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F <br />ACKNOM 11.900 1111M <br />me 101(9.+x' <br />Psp t pf 4 <br />Ttw undmigoW hereby acknow Wdga and understands that (a) the document to be executed lag trust deed ('Deed of Truer^). and <br />not a mortgage and (b) the power of sate provided for in the Deed of Tent provides substarstfaily dittsrent rights and obligations to the <br />Borrower than a mortgage In the event of a default of breach of obligation. The undersigned further repreaanta and agrees that this <br />certificatklrt has been read and executed in connection with, but prior to. the undersigned's execution of the /eltovfiftg Deed of Trust. <br />is A467. dayot <br />IftlVhw E. Ful er R rte A. fuller <br />TH18 ACKNOWLMGt11ENT MUST an 310WO PRIOR TO RXECUTION OF TRUST MO. <br />DEED OF TRUST AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br />THiS OEE9,01F TRUST AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS ("Deed of Tnan. is made this - T e+.k day of <br />,February , l989 , byandamong - Malvin E- Ftlt tQr and Robert A Fuller, husband <br />anti tai �FO , (" Trustor" also known as "Borrower"), whose matting address Is <br />_37Ad W_ 7'0-h At ' Grand Tal� anti r NR`. rRAn3 <br />Thnma_Q P _ T.eahan r Att-nrnn3r al- T.n . <br />( "Trustee "),.*hmWil allirpaddragIs 206 S. 19th St., Omaha, NE 68102 <br />andFCECied{tld"'. n(" Beneficiary° alsoknownas "Lender'). whom mailing address Is201 ISouth19th Street. 2adfloorlarmiCredilBuilding, <br />Omaha, NebtsieB!ai 0810P <br />FORVA"4Si.EC0N5iaiZAATi0i1t T'.t ustorirrayocabtytransfsrs ,conveysanda*iw r .ii•4 Rteem,Vi HPOWEROFSALIwfor <br />the benefit six fiacurityofBeneficiary, ulidsrandsubjecttothetermsandconditiorisr .q Nsf7anrlf; csf 'Trusit -thiWisatproperty,locatedtothe <br />Courtly of - 'yx 11 , State of Nebraska, and described as Estate"): <br />. A r'art of the Southeast Quarter of-tile Southwest Quarter (SE1/.4 SWl /4) of <br />Section T e. Ive (12) , Township Eleve:rll . (ill) North, Ra;ige Ten (10) , West of <br />the 6th E1.t+4,' #L,hall County, Nebra�a, more particularly described as <br />follows: '-Jiffs 4intii,T; at the Southeast come: of said Southwest Quarter <br />(Swl /4); thence dlrkf_,erly along and upon the South line of said Section <br />Twelve (12), distanr_6 of Two Hundred Seventy -Two and TV --nty -five Hundredth <br />(272.25) feet; thcut:e northerly parallel to the East Tine of said Southwest <br />Quarter (SWl /4), a distance of Two Hundred Forty (240.0) Feet; thence <br />Easterly parallel to the South line of said Section Twelve (12)r a, distance <br />of Two Hundred Seventy -Two and Twenty -Five Hundredths(272.25) Feet, to the <br />past line of said: Southwest Quarter ,(St-11/4) ; thence Southerly along and <br />'upon said East J_ia+e of the Southwest-Quarter- (SWl /4) a distance. of Tdo <br />Hundred Forty tzid.0) Feet to the place of beginning. <br />TOGETHER WITH, all buildings, fixtures and Improvements upon. the Rea) Estate, whether now or hereafter existing, all rights-of -way, <br />essen"rits. rents, Issues, profits, income, teases, tenements, heredltolnents, oil, gas and geother, nal resources,. water rights, privileges and <br />appurtenances belonging, used orenjoyed In connection with the Fo (•Estate, or any party thereof,( .jubject, howwer, to the right. power and <br />authority of Trustor to collect and apply such rents, lasues„ prafiis and income as they become due and payst% ua tong as no default exists <br />hereunder) and all proceeds of conversion, volufitarl oritivufuntary, of any of the foregoing into cash or liquidated claims. including without <br />limitatlorl. proceeds of insurance and condemnation etwlf[ta, all of which collectively is hereundifr referred to as the "Trust Estate ". - <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING: <br />(a) Payrrenlofirtdsblsdrtooeirtthsprincipmamountol Seventy Thousand and no /100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />tblM�ralf QQ ).wilhtnN- - Manson. assrtdence dbytMtcsANnprnmissory notoofewmdots herewith fra"NOW) with a maturity do(K. <br />this . sxecuNd by Trustor, which has Mon delivered and ire payable to the nrMr of Beneficiary, and which by this referents is <br />made • paA of tole Dead tai Trust. <br />(b) Payment of aft suns adverted by eeneflaisty to protect the Trust Estate, with interest thereon at the deft uit tyre, it any, provided in try hate. <br />'this DoodolTrual thsNoN, andanyolhsrinsarunNnetiventosvkhm olorfurthersecurethepaymentandpeltssrtsncsofanyimstcgrr entorfutureobligations <br />secured tlsr/by are 1011011 d to collectively WOW -Loan I1telrWltente". <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. TRUSTOR HERtAY COVENANTS AND AGREES AS FOLLOW' 3: <br />I. Iselin inla em 0neee, TnfslorShoffVeyWINiduetheprincipalotj uidthetntereston,( helndebtedne" evidencedbyth eLoantnstrumento.andallother <br />VIYale ws . firms e-11011 otter sums N prodded In the Loon Instruments. All payments received by geneUciary as to arty Indsbtednep or as to any othei debt <br />119M1IIyd ►tt N4* tionowedtoBerleficklrybirTrustormayheappliedby8sinsfi ciarytothepaymentoftheNoteor toanysuchotherdebtflabilityorebtigstion. <br />1" (.nV4 f?M ilr.mawe► of applleation which Bonefielary, in its absolute discretion, deems appropriate. Unreos otherwiso elected by eeneficlary, arty such <br />paytttsel O WI be d"MW applNd tint to elo peyttt I d arty debt, tiab)Nty Sir oblipation other than the Hots. <br />2 TaaeaastlAWearriawla, Trustorshollpayeachinstallmentofalltoxessndspsciataassssmentsofewrykind, noworWahsrleviedapainsttheT rustEstateer <br />any part Msreof, before dolintlulemy, without notice Or demand, and shall provide SOM11clary with elvtdems of tee payment of "me within ton (10) days of <br />such deitnquaneydats. Trustor shah Vey all taxes andassesamants which may be W#40 upon Trustee's or Saiteliciary's Interest herein or upon this Dood of <br />Trust or fed dab! eocured hereby, whtfout regard to any raft' that array be *Wsed imposing payment of Ire whole or any part tharsof upon Beneficiary. <br />Ssi.;r,a: its ri'ipir"Sf aiisrneinhirtwrthinsurorerrpprrMbySW$ kCrarylnsuranCSwimf05WftoMeimproventents and personal propeny <br />contlituling the trust Esute agsinM role try tire, lightning, and other Pettis Covwed by try standard alt risk en(1orsament. In an amount aqua) foal least one <br />hundred percent f f"%) of et/fa11 rePieceetsr l ifeluetMrsol. with no deduction fordWlclation. and snail maintain insurance againstsuch other hazardsond <br />L insuchemountastecustoo ofity conlodby owners anti O"r$?Ors Of Similar Oto"r1t69 and as Beneficiary may Muffe for its protection Tiustm will comply <br />with such other requlrafnenh YQenallctafy may from time t0 time reatonabty request for theprotecOon by tnsurehCe01 the tnterest of the respective panes <br />AR klsnranoe pofieiasmekffSikted puntuantto this Doed of trust she: t name Trustor and Trusteess irlaureds, astheir respeclwe lnteresl may appear, and ahelr <br />providel tAllthemt haNbsnoeancel latonormodificauon without atrr* asffdteenit5) dsyf Prior written nohticabonto Trustee and Seneficury Suchinsvrance <br />shaac0nhinaatMdaMmOtt9ageCiluNinfaro +0lBeneliaary in theerrentanypaticyhereundwtoriotrene we dOnOrbeforefifteen 115 )dayspeartoits <br />sYyinllon def/. Trustn of Beneficiary easy ptocure such tntutence. pay the premnims therefor, Sind such gums 81`80 be immediately due end Vaysble with <br />rrttafy! ef ttla hieftes W the defeutt rate or bite tab a! OrOVtdad in the t$ata until geld era tHan rye secured by this Gera br Trust An buhbM cf in,uranry <br />requ-Itedby this co"O fTrust0113be(WirafedtdondtrftamelbyTrul 4w Fattalloof 'rilit'nit 10 Alf', 10 IuCt+msuf ante. ur renewals a sate required rfiroundet <br />Cie failurst o pay imp sweadvanCldhareuhdwshal), at the 00flon01Benetrctary .Consf-fa ea default All unearnedtrem, ttmsatonetebvatl.gnetdtoT:ustnh <br />as add4iff"OI tuhty an)faSa!eerrd Can TayanCepd the Trutt Fetafe by Te(riteeehetlC7081410 t9 Carrvny 17 {thetvtrr hassle tttittgr earternt'::rartq t7 a�)Cf+t,L •Og <br />og w1urance, upon the Trust Estate <br />7 - <br />n. <br />s <br />T <br />a <br />r� <br />6, <br />