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<br /> ° . � . _ - .
<br /> , � , . . .. �
<br /> ��-. -- � _, . ' .� ,• ` .. ° � " ` . ` �, . " , �
<br /> � �_ � � .:; � �..: . - � � �It3I�TGAGE � . � � � � � � � : . . �
<br /> � � , � . - . .. _ � . �"�031�83 . : .
<br /> '1'Ais mprtsa�e iasde and eatercd iato this 9 ' dsy af ' l�tav -, � ;
<br /> � � � �g��.,,b�e and,6etween , Dsvid �. Wooda,a�d Y.y�eete A. Wovds, husban8 and Wlfe� �
<br /> . (Ga+eip�htc relrlrt+ed to i�iaottp�ot�Imd Unioa B�tt� 8 Truet Ca. , �` � � � r �
<br /> . ' of Gsand Ialaad� _
<br /> • . .. (iKrdtiitar refared to sf . , .
<br /> ,, � � .. mortp�x}, wt�a msintains an offia a�d P4oe at business at 2a� �r_��4a_ str�et ir Citsnd Islnnd, ; '
<br /> . �� . Hait CouatY.NCbf�fTfL - � �
<br /> . ; Wrn�s.�,tiut fac tbr consideratioe hereizi�fter ststed, recdpt of which is heteby acknowted�, ttir mart�a�or •
<br /> ` doa lxr�morti�tr.�+ i��.�P}.�d�'�►�Y uato the mcntpt�ee. its succasor�u�aaip�. all of the fot .
<br /> � tai�i�daRaribe�PmPrrty xitwted and betng in tt�f�ntY of � . - - , -- .
<br /> f State af Nebiasica. . . .
<br /> • _ . ,
<br /> . 4'he H�sterly 61 feet af the LastetZy 82 feet of Lot 11, in Bioek 1, . . �
<br /> � � � in Weeterhoff'• Fitat Subdivfs#on ia tha Ciiq of Grat�d Ialaad, 9s11 ,
<br /> � , � Couttty, ileb�aalca, according to tise recorde8 plat thereof. _ .
<br /> • � ,. .. � �
<br /> ' . �' -- -� .. - - -- -- - '• � - - - -
<br /> . , :. ---
<br /> --- - -- ,- .
<br /> � . � � , � . .
<br /> .
<br /> � . � � . � �
<br /> : . ;:,;
<br /> . . � . � ' . � -
<br /> _._ , - . - -. ���:-
<br /> . to�ether with all the tenerr►ents�nd��puctenanca �hereto betanging, all��e rcnts. issues�end pro�ts ehe�eof, and all �
<br /> � eastmrnta. rlshts,rayaltits, mineni.dil gnd g�s ri8�ts And rtofits.w�cer.�ater riahts.arid wster stock.�nd inctudin6
<br /> � all hatinj. plumbioj. relrijtration. liahting. equipment and all ti�tu�s af evEry dacription belonsins to the ' � �
<br /> ' � mort�saar now or heresfter itta¢imf thereto o�used in conneetion with clrc.gr�misa hrrtin Qesctibtd s�nd in sdditian ,
<br /> thtreto�he fol6owin�describeA properci�s which are and shall�e deenned cd be fixtures and a part of the calty, and
<br /> � are s portioa�iF.'�he security for�he i�d�he�edntss hereia s[ated:tF�c:ane;state'•none") . �,�,,;�_
<br /> , . �:�--
<br /> � � To have and to hold the same unto th�Mongagee. a4 herein pra��ided: � � -��`
<br /> The�murtpgor is t�wfully seized�:r.d posscssed of and h�s Ihe �ight tu sell and convey said property: that the
<br /> . � s�me is irre lrom all encumQrartces eiccept as hertinabave ra�ited: aRd that Mortg�gor covenants to warrant and
<br /> defend the titte aforesaid thereto and every pan thereaP��tainst ti►e claim�oi ali persons whomscx�rr. •
<br /> This idsttument is given to secure the payment vf a pro�iavory notr da[ed.__..__�l�S._g,._.1989_—._..__..-�-�,
<br /> . in t(fe princiyal sum of S._��l S.t� � _____ _... . . . signcd by _ns.�i a a . �,.y�t���-.y�...
<br /> inbth�11 of f?�w�R..topp .._._--.,._. _._ ---- _T_ ,...�_.:._�.,.__ ._�� _.__....._.. ._.___._._______.._
<br /> � � , � atso;a�sneh ntxe or note�mRy frotn time tn time be mndific�l.renewtd or e�tended in writing.
<br /> tn the eveati the titk ta said real estate is transterred. ar contrracied to hc transferrcd. from thc undtrsigaed for any
<br /> rason ot by �hy method whatso�e�er. the entire principal sum and acrrued inttrest shall at ance became duc and ;-.- __:. -
<br /> payable at the tleetion of the ho2der hereof. �ailure to cxercisr this aptian because nf'transfe�of ti11e as above seated •
<br /> in�one inistance shal)not constitute a waiver ot the r'ight eo exrrcise the same in the event of any substquent transfer. ,
<br /> ' ' ,,.
<br /> � 1. The t�tortg�gm cavenanis and Agiees as fallows: �y � - � � -
<br /> �. To promptly �ay tfee indebtedness c��dertced by said Dromissnxy noce at ihe t�mes,and in the manr�et
<br /> � ' there�n provided. � ' .
<br /> � ` b. Tu pay alt.t�xes. assessments: water rates. ahd c�ther �overnmenta{ c�r municipa{ chasges, finrs. c�r �
<br /> impasitioas, for whi�h provi4inn has Rot betn �nadt heteint�efare, and wiii pramptly delwer thr otfuial rece�pt-. �
<br /> � - � -there€c�r tc�Ehe saic�mc�rtga�rr. -
<br /> . - �' �: �
<br /> . �. �
<br /> c. To pay �uch erpra�e�at�d fees as nzay be i,�cnrre:! iri tti; �+tc�tertif�n ari�3 m:�tttEe���tnce uF ��ie! ��rv�*e►t�. '
<br /> � � inetuding t�e feca c�[�ny 3ttcitne� em�lr}ed t►y t�se mc+itgagee fE�r the ial�e�tivis ��f a��y ��r all �:i the�ndehtecine�s
<br /> ' herehy sec+�sed. c�r f�uecl�?ntitC Fs� ifl(sFl�:il�'CC'< <ale, rr c<n►rt rre•,,rr���i�;o, c•r �n <zr��'f��f�c� irti�;dlt(�Ti f�( rTi�i;rCtim� - �
<br /> � af(e�ti�r�s.���t p�c��ert�. `
<br /> .�we+aa �
<br /> �
<br /> --- --- - - — __ ----
<br /> - - �.� �------- - ----
<br /> , . :. :_ � �.- ,�_��.a.�m� z � .-, -, ;�
<br /> -� �':�i'�''_�;...z�. � ��- -.,:...i� . . �s 3 , --_ - ..
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