration or repa�r is economieaily feasihle and Lender'�srcunty �s n��l Ir55ened. If the
<br /> restoration or repair is nut eronomically feasible or Lender'�secunty a•ould hc le�sened, the incurance pn�ceeds shall bc
<br /> applied tn the sums seeu�ed by this Securitr Instrument, Hhether��r not then due,wrih an��excess pa�d to Borrowrr. If
<br /> Botrower.ibandons the Prnperty,nr does r,�tit an�aer�vithin 10 day�a noticr fn�m Lender t(tat the incurance cArrier ha�
<br /> oPfered to settle a claim,then I.ender may cE�ilc�et the msurance procerd�. I.ender may�u�e the�rd*�ceds tc.rcpair or restore
<br /> the Prnpert��or to pay sumc secured hy �his Serunt�• ln�trument,whcther��r n��t then due. The ?0-day pc��od wtll begin
<br /> when t�F nc�tice ic gi•�r��.
<br /> C'nlecs I,ender and F3c►rrow•er ntheru.�e agrc�e m w r�ting,an�•ap�licat�rn��f�r��ceedti�u pr�ncipal�hat;n�t extcnd ot
<br /> postpnne the dae date of thc monthl� paynt�r,<<refcrred to m paraRra�Fr� 1 �nd Z��r rha�i�;c the amou��t of tftie pay ment� If
<br /> under paragraph tQ the Property is acyu�red b� l.ender. Borrc�ucr'�n�,�tt to anc in�uranrr pe�licu.aied�nKrcd�re�ulting
<br /> Prom damage ro th�Property�rior so the aryu�citu�n shall�a�.m t_e�ider tr�the errent of the�iim..e.:ureci hy thi�Secunty
<br /> In�trument immcd�ately pna�r t.�th�acquictUOn.
<br /> 6. prescrvationand;�lainten9nceofProperty:l,estseholds. 13i�rru��er.h.�llru�tdcstr��r.d:irnagcnrtiub�tanually
<br /> chan6e ihe Pm�►crty, allaw the Pn�perty t,�detcnorate��r rommit «<tti�e. If thi, Sc�ur�t} In�!r�rnenl t�i�n a Ira,ch��ld,
<br /> II�rruwer chal!comply a•ith the pro�isiunti c�i the Ica+c.ancl if Hi�rr�n��:r aryu�re�tc�utle t��thc i'r��prrty. the 1ea�rhold and =-_-_�-_
<br /> Pee utleshall not mergc i�rite�s l.enciera�rce�to�he merger�n ant�n�;
<br /> 7, protection uf I.endet's Rlghts in the Property: �fart�;��;e Insurancc. If linrrr«::r f:��l� t�� ��rrfc�rrn thc
<br /> covenants ai�d a�;reementr r��nta�nrd ui thi�Scrunty In�IrumrnL�v thcre i�.►icc��l �rnccr�'inc�th:�t m.�y��c;nifir,intl} ;ift'ctt
<br /> , (.enAer's ng�its �n the i'rc�perty (SU�h as s prr:ietlmg tn hankruptcy. pr�,hate. ti�i �<mdemnat�nn ��r �„ rnfc�rre '.a«, ��r
<br /> �eFul.�lumsl,then t.cndermay dound pay f.•�.�h:�te�cr nne�e��an ti��r��tc�t�he ti.�luc��i �hr Yrnj.crty.in�11 cndcr'�ny.h'.
<br /> in the Nr��rly Lrndrr'ti acftuti� inay mr(ude �+s�inF auy �um, �+r.urrd h� .� lien ��htrh hati ;,rii�ni< <•�cr t'�,� Sccut'iI� N
<br /> L In�trumcnt..�p��ean���t►n ruurY r��inG sca.cm,ihlr.stti�tnry�' fcr�.�nil e�i�rrii:�;�m •`.c 1'r���rrty t<�m.�Ar rc;^:��, •�1lhnugh �
<br /> i..ender m.►y takcaruon under t��r para�;r.�rh 7.1 ender elcu�ni�t h.��e t;s J,�ti�•
<br /> Any amr�unt�Ji�huc��cd hy 1 rnd�•r u�idrr thi��•��r,��;�:ir;i".h.�ll h,<<�inc:+,l�liU��n.�1.i:•h•_ � k..n-��«c�r��.�urc�i h� tEi!. !�
<br /> �fCilflly �115ifUtt2Cllt �'(l�c'ti���t�fri»lcfdll� � cli�rt .��;t�c.li�nTl�Ct ir(n��i�f ��.ntnri�t. If�c�c�.un , ����.�II^t'.�i infttr,t (t��nt I.p
<br /> t1�r u.dr uf Ji�i.uneina•uf i�i ti�c :tit�Ie r.�tr .inti �it.iti i+e (�:�t:��ie•. tt�ttt �+��:r��•a. :i�, �ti n��ti.r tt��iu i �.�,�,r. i., it.•rr„ucr �i��
<br /> rryuct!►ii j;p.�!�i�ct�t
<br /> .�
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