89-10 V (5 5 FCE 101
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<br />4 DeslfneYeit. In Casa of any damage to, or destruction or taking at CondonnallOn of the Trust Estate. including the buildings, tmprovemants or personal
<br />property constituting pan of the Trust Estate, whether such loss is covered by insurance. condemnation procatlds, or otherwise, Beneficiary sMNhawthe
<br />nghttaapplyany inumanceprocsadsor other recovory related tossid to" too rrxluchonin the mdebtsdnessherebysecurW OrtorequireTruator,at Its tlote
<br />Cost and "Wile. to promptly bettors, repair. replace and rebuild the same as nearly as practicable to its condition immediately prior to such damage of
<br />destruction of with such charigais andalterations asTrustorand Beneficiary mutually agree upon, provided such changes aidalterationsdonot materially
<br />le"attttevalwandutibtyotstich buildings. improvementsand personality fromthat"xisling immediatelypriortosuchdsmageord sstructlon. Trustorattsh
<br />bsentitkidtotNmbureeme SthamTrwtes totheextantof thenettnauranee proeaeds racawdby Trustee, notexcMding however, theMuSISUm expended
<br />by Trotter under this ptoviain
<br />5. YeYYesews. Tnaswwle not commit any waste upon the Trust Estate anti wail, atoll times. maintain the tams in good operating order and condition and will
<br />n+ske.ftonilNnstatinsa . sNmspeira ronewaWre placements. addltionaandimprovementswhichamnscaaaagtosuchend .NobuitdW40rimprovigmentrwwor
<br />Mrseffer execte0 upon the Rest Esuft stall be altered. moved or demolished without the prior written content of Beneficiary.
<br />6. AatlMSOUNd tpTrasfiEskftTruatorstWtappaui n&Mc ftotsnyach onarproc" dingpurpomaloatteutitMtoU *TnatEMfaorlMNeunfyorpriority
<br />twatot or the tights or powers of BafsNciay cc Trustee; and Trustor shall Indemnify Trustee and Sonsiiciary train all costs and expenses. including costal
<br />evidence of Iltfsandattomeyfees.Incurred by Trustseand Beneficiary Inanysuchaction orprocoadinginwhich Beneficiary orTnuit"mayappear. Should
<br />Trustor fail to makeanypoyment or to do any act as and in the manner provided in any of bite Loaf inumments, Beneficiary andirorTrwtse,each et its own
<br />discretion, without obbiletton to do so and without notice to or demand upon Truster and without releasing Trustortrom any obligation, may make or do the
<br />$ame in such fnar~and to such 6~1"either may deem necessary to ptotecuhe security hereof. Trustor stall, immediately upon demand therefor by
<br />Beneficiary.friamnityTrusi"andB4n@ iciaryfrom all costs and oitipens"Incurriod by Trualsewd Swaficiary In connection willithoexarcise by Beneficiary
<br />at fhe foreg0)W rights, including wlihMt limitation. COatsot evidence4f title, cauncaata,apprafeats, survopandattantsy tees. Any suclreoatsandexpons"
<br />not paid within frees (5) days of writtim demand shall draw Interest at the higher ct the defisuff Ass or base rats as pro 0- w In the Now
<br />ti
<br />Trusfot shall pay and promptly discharge, at Trustoh Cott and expense. ail lieu, emmunbrancer and charges .nipmoot ppon the trust Estate, or any part
<br />y
<br />thereof or interest therein. in the event Trustar fails to discharge or Pay promptiVsuctr heat encumbrances orchago4suim failure shall beconadsrW an
<br />�i ^
<br />Event of Default and Beneficiary shall be entitled to all the remedies provided unitrs-mic tired cf Trust oravaitabin:t law or equity. If Trustor afra . nail to
<br />dischargeanysuchken ,encumbranceoreharged, than. inadditionloany other right celm *osdyCti refloiary, Beneficiary may ,butshall not beot:Kg59ttot
<br />discharge thes me, eltherbypayingthe amountclaimedtobedue, orbyprocuring lion by depositing kirxaurirtlfsondintraor -ter --t
<br />claimed o ratherwLsegMng security lot such claim. crouch mannarasisor may bepresefhr? fly luxeday such paymentshatlaccMeirrmilast tthes „-?atria;
<br />the doisuii rate or bow rate as provided in the Note and tread be payable, togethet irittt sccriud:fforesf, Immadlatety upon wrfami dffirrp -!
<br />Trustor will promptlycomply with all prosentand future taws. drift naric", ru foe and governmental sulawitiraffecti f% npTrustEstaloorantr
<br />flan thereof. This shed apply to any construction upon the Trust Estate as well as the covaim deny business upon the Trust E&Wia
<br />7 IshuM Deassim Should the Trust Estate, Orally pan thereof orintereal therein. s:az7ard by fellow ofsnypublicimprovementorwndemration
<br />proceeding, or In any other mparro wincluding deed in lieu of Condemnation ( "CandamnatiOn "). or should Trustar receive any notice or other information
<br />regardingsuchProcee ding, TrudnradullgivepromptwrittennotieethereoftoBens ftau*j.Beneficiary Shallbeentitl ed; raallcompensation ,swardsandother
<br />payments orrolefthanoLandsilgiltleentltiedatitsoptiontocommence, appearInandprosecuteinitsownnanea % JoinorprocMding.Baeficiarys Celt
<br />also be entitled to make any compimmiles at settlement in connection with such taking ordamage, All such compera+afsan, awards. damages. right& or action
<br />and proceeds awarded to Trustar (Ifts `ProceWs ") are hereby arsignad to Beneficiary, and Tm0s;r agrees to execute such funkier assignment& of the
<br />Proceeds "SonetsciaryorTrustoo may vequlre The Proceeds st td). rtthe option of the Benaticery.beapplodagainsithe costs cj.,-- :oringtheTruatEstate
<br />orsgainst the unpaid principal batau" Of the Note in the inverse or+Jrxcf maturity without any redudyi3n in the amount of princ"sad interest payments.
<br />B. Ropresatailow TrustorcovenantsandwarrantswithBenef iciary. ittslccessorsandassigns, thatTrustorownstheT rustEstat efre"fromanypriorlionor
<br />encumbrance (except as expressly designated Ina rider hereto, if angt, that this Deed of Trust is and will remain a valid and enforceable first Ion on the Trust
<br />Estate, that Trustor will preserve such title and will forever warrant and defend the same to Beneficiary and will forever warrant and deferid the validity and
<br />priority of the lion Aer"ofagalnsttheictaimoof all peroonsandpartinswhomsoerer. The foregoing warranttesshatlsurvivethe exercise of the powerof rasa
<br />heroin conferred. &swell as thefatucluoure of the Dfto of Trust. and Shall tun wlthlhe IsnO Trustor will make such further as uranceorassurancestoperfect
<br />r =_
<br />its title to the Trust Estate as may be r"sonabty required by Batsfictary. Trustorhereby relinquishes all right of dower and homestead in and t i Ihe Trost
<br />Estate.
<br />g. Tax and lessurance Focrow If W*flclsry shall to request, Trustor agrees that tifiers, shall be added to each periodic payment required to be made under the
<br />Ncre an amount estimated by Tnetfse to be sufficient to enable Truster to pay, at least thirty (30) me;,* before delinquency, all text, assessments or other
<br />public charges against the Trust Estate, the Note secured by into Deed of Trust, or upon account cf the debt or the lion of this Wed of Trust, together with
<br />4
<br />premiums for Insurance (squired to De provided under this Deed of Trust and no interest snail be payable to Trustor in respect thereof Upon demand by
<br />Trustee. TrustorshalldeitvertoTrueisesueh additional sums otmoney, stare necessary tomake, up any deficiency intheamounte n"cessar /toenatNeTrtat"e
<br />to pay any of the ftstiligoing items.
<br />10. FwVw AeolNences. Trustor, at its expense, will execute and deliver to Trustee, promptly upon dtrrrand, such security instruments" may be required by
<br />Trust", in form and substance satisfactory to Trustee, covering any of the Trust Estate coverers bye (his Deed of Trust, which security instruments shall be
<br />additional security for Tnntoes falthfutpt rfo(manuts/OilOf the1OWS. covenants and conditktnaaihtvDeedof Trust the Notesecurodtareby, and any Other
<br />security Instruments executed in connection with this tronsacticr. Such Instruments shall be recorded or filed, and rerecorded and reined, at Trusters
<br />expense.
<br />11. Ttu Mea'90WVO.TruttOrsCknowWMlhat: (a) Me dutiesand.: L: i4 shoneofTrust" shallbedsterrninedsol elybyttiexpreesprovUlonsofthisDeedof
<br />Trust antlTrusi"shall not to Ilabieexceptfor the performance Cf EAU-, dullest and obligations asare specifically 90forth herein, and no Implied Covenants or
<br />001 ;gatOesahellbe Imposed upon Trust"; (b) no provision at thm Good otTrust shall require Tame 116exPend Of risk its own fultdit, of Otherwise, incurafty
<br />financial obligation In the performance of any of its asi tteshersurilcr ,orInIheaxercissof Any ofi4AW :a or powers, if it shall have t;rounds for believing that
<br />the repaymentofsu;• hfundooradequalemdemntyagninstsuchrtskOr liability iaVICIMmaonsbtyassvradtoIt: (c) Trust ee mayconsuft with Counsel atitsown
<br />Ms0111rp and theadviceofsuchcounsel shall bet„il and Complete authorization awtfiptvferttr r+ir. ma respectofaryaet ion taken ors0ored byithorounder In
<br />gyrdfaith and rimilisitcethereon; (d) Trust" shah not be liable forany action tWan 15yi.4 in gpeA, Aidt and reasonably believed by it W be authorized or within
<br />1t:e'i bLcrotiOn Ol rfr1tita of powers cmhwred upon if by this Deed of Tfust.
<br />12 ApQilArleaeMN3ttaaesesrlriftMaaB urvficiary may. from time to Wit. by written Instrument executed and acknowledged by Beneficiary. malted taTrustor
<br />raid recorded in the County -n winch theTruat Estate is located and by otherwise complying with the provisions of t'eapplicable law of the State of Njehfsslue
<br />substitute a successor Or successor to the ?fuel" named heroin or acting hereunder.
<br />13 Seeeeaasrs ale A"ol/rt". TRis 0*0 of Trust applies to. L.uras to the benefit of and binds all parties hereto, their helm. te521 nes; devisess, personal
<br />fopresentatives .succeasorsandepigntl The term " Ilenefic ;aW'"Ifn"ntheownerandholdsr of the Note, whether of not spec+ticury named aoBeneficiary
<br />herein.
<br />1e Boneficiory.or ftsWis. representatives or workman are authorized toonteral any 1"110118ble time upon or In any p0r.at the Trust Estate forthe
<br />purpose of inspecting the pmt and for the purpose of performing any of the acts it is authorized to perform under the forms 01 the Loan instruments
<br />15 Awlgit"eM M Rwtlio.
<br />tai *r�ctaces byassl{ lrrrrrmitramdsnto8aneftenryantnsrmn, MUM and prOma Wine Trust Estate and hpreby gives toand confers upon Beneficiary
<br />the fight, power andauthority tocoliect such rents. issues and profits. Trustor irrevocably appoints Beneficiary its true and lawfulatlofneyih -fact, al the
<br />option of8enetictaryatanytimeandfromrimetotime, todemand, roceiveandenforcepayment ,tognverecerpts refeascs and satisfactions. and tosue.rn
<br />the name of yrustOror BeMficiary, fo r an much rents, issues and profitsandepply thapmo to the indebtedness secured hereby, provided, however, that
<br />Trustaf adtn titre ther(ght to collect such rents. issues and prohte (but not more than one f ti month to advance) prior to or at any timethere is not on
<br />Everi sOfbsf auttundsr any Of the Loan Instruments This Assignment of Ire ftnts. Issues and Profits of the I rust Estate is intended to, bean absolute
<br />assignment h0fn Ttuslurto Beneficiary and riot merely 11180411itlig Of 6 Security intatall The WIS. Issues and prohis are hereby es s;gned absolutely by
<br />Truuut to BenatrCiary canhrigent onry upon the octurrence of an Event of Default under any of the Loan Instruments
<br />(DI U;run any Event of Default under any fit the Loan
<br />Instruments. Beneficiary trey many time without tohcb, either in pertoh. by egont at by a teceruer
<br />ti
<br />appourtedbyac0un. andwunuutreteWruthbeGeduec grit any security tot the r iaebtednassherobit sacurea enteruLunerc ,itsfeoposaau:onoffne
<br />y
<br />T iustEsistectonypertmere Ot= w,; enwnnamosuotorot net* isscollb5fWLhf or• tsissdas and p, 6htb. InUudmg those past duaanu unpaid. and app.lF
<br />�i ^
<br />fhb tam/ hem" CUlI3 alit expehtee Uf UWtenUU and cbI1ULNbf., imiuding ettotriagr fees upon any Ihdobtednes3 set urell hofeby end in sic!+ Under as
<br />Barta6ctary may detRml no Tle COtfbCtion oft urfi ntwu. •ssJes andpfeifits. of enters r.;; upon end tax Ing putfefLOh of the Trust EetmtD ONhe appittet�Ur*
<br />CreasereeesaCriGdmbale aheunotcure Uf*SIM an V defatih or notice of ddaui'nerO r•deI or inYali Jute errecrC rnbin ie]ffieiiSe rUsUCh tlefD..It.'•r
<br />pursuant 10 euen reu!;Le Of dell.,,.• ,
<br />