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' rr� toe <br />tAl Events W Ckf A Arty of the following events shall be Over" on Event of WWI under this rfwe0 of Trull: 00755 <br />�, � t <br />(a) Trustor "bee felt3 dMaiablepaymentofanyifl etatknentoflnferesbprtnctpe), orprlimpatandinterestoranyothersummunedbythisDowofTrust <br />or required to be pad under the forma thilina if worn dus; <br />(b) Therstiaso= unW* breschofatdefaultundle ranyterm.covsnani, agreement. condition .provision,repraaentahon or warranty contained +nsnyotthe, <br />Loan fnKrURWMC <br />(c) Tru"ww has $Old, trof4fwfsd. conwwiw. no4jr4d or encumbered the Trust Eststeoir any poll thereof or any interest theme. wholhor outright. by <br />deed, hand a antrut We" with purchase opuor+, mortgage, judgment, or otherwise without the prlor written consent of Befiefklary: or <br />td) The wansnty of tiffs as fettle WOW or any Other feptannUOM or warranty made by Truslar in any 1lruen cial eassamentw or reports submitted to <br />Beneficiary she be broached, to" or notionally mfsleadfnag. <br />1 T, ACNOMOM tlpa Oesaat L AddNW W lea. Should an Event of Default occur, Beneficiary may dectiefs aft IndebNdnsss secured hereby to be, <br />Immediately due snd payable and the same alit" thereupon become due and payable without any presentment, demand. protest or notice of any kind. <br />TherYttsr Bef ie bury may. <br />(ei) El thwinpersonorby/ gsnRw/ thwwithoutbrtnginganywUonofproceedings .orbya racema r appointed byaCourl and without regard l0theadeOuacY <br />otlbeetnrity, 41OWUpanfndtakeponeSabnoftheTrust Estate. ofanypartthereof ,Inits ownnameorinthat meofTrustee.anddoanyft'w"michit <br />dome necessary ordesirsbte toproservethe value, marketability or rentability of the trust Estate, crony part thereof winta►ed ttiereln. Increase the <br />income, therafranorprotactthesecuritytterao( andwithor withouttakingpossessionoftheTrust Ealste ,owforwottlaiwis lcollecttheroots.issues <br />W4Profipthareot, including those past due and unpaid. andapply the tam. )sae costs and expenses of operation and cofiection.including attorney <br />tees. upon any indebtedness secured hereby, all in such order as Beneficiary may determine. The antatring upon and taking possession of the Trust <br />- EstaH, the collection of such rantk issua sand profile and the sppl"Ven thereof as dewilled above. Shall not cure or waive any default or notice of <br />default h enundfirorInvalidste any actd-ol in response to such default or pursuant tosuch notice efifiefoultarid. notivithatoritfing tharcontinuancivin <br />posasasionof the TrualEstatsort hecafksclion, ra celptandapplicationofro aMissmorprohts, TrustnorBsneNe laryshollbeentitiedtoaxercis ovary <br />right provided for many of the Loan instruments air bylaw upon occurrence, of any Event of Default, Including the right to exercise the Power of Sale: <br />(b) CommenceIan actlon to forectow this Wed of Trust ass mortgage, to seek deficiency on the indebtedness after foreclosure without any limitation <br />otMrwilwapplkab!eumler theNebraskisTruslOsedsAeL toappolate receiver, and tooMerwisespe eilieallyen( ofeeanyottheeovanantaorpmvimons <br />horsol. <br />(c) OelivertoTtustwawrittandeeWati ono* defaultanddemandtorssit. andawri MmiiotiesoldefoullsadetecttontocauseTrustorsintmestlntheTrust <br />EstatValassoldundarthepow trolsW conta4adherNn, which notice TrustNshalicauseto beduWled farrecard In theapproprtateOfflcial Records <br />of ire Caw ly in whichthe Trost Estate is located. all to the extent required by apli c" laser. <br />(d). Fixy 9rrich numta se It damns neco aaryr to protect the True( Eatate and cure any default of Tenter; <br />(a) Exerc(se all rigors and rain h s avitUaltis to it under the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act. <br />I& i<Oeec - - byFewerettiW. ShouldBeMpCtstyelecttotarse) osabyaxercrwofthePowe► atSatshereincontained ,BeneflctaryshallnotifyTrust"and <br />shtal!depalt with Trustin this Deed of Trutt and the Note and such fecefpts and evidence of expenditures made and secured hereby as Trustee may nequ in. <br />(a) Uparrimeelpt ofluch notice from Banall;ciary. "Ttrustoesholl cause to be recorded. published and del lwradto Trustor such NoticsofWWI andNoticeal <br />Sale irethenragtiindby tawandby this DisolofTrust. TrustaeshaN, without demand an tnisktr_ aftersuch time as may then berequlted bylaw andafter <br />reeaai> IanofsuchNOliceofOefwltanaafterNoticeofSalehavingbeengivenwmquoed1bytour, sellthetrustEstate atthetimeandp ieceofsatefitted <br />LY; <br />I L T-zact NCJtscut 3lale, eittierasewhoN, orinaeparetelota, pareelooritamsasTrutteesMllosemaxpedtent .andinouehorderssitmoytfaNrmine. <br />atP: 06eatxtlemtofthighost bidder for dshin lawful moneyof IhelrnitedStates. orcortifiwdcheckpayable* lithe timeofule ,Tnlsteeshalldellverto <br />wdTjw.r,_haseror purchaser ther*ofits good and sufficient deeds conveying the property so sold, put without any covenant or warranty, express or <br />imptiwy ;The recitals in such deedafrany matter or facts shall to conclusive proof of the truthfutaw3lharacf. Any person, Including, without limitation, <br />Truster. TrustesorGaneficfary. maor purahawat such sale andTnrstar hereby covenantsto warrant anddefend the title of such pumbru erorpurchasers. <br />(b) As maybe powitted bylaw, aftwdeductirs; all costs. foes and expainses of Trust" and of this Trust Incuffed In connectlonwith tiny Such default of 6819 <br />or foreclosure orallof them, including cosbof avldlenceof Villain connection withsale, aTrustW* (seas provided below, and anyattornty ten incurred <br />by the True". Trustseshafl apply thsproicwdso f sale topaymentot(1) sit sums expended under the hrms hereof. not then repaid. with accrued Interest <br />at the default role provided In the Rolm, (11) all other sums than secured hereby, and (iII) the remainder, at any, to the person or peaces legally entitled <br />thereto. <br />(c) Trustee may In the manner provided by Iasi postpone Sale of all or any portion of the Trust Estate. <br />19. ReseaMwNetEackraboa- TtinxNandBeneficiary. andeachofthem, shallbeentitledtoenforcepaymentandperformanceof anyIndebtednessorobtlgafforts -- <br />securedheretq and toeimiion M fightsoM powens under this Deed of Trust or under any Loan Instrument or Otheragrooment crony law.1nowar tharmistforin <br />(ores, net+estf+ofY+Wlnp sorers4s 410 O.. 1 ?adebleclom and obligations secured hereby may now or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by mortgage, <br />dead of hUxt (Yfedge. Nan, asalgnnlaM fr "olherirl/s. NSilharthoacceptunetof this Deed of Trust noNtsentnrcemsnt whether by court rstlanar purswntto the <br />power of antis or otherpowers hersiri *lkined, shall prejudice cr n+ anti manner affect Trustee's or Ror a(Isiarjs right to realise upon crentoree any other <br />socurityncrwor twaftiWhsldbyTnisWgrL*O*neklary. it 5eingagraed that Trust" and Beneficiary, and eachof:hem, shall besntitled to enforce this Ossdof <br />Trust and anyottwslcurarnerenhariledjNtreMbyflons iclary orTrusteeinsuchorderandmanner inthefarelherofdtHnmayIntheirsbsolutediscretion , <br />determine. No romedyheiaNncrnferred upworfmnanfto Trustesor Somficlaryis is tandedto besxctusive•s9 ai-y vifrer+rmr 3yheroin or bylaw provldedor <br />permitted, but each shall beiminnuistive and shall tta In oddiflon to every other remedy given hereundlror nave cx nevwalfer! riaHng al law or in equity or by <br />statute. Every poweror remiid)rgiven by mYof the Loon 4Wnnnentsto Trustee or Beneficiary and ethera0hri -vi r„ayparnje inconsistailremedies. Nothing <br />herein shall be construed av prohibiting Nattviiciary froaf eawldnq a deflOrracy judgment agerV, Tin>_sr7-rr In if7e extort sucts a ton it+oenrsfled by law. <br />20. Tn nNw of Yta Frolootp,, Aaearrrpgort.:r ell or any part of the T: ust Estate or Interest then xtn is OaV. transferred or ottww(vol conveyed by Trustor without <br />Bonwicierys prior Wri t)1 a irmtent. excluding. <br />(a) A Transfer by daAe s, descent, or by, operation law upon the deat!t of Truster; <br />(b) The grant of any ressehold InMut not otherwise contrary to the farms hereof; <br />such action givesriseto a right of acceleration under this Dead of trust or the Loan Instruments and Bens(_otry may, at Lcnisr'.!c,ary's o; ::an, doctors all sums <br />secured by this Deedof •Trust!obeImmediately due and payable, or cause Trustestoffle a notice of default If all such sums awri�Tpoldwithin thirty (30) days of <br />noticeolacceleration Beneficiary shall have waived such optiontoaceelersteIf. pri ortothesab, transferareonvsyanee ,Smse+flclary andthepersontowhom <br />the property Is lobe sold or transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person is satisfactory to esnsfie% ary and that the Interest payable on <br />Me sues secured by this Dead of Trust shall be at such rats as Beneflc pry shall request <br />21. Mpwd FM #$"M. Trustor hereby Wtunts a copy of any notice of default or notice of ads hereunder be mailed to it at the address ug ion;, in cror first <br />paragraph of this OS" of Trust. <br />22. 0oewrWrg LowwA Ron- Wahrars, Teals Ceed of Trustshall be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska. In the event that any provision or clause ofany of <br />the Loan instrumentsconfllcts with oppl:esbte laws, such conflicts shall not affect other provlslomlof such Loan Instruments which can be given effect without <br />the connlcting provision, and to this end the Provisions of the Loan Instruments ore dechared to be severable. This Instrument can be waived, changed, <br />discharged or terminated only by an Instrument In writing signed by the party against whom enforcement of any waive►, change, discharge Or termination is <br />sought r• - - =` —_ __._ <br />The acceptance by Seneliciary, of any sum oftefthe same is due shall not constitute a waiver of the right either to refit OM prompt payment. when due. of all <br />other sums hereby Secured or to declare adefaull/s herein provided. The acceptance by Beneficiary crony sum In an amount less than Inesum then dueshall <br />be deemed an mcceOtanceon account only and upon condition that it shall not constitute a waiver of the obligation of Truster to pay the entire sum then due. I <br />and Trusters failure to pay the entire turn than due shall be and continued to be odsfaula notwithstanding such acceptance of such amount on account. as <br />slain a+d. anoOenvfreraryor Irusmalmaunesrahrrmes mereatter and untumeentrresum tnendussfu unavebeen Vold. and notwithstanding meaccopmnce <br />by Beneficiary a Wallow or further sums on account, or otherwise, entitled to exercise all rights in this instrument conferred upon them, or either of Ihem• upon Y <br />L the occurrence Gill default, and the right to proceed with asale under any notice of default. and election to self, shall in noway be impaired. whether any of tucn <br />amdunts arm, Waived Prior ofSUbsattuentto such notice Consent byf3enelis +arytoanyuansachunofacti linof Truunrwh ichisSubjeetfoConsentorappiova+ <br />of Beneficiary hereunder shall not birdssmso *waiver of the right to require such consent or approval to future or successive transactions or actions <br />An rl�reoearenceai13enetineryor :fusteein ever rtsIrig aft yt,ghl of femedy hinmuridnn nr nlhnrwiROEllnidatl try apps l Wit lady s-iall tint bee waiverof or <br />ptetlUda ihaexNCta,Ut /nylig;ht tar femedyhbreandal Lixewits. thewatvarby Hennfi.,arvor TruntPPOfe•nydOlsult Ul Ttustor ;,seder rrligli3edof itustah Ili <br />not be doomed to bie s waiver of any other or similar defaults subsequently eccuir•nq <br />Cr �f <br />f+ <br />