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<br /> D. UNIi}[MII�8�7CURt7'Y IN8T1tUMt NT;t'AYF.RNINC LAW:SF YE ItA�11.IT�
<br /> 4,t�if�rw►[`�y�awR 1�ni�jY C.nufl►.;il15!f'.:�!!!!!!�°�e��ru4'S�l4 Cta+�A!�4l��W�:
<br /> r 1�. Uni('N11i Ne�k�M�ff��1w11;Co�K�Lsw�5k�e�ty.Thia form ot Securlty Inslrument combIr,es unifnrm caver�nis fpr nationxl use
<br /> ¢ aad�oaa�nilattp coveMnti with N�nihd v�rl�tlaro by Jurixlktion to con�titutr a uniform aecurlty instrument covcrtnf�e�l property. 'i'his
<br /> Sacwity la�trument�Mil be�overned by Feder�l l�w u�d the law of tho jurluliction in which t!u Property is tocated. In thc evertt th�t�ny
<br /> prorftlao oe cl�we of ehit Secarity Instrument or thr Note canflitt��ith applirabk law,such conflict shatl nat a(fcv;i otAer provisiona of thi�
<br /> 9nvrity lartrua�ent a the Note�rhich can be Slven effect vrithout the canilictin�pravisian, And to this end the provisians af thi�Secutity
<br /> l�WrwaMt and the Note�re decl�ued to be ievaabk.
<br /> Udton►CavenRnt 1?of the Secwihr lrowment i�amended to read u follaws:
<br /> 17. 11��fK M ti��r�tf er��e�eifd�ll�M�a1 h Mrrower.If vl ar any put of the Property or an intae�t therein is sotd or transferrcd
<br /> (or if a benefkli!intereat in 8orrawer 1�sald or uansferred u�d Borrower is na p naturd person)without Lender'a prior writttn con�ent.
<br /> I.endes nisy.M L�ende�'s opt�lon,declsre�11 the sum�secured by this Socurity Instrument to be immediat�ly due and p�yabk. However.this
<br /> optias sh�ll uo1 be exercixd bY Lendet if exercise i�not authorized by Federal law.Lender ma►y waive the exercise of this aption if:(�)Borrawer
<br /> awa to be wsmltted to Lender inform�tion tequircd by l.ender to evaluate the intended transferce as if a new loan wete beinj made to the
<br /> tramR{ee;and(b)Lender rea�ooab{y determines that Lender's security vrill aot be imp�ired by the loan usumption�nd that the N�k of the
<br /> • , bra�ch af�nymvetiant or�ceement in this Saurity In�tnimen�is acceptable to Lender.
<br /> To the extent petmitted by appliabk law,Lrnder may chuee�reaso��ble fee as a condition to Lender's canseat to the loan usumption.
<br /> ' l�dei nwy sbo rcpuirc the tntuterec to kcep ol the promisrs�nd aarameets m�de in the Note and in this Security I�strument.
<br /> "lf l.ende�exerci.xs such option to�ccekrate,l.ender sh�tl maii Hor�ower notice ot�eceleraUon tn Accordana with puastaph 11 hereof.
<br /> , Such�otioe sAll!pxovide a period of rwt kss than 30 dsys from the Mte the notia i9 mdkd withln which Eiorrower may psy the aums declared
<br /> dut.�f Horrower l�ib co pay auch sum�prio�to the exDirs.tivn ai such period.Lender may.without funher nada or demand on Horrower,
<br /> invoiue�ny ranedies�xrm(tted by this Sccurity Instrumen�."
<br /> "Natwitlatandin��sale or tnn�ter,Borrowet will continue[o be obli�ated under the Note and this Security lce�rrumrnt unkss l,ender Iw
<br /> rdeaeed dorro.r�in wrltin�."
<br /> F. LOAN CHANGFS �
<br /> ft tlk idn savred Dy cR�e�ecurity Insirument is subtsct to�law which sete maxienum loan char�a.and thac law is Tinalty interpretsd so
<br /> thst t,�e Interat vt othet lan eharQes collected or to be coilected in connection with thr loan exceed petmittod limits,then:(1)any sueh loan '
<br /> _ `- . ciQrie�ii ve�oau�x��y cne ameom�ry to re�uce[ne ctrar[r�a me -`—
<br /> peTmlRtd Iin1II:�fid(n iffy�uttU aiready colkcted Itom bonower '
<br /> whiCA exc+aded permitted limits wili be rcfunded to Borravrer.Lender may chonse to make this refund by reducin�the principal ow•ed under the ' �'�"
<br /> � -
<br /> Note ot by maktns�dlrat p�yment to$orrower.U a refund reduces princip�l.tht�educdan will be�rated as a partial prepsyment under the -
<br /> Note. -
<br /> 1N W1TN�SS wHER�OF�sorro�e.w.cx���e i��ej..a�Rak ew�.. -
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