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<br /> c- - r , .� I *= ! L� - '—'—"'�`Y.,t_ .�a r ,Y... ;!T-�. i r �y'r',,.<�r . _ . .
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<br /> -l ll� �l - - �� ��5��;� � �� � _ \ Y �!{��.l�r��.� 1' j
<br /> ._,_�—.F?��4: - - �_'..`,.1�;111K.H1� ...sf.Gi:ia� ,�IM�" °-�._- $1'F;l'�».._`�:.,�--.;�`:��4�r,� �.�_ — — ____, e��l��� .�.
<br /> , . . � �
<br /> �-� �� -
<br /> �
<br /> . g4 10365�►
<br /> e�ch ya�r (be�innini Deaember 1, 19l0)N both prin�fpal �nd interest bein� p�y�ble et the
<br /> , �tfiae oi N�rrls Tewt �nd Sarin�s 8enk, In the City of Chleaeo Rnd 81�te ot IUinois. or �t
<br /> � the optlon of the re�istcte� ownen thereof� at the prineipal oitice at 8ankers Trust
<br /> Comp�Ay in the Barou�h of Maehatt�n, Clty �nd State of New York, in any coln or
<br /> ` ; aarre�ey of 1hs Un1tM St�tes oi AmeMea wA1eh at the tlme ot piyment is le�al tender!or
<br /> , � � public and p�ivate debts.
<br /> �
<br /> � The 8onds of 3eeies 4� �hall be aubject to redemption peior to maturiiy. at
<br /> . the optlon of the Company. in whale or 9n p�et. at �nytime on o�after the Closine Date
<br /> ' upon at least thirty (�0) dsy�' notlee �iven as provlded in A�tiel� Ei�ht of th� 4ri�inal
<br /> � indentu�e upon paymeot at the p�lneipal smount of the Bond�� or porllon ihereot, to be
<br /> ` � �edeemed, •nd ace�ued inte�est thereon to the date fixed for �etkmption to�ethcr with a
<br /> � � Make-Whole Premium, (determined five Buaineu D�ys prior to the date of auch
<br /> � redemptlon).
<br /> i
<br /> � Bo�ds of Seriea h redeemed �rlor to maturity pursuant to this Seetion l.a]
<br /> . i �hefl be selee'ted in thr m�nner prnvided in 5eetion 1.05 heeeof.
<br /> , i
<br /> � Seetion 1.02. Hond� ut Series K mey from time to time be �xecuted by ihe
<br /> ! ('��mpany and delive�ed to the Teustee •nd shall be authenticated and deltvered by the
<br /> � 'i'rustee upon the written ordce of thr Comp��y ai�ned by ii� P�esidenl. upon eompli�nee
<br /> � with the provislons ot tTfe U�I�insl Indenture as ii m�y irom time to time be�upplemeMed
<br /> • rrl�ling to ihe issuaaee of addittonal bonds aubjeet� however, to tiu limftation set torth in
<br /> 1 thA fie�t pers�r�ph uf Section 1.01 he�eof. � _
<br /> -- - -- r •t..., a Ae - Ti. _ • �f' �A� C��.��a �f �a�{u-1� �nA 1lfw► �oR!}f inwtp n� ihn ---- -
<br /> _ ----- - - -aaci�twr n�w. •...: v:v - -- - - -
<br /> Trustee tu tfe endorsed on ell bonds ere tu be in substantl�Uy the fiollowin& respertiv�
<br /> for,msu
<br /> �
<br /> � � I (Form of Band vf Series K)
<br /> Fi�st Mortge�e 9�.919b t3ond. Se�ies h
<br /> � bue June 1, 2000
<br /> . Numbcr f'riv�te �'laCement Alumber
<br /> 7'!i� i,1hCt)L.N 'F�I.EPHUNE ANU TEI,EGltAPN GU:NPANY (hereinafter �
<br /> '_ ��u!!ed ihe "C'arapany"), a eorporetion organf�ed end existing under and by vi�tue ot ihe �
<br /> " �aws of thN 5tetc� r�f bel�ware, tvr value �cceived� acknowledgcs itself irt�lebted and hercby
<br /> prun►isca tcr.pay to �
<br /> �
<br /> . ur registered essig+�s, un thr firsl dey of June, 20U0.
<br /> and tcr �sy inte�est therean frdm the date hereuf et tRe raie tsf nir.e end ninciy-one '
<br /> � hiuidredtt�s peceFnt (9.9I�) per anraum until the said prineipai svm shali h�►ve became d�se
<br /> c�r,� payAble. end theveafter at ten dnd nirs.ety-one hundredths pc�cent (10.915ib,) per annum�
<br /> � gnyab!Q semi-annuslly vn ih� tirst t1Hy ,�P �une an�� lleeembcr in eech year (l�eginning
<br /> : i3ecembee s, ���aj. witn int+_*r�st on avcr�iLe interest f�v ti�ie C7{Tiit� Ge�r�t2tetS t�y
<br /> appli�abte taw) at the�ete af ten end ninety-ane hundredths percent (30.91qa)per ennum.
<br /> �
<br /> r____.—___
<br />. ♦
<br /> � � �
<br /> i �
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