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<br /> � 90-- 10�49�
<br /> �
<br /> doe• har�by have the right, po�r and authority duriag th� Gontinuaaca pf ttzis
<br /> a�d of Tru•r ca col�act tt,e rente. iaieues r�nd profite of the Propsrty aad of
<br /> au� ptraaa�i propartY �.ocatad thera�a with o� Mithout takia� poi�a��ion of Che
<br /> � p�esp�t� eftac�Rd xhax�eby; aad Tru�tor hereby ab�alutuiy and uacouditionally
<br /> a�aisa• all sueh r�at�, i��ua� and profits to Deneficiary. Denaficiary,
<br /> hew��ar� haeby coa�ant• to Trastor•• eo�lectioa and ratention of a�ch �ent�,
<br /> i�aws and profits a� the� acGrue and beca�� p+�yibie 40 long aa Trustor i� not
<br /> ae �uch tiM in d�fault nith xeapect to ps�ent of an� indsbtednea� secured
<br /> lxr�br or la the p�rforwu�ce o! any a�a�ent hera�uader. Ugoa any s��a
<br /> dttwlL, 31e+aefi€iarr say �t am�e tl�t, ei�t�et in ptsaon, !►� +��nt, or b�
<br /> r�c�i�ner to be appoiutsd bJ a court, vtt�aut notice and Mithout resard to the
<br /> alliq�racX o� any aacurit� !or ttM indebt�dnesa h�rab� s�cur�d (a) Rnter upon
<br /> and tate po�����ioo o! th� Property or aa� part th�roof and in it• ora na�e
<br /> � �u� !or or otiurwi�¢ collect auch reata. i�au�s and profita, includias thase
<br /> ' ptat du� and uopaid. and apg1T xhe �aae, less coat�� and espenae of oparation
<br /> aad cc3lection� iaeludins reawaable aCtorney's f�e�� upon aa� ladebtednese
<br /> s�cpr�d b�r�by and in •uch order �� �eneficiarr say d�t�c�in�= (b) �ea�� the
<br /> � or aar part thre�af foc auch rent�l� t�r■ •nd uyon wch eoe�ditian• �a
<br /> ' 11tu�liaiary•• �ud��at �a� dictate or t�rdn�te or ad�u�t th� t�r� sad
<br /> cvodition� oE aay �:l�tias l�aae or lea�e�. Unte�� Tru�tor aed d�a�ficiary
<br /> �rw� Atherrri�� !o �itlns� �ay applf.cation of ront�� i�nu• or peofit• to any
<br /> lod�bt�da��• ��cured h�ceby �h+ili not e:tend or poatpane Lhe due date of ths
<br /> , 1a�tall�snt p�y�rat• s• pro�ided in the Note or chaaae the a�ount of sueh
<br /> ia��al.l�nta. ?he eaterin� upoa and t�kin� po�Aes�ioa of the Propertr, the
<br /> cdll�ctioo oi �uch r�at�� i��ue• aad profitr. sad th� application th�r�af as
<br /> aEo�t�said. �ft�ll aot wlve or cur� �r.y sle�faal� Ar notice of default hesounder� �
<br /> or ta�alidate an� act dona puriwtat to auch notic�. Tru�tor a��i�n� to
<br /> 1l�ne�iciarr, as further s�curitr fqr ttie perfor�nce of the iadabt�dae�� a►nd
<br /> abll�aLiooa •ec.ured herebr� all prepaid ren�• and all �oaer� which say have
<br /> be�a or �ar h�re�fter �e depo�ited Mith 'fru�tar by �ny leaiee of the Property,
<br /> to •ecura the pa�nt of asr rent or daa�e�. and upoa default in the
<br /> cerfor�ns� Qf an�► o� the provisiona hereof, Tzuatar e�reea to deliver such
<br /> _ . _: rs�ts aa� d�posits ta II�nefielary. Aeliverr of Mritte� nat��e o� . :
<br /> ��ticiarr's exercise af the� ri�hts granted b�r thi■ pnra�raph thir8 to any Y
<br /> teeunt occupyins the Progert� or an�► portion tt�ereof shall be �ufficieat tn --.
<br /> requira �raid teiunt to psx said rent to seneficl�rr until further aotice. -
<br /> �: If there �hail be filed by or �aain�t the l�v�tor an� p�tition --
<br /> ot praceadi� aeei�ina an arraaaw�ent or �a�poii tion or esten�ion mr say oth��
<br /> we
<br /> telief und�rr or purauaat to the Pederel ssnkruptcy Code or aar other �id�sr �
<br /> �Gatute a� aor or ha�eefter La effect. or if tlae Tru�tor shell be sd,�udicated
<br /> baukrupt or lnsol�eat or aay of Tsv�tor'� property shsll have beea sequeetexe�d '
<br /> and wch decree ahall hare contS.au�d undi�chsrged en8 un�tay�d far 90 daye
<br /> eE�er �he enC�� thereof, then che r�twl.e of the Note and indebtedness hereby t
<br /> �ecured �hal.I, vithout notice, at tM optian of tht Beneficiarr. Deco�e d�e
<br /> and papsble.
<br /> �.
<br /> TI!l.f�: Upon default Dy Txvstor in tha paysent of or yerfa�ct+ance of the �-�
<br /> ter�s a�nd condi�ianr of the Nnte. or rsny reviewls. �adi ficntiona or
<br /> ��ecutioar thereof. the pay�e.nt af any other indebtednee• secursd hereby or in
<br /> t�e prrEorasnc� of any agreasent. cov�nonc ur rsrrenty herein contained oc eet
<br /> �arth in aa� asree�ent of iaatru�cnt e:ecuteQ by Tru�tor in conneetioa vith
<br /> tbe indebtedneno htreD�r �ecure� deaeficlary �y declere all euas secured
<br /> t��seby i�edl3te3y c#ue an�! pa�abl� and th� aa�e ahall Lh�reugQa becose due and
<br /> paYable �rithout prESentaent. debnd. protest or notice of aay kfad.
<br /> 7treraa,ftrr, Btneficiary �y deliver to 'frr.��tee c� vritten declaration c�f
<br /> default and c�e�sad foc aale. Tru�tee st�ell ltave che Yover of eale of the
<br /> Property anA ff 8entficiaty deei4e¢ the Aroper�y iA to De Rold it ghell ,
<br /> deqo�it wi.ih Trustee this Aeed of Tru�[ ortd ttMe rtote ar natep and �ny other
<br /> do�u�nte evideacing P�cpenditur�c� eecured hcrcby, and shall deliver to Trueter
<br /> a vritten notfce of defeult nnd �lectlun to cause Lhe ProQex[y to be cold� ancl
<br /> Trv�t�r, in tuc�, ehnll prepare A B1R�tAL no�ice in the fnf■ required by law, �-- _-- -=-
<br /> Y�SC�1 aha11 be duly f�Ied for record by Truazee. ir� turn. shall pxepare A
<br /> aiail�r uvtice i� the fore require�d by l:�W, s+hich shnll be Quly filed for
<br /> recard by Tr�n�cee.
<br /> (a) After th� ?��p�e o# �uci► tqeae rte ��y be ce��z:rec! by lzs�r f�ilavinE the t
<br /> � reeordatYcar� o€ Hoeic�e of 1)efault, und notfr.e of ��fautt �in�i �t�eiee uf Snle �
<br /> hrsvtng be�n given i"lEi requ]re�i f�y l�W, 'Crua[ee, withvut de�and on `�Yc�stnr�
<br /> sttell �ell. th�,• Property iierc•!n befoeo dc•�c a ibed, �aad any znd every pnr[ �•.t
<br /> theceat� in c;r�pEtrrite pnrr_elt� nr cn nzn��� a�, ttze Tniatc•E� r�ay �lect anci in f"
<br /> huch vrder na Tr.uc:tr.c• r�1y deCe:•c�tase �rn tti�� •t,�t.c ��n�l ar. the tf�ce and pl.�c� ���
<br /> �te�ipn�tc�d ;a Eltttd [Jotier c�f s,r►tF� �t ptibl t� ,ii��tir}�y *n c1�r� hl�r,Pu•st ��"
<br /> i +iftttlr. �
<br /> .. ,. � ... ._
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