_ _ _ _ _ __ _ .. _... � .._. . . _ .
<br /> . �w_._�.�. --
<br /> �_ __
<br /> �
<br /> � � .
<br /> NoM�UNIFORM CavENANTS Barr�wer and l..ender further cd�cnanl and agree ac f'MIaw�Q� 10 3 7 a�
<br /> f y. Acce h n t i o�: R e�e N�. l�e i d t t �i a l i �i�a �o t i�e to Borrower prior to recclet�tioA [ollawing F�oe�ower's
<br /> wweM pt My ee�t�t or a�ree�t U tii�SKwNtl�f�we�t(bMt�o!p�ior to�cctlention under ausQ�pAs iJ�nd 17
<br /> ��y�ky�N w� �e�O� ot�irel,'1'be�otke�ll �city: CNI tke dehult; (D1 the�ction tea�ircd to cure ihr
<br /> .__..__�.._.._._.._.��...s�.._t�,�.t��t�.s tn Barrawss.bY+�Aich t5e det�ult n!��t b�curcd;
<br /> iN�witi ici�M�I�M1ti�wM twa�w w��w vw.r�.....� u tl�e�otlee a�a}res�lt ia ucckraUon o[the sue�+
<br /> a�M t�t)tMt tdlwe ta�ws Nie�eh�t o�a�Mtort t�e i�te qeci�ed.
<br /> �'^" New�+��y tia S�rurity IMtn�t a�i�ate el'Ne Pro�e+�t9�.T�t aMiRe�11 f�rther tstonw Sarrowee o�the�irht io
<br /> ! t�i�slNt sc�cela'adea ai tM� �i�Y+t te�t1�t�eorrt�ccio�to�ert the non•esi�teace of r defa�it or �nY uther
<br /> iK�e o/BMrvw�r to aeetMr�tio�a�i�a�e.It tYe i�t��lt i�iwt cMred°e°r beiore the late speciAe�t i�t�e�otice�Lender
<br /> �t its orNo� ar re�tine i�w�ii�H MY�t is hll af d!�s�red by c�is SecuHey Iwstn�ae�t Ri�Mowt �unher
<br /> ��M wry i��oke t�e pwer o/�le a�a�r oeier rew�dla�en�itte�by aMlicsb9��IMdI�. but aoteUsited to.
<br /> colNet �I! sx�e�e� i�c�r�i� �e�IM tMe rewwl�s IKO�iiei ia tMb �U*
<br /> �tiM�tton�s't�,a�M crtts af dNe e�iiMCe. ot the
<br /> It tl�e pwee ot s�k h i�taicel,Trwtee slall recard��otice ot dehMlt is eacM cor�ty I�w6ic!swY M�
<br /> pro�ety b IoestM Ni tMVt w�il eNi�s o�ae��otke i�tMe��Kac�i�by aMlic.�Ak law to Borrower a�d to tAe
<br /> ��e��rpedrei�y a�iieatiM Iitw.Attiee ttie tiwe rq�irsd by aNlicark law,1'rwtee sMrlt dre wblic sotice ot
<br /> �a1t to tMe reno��a�d i�tlie��er pre�cci�ed by y�licabk I�w. '�'�ustee.withort de�sa�d a�HoRUwe�.slisil xll tMe
<br /> Pro�erty�t�biic arctio�to tl�e�hiest b{id�r at tYe Nwe and place sud ande*the ter�n�desiputN ia the notke ot s�k te
<br /> aNe or�ore Mreeb a�i i�a�y order Tnstee ietenaiea.Tn�stee�uY patpae sak ot all�tsy/ucel ot the Pro�ertY SY
<br /> wllk a�ouNee�t �t tMe tia�e aNd Place ot�uy �re�io�sly uUedMled �Ie. Lender or ib desip�ee m�y pu�chase the
<br /> Pro�erty at a�Y s�le.
<br /> (7p�t�ecel�t ot Nyweae ot tYe Kioe Iid. Triutse s�sll aelirer to tke precbaer Ttastee•s deed coareyinR the
<br /> , pro�erty,TMe reeitab i�the Trwta's Aeed sWl be priiaa fiicie e�ilerec at tlie srutA of tIK sutenienu aude thereio.
<br /> � Trw��e siu�l�y�ly tre�oceeis of tAe sak is t1e folMwis�w�der.(a)to ali ea�e�aes of the srle,iwcl�diq,b�t eot lin�lted
<br /> to.Tnrtee's tee�a*en�itte�by�lics►le law u�resro��bk sttornen'fees:fb►to all iu�s xcnred►y this Sec��ity
<br /> I�ttni�t;�nd(c1 u�y exce�to tre�crsoa or�erso�s{eplly e*titled to it.
<br /> 20. I.ender in Potsasioe. Upon acceleretion undcr paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property. Lender (in
<br /> person,by �gent or by judici�lly �ppo�nted recaver)shaU be enti�led to enter upon.take posstssion a!'and msnage thc
<br /> Property and ca collect the rents af the Propeny �ncludi�6 chose past due. Any�enu collected by Lender or che recei�er
<br /> shall be applitd first ta payment of the custs of man�gement of the Property and collect�on of rrnts, includ�ng. but not
<br /> limited to, receiver's Fees, ptemiums on rece�ver's bemds and reasonable a�torneys' fees.and then to the sums secured by
<br /> this Security instrurtnesit.
<br /> � 21.Recoere�a�ce.Upon payment nf all sums securetl by th�s Scc4nty In�trument. Lender�hall reque�t Trustee to
<br /> reconvey the Praperty and shall seectender th�s Secunty I�serument and a11 n�tes e��denc�ng debt secuted by thic Secui�ty� �
<br /> lnstrument to Trustce.���ustee sh�Rl teconvey thr Propeny Mtithuut warranty and��thuut charge��the persim or persons
<br /> le�ally entuled to tt.Such pe�son nr penons chall pay any rocordat�on ccxts
<br /> -- __-... . .-- - � . . ,-- -.. ...... f�,��.........•.�...nn.�Trnc�rr.�nd anei.�mt a succasc��trustee . .
<br /> _ ._.. .
<br /> iI.�7�ii1tY[! i ntsieC.I�.cnuct.a�it5 vkuc'�'i.r�r.�. - -
<br /> to any Trustee 3ppointed hereunde�by an instrument recarded�n the coumy in wh�ch�h�s Setu��c�inscrumerrt��rccorded.
<br /> Without conveyanee of the Property,the suc�essor t�usta shal!succeed ta all the tule.�.c�wer and dwies�onferred upon _
<br /> Trustee hernn and by apPlictble law. �
<br /> 23. Re��est ta�►Notiea. 8orrov�+er requests �hat cap�a of thr not�res of aefauit and sale be sem to f3orrower's
<br /> address which�s thc Property Address. =
<br /> 21.R{itn to trb SeerrltY l�trrwe�t.lf one oc more nders are execttted by Borrow�er and recorded together wtth _
<br /> this Secunty Instrument,the c��eriants and a�reements oi each such naer shall be incarporated meo and shail�mend and —
<br /> suppiement the cuvestsnts and agreements of th�s Secumy Instrument as �f the nderl9► were a part of th�s S�cun�y 'f
<br /> Instrumrnt.[Check a;pplicable box(a)J
<br /> _ �, AAjust�ble Rate R�der J Condomin�urn� Rider � :-4 Fimi{y Rider _
<br /> � Graduated Payment R�der ',� Planned UnU Development Rider
<br /> p at��ns� (sac�ry� Acknuwle�gmenL
<br /> BY 51GNIhG BEtOw'. Bottawer acrepu and agroes to the te�ns and cv�enants .anta�ned �n th►s Setunty�
<br /> Instrument and ro any nder(s)eaecuted by Borrower and recorded v►��th,n �
<br /> ....................... ................ .... . .. .
<br /> ,� �s...�t..�ff�`^�--r.--�,�.-'.1,�� .1Scai)
<br /> 1..t�l�nd H. }•:ickhof�' - _ `�owe�
<br /> . .. .. (Seal)
<br /> � ..... . .. ... .... .. ... ... _�.�.�
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASkA. Hal] < <'�����ti "�
<br /> Oil this 215t da} ��� .Jutur . 19 t)O, hctutc tr..:. itie uncfrr,ignrd. a tiutnn 1'uhti.
<br /> du{y commissioned and yualifieci f��r .aid.uunt�. ��er+��na4t< <ame l.e�l��nd H. �:ic khui : ,
<br /> a single person , t�+nzc{,r►eewn s�+ he �hc
<br /> idenlical persc�nl�) whu�e namrt�l .�re �sih«rihed t�� ehe r�+rri����n� �n.�run;ent ar�e1 aL:.nouledKecl �hc c�.c.ui���n
<br /> r^-_.°_°"-
<br /> thercof to be h i s ��•lu�u;�r. a�c and �icrd
<br /> Wimcss rny hanci and nutarial .e��l a+ Gr�md Jsland. tirhraskri �n�ai�i ,�,un��. ihr
<br /> datc aforesaid.
<br /> c• �� F � l�;a d..E.J�-+L
<br /> ��N�MY,�IIr M� ��,.;v�.:.l.✓ -�. �
<br /> � �JNlIZ L KA9KiE ' . ' M
<br /> rl�Y�wE�eDa.!l.It97 RE t�l'E til F i�lt kF( t��ti� Y �ti� f �t
<br /> �
<br /> �c•T�t ,r!.� s•-j
<br /> Thc under5��ned �c ihe h��lilct ��t thL n.r.r .�� si��tc- i�nr�.l �•� ���� f�...i ..t 1• , , . .1 • �, . , . . ���
<br /> u�th.tU��!ha•r �ndchteJnc,••e.��rrJ h� iln. 11.�,' , � I��i � •.�-. .. . � .` ti� . � � . ,
<br /> ur�_ ,�� �i��cc� .�nd �t�i� 1�rc.i ��t i�,i� . ..i,�,!� �•. ... . ... � . . . .. .. . • . • �
<br /> r��.. r::l�l h�. . �u •,n�lci •ii�. i)�r,l , . 1�.�. . . . . . � ,� . . �
<br /> U.�t c
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