.--- . _... .. . .. .. ... ..--.-.:...__ . _.:: -- -.-._ . . - - -- � � - - - - ..._.... -- - -- - -.. . _
<br /> . .:. .. �.......
<br /> �_� : , ,_ . - - ;'
<br /> -- ,. : . , - - _ -. - ' � - � ; - � �:
<br /> � � � ` . r . . -- , � �
<br /> f , � . , . �
<br /> � � . � � �.� � � �. ` ,; � �--103i�3 . . ,
<br /> . `� �; 6. in the'eveet said propecty i� aotd�t a ;ud'ueiat foreclosure s�k a purau�At�to the power of a sak hereinaliove ,. � . .
<br /> • � � �sMed,�ad tlie p�ooeed�sre�ot s�fficient to�y tl�e total ind�btedneu savnd by this i�uume�t aad eviQrn� .
<br /> < ed by tsid promissory notr, tAe triatp�ec will be tntitt� to a de£clency judaement !or tha aaiaunt of.tAe •
<br /> . � d�j3cierN.y witbart rr�rrd ta a�rai�nreAt. � ,
<br /> � 7. !ri the event the�aortp�or fa�to paY any,federsf. state, ar local tax assrsmrnt, income cu or`aher tu lien. , ,
<br /> � � . , chNe,[a or other expaae clsu�ed yain��thc proparcy the mort�ee is 6ere6y authoriud at�ts optinn tb psy � � -
<br /> the s�mt.A��sams sa ptid b�the mort�ee sEn11 be added to and 6ecoti►e a�p,ut of the priaapal amount of tl�e, . ,`
<br /> : incbbtodneu ev�knoed� by said ncxe.suhjxt to the saraie tmns and coaditions. If the mort�agar sh�il pay and , .
<br /> .' , �.+9i�chu/t.the indeUtedness�evidenced by said'pmmissory aote�and shal}P�Y snch sums and sMU dischsc�e att
<br /> , :tue�aod lia�s and tTre cosu.fe�s. and a�penses ot malcing� mforcing; ufd executina thts mortEase. tbea this � .
<br /> � , nw�p�e shaQ 6e qiaveUed and surcendered. , � �
<br /> ; - - ,
<br /> � B. The cove�nts herein contsined sha12 btnd s�nd the brnefit�and advantaaes shaU inure to the reapcctive successor�
<br /> :� and �s of tlte parties hereto. Whenever used, the sirtgulu nuatber sha11 include t�e ptural, the ptut�l-t6e- - - -
<br /> - , �it�uitr.and the ase of any ge�der sluil inctude a11 genders. •
<br /> t '
<br /> � � 9. No wuiyer�sny coven�nt herein or of tht obliption secured hereby shatl'at any umG thaeafter be hetd to be a . �
<br /> , . ' waiver af tT��erms hercof or of.the not�secvred heroby. ,
<br /> � � �10. A judicial dacra. order�ar judgement hotding aay prav�sion ar portioa of this instrumrnt invalid or unenfarc� �
<br /> ` able shaU not in any way impair or prectude tht enforceinent of the remaining provisions or portions of thu •
<br /> ' • • �nstrument. � •
<br /> ., ,; . .
<br /> � 11. Any written notii:e to be issued to the mortgagor pursuant tu the provisions of this instrument shall be addressed
<br /> ; . _ . . : -tb th� mo a.aQF �t 32� egt �$4_Graad Islaad, D�e -588R3 .. .-- - - -- - — _-- --- - -
<br /> . � .
<br /> ; and any written notice to be issued to the�aortgagee shall�
<br /> ; be addressed to the martgagee at�R 'u_ ttp�h; RLfAd, �rand TR2and_ ATe b8803
<br /> � , ,
<br /> � , . .
<br /> : ; � I:��'WITNES�.'�"a�F1tEOF, t�mortgagar has eac�.��cl�tt�is iest�ument and.the mortgaga has acceptM delivery of
<br /> . + this uutroment a�¢Y the day and year af¢x9aid. ` . : � . • � ;-
<br /> , ._ ' 1 . . � �. . .. . . _Q!tl!'�!/1_�.,��k��.,.. .. �., ,, .. . ��--��.-s .
<br /> . Da� R. Woads ,�"'-
<br /> l � �, ..,"�����:t.G�'.�'r.td. ,.ti
<br /> . ; �./�. gnaette A.. Woode ................... �
<br /> . ; . . v%� .
<br /> � �� Exeqittd and de�ered in the prestnce�¢he following witnesse��:.,�.� � ��
<br /> .. ................................................ • ,,
<br /> ............... ...... ............. ........... .
<br /> i � � (Add Ap�r��iate ActcnowlMgemruc� ,� , �
<br /> 1 . . .,��.
<br /> ; . �_'''•
<br /> f f ' � , .
<br /> � � ::� � STA'1�£OF NEBRASKA Befor�r. A qualified Notary Public. personalty appeared � '
<br /> � N , . .
<br /> SS. �v:d . Q. GtJ�,t d l 1�
<br /> - � �U COUN'f'Y OF - - �-v.:�.�ZT'-� � w�,Q�j , ,
<br /> .. ... --�---.... . .
<br /> � ' . knawn to me�to id�rntical persan of�persons who signed the farregoing insuument aarid acknowledged the execution
<br />: • thereof ta be.=E+�j�_voluntasy act artd decd. . � '
<br /> , . Witness my hand snd Notarial�t�at on N�f� � . 19�.
<br /> . ; ' �����:� : '
<br /> � �
<br /> (SEAL) G��ENAI NOTAAY•5t�!e ot i'��raia . � • �
<br /> � � �
<br /> . . f;+°. TNOIlAA5�.C�::�t.�:
<br /> . . � ��.:'� t,i�Ca�n�►.Ez0 irr.'tA 1�0 . Notary Pub'
<br /> ; MY Commission ExDires �-� �i �o , !9 �3 O , � . -- _
<br /> . STA"F8,OF NEBRASKA Bafore me a qualified Notary Public. personally appeared .
<br /> � ss. �
<br /> .. _ . _ - � ` �vfJNTY"OF President of —.-� . _ . _
<br /> � i
<br /> a�carporauon, knawn to �ne ta be the President and identiral person who signed the foregoing instrument, and
<br /> acknowi�dged the e�:ecution thertof to be his voluntary act and deed as such of�ctr and the voluntary act and deed of
<br /> said corpor�tion an8 that its cnr�rorate seal was af�xed theretn by ias authority.
<br /> � Witness rny hand end Notarial Seal on � _� 19_ _ _
<br /> . (5�AL) . ----- - ,.�..�.._,_ -
<br /> .. _ � . _. N6[ar�Puttlic • } .,�. .
<br /> � o
<br /> � My Commissian Expires � , t9�
<br /> !
<br /> F, �
<br /> _-_ _ _ '_ _�aii:b;uii'u""�(SFRAR�-"ii'.T+e-'f%.�n'n'.3Rn:7i-�:=�:::_. — _—_--
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<br /> —,u�!. � _ _ U�.-<- `:'Y� � �L . S� . .__— -- _ •_. . - ..:.- -.--" ..._. .
<br /> .^�qG'�(("��-��I•�._' 'Y. �-� _ i�Y _ -. i._.�i.f._:_'! Ls.Sf`,K .�"' i� - ,�, _ __- _-_. . ____
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