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<br /> i� . , , _ �. . .
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<br /> � - .� l;
<br /> �� . -� ..��br ba�irir;sec�riEy af tha indebtedness�ere6y secureA. upon the request af the mortgasx. its successsors
<br /> • pr-assipu.atExcpaor sh�tl aaeaite and delava a supplemental mortgage or mortgages covering any aQ�ditions. �
<br /> - ;m�r�vem�nis, or bettecments made to th�property hsreinaiwvt descn'bed and a!1 prapefty acquircd 6y st sfter -
<br /> � the date hereaf(W tn fomi satisfactory ta mortgagee). Futhermorz. should mpngagor fail to cpre aay defiult
<br /> ite iht WYmea;of�p�iar or iafe�ior enaimbrtnae on the property described by this instrum�nb mcutgag,or hera
<br /> - . isy�raes to permit n�art�aEet ta cure sach defauh,6ut mort�agee is aot abti�ated to do sa�; and sneh advanc+es , �
<br /> � .�. • sh�[116ecome pan ai the ind�btednas serur�by tl�is instrumeat,subject to thc�terms�d cos�tians. �
<br /> �� e.'[9�e ri�tts cca►tod by this conveyance ahall ren�ain In full foree and effect during any posiponement oT `
<br /> �� ectmsiaa of t�e time of t!x paymeat of the indebtedness�evidtased by 3atid promissory note or notes, or a�y
<br /> � � put tlKreof aectired hereby. �
<br /> f.Tq condnuauly mtitttun hazud iastuanc�of such type or types and in such amounts as the mortgasce �
<br /> onay ftom time to tirn�e rsqnin an the imp�avements na�vv ar herqfter on said pruperty,and v�rill paY B�mP�1Y �
<br /> - -- � wif�n due any p�emiums#h�rreffor. All insuranoe shal!be carrled ia companies ucepta6le.to�lnortga8ee ana! the - _
<br /> � policia and rer�twats thcreof shsttl be held by mortgasee and have auached�t.f�c'eto toss p�qa`bte ctauses ia favor
<br /> � of and id,form acseptabk t�.��hhe martgagee. ta ev�;.�tass, martgasor��Ye imat�'sau aatia in writins .
<br /> I..:: .
<br /> • to mort�ee, anQ mort�ee msy malce proof of.lo�`�.not mads pro�npt►:�r�!�nortgagur, and r.,ich insurance
<br /> . comDtny tanceiu�ed is 6ereby authorized and directed to malce paymeat �n�"si�ch loss directEy to rtiortgiga� ,. .
<br /> itutad of to mort�or ar�anort�gee joindY,artd tlte insurancr proceed.����:�y�art thereof, may be applied .
<br /> ' by matpaae ai its opdon either to the reduction uf�the indebtedn�ss her�.�vred ar ta the ratoraKon ar ,
<br /> � repair of tde prop�rty damaged ar destroyed. In e��:of forccfosure of th:5��tgage, or otha transfer of title
<br /> ` � ta said property in chctinguishment af the indebtedness secured hereby; a1�-�ight,.tcrT� and inierest.of-the . - �
<br /> � mortEagor in and to any iasurance poliria thsn in force sha!! pass to the purchaseT �r mortgaga or, at the �
<br /> � -- ag�s�of tht mortgager,may.be surrendrred for a re�und.. . ` .
<br /> �. �'['o keep�a13 builc�+�,�s and oiher impruvements on said propert�v "sn good repair and conditioa; to
<br /> , pen�hii�commit,�suffrr na w�ste,imps�irmcnt, deterioration e�said prop�rty or any put thtreof;in tht evrat
<br /> � of failure of the mortgagar to kap the bvildings on said ��;ses and those erected on said premises, �� •
<br /> �mp�avernnents thereon, in g�e+d repair, the mortgagoe may ma&e such r��s as ir� iss discretion it may dee►.�.� �
<br /> , necessary for the proper g�ervatioa the�reof; an� c�e full amau�t ot' ea� and every such payme�t shat! 6c ' "
<br /> , immediately due aad payabir.and shatt ffie secured by the lein of�is mortgage. �,
<br /> . h. To not valuntarily create or pe�mit to be created against the property,subject to this mongage any lien °
<br /> ` or tiens inferior to�he tien of th�s mortgage without written cansem of the mongagee; and futher, t�:at mott- _
<br /> �S►�c�s�ill keep and maintain the same free from the claim of aN persons supplying labor or materoat:s,for cQn- �
<br /> sttuction of acz�a�d all baildings or improvements now being erected or to be erected on said premisa. ' =�•
<br /> � Q. To not rent or � any pa�rt af the rent of said martgagal property or demolish, or remove, �r , . . -�
<br /> � su�niially alter any buitdis+.g without!he written consent of the mortg�gee. �`--
<br /> ,, j: All awsirds of damages in wnnecsion with any condemn�tion for public use af or injury to any of the
<br /> ' property subj+act iv Ihis mortaage are hereby assigned and shall be paid to monga�ee,who may applp the same to ' ��
<br /> p��t of the instsflments lut due under said notQ, and mortgagse is hereby �uthoriud. in ttze r�me of the
<br /> � mort�stgor,to acecute and de?iver valid acquittances a:iereof and to appeal from any such award. � -
<br /> ' , � k.The rttartg:3gee shal3�have the right ta inspect thc mortgaBed prcmises at any teasanable tim�. :�pr
<br /> � #.
<br /> i. To corr.ply with tP�.�7ovisions of any lease if this Mortgage is o� a tyasehold. lt this Martgage is on a � ,
<br /> , � unit in a,cond�rninium ar � planned unit devotopment, 8orrower sha�l Ferform all of Borrower's obfigations
<br /> � und�er the drel'uation or covenants cre�ting or governing the c;�ndominium or planned unit develoDmenf,the
<br /> by-taw��nd resulations of ttte coadominium or pla�nrd unit development,and constituent doeumeets. . �
<br /> � _... . _ ._._. . . - - -
<br /> ..--�-�--__.. . .....--- ..
<br /> Z. Oef�ult ln any of the covenants or conditions of this instrument or of the note or toan agament secured hereby
<br /> , shall terminate the mortgagar's ri�t►t to passasion, usc. and enjoyment of ehe property. at the option of thc
<br /> mort�g,a or assi.gns (it being agreed that the mortgagor`shall have such right until default). Upon any such �
<br /> detault,the mottgatee shal! become the owner of all of the rents and pro�ts accuring after default as security fbr
<br /> the indebtedness secured hereby. with the ri�ht to enter upnn said property for the purposc of collecting such
<br /> rents tnd profits. ?his instrument shall operste as an a3signment of any rentals on said proprrty ta eh�t extmt. '
<br /> . .
<br /> ` 3. IP the mortgagor delauits, anld fails to m�ke any p��yments when due or to conform to aad comply with any of
<br /> the condirions or agreements contsuned in this mong�ge or the notes whic it secur�h�eer� the entirt principal � •—�-_
<br /> sum and accrued interest shaq at once become due and payabte, and ae an ri� 1_� f_ _7�)interest '
<br /> theraftcr until paid at the election o!the morlgagee;and this mortgage may thereupon be foreclo.s`e83mmediately
<br /> for the whole af the indebtedness herehy secured, including the cast oF extending the abstract oi title from the
<br /> �-�- � d�ie of fliis mortgage to the time of c�mmencing sucfi suit. � �
<br /> � 4. In the event of a loreclosure or default as prnvided herein, the mortgagee shall at once be entitied ta the pos-
<br /> sessian, use. and enjoyrnent of the reat estate afaresaid and to the rent. issues. rayaities. and pro�ts thereof.
<br /> ftom the accruing of such rights and during the penden�ey af foreclosure proceedings and such.passessions� etc., .
<br /> shall at ance be detivtTed ta the martgagee upon requrst. upon faifure such clelivery of such pns�essiore may�be �t`p
<br /> . ,entorced by mortgagee.by any approptiate Iegal prvceedings.including a receiver tor_thr ptvperty. �f
<br /> � - _ �_.
<br /> S. '1'ttt pru¢eeds af any sale of said proprny in arrnrdance with the preceding p�ragraphs sh�il be applied first tn a "
<br /> pay the costs and exgenses of said sale, the�xpences inrurred by the mortgagee far the purpose vf protprting or
<br /> � , tnainttiiining said praperly..sesondly, to pay the indebtedrtess scrured hereby; anci thirdly. to �+ay �ny sutplus at '
<br /> excess td the person ot persnns tegally entitted thereto.
<br /> . . J
<br />