<br /> 1 �
<br /> ADa�.IST�LE RA►TE RIDER �
<br /> u Yeu�r�a�,�y t�aex-R.�e aa� 9p--�.0 3 7 5 �_
<br /> irii�ru�lv�i�rissnninKi�icum�de•��• 22sr _ct�yos 3u;►r �q �
<br /> �rr1 i�i�o�orn.d iaw aud.b.0 ae aMea�oa to ameaa��u�+�e,eea� �,e Morc�e� n�or rr�,c. or s.curccy n�e.d� (�e ��sKwl��
<br /> brtr�t��)a�eM wtM d�tt�Iwa O�r ebe�ed�i�e�d(the�•Aorrwrec•')co Ncure�arower'�Adlwtabk Raca Note(tbe��Note•�)to!!Q�
<br /> � ow
<br /> ��A�!1.OAN AMOCIATIOIi 4i�OMND lilAND Nl11lAtKA(the��Lender•�)of el�c wa�e date aad covai�y tbe
<br /> popue�r dNaiMd fa the S�cutity IaNron�t and loat�d ar
<br /> ' 4157 Airport Roac�, Grand Island, NE 68801
<br /> (�Y Addra�l
<br /> 71b��le N�1�ir rn�Mw� M�wl�/ tK eY� 1� �q t�Iw�N�te �M a� �
<br /> M7��•'hY�Y�s�Ir tM w�N h i�Me�N nle a�ey��t�q sM tiM�M
<br /> � is Irt■fU��r/IM��M�e I�1�q.
<br /> � ADDtTIONAL COVBNAM'9. In�dditloa to the cav�n�nts and yreemenq rn�de in the Srcudty inanumeot.Horro�and L,et�der
<br /> hrtMr oorwwNt n�d yroe M foiio�vr
<br /> A. WltidT�ATi AND IMO.yflt�Y tAYI1�NT CHANGE'�
<br /> 71�NoN proridw ta w idtid interat nte ot 12-S �.Soctlan 4 of the Nae provides�a ch�tVe�ia ehe e�t.�rat ate�ad the
<br /> �V!0�7��.a�[dlo�n:
<br /> (A? C��D�1w
<br /> , 7we I.4ec«�na t«au py arr ch.are on�he�n�aay or — Ju 1 v ^.w 91 .ana on a+.c dar�r
<br /> �12� Tw 1 v rno�tlu tlKraRer,�ach date on which my interat rste couW charyte is calkd�"Chan je pte.'•
<br /> ` rn TM�
<br /> � 1r/inai�/witb tAe tint Clf�n�e D�te.my interat nte�riU be ba�ed on an Index.Ths"I�"i�the wcekty�vetye yk{d q�United Stata
<br /> 71tMturY�curitiw adjwad to a�on�tant maturity of 1 yar,a�made�rd1�Dk�y the Federv Reurve 8wrd.The mat rc�eent le�dac ffjure
<br /> �v�il�ble�t u[tM du�aS d�l�before ach Ch�n�e Due i�all�d the'•Currrnt f ndat."
<br /> It tUe Iadat i�ea lo�yer availaDk.lA!NO�t HdMlt WIII CMOOf!�M'W IL1�[KItICA�f Z1ifl�UppR CqTf�fabk information. The Note �
<br /> � Hotda�vll1�ive me mtirae ot thls chudoe. �
<br /> (C� Cdt�w�tCW� •
<br /> ' -- ::
<br /> --- _,-_--_ . __.__. –w!'al�iied 47�i D�i.�ir:l+TOt�RBidv wID rakui�u a►y new iniaat r�te by 40dfn� �Ciul' and one ha]f p�,�� . -- _
<br /> ppfat�f�4.5_ _ _ �)to the(.ltrrcnt Itbac ufd rautbit�to the neare�t 1/eth oi 1�I{i,suD�ect to the ti�iU stated in S�ction 4(D)be{ow, ' _
<br /> 'iblr ra�nd�d�ount wiA Es my new fataNt r�te uetll tl+e�t Chtn�e Due.
<br /> TAe Note Hold�rU!thea determitro the atnount of the monthty p�ynxe�f tt�t wou{d be sufficient co reqy ie full the princip�l t �n
<br /> : a�prcbd to o�re oa tl�t Chuye Dru ie wbfcastiaily e�pual paneent�by the cfuwrity dau�t my new interett ute.Thie rpult of�hi�cakvlatlon -
<br /> , wW be tbe ae+v�nonnt ot my eaoos2�1Y D�Ymmt• -
<br /> ' (D) �i�lb�IMMUt�M CryN
<br /> [tie t�a.r.K rue t am rputreo �o qy .� cbe rua cnrese aee wiu na be aaur � 14.5 �, or tes etw+
<br /> 10-S !b.'Iba�alta.�r interai nce wtU never be increased or dec�eued on any sinE{e C'han�e[�u by more thu��2.i)�) 'Two
<br /> . Percent f��qy��q i have been parin�tor the preccdin<<wdve month�.The minimum intueit rate on this Iwn w�iU never be
<br /> tar tlWa�s.�_�ud the�oaximum incaa�rs[e wiil never be srsa�K chan 16.0 �I,.
<br /> (E� Fllaltte DrN of C���e
<br /> My new iatm�t rate w�il!be�tic�e eifective on esch Chan�e Uate. 1 Mi11 pay the unoune of my new monihly pyment be�innin=on tt�e fint
<br /> mauNy p�y�fenc dace sfter tAe Cha�e D�ce until the amount of my momAty p�ymmt chan�es a�ain.
<br /> l�'R NMiore o�CM�
<br /> The Note Hoida wiU tnail or deliver to me�ttot;ce bcforc e,�;h Ct� �
<br /> anje Datr.The naice wiU adrise me af: ��
<br /> (i? the aew Interest rate on my lwn u of the�'hanEe Uate;
<br /> (ii) the amount of my monthly payme��t following thr Chanje pair:
<br /> (ifi} Rny�;�i��tctrs which the Notc Holder ix r4-qu�rcd to disclose;anQ
<br /> (iv) the�ddrai of the assuciuton you couid cantscc re�ardins�ny quations about the adjustment nntice.
<br /> !. CHA.lGl�:I.I�N9
<br /> Uaiform Covenaq!t of tM Security In�irument i�amcc►ded to read u foUow�:
<br /> 1. C�Mr;IJw.Horrower sFutl payail tua,we�sment�,au,�.othes char�e�,fines,an�impaiuon�attribuubk to tht Propetty which m�y
<br /> attain�priority ova this Security tn�trument,�td tasehold paymmts of�round reat9,f f�ny.in the rtu�nner Qra��iCcd undcr paaajraph 2 hereat
<br /> or.if not pidln�uch maaner.by Bonower maki�p�ymc�et,when due.dlttctly to thr pq�ee thtteof.Bona�•rr�ha}I promptly turNsh Lender
<br /> W notioN of�nwttau due utsder thi�parqraDh.and in the e�•rnt 8orrow�er shall make payment d�rectly,Borrowa�ha1!promp�ly fyraish to
<br /> Leodet r�Ctipts cri8encltu such p�ymenq. Botrowet �ha!(prornptly dlschu�e Any litn which h..as priority a��ct this Seruritp lnstrumrnt;
<br /> ho�ever� HonOwer slull not be reqyitcd to dlKhu�e�ny such lirn ao lotlj u Botrower: Ca)�hill ajree in writlna eo the paymen[oJ the
<br /> obt�adon�ecured by such Uen!n the manner accepqbJe to Lender;(b)shali in Qaad fuih coneese such llrn by.or defend e�ains�enfarcoment ot
<br /> `...........�.�r.
<br /> such Uea in,ieql psoceeditut wAIch in the opinion o!Lender oqerate to prevent tht enforcement of the licn or farfelture of the Property ur any
<br /> put there0f;or(e)shall secwe from the hotder of such lien an agreement in a form satisfac[ory to Lender suborQiaatinj such lien to this
<br /> Secutity instrument.
<br /> If Lrndec detetmint9 th�t�ll or any part of the Propeny is subjeet to a iun uhi;h may attain a pr�or.:y o�cr ihis Se.urity Instrument,
<br /> l.ender shAll sive�otrower a nniict identifying such lfen. Florrouer shal!cat:sty su:h liet�or take one ur morr vf iNe�:,t�ons sct focth�tra��e �
<br /> within ten dty��of the giving of the nosice. «t
<br /> LC. N07'[CE �r
<br /> Unfform Cavenant 14 of the Sclurity Instrument is antendcd to re.�d us follo«s ,,J,
<br /> i��
<br /> ii. Nodet,t.xrept farany notice requircd under apph�ahlc lau tn be E;i�en ui nn:ithrr rnzur.cr,fa►any nn:r,e to Horr„v.cr pr��.�,ieJ fc+r m il+�� ���
<br /> Security Instrun�em shall begnen by delitienng�t nr hy maihng u by fuu clacs mail tn Han�+�tier at�he I'n��+ern 4d.trc.ti,�r ,d,u,l�,�[her xddre.. ,
<br /> as Borroµer may ctc�.ignate hy notice to lender ati pre��idca bcrcin,in:!(bl arn nu;i;c fu f cr�er�1::ali he�ncn t�� hnt _;,,�. rn�,; !,� i endrr'.
<br /> nctdress statcd here�n ur tc,su;h othcr addresc at t cnJer m�� Q".��fSt�:ll�h�r��(I.t'I��i;�R;�v,t�at pt��'.:i�:'il hClt:fi •�t�� C.�t..� rl.�.�,�_�j f�•.•I1�fl�i•.
<br /> Security Inslrumeut�`�all he dcemcd tu h��.c h::u F��cn:t,ls:�rn�ac:��r t cr,ucr•.:t�n,•.,�,�.� ih: ,�•.,: �� ,!;-.,:.,...��.;.�,,
<br /> ._. �
<br /> �, _ , . _ .. ,_.,.. ,..... ---. ._._ ...,........ ..--. ..._ r---- .....---___�.___.,_.._...__._.---._,__.�.._. . – ----�-----..____—_...i'
<br /> � , . � �. _._....�.._._<:, � �. � ' �. .
<br />