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<br /> . � . ' � � . . . ' �'. . `
<br /> _ NO*t.UNtf�oRi�t�OwE:�tANl�S,t�ror►er indi Leadac furtlfa cover�uft snd��s faftaas: ` :. ..
<br /> _ t!.A�c�NrM��r►Ri�1ie�. ����It�tr!Ntk�10 60ir�wer�rlor ta iCeden�RloR topOwt� BOft'O�tlr's " .
<br /> k ire�ei�tM4 cr*��a�e�t i���erit�ta��t ti�t�ot�ar to��Mer�ir��As 13 aM I7 � � .
<br /> • �•?� #�IM��kalit ltw���1.'lti`e soti0���tif�►a(v t�e�efanl� (i}tle�edot tq�6+e�,to c�ce t�e _ . � �
<br /> . ; � M6W��tt)�ire.rt Iw tW 30 i��s 1F�w lie�e�ie�dce i��i�to Borrawer.iy�tter t�r i�fait��st k ttire�; � �. � �
<br /> *„� �M(i�tl�t IWiMn ta er[c tie�l�lt a�ee Iehrt t��It tNei�e/t�t�e�otiee�sy raWt i�ucet�eatio��t tre ssr . � , .. .
<br /> � i'ew+�i�dds$�a�rity L�tr�Mt ari�le at ttie Prqeety.?ie�odee�ir!!hrtier iator�BoROxa ot t�e�t to
<br /> -�, rM��i��!!�i eic e�Ro I�r�s corrt_aelt�a arsrt drc�ot�defsrlt Qr in�►oti�r � .
<br /> .-.- -- -'-;
<br /> � i�lrwre�[�eewnr.��ier�t[M a�i t�ie�iR tie iefirdt is aot e�rd oa or tieta+e tl�e hte a/eet8{e�i�f4��otice�I,a�er .
<br /> . .,'''f �t ib�/tior a�f rawie�e i��i�e pi�wert b hN of dl w■s see�e�.�r tl�ia SeerritY I�■eat�rItlwwt t�er , .
<br /> ie�t�i r�i��oke tie/swst ot We�i��tie�r teweites/e�ittd�'.aMiicaik taw.I�Ier�lail�e e�tleO to .
<br /> .e�1Met �{I�s��M hc�ni i� �rs� tl�e ee�e�ie��wf�ei iR tiis�iraRs�Ir 1!. �R i�t�ot ft�ft�i t�, �
<br /> - ' , erlw�MlE�l/�erl�s•t�i�i�Mlsattitlee'�iiesea . .
<br /> Ii dMt Mwer ot�ie i�i�TNni„Trrlee�Y@�e�wi a rMti�e o�t/ehrft iR a�di oo�t�irwrieb a�Mrt ot tie . .
<br /> . 1'n�ereY i�M�ewi.�i�ldt rit a�etwe�.eeiee i�d�e��atiy a�lie�k taw a eorrow�er a.tt�e�c .
<br /> . �N+��K�aik law.Af ter t�e t�ae ra�aired�y aNlk�lrk 4w,Trwtee s�1at!�i�s wMk�ottce of
<br /> - Nk/s!ie�e�o�s�t i�tie�er�e�neri�ei�y a�licaDte taw.TnaRee.wttlw�t des�aM a�Botrowsr.�all seU t�e
<br /> Pr�ty�I�iik suciio�to t�t i�iat�i�ier at tYe ti�e a��iaer a�d��ier t�e ter�s iiaipste�iw tk aotioe of�ak u� -
<br /> : �o.e.r.ore�.e�eh aM ia aar o�er Tr.�tee�eeer�i.�s.?r�ca�tay p�tpae sde oidt oe uF�rcd ot tie Pro�t�My �
<br /> � lilie a�!�waienE.st qK d�t a�i�l�ct ot at�r�et�to�sly schdYie��ak.I.eaaer or id de�ta[e�ar'�rc6ase t6e < • '
<br /> ` Pewe�tyat���dt. .
<br /> � . � vMr��MF�M of t�e I�s�1.Te�stee shl!ddi�er to ti� �?nstea's�led cow:el�t tUe , ' �
<br /> . P1�'MeK7•'ll�e�L t`e?�teds�eei i�ie�ri�fade erNesce of tMc t�ot tre snteae�et w�ie tlitrein. �
<br /> • ?�iwtec�W!s�/ty t�e�te��eN�ott�e�rale ii tl�e foltowi�ae�ter.ts)to atle:�ues ottic s�le.iactMit�.Mit�ut Iir�itW .
<br /> �Tr.�ee�s ka�s�Mdt�e�1Y a�Njc�lie I�w ui sea�eM�le sKan�ys�kefi(bl to�It se.s sea�e�ei ly Ws Secrr[�y
<br /> � i.ra..es�a�t�ci..r e:ces.co�e�e�so�or�eno.s�ty���ea co u.
<br /> �. � �0.-Lendee is P�ior. Upon accekration under p�r�grapl� �.�'or abandonment of ttie Praperty. I.endcr(in
<br /> • �• petso�.by saent or by judicislly appointed receiver)sha11 be entitled to entcr upon. take possessioa of and�tnanage the ,
<br /> ------. --- —�t_np�rity an�ta s�Uect!he rents of the Property including those past du�Any rents coltteted by LenQer or the receiver
<br /> ' sAal!bt appJied Rrst to paymmt of the costs of management of the Praperty and collecCson of ttnts.including.but not �
<br /> limited:to.rectivtr's fea,praniums on�eceiver's bonds and reasonabte attorneys'fees,aad then to[he sums secured by " �
<br /> thisSec»rity Insmimeat. , ;
<br /> 2!.R�oo�rey�eoe Upon psymrnt of all.��se�cu�ed by shis Saui�uy Instrument.Lertder s�alt request'frusta to ,
<br /> ,. ; ' reconvty tba-�toperty and sitall snrr�ader this 5ecurity Inscraa:tent�tt3�i1 notes evidenang debt secured by this Sceurity . : '
<br /> `" �'',�_;� [nstrumcnt���3'nutee.Tmstee sha2!tiscanvey the Property R�,t��aut warranry and wnhout chuge to thr person or persans -��
<br /> _,:;;:.: le�ally rnrttie��to it.Such person or petsons shall pay any recorrrsaation costs.
<br /> � �22.Sabstitote Taautee.Lmder.at its�ption,may from time to ticne rernove Trustee and appoint a successor trustae �
<br /> �.. � -- = to an T�►psiee a - -_ , }_ :.
<br /> y ppointedhereunder by an m`s�rumrnt recorded in the coun�y in which tHis Secu�tty InstrumeAE is recorded. �-— - - �,��
<br /> Without canveyana of the Ptopeny.the succes.wr t�uster shalt sucead to all thc title,pawer and duties conferred upon ;`�'
<br /> , Trustal�erein and by appiicable law.
<br /> � � 23.Re�e,st tor Notlep.Borrower requests that copies of the natices of default and sale be sent to Botrower s �
<br /> pddress which is the Property A�fdress. , , _
<br /> � � 2�.Riien to tYb See�tit�ta�v�nt.[fer!t ar more riders are ea�ecuted by Bonawer and recotdod together with � : , �
<br /> , �this Secarity ia�strument,the covrnaets�nd 7grer..cents of eac..h such rides shall be in�r,rporated into and shai!amend and � ' •
<br /> supplemerte tlke eovenanu and agreernents of tt�is Secz:rup instrument�as if the rzdra:fs! were a part of thi��Securisy . � i
<br /> ` � Instrummt:�Check applicable bos(es)] � � , ;
<br /> s Ad ustable Rate Rider � '� 2� Famil Rtder '
<br /> .— Q � l C +Coadominium Rider . ;� y _
<br /> � Graduated�Payment Rider � Pianned Unit D�evefopmtnt Rider .
<br /> . f
<br /> , , . ��Ither(s) (specifyj Acfcnowledgement � '
<br /> BY SIt3NIN(3 BELOw. Bonower accepts end agrees to�the terms and covenants cvniained �n this Secunty � _
<br /> � � �ri�trume�tar�d in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recar�sd w,th it. '��
<br /> . ............. ......................................... .... ... . .... ...... ��. ..�,..��lt,4�,��.��►.i: .L:'�,,.Gc.}. ........ ..... (�ti:� .
<br /> � Chun Mi;�a !�ang � � '8a''Q"'* :
<br /> . - .
<br /> .............................................................. .......... .. ... . ....... , . ..... . ...... .. .................... ........ - .. . .. . _....._._ .. ._. _ . .
<br /> w
<br /> . . .... . � � .. ��.,�..,,
<br /> . �... (W"".`�,......(Sal)
<br /> .::an Hsiany Ch�n I�'a �"eo"0"`
<br /> lp: .
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA. Hall Coun�y 55: •
<br /> � tyn this 31 st day ut may ,19 �, befure me. tlte under5igned, a �utary Publ�:
<br /> duly commissianed ar►d quatified far said.oun�y,personatty came �.,�r�.��� � �.���� �
<br /> Lar►�i�r�g Q�'�It1�j, at u�reTSied per� � , to me known to be the
<br /> idtntical person(s1 whase name(s1 are subscrlbed to ihe foregving ins�rumrnt and arknowledgrd �he e�ecut►vn .-= -----
<br /> . thereof to bt their �'oluntary act and dce�. �
<br /> Witncss my � nd is2and. PJebraska in said�c�unty�.�he
<br /> date aforesud. , ��AIrfi�M r . . �
<br /> - - . _ - fNGii+ft���filfiterer�fi0ii - . -
<br /> ' My Cammission e ��'�`��'� ' �
<br /> � `�u.h�. �o l q'4� . . . �- . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . ,
<br /> .� Si,id!� {'c!y��
<br /> � . REQU�ST FUR FtE�C(1!�4'F �>tiCC .
<br /> � t<y 7ac:sr�E• �, , ' �,
<br /> . Thc undetsiga:d it the l��Icier E�t�the :�nse�,r ni�tec sr-�ur�ci hv shf. l���;c1 ctit 1 t�,5�. �,,��i hnT_ ;}r r.tt:C;. t,;�.r�:�s
<br /> �
<br /> isith ait vther�ri�chtedn�z�����ieci 6�t�i�s UeeS uf Tru4i�Ii:t�c hrc:��ai;�ii�tut� �k5t!:fF1'�.:r:•#�= J<<_•��t-.{rc.�;;,r,j:.ar„ - - - -4:
<br /> nore ur rtotrs�3�zd tltis u�ed c�l'Tru:t. «hirh are de!►�ered fiernc�, anei ttr recs�lftic<< 4kkFf) i(�[ tic;��r.a��tti. .ili ?�ir c�t�:t. "` `
<br /> ' tit�w held bv tictiu undrr thi. rlccJ af Trust t�� shc r�r,.e�ii,�r ��rt�c���ti l�k�,dl� ;...��;1�.. ;'�•:��, •
<br /> bate:
<br /> _ . . �'
<br />_��_,��_s= - - n,._�.T,�.-�,����.o.:r.���-ti_ - - - — � �
<br /> - ., � ;.: r3 4 _ - - --- $� �� �� _
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<br /> rp.r'.�.'�-.r"-�' , �S n'!S��r'-'lz .�r•'�. ..---•_---• - .. . _. . . �_ �?.-g'..-?��i�� 1.=�- - .-. �i- ,_.--�••_�-•-=°c..=:-��*�r.�rrF�� -..— _—
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