r i � t 1 't� r•:1�.�;. f _ '�,;,:Y' � 't7d .d.v r!H`y� •r.: .s4�! `! 't hi:: t.U;'1 a �IY f G s, fGt (
<br /> ;:` .'l s �. t :, . . . . . .��'—,� c.. r 1 , .t !j34�„�.
<br /> -S f _..,..-�.,,-��'r ti . 3, '_" ' ,.ilM1-.- .t � „i ..� '�`� x;���'1�••��.+r_tR'•_ ���� -{f�= ""-q .—s .:ti_��.��n-� r .�. _.. �"iai �.
<br /> 2�..,.�.�.._iL:...• ,'...u. -. .:��i��c�� r S�S'i��i�ti ar.�l � :l..niT `�r�=—�� � ,.n�: .�.d. , a�jt.��e}. �����
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<br /> � �
<br /> t,
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<br /> - � 94--
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<br /> � 9'he prineipal of�nd(nt��eat on thl� bond ue p�yable in any roln or�u��eney
<br /> uf tl�c United St+�tea oC Amerira which ai the tlme of payment i� le�al tenda� tor public
<br /> �nd priv�le deDts, at the oftiae of H�rri� Teuat a�d 8avinrs Hank� �n the Cit�r ot ChicaQo
<br /> �nd St�te of Illinois. or (�t the option of the holck� or �eQlstered cawner he�eof). •t the
<br /> prlecipsl otfice of 8anken Trust Company� in the Borou�h of lYi�nh�tt��, City a�d St�te of �
<br /> �ltw Yark.
<br /> 7'his bon0 is one ot a serie�of bonds desl�nsted F'1n4 Mort���e 8.919�6 Bond�,
<br /> ' Serles 1:, Due dune l, ZOpO. The bonds ot ssid seriea a�e pui of �n is�ue ot bond� of the
<br /> Comp�ny authorized, issued snd to be issued under •nd pursuant to �nd secured by ��
<br /> inden�ur� aP mort�a�e dated as vf J�nuary 1� I916 (he�eln retee�ed to as the "tnd�nture'�,
<br /> " s�s supplemented or *mendcd by n First 3upplemenial Indrntu�r dated aa of April ]. 1��9, a
<br /> ' ' Second S�ppicmrntsl Indenture dated as ot Ap�il 1� l9SZ, a Th1M Supplems�tal Indenture
<br /> . dsted �s of Febru�ry 1, 1l5B. � Fourth 3upplement�t IRdentu�e dated as nf Ma�ch 1, 18s0,
<br /> e �itth Supplement�l Indenture da�ed as of tketmber 1, 1851� • Slxth Supplement�l
<br /> Indeniure d�ted as of Mar�h 1. 1966. e Seventh Supplema�t�l Indenture dated as ot
<br /> ; � Merch l, 1531. an �iQhth Supplement�l Indenture dated as ot Qetober 1. 1975, a Alinth �
<br /> Suppicme�tal Indentu�e dsted aa a! Septembee 1. 1978� a 'Penth 3upplementol Indenture
<br /> dated a� of Jdnuary �, 1A87. �nd •� �leventh Supplementa! Ind�ntur� datrd of as June I,
<br /> 1990, �ll dul� exeeuted �nd delivered by� the Company� to li���is Trust •nd Savings Hank. as
<br /> , '1'ru,t��e� t�� Mt�ctc•h Indentur�, lnriuAing �il indentures supplementei ther�to, refe��ncr is
<br /> harel�y mnd�• fur e deserfption at thr prupertv right;� and franchises the�eby mo�t�ag�d, ��,
<br /> � lhe nuture and ��xtent ot the seeurity, the �i�ht�at the hotAers pf Ihe s�id bcmds in �espcct
<br /> ut' suc� sec�irit� and the �iQhts and immunities of the Trustee. 5uch bonds a�e issuAble, �
<br /> r�ithuut lirnit HS to �g��eR�te prinripy! �muunt. in eiiceetsiv� se�ies whieD may vsry as to �
<br /> cLite. [late i,f ne�aturllu_ �ate c�f inteensi. mrAiunl nf navmMnt_ wnA in nlhwr ra.�ntc wc in _ - :`
<br /> --- -- ._. . �_�._ _.._. ---- --- ----- '--r--- � -- -—
<br /> _. _ _ . ti�c �ait3 ihdcnturc prvvii�cd. - - - -- --- - _
<br /> �?—
<br /> '1'he �irst Mortgage 9.9!'k> lfpnds. Series K� Uue June 1, 2Q00, uf w�leh tAis =
<br /> t,�.�r�d i� une. ar� af slmilo� tCf10� �1lN.'tu� ene ere limited to F�rty•-Fou� �lillion Dollers
<br /> (fai�uU0.0[In) aY��,e�ate wuthoriied p�incipal emuunt.
<br /> 'i'he 13onds pfi SeriE�s i� st►alt t,n sut�ject to redemptior F-ior to rr�eturity� et �
<br /> ti�� uptt„n ut th� Cr�mpany. in whulr• ��r in pert. At enytime ette� the Ctasing U��te upan at
<br /> ���o�t thirty (3U) days° nutiec� �iven �s pruvided ir► Artiete liight of the tncier►�ure upcm
<br /> �,aymt�rit of t�ir prinelpai smount uf the 11�nds, ar purtion the�eof, tu be redeemed. Ana
<br /> sec�ueA intcrrst thercon to tt��� date fixcci Por rrGemptian together with e Meice-Wttol�^
<br /> 1'rc mium. [dete�mdned five Husi�ess t)a�s priur tu tl�e date af sueh �edemption).
<br /> "lfwtine.�t I�y" sRell mcan ea� other tJay other than a St�turday. Sunc7ay or
<br /> c�tr��� ees �n NM��!�benks in IiUnois ere rf•quirrd Dy I�w !o c•ivse ar ere custombrily ttosed. '�
<br /> "M�lcc-Whole Ptemium" sti�lY ri�csr�� in cunneexion wiih tt�e �cdrmption ��
<br /> �sur�uarzt t�errtu, th� ex�as�. if eny. uf ii) the aggregelc present value es of the dete uf
<br /> ,unc �E�slemption of ear� clolter uf p�inc9pNi tsring �eQeemcd end tt�e emuunt c�f inteeest
<br /> (�x�:��sive af intesest ee�tued tc�L�:i• datr. c,t ru+�ernpt'tc�n) ilhst wou1Q A�ve lreen p�rye�lr in
<br /> rc��p�ct c�f suct� do1)er if sueh �edemptiun hed na: been rriede. dttermi��ed by discauntin�
<br /> � auc�h en�aunt� at thr I{�invQStment ttate fro�: the resperti�tc Qetes un whsch they woul�
<br /> l:�s:� �es: pg;a�'.p, t�scr t6i! 30�� ef !!:c pris,�i��: as���r.� :,t !!:c atsi�ta��irg �n�s b�irsg
<br /> _ rt�c�c�en�r�S. Jf tf�� Hrinsr�slment liF.'.+� �, ec;.:ayi lo ur tzigf:cr than 9.91�k,. the� �r,ke-wno��
<br /> �'r�•n��u�r� st�u:! be lero.
<br /> b
<br /> ,.r ���
<br /> � � �
<br /> r.►
<br /> L0�I�!
<br /> 1.�._. �
<br />