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<br /> ` �__� �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � 90-°-- �0349�
<br /> princtpa►1 debt h�reia de�cribed; (e) Beneficiary, or ite agente.
<br /> reprs�entatirAe or woriu�en, are autl►ori.zed to enier �.i eny reasonabld ti�e
<br /> upan or io an' part of tt�s Property tor Cl�e purpo�e di in��ri:�i«g �:� a�a �a�
<br /> � foe �he purpoi• af ps�faraia� an� aP the a�t• ii ia autharized to gerfore
<br /> u�ad�r Lba e�crw af tbia Dead of Trustz (f) any forD�araa�e Dy Benef�eiary or
<br /> Tru�ts• in e�reisin� an� ri�t or resed� her�uader, or othernlse aflord�d b!
<br /> app�ic�bi� lar, �hall not b� a �aivar of or pre�c�ud� Lhe ezerei�s of •ny auch
<br /> risht or r�d� l�r�uaderi �iailarly. th� Kaiver by ll�n�ficiary or Tru�tRa of
<br /> •ny d�f�tt�it o! Tru�tor uad�r th�s Daed o! Tru�t �lu�ii not be de�ad a Maiver
<br /> of a�►y ath�r pr •isilar d�#i►ule• �ub��queatly occurria�; (�) •stan�ion of t��
<br /> LiM Fox p+��pt or �odilic�tion or �ortisation of the �u�a ��cur�d by thi•
<br /> ONd oi Tcv�t sra�t�a br 1Ma��ici�ry eo aay oucc��ror ia iat�r�st of Tru�tor
<br /> �M11 not op�r�t� to r���a��� ia sn� s�taa�r tbo liability o� tbe orisinal
<br /> Tru�tor and Tru�tor•� •ucc��wr ia ieeterue. dan�ficiary �tult not be
<br /> raauir�d to co�+iac• proe�edia�� +�ain�t �ucb auccei�or or refuae xo extend
<br /> th� tiw far pa�sant or oth�rMi�e �odifr �ortication af th�e sw� nnd
<br /> � ind�btaddness ��curad b� Lhi• Da�d of Tru�t br rea�oa of any d��nd ude by ti�e
<br /> orisiaal 1'sv�tor aad Tru�tor•s succe��ors in interast; (b) rithout affactin�
<br /> ' th� liabil�ty of th� Tru�toY or �nr other per�on liable for the p+�7��nt of the
<br /> abliaatioaa aad indebtadaat� securmd b� thi• D�ed of Truat� and witt�out
<br /> alfactins tt� lien or charse of tht� Daad of Tru�t upon any porLion of the
<br /> Propartr not then or theratofore relea�ed es �ecuTiLr for the full ueuat of
<br /> sll unpaid nbli�stion�, Seaeficiarr �r. fro� ti�a to ti�e and vithout notics
<br /> (i) r�l�a�e anr p�r�on so li�ble, (!i) e�t�nd the saturity or alter aoy or
<br /> t�x ter� of any au�h oblia�tion. (1ii) ar�at other indul�encea, (iv) release
<br /> or r�coo�ey� or cau�e *_o bw ralea�ed or recoave�ed at an� ti�e at
<br /> B�aeficiar�r's option aay parcel e portioa or all of ttu propert�. (va take or
<br /> re��aae say ather or addYtional •ecurity for aee� ob�iaation or iadabtedness
<br /> h�r�in �entioned. or (vi) rke co�positioa• or otber arrana�nts vith
<br /> dsbtos�, in rel�tion thcreta; (�) !a additian to the riatss� and po+rer• given
<br /> to th� Tru�tee aad �tfiCiary herein, the Benaticiary ahall have all such ,
<br /> vther ri�ht� both in la+r aad equity fnr collRCtion of the ladebtednes• iacured
<br /> - -- ti!leby a� it 11DUld Il!t�fr. blfi fbr t2ii■ Ueso oi iru.'s; iji asj :::,.:r:.�:.:� ci:� ` _�_
<br /> a�t��ants of Trustur amt forth in this Deed of Yru�t aball De �oiat anA -
<br /> •ar�ral; (k) thie Deed of Trust �tull De governad by the IaMa of the State of �-
<br /> NNbra�ka; (1) in the ev+ent aay aae or �ore or the grovisios• coctt�incd in _
<br /> this Otad of Ttv�t� or tbe Note or �ny ather security in�trisent given ia
<br /> coaaectio� with the lndebtedness herebr a�ecured ahall fos aoT reason be helcl
<br /> to be invalid. illesaY or un�nforceaDle in aay respect, such inrelidity, �. -
<br /> illasalitr, or una�forceability sha12 at the option of she be�efici�rr nat '
<br /> elfect at�� osher provi�ioa of the Deed of Tru�t. but thia Deed of Tru�t ahal]
<br /> ba con�trued a• if �uch invalid, illegal or �a�nforceaDle provi�i�n had nevez
<br /> been contained hereia or thereia� If Lhe lten of thLs Deed of Trust i•
<br /> invw2id or uaenforcesb�e a� t� any port o£ the ind�btedacs• hereby eecured ar
<br /> e�id�t►ce br t!� Aiote, or if the lien !e invelid or unmfo�cceable as to any �
<br /> part of the Pcopert�r. the unsec�red or pertially secured portion of such
<br /> indebtedne�t �hali bc caNpletely psid pcior to the pa�snt of the resirining � �
<br /> and aecured or PsrLi.ally aecured portion of such t�debtedneas, and all #
<br /> g��eats �ade oa such indebtedn�es�, wh�ther valunurq �r �ader fortclo�ure �r
<br /> ott�er enforcese�t action ur pr�eedure:. ehelt bG coaaideced to have been firet
<br /> p�id on •ad applied to trie full psywent of tlsat portioa of �ch !ndebtedntss
<br /> �ich is not secueec! c�r not futly �ecured Dy the liea of the Deed of isust;
<br /> �and (�) Th�e covenaata and s�ree�ents contained in thia lk�d of Trust Rha21
<br /> t�ia�, aad ttt� benef�.te wnA aQventsgee hereof at�a11 inure to the respective
<br /> heiss� erecutora, adafaistratare. euccrna��� and as�lg�s �f t� garties
<br /> heteto. t�therevcr used herein, tt�e aingu�er nuarber shall laclude the pl«�rxl
<br /> � and conversely, aad the uaa of eny gencler stte�ll b� applica�lc to r�l.l gtndere.
<br /> lfierev�er thr. ter� "D+�atflciery te used hereio, ft shn]1 include the lega2.
<br /> holder or ho2dere of the Note �r the indebtedaeee eecured hereby.
<br /> SY1I�flfl: Upoa �+r.iCten request of Keneficiary �intinA that all amounte
<br /> and �Ludebteclnese a�ecured hereby have �een �aa1d. and u�on sunender of this • -----
<br /> Deed af Truat and the AJote !to 'Tcustee far the caneellati�n ��nd reteation and
<br /> upon pey�eat �y Trustar of Tru�:tee's f.eee, Trus�ee ehall recoav�y to Trustor�
<br /> or Lhe p�r�on or �ersone iegal�y ent�tled t:^ereto, witho�t warranty, �r�y
<br /> porCioo or the Prap�sty theu held by TruHtee her�uc�der. The recitala iz� �uct�
<br /> reco�veyance of uny mntters or fa�te �1uz11 De con�lueive }�ros►f of the
<br /> truLhful.n��s iheeeof. The grante� of uny reconveyance �y bt� described 3s ��
<br /> � "the person ar perr�one legel.iy Nntltlec� thereta."
<br /> �._.
<br /> $ICFi�I: Truc�tor acla�oxle.dgec th:it hls/her r.�srent ftn�n�tal posi[£.an is �'"
<br /> Ail t�1{IPnCCHRC SIICtP! in t3f'17CI3,C1i7Cy�t� �{t:t;+++LGi1 i�3 iuVniiCf.' :.�C �LS[i:S9 YL'F`rc'ggnt�'t� �.ti
<br /> by thc nfore:�enti oned no[e. Tru�tor t her eEore h;�a r�f;cerd� i n order Y�► providc�
<br /> Ir�iti•t1`• 1,--- -_.� ._ ._ �
<br />