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<br /> Wti�REA9 the Compeny desi�es to e�eate s��ddltlunal serics of bonds to be
<br /> desigoeted First Mort���e 9.919ib Bands� Serie� K, Due �une 1, �000 (he�ein sometimes -
<br /> �eferred 10 as "HeMea K 8�o�d�" or "Ha� ot Seeles K"), to be issued punuant to th�
<br /> provisions of the Orl�lns,1 lndenturei
<br /> WH�RLAS ihe Company may leQslly aupplement tre Ori�l��l Indenture in
<br /> 1 hccordance with 3eetion 2.05 thereof in order to deseribe the terms ot the Series K F3onds
<br /> " � end ln �cco�Qance with�3eetion 13.08 theceof in order 10 add certein eovensnts and a�re�-
<br /> � < ments hereatte� tn be observed by the Comp�nyi �nd far sueh purposes h�s csused this
<br /> � � Eleventh Supptementsl indenture to be eret�ted snd exccuted �nd delivered;
<br /> 3 Wti�REAS the Company has acqulred certain property hereinafter described, �
<br /> � ' a�d deslres to subhect aueh property to the lien ot the Ortginal tndenture a� he�etofore and
<br /> ; . hereby supplemented �nd desires to ereate s aeQUrfty intcr�at in [avor of the Trustce
<br /> ' � unde� the NeDraske Unilo�m Cotomercial Codei
<br /> WIiER�AS el1 sets� conditians end things neeessary to make this �leventh
<br /> � � 5upplementel Indentu�e a velid and enforceable egreement according to its terms and for
<br /> � the purposes he�ein expr�eu�d h�ve happened� have been done and perFo�med. end the
<br /> exeeution and delivery or thls Eleventh Supplementei indenture have been !n all respects � �
<br />: ' di.ly autho�ized;
<br /> NI�W. TH�REl�'OR�� 9n consideration of the premises�nd oP thc sam of Une
<br /> UoUar in hand paid Dy the Teu�tee to the Company upon the executiQn �nd delivery of this �� ..
<br /> Fieventh SupplemGntel lndenturr, the �eeeipt whe�eoE is he�eb�r aeknowledged� the
<br /> _ ��mQanv hcr�bv eov�nants and egrces ta and �ith ihe Trustee end its auccessors in the ;�;
<br /> -- - - - _ _ ._
<br /> irust under the Ur�Qinel Intleniare, es supplen�ented and amended, tor fhe e4us1 enA - - - --
<br /> ' pro rata benefit end seeurity of el! present �nd future holdtra of sU bond� anfl coupons �t
<br /> eny time issued end outstanding und�r the Original Indenture and under eny end ell , -
<br /> indc�ntures supplemental the�eta es fallows:
<br /> �
<br /> AEiTiCI.N UN1: �
<br /> SEKIF:5 K i3(]NUS
<br /> ���tiun l.Ul. There is t►ereby c�ested and a�uthorized s series of tionds
<br /> Aesigneted First Martgegc 9.919�c Hands, S��ies K� Uue June l. 2000� to be issued under end �
<br /> pursuanl to and secu�rd by the U�iginel Indenture. as.supplemented and smended. 'Phe
<br /> egQre�:te principel �mou�t of the kionds ot Serirs h which msy bc lssued is hereby Ilmited r
<br /> � tn Forty-tour Mlllion i�ollars (i��.000.000)o subject ta the provisians of 5eetion 1.04 ,..�.
<br />� hereof end Scctions 2.09 and 2.l I af the Uriginel Indenture. T�e Bonds of Series f� shell be
<br /> issurcf or,ly in the lorm of registered bonds without coupons. Each Band ot Se�fes K shell � _
<br /> be dated as uf the interest p8yment date next precedjng tne dste of issue unless (e) i�sued
<br /> on en inlerest payment dste, in which ctise it shall be dsted as of the date ot issue, or (b)
<br /> issucd prior to the acc�rrenee of any interest payment datc!, in which case it shall be dmted
<br /> the dete of ;ss►�e. �sch► l3on� of ��ries h shall bear inierest fram the date thercof and
<br /> sh�ll be in a de��mination whieh is e muitiple of One 'fh�e�sand [Nillc�rs(i1r000). t3onds af
<br /> �:�er�a_4 E� th�i+ h� n:,mt�ere�1 K-1 �nd upwxrQs wii��oui re�fd ta denarainatiaas. �Z3i Hc�rti�'s
<br /> oP ��rics K s�HU mature on June I. 2000� shell t�e�� ➢iiterest at the rAte oi nine end ninety-
<br /> . ����r �iutldr�dtlis percent 1y.919Fsy per ;snnum tcomputed crt the b�ssis v� a 36U-dny yeer of
<br /> twelve 3U•Qay m�nths) pAyable on the f�r�t dey of June s�nd the f;�st day vf tJecember in
<br /> _.�.
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