. . • . . ',} ..
<br /> � , ' � " � _ ' � - '�� � ` , � �
<br /> , . � � . � i � . � . .. � . . . �
<br /> , . . . � ` . - �. � � - �"� 10314� : .
<br /> . 1f J.endes�qaired�t�e insvraaoe as s wndition af�alcin�the i�n secured by this Securisy Instrumau. : ` � ' � .
<br /> Borraw�er shalt px thr preminms�+cqulrW co�aiaintain tlse insuruicx in tt!'ect unti!wch time�s Rhe requira�ait t�the
<br /> � iasurance taminata i�t arcar+dance�vith Boao+ra'a a�l Lender's�vrittea sgtenuat orapplicibk b�v. � �
<br /> . _ , L I�ectia�. tesder os itx Kmt msg mske ra�bk entries upo�and itss��€thc PmptttY-�r- .
<br /> . �!p�e Bcxrower aotia st ihe time afor p�kzr to aa insp�uon spxifyin�rasunabte cause fortht Inspectia�n. . - _
<br /> � � 9� Ca�i�a�tiM. ?!x grnceeds otiu�y a�vard ar cLim for dam��es.direectt or�onsequasti�l.in cantiectio�t�ritb � � . � - . -
<br /> �ny coede�nation a atber tafciaj of'any p�rt of•tha Propaty,or for conveyanEx in lieu of co�demnstion,srG IKreDy
<br /> : a�nedsnd�bep�idto t�en�ler. � . � , . .
<br /> " In tbe evmt of�►totat tddaj ot'the Property.the procceds sbaU bc�pglied to tbe sums savrod by ttus Secursty ` � .
<br /> Iestrniamt,+�hetber o�aot tbee dp��th a�y exoas paid to 8orro�ver.in the evrnt Qf a parti=t u1�g ot the Yroparty. � �
<br /> u�ieu Honower and i�ander ahatwi�e sp+ae fn�itiny the sums secured by tbis Security inswmeat sbafl be reduoed by .
<br /> . ; �bc amouai af tbe pr�noads a,nttip6e�!by�be fol�anriAa fr�ccian:(s)tbe tot�!ainount of the avms secured immedistdy '
<br /> _ ' bdare 3Le tal�iea,divided by tb)tbe fair rnadcet vdue af the Property immediatdy bet'ore the taking Any bdanae shaU 6e � . '
<br /> - - -- p�idtoBorrc�+rc� ' � - .
<br /> � If t6�Pr�pettg is s6a�sdoi�ed by$orro�ves.os if,aftu aotice by Lendec to Borrower that the candemnor o(fers to
<br /> � mate�e sa�ud or settle s c�im for da�aa�es.Horro�r�r fiiLs to�espan�to Lender within 30 days aftec the date the notia is •
<br /> � � pven;I,c�+es is suthocized to cotktt and apply the�ror�.at its optiaa,ei�hes tn restorauan or repais of the Prnperty or ,
<br /> ' to t&sum:setural by this Security Inscrumer►t,�2tet�.rr azat then due. - � ,
<br /> ' Unkss t,ender ar�d Botto�vet otber�rise a�tite i4�.i='��..ng,any applicat':on af procads to principal ahall not�xtend or
<br /> po�tpoee,the duc dace of the montbly psyments refrrre�i;o:ir�par�graphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt of such psymcr�ts.
<br /> !0 �+aerowtt Not Rttea�t; Forbeua�ce pq'�'� Not a Wo�tr. Extension of the time for �sayment or .
<br /> '::� taodi5cation of amortizatimn of the sums sec�uod by.sY�s�ecurity lnstrummt grant� by Lender to any s�ccasor in ,
<br /> `,::`�;'• interett af Hona�ru sJYall nat opatate to reJease tbe liability of Yhe origina!Borrowe�or Borsowef s succasors irr interpt. � � • �
<br /> "�` l,ender sha11 not bC raquirod to commmce pra�xedings against any successor in�interest or reiose to eatend time for
<br /> ��:`�"� torcthttavi;;.ss:odiF amsrs��r,a�iu�aFchesss�rssrr�ts chisSxuris� *astr�:nc;nth :easaaaFsa �mx��.s�— �
<br /> '� ' isaYs� } } ;- 3 3 --- - � —
<br /> � ��� . by the ori�nal Barraweror Borrower's successots in intet�st'..'.Any forbearana by Lender in cxcrcising�any right.or remedy :
<br /> shall nat be a�aiver of or preciude the exercise af any rigl��aT remedy. � � . . . � �
<br /> �; t1. S�ceeMees�u1 Atqp�Ba�Jot�t and Se*enl tdabiltty;Casigners. The crn�caunts and agretmrnts of � ` _ �
<br /> � . this Security Instru�eai shsi1 bind and bene8t tE�e successors and�ssigns of l.ender end Borrawer.subject td the provisions.
<br /> ` oPpuagnph IT.Horrawer's covenants and agrea�smts shs�be joint and severat.Any Borrower.�vho ca-signs this Security �
<br /> . lnstrusaemt but doa not ea�ecute tlne Notr.(a)is�signiLi:�tfeis Sawrity Instrumenc ar_Jy to martgag�grant:�z�3 convey . '�
<br /> .. . that BorrwvePs interest in the Pr^g�ccy under th.e rerms�t��Socunty Instrument;t��is not personally obli�ctrd to pay �
<br /> , the sums secured b�y this Socurity�strumenr_,�3(e)egrees that Lender and any othev Borrower ttaay agree to tatchtd.
<br /> : , . . ...,�a ._.�__.._�. . . . _ . . -- --� -- -- - � � '_= -
<br />. __ — -- -- .�,.,..€.��-.�.�..��;�.cc t�i�r ac�ys:nr�iiv:��stn rcgard to tirc terms af tins aeearny htstr�rrem vr the�vate wTChaut
<br /> thst Borroder's consent. � � `. �
<br /> !2. I�aw LLe�n. if tht Eoan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject to a taw whzch sees maaimum foan
<br /> chuaes. and that laW is finaUy interpreted so that the �ntuest or other loan chargcs collected or to�e coilocted in
<br /> ' connectian with the loan excaed the pem�itted limits. then- (a)eny such toan charge st�aq be reduceQ by the amount -
<br /> neoesstry to reduce tlse chuge to the pem�itted timit;and(b)any sums already collected fram Borrower whicb excoeded ' �
<br /> � permitted limits Mili�t refunded to Borrower. Lrnder may choose ta make this rcfund by reducing the principal oweA
<br /> f under thC+4ote or by making a direct psyment to Barrower tt`a refund reduca pnnc�;nal,the recfuction wilD bc tr�ated as a ��_
<br /> .,.I� puti�l�r�ayRrent witheut any psepsyment charge under�1���Iate. � _
<br /> � 13� I�e�Sf�tlo� AR�ti�� Le�der's Right�. if enactmcnt ar eapiratior. �-�applirablc laws has the efPect af
<br /> � rrnder�ng any provision af the Note or this Secariry Instrument unenforr.eable a�cnrd�ng ta�ts terms,l.ender,at its optinn,
<br /> � msy require emmoditte piyment in fuU of al!surstis secured by �hit Securdty rn!,true�rtent and may invoke any remedies .
<br /> permitted by Qiragrapb 19.1f Lender eaercises this aptian,Lende�shall tak�the stens:��.necified in t he secrond paragraph af
<br /> : � puagnph 17. . ,:
<br /> 14. Notite�. Any notice to Barrowsr ptnvided for t�ehis Secutity Instrumcr�t shali be given by+delivering�t ar by � .
<br /> m�iling it by 6est clus m�i! unless applicable lavv requires use of anach.�� methnd. Thc not�cc shall be d�recte0 to Ihe •�
<br /> � PtapeAy Address o��tr.y other addross Bottower designates by notice trs L,endrr Any nauce to Lender sh�U be g�ven by • � �
<br /> 8r�t cltss ntxil to Len�es'�aQdress stated heran or any'other address l.ender designates by nntice ta Barrower.Any not�ce
<br /> � provider�fu�r in this Se�utity[nstrumeret shall bcdtemed��haVe bten g�vcn t��Borm�ti�•�r or l.ender when given a..r�ravided �.
<br /> , , in this pats�rsph. ., . .
<br /> ' iS. Gg�ef�f�L,�s;Se�enbfflty. 7'h�s Sccur�ty Dr.strument shalt f�c gc�verned by fedctp� taw and Ihe law of the �
<br /> � � jurisdiction in�rrhich the Ptoperty is locattd. in the event that any pra�iS�t:°n nr clause of th�s Src�rity lnstrument or the �
<br /> N�te conAiets wiih applic�ble law,such conflact shall nat aflect ather prot�tiwns��f tEm 5ecunty Instrumnrt crr the Not:
<br /> _ .. . . . .. . ._ . ... .. ... .
<br /> whie can be�iven e�ect vithout 11ie conHictmg praacinn.�Fo this end�he�ii�ii.�tiii�it�of ehis Securqy Instrument and the
<br /> i� Notearedetlareif tobestver�tbie.
<br />, lti. eorrower's Co�y. Iiarr�wer sh�ll br g�ven one confnrmed cnpy��i the�:ote and c�f thn aerunty Instrument
<br /> 17. ?n�tter of tAe ProPerly or� BeneRc[allnterest in�urrawrr. If�II ur ar�g part of the praperiy ot ar►}
<br /> interest ir it is soid ot t�an5farrtd(ur if a benefic�al interest�n Bafrower as s��id��r tran�ferre�and Eic�rruwer�s not a natural
<br /> person)without Lendet's prior written consent.Lrnder may,at �ts<�pUc>n,reyu�rr immed�ate paymcr�t in fult af ell sums
<br /> ' secured tiy this 5ecunty htstrument. H�we��er,thts crptic�n sh�U not be exerc�ced h� l.erider if e+�erc�tie �c prnh�hued hy
<br /> federal taw ts of tht date af th;s 5ecudty Instrurnen�. �
<br /> • � 1f Lender eaereises thts uption.Lender sAall g�ve burrctiweY nuUce uf acceleratr�m 'Ihe nuuce shalE pr�v�de a period
<br /> ofno�tessthan 30doys from thedate the nouce�s ddwered or maited w�thu�uh�ch Horr�fwcr must pay all sums secured by � .-_-_-----_-
<br /> Ihis Secutity lnstrumrnt.Ii�orrnwet fails to pap th�se sumx priar tu the t�cpuaticrn a,f Ihi��etttnl,I.ender may�r►cokc any `
<br /> temedies permitted by thisStcurity Instrument withuut faxther n�t�cc or demand un E3ar�ower
<br /> � tA.Borrowtr'�RiR1t to Reiastate. If B��coK�er mcecs certau�cnr,�itumS,?3U�rower�hali ha��e the r�ght to havc
<br /> -_. .� . .— . Etsf�st`iitti;b.�i�i�SSti.�s:ify�:f'sii�rttci3i�i3i.c�sii�rt�c�isfair3ti.`�►cpiicri FvflirrJrirrrc�':fa't*cSaysicttsurnvt#rerperr��as • - - - ,
<br /> applZCable!aw may specify fot rcinswtement}before sale r�f the Prn�seny�us�uant te•:ins prntier c�f�al:santa�ned ir�th�c ,
<br /> � Secunty lnstrument;or t6)entry of a�udgment e��orcmg this Secuniy In�rrurneni 1 ho�e c��n��ti.�n5 are that E�nrruwer
<br /> � ' (i)pays I.tndet all sums which then would tx due under th�s Secusity Inetr�arnent anci ehe tierte hae! rrcti acceietauu�r.
<br /> occurrcd;(b)cures anS.dcfauit of any �iher c�isenaRts c�r agreernents. (c) pays all ea�ence� �ncurrc�3 m c�forc�ng eh��
<br /> Securi�y Inserumenc,inctud�ng,bm no[ f�rrj�ted�a. twsvnabte astorney�s' fces.an�4c�j tak��. St�cb :,c��F�s:av 1 rc�drr�r�ay "
<br />. rqisottably require t�ossure that the lien of thts Secunty lnstrument. Lender`4 t�Cht+�n the Nrc+rert} and $urruaet"s h
<br /> ' obligation t� pay t&e surns secured by this Secunty lnstrument sh�.11 c€���intiue unchan�,ed. !'��!i� reinstatement h�
<br /> $or�owet,this 5eti:untp instrun�er�t a�td Yhe r,blfgata��issez.ure�hetet�c S?iaii tettt;���i fuilv tffeEG��c�-;�f a:-�ac�eterat�c,r�ha�i .- •e:�
<br /> occeerrtd.Hawe�er,th�c sight toteu��t�tPShali nut apply,n thc rase ufa;,�fleratu�n unc#er��aragra��fr41�t,r t7 .-• •-
<br /> . . � .
<br />: , � . �
<br /> _ _ �—� _ , _ — - -�- - - - �
<br /> - - 7-
<br /> :��� {?i sa 'r'� Z' � ., .� .. " . 1.�, � ' . , •....... .. .. .. ,��T�_.Ht'y siyli'. 4�3'-•'�� �i.{'�
<br /> �- . , �:. ._ . .r-. __ ._ . .-.
<br /> .. .. . � . ... . .. . . . .. ... . .. . � . ....., . . ...,. . . _.. .. ..� .. . . .. ... .
<br />