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<br /> bidder� th� purchase price payable in ca�h in laaful woney nf the [fnited
<br /> St�te� at th� tiiw of sale. The p�c�an coaduatin� the ssla way, fos any
<br /> C�u�� M OT a�l� �I�Ni �lij/tYJ11iM{.� �tV��a.j�vi�� �iiv io�v f�v i �.S�a+ Lv �iw�a 'vYL3Z
<br /> � it drsl� b• eoapliXad �aae3, tn ���ery �seb ca�e, notice of postpoaaeent
<br /> ah�ll M siwn b� puhlic declasat�on there�f b� �uch par�oa ax the t�w
<br /> ard 1sc� ls�t a�ra�.�tsd for tha aale; prnrfd�d, 3� tbe sala is poaepaa�d
<br /> !or �es��r thaa ad� tY� �ar bsrond th� d�� de�i�ted !n t.�te Notice of
<br /> 5�1�� aat;fc• th�cao! �baZ1 b� ai�rtn in th� u■ne sumer a� �1re orisioal
<br /> � lbtic� o! ral�. Tru�t�a ab►a9.�. e�ecuta u►d dalirer to eh� purehss�r it�
<br /> �d cos�ri� t4u psopartr �o �oid. but ai.thout aA� cows�nt ar �rr�aat�,
<br /> . sspr�• or i�pli�d. Ttw r�cital� in the De�d ai any rtt�ra nr fact�
<br /> �li b� coaciwiw proo� of th� trutb�na� th�roof. Ao� p�r�,
<br /> ` isciudia� witbout liwit�tias. 3�n�ficiasr or Tru�t� �a� parchaa� at ths
<br /> sal�. gaid yl� �hall � conductad at th� s�al ��tat� for�ios a part o!
<br /> tb� Frop�rtr or at th� court !aw• ia th� ca�mty 1A Khich tbe Propart� to
<br /> ' b� �old, or �ose part tb��uf, i� •ituated.
<br /> b) lihan Truat�� �ell� pqrsuaat to thm powrs hmrein� Tru�tee ahall apply
<br /> � . th� procs�ds o! tf� saic to pa�ent ot thr co�t� aad esp�a�e• o�
<br /> �mri�in� th� pwrar o! sala aad o� tha sale, iecl.udias, Mithout
<br /> li�ltaLiou. tM p���et of Truata�'s fee� iacurred, Mhich Truate�•� fee�
<br /> �hall nat in th� auresate e:e�ed the �u� of tiw Huadr�d and na/100th�
<br /> � Do1Lr� (�504.00) plus 1/2 of iX of t�e arouat seeured h�rebr �nd
<br /> r�ssinie� uapaid aad thea to the it��a a�t forth in �ubp�raaraph (c) of
<br /> �bi• p+�ra�raph !I!'!H !a t6� ord�ur thar�in �Cat�d.
<br /> (c) A�t�r pa�ins the ite�a specified tn •ubpara�rap� (b) o� thia
<br /> pacaRraph lIFrH, if th� ss,to i• by ?ru�te�. or tha proper coa�t aad othsr
<br /> co�t� a! lor�cloaur� �ad rut2� i! sal� !• pursu�nt to �udici�l foracloaura�
<br /> th� psoc��ds of �al� sh�ll Ae applied in ¢he order �tated be2uM to the '
<br /> pa�nt af t ,
<br /> - - __- .. - - � _.;�
<br /> Cl) C.Aa� e� �say �vi��u� a� GiCI� pxa�ur�d �n coana�tioa xit� sucA
<br /> salt and ot aay rereau� required to be paid; . -
<br /> (2) All swr th�a •ecur�d herebr;
<br /> t3) The re�iader. t� aoy. eo tttie psrw� or persons le�aliy eotitled -
<br /> th�reto.
<br /> -�
<br /> �ach ot tht partie� to tAi• D�eed of. Trust hereby request• that � copp of anr ''
<br /> Notlea of O�tault and a coF� +�f aay Isatice of Sale ProviEed for har�inabo�rs be
<br /> ssilad to ea�b auch part� •t hi� po�t aEfice addres� •et forth hereia. Upc�n
<br /> th� occuteoc� of an� dlfault hareunder, lkaeficiar� �ha12 have the opLion to
<br /> �as�close th�s Dt�d of Trust ia the sanner provided br 1aM for the Eoreclasure
<br /> of �oxt*a�e• oa real propertX.
<br /> aI�l1t: ?ru�tar �pecific�llr agrce� ch�t (s) Tru�tor, at its espense�
<br /> viil •�cuts ansi deliver ta beaeficisrq, pr�ptlr upoD r�qaeat, auch se�curity �'
<br /> iastru�nt• a� �ay t>e requixad br Btneficiarr, !n s fors And eub�t�u,ce
<br /> sati�Esctorr to EaneEiciar�� coverina eny of th� Propert� can�e+eped Dy thia
<br /> Dtsd of �rust which aecurie� iostru�ents ehall be addition�l securitr for
<br /> , Treistor•a f�ithful puforMCCe of ell of the tar�s corens�ta aad ceadition• of
<br /> tbis Dsed of Tru�t, the Note sad inde�tedne�s necured hereby. and aer o�her
<br /> �tcuritr lo�tru�eent• enecuted in coanection vith the indebtednees Recured by �
<br /> [h�s Iked of �et; asd ell euch ins�ruseats ahsll be flled aad rtcorded e�
<br /> , firwtorr• e�ease; tb) �eua��cisry msy. ira� ziae to cfae. by vrxtcen
<br /> � in�trn�ent ex�cutea and ackoorledged by eeeefict�ry. asiled to 'frei�tor and
<br /> „ e�enrded in th�a couaty or countiee �.n whict� thr Propertr ia locr►tec! +�nd by
<br /> othetMive caNpl�rina erlth the prayi�ians o.f the appliceb�e lawa Qf the Stete of
<br /> ti�bra�ka, •ubatitu�e d ruece�so� or eucrrssard ta the 'Fruseee naraed hecein ar
<br /> actin� hereunder; (c) although �he Truitee. or hi� euccr.eRar oz eucceseors.
<br /> �ey be a�n +�ent mf, oc a[Loraey for� or otherwise conaected with the
<br />, D�nafieisry, auch f�tcA �helt nat be constrned Lo �isqetai.�8�r hi• to sct as sueh ,-� --"°
<br /> 7'eustee. r.or ahall such fact pxev�nt tFre Tru�tee or �ene£lciasy fresa b�.dding
<br /> at � s�J.e and Duying a�n� pa�� or all of the Properiy aC �tny ssle hereti:nder;
<br /> fcfa ttut f f it ahc�a:ld be csece��ary or apprapria�te for. the proteciion o£ tlxe
<br /> sc���rity hpret+y coa�reyed or enfarc��cnt of the debt h�reby sPCUreQ, for the
<br /> Trustee or the Aeneficiary Lo inetitute �r bece�e a p.3rty to 3ny �raceer�ing or �
<br /> � suit in a covrt og bank�upt�cy or pr�bate or other court of gene��Y or liaited
<br /> �ur.i�sdictiac�, r+i� csxpensee an� C48Cf3 prop�rl;,� incurred by ry31(� TY13Bit'C or a�xd
<br /> Beneflcfary (S.acludinR ren�sanable attor�ocys' f.ees) paid or incurrQd hy anid �
<br /> 'Y'ruetee or Benefi�tary in eazint�zinin�, pcosF=cut�r►g ur dc�fendin� su�h ���
<br /> proceedi�g ar proteci:iap, their reepective ri�i�itrs ner�under ��n3I be an .�*+��
<br /> n�Zdittoi�l +�ebt securt�ci by thiF i3ehd vf TrvF.t in ltke n�nr�er With it�c '
<br /> t r�1 i i��t r: ...,,._ .. --- -- �
<br /> - - - — - --- - - -
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<br /> - -.,- �-� ,T ! ,�. �!f � � . � Il_ . .. . . � S., ����'Jic�"T
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