, - � � . . - � F t - . . .......r.x_ �
<br /> i ,
<br /> � . . . .. � � ' .'. s : � �. .
<br /> � � , , M1 , � � � . . �p..= i03144. � � . , � .
<br /> . . � � {. � . �
<br /> � . LTI't1F0�11lLO�+EN1tNi'� 8GfY0�wtl�id�.l�dttCOVe�IIdt�Itd�jtCeatfOUO{vs: . ' •
<br /> �' ��������i�f�j�!� �Ond1V�5�1�j piQtlipt�y pLY Y►'�t�11 dUE " ,
<br /> r t6eprinaql o�and ietsrcst bin thr debt tvida�ced.b�►.tiie Note�ad ufY P��+Yment a�ad t�te clur�es due under the Note. ` °
<br /> - _ • �. FtMit 1brTi�s�M Irfita�ta Snb�t t�app�icxbk is�ar to s writtrn w�iver by LeAder.go�rower�a}l Wy
<br /> - to Le�da oa t�e day moothly payma�ts a�c due ut�det thc 1�tote,ur�til the'Note is paid in fuii;�a sum(•'F�•.)eqw!to , '. . -- `
<br /> aae-t�fth aC (aj�yarl�r tues and�ts�hich msy atuiA prirntity over this Securitg lnstrnmrnr. (b)Yeu1y , , . '
<br /> � P�Y+��a`�d tmts;an tbe Property, if ar�Y: (c� yeuiy ha�rd insaraA¢e pr�rt�ium� and (d) yearfp
<br /> . ao�t�We i�wanoe pr�niw�s,i€any.'Thae items m aJicd"esctow iterns."Lender may atimue the Funds due on tht
<br /> b�safcurnncdttsand[�dsanw�bieesdm�ttsoffittureescr+uritems. .
<br /> .. TAeFaed�shalt be heM in aei irotitudon tl�e depasits or aocouats of'wbich ua insur�d or�u�raAteed by a fodetsl ar ,
<br /> - st�sle�cy(inci�dins i,er�der it Laider is such an mstitution� Lender shal!appty the F�nds to pay the a�crow itmu.
<br /> � • Le�der�y not char�e far holdin6 and aDP�yiR�t�e Funds.anatyziAg thc account or ve�ifyi»a the acro�r it�ur�kss
<br /> �P�ri 8°R'°�'a�eter�t ae the Fuads aed�pptiabk 4�►perm�ts L�der to m�ke such a chsrge.Barrcrver and ` .
<br /> I.mder e�tY a�ra in w�titia�-tbat interat sTuti be paid on the Funds. [Intess an a�ent is mzde or,spplicabie la�v
<br /> �1°���P�.�d e r s 6 a a 1 not be required to p�y 8orro�ver any interest or eaminas os,ahe Funds.Lender '
<br /> swl!pve to Bortoaes,�vithaqt char�an annuat scaoantiaa of the�uads shawina credits and debits w the Funds aad the
<br /> pwg�Ote tor w�ich 4ach debit to tbe Funds�u msde.The Funds are pledgod as additionzl security fo.�the sums sccured by
<br /> • . 't�5e�eutltylmtivakni. .
<br /> ,� If tbe amount of the Funds beW by Lender.to�ethrs�vi;h the future monthly p�yrrients of Funds p�yabk prior to ' �
<br /> ' � t�re duc d+trs�f the esc�o+v�tem:,s1uH eac�ed tht amount roquircd to psy the acrow items whrn duG the excess sha11 be.
<br /> , ' a�Horsotva's aption.either promptly re�aid to Borrowa or�redited to Borrowa on montbly.psyments of Funds:lf the
<br /> , auf�int of tlte Funds held by I.ender is not suficient to pay the escrow items when due.Boaower sha11 psy to L.ender any
<br /> � � amoutit n�ecdiptry t�auke np the de�ci�cy in one or more psya�ts as r+equired 6y Lrender. . '. .
<br /> � ��n�yment in fuU of aTl sctms secured by this Securiry Insttumen�Leadea sha11 prompsty:et'usd ta B..�sver .
<br /> �-= a�y�u�d�betd 6y Lendet.U`under pi�taqph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lender�Ler�der sh�11 apply�no tater �
<br /> t�ltan immediueJy prior t�t�..sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender.any Funds hefd by Leceder at the time of
<br /> . 1 a�ic�t�o�aa a credit again;�C r„3�e sums secared by this Security lnstrument.
<br /> . 3. A�tiptlo�o/1�'iy�esti, Lleiless appl�cabla taw provid�s otherwix,�Ii psyinenu received by Lender undes
<br /> : , prsgsphs t and 2 ahs11 be apglied:8c�r ra�t�te charges due under the Noir;second,to pre�syment chuges dne under the
<br /> N�te;third.to amounts paysble under�sgapN 2;fnurth.tm interest due:and last,to princip�l duG .:,';E
<br /> .� 4. C�e�Le�. Horrowrf sbsl!psy aIL Gtues.assess�ents.charges.ftnes and impositions�ttiibutabte to the
<br /> � Pr'opertY ahich msy attai��riarity.oirtr this Sec�srity Instniment. md laxholA p�yments or gro�nd tents. i�ar,ny. � `'-,.
<br /> Borra+�ra slt�p psy theae obligatiAns in�manner provided in parAgraph 2.or if nat p�id in that manner. Borrowr�s�t1
<br /> - - �`--{�.
<br /> - �;!ls�;ts�tir.c:di:�!••ta i.a
<br /> � p�;scnt�ved payrnrnt.8ormwer shaii Pramp[tY famt�l►[o Lender all notices o�'sr�LL»nts : - -- . _.. __f_T,
<br /> so be paid under this psr�aph.If Borrowtr makes these payments directfy.Borrower shall promptly furnisb to Lender
<br /> receipts evidencing the payments. . '
<br /> Borroxer shall prompUy dischar�e any lien wtucb has priasity over this Security lnstrument unless Borrower:(a) �:�
<br /> ajrea in mitin�to the payment at thte�Pi;gation secured by the tien in a manner acctpublc to Lender;(b)contests in good � �
<br /> faith the litn by.or dd'eads aaainst tnf�ernmt of the tirn in�feg,sl proceedings Mhicb i�.tYae Lender's opinion operate to �
<br /> Prevent the eaforccment af the Gen or forfeiture of any put oi tht Property;or(c)sccures from the holder of the lien an �'.Y;_
<br /> � a�fieetnent satisfiictory to Lender suborAinatina thr f,ic�to this Security lnstrument,!f Lmder determines thtt aay part af t
<br /> �c�e�roperty is subjact to i lien which may attain gciotity over this Secunty ��strutnent, Lertder may give&mower s !
<br /> notrGe idenhfyinE the llen•&�rrowez shtiE"satisfy the litn or take wre or more of the actions set forth above within 1�days
<br /> � ofthe�ivinaa�aotite. . , , �.�
<br /> s• 1i�arad Lwra�ee. Borrowet sh�ll keep the improv�rnents now eaisting or hercafter eracted on the Property
<br /> inwret�aaainst l�u by flre.huards incJuded witllin the term"eatended covera6e"ond any other hauttds far whicb l.ender � ��
<br /> requjra insurance. 't'his insurance shsll be rtuintained in the ar�ounts and far the periods that Lender requires. The
<br /> � iesurance carrier providina tiie insurance shtll be chosen by Borrowrr subject ta l.ender's approvat which sha11 dat be
<br /> uareawn�bty witfiheW. � ,�p
<br /> .AI!inauranet policies and rene�ats ahal!be acceptable to Lender and sh�ll incluQe'a standard mortgage claux. '
<br /> Lender eA�l1 h�ve the right to hold the poJicia tnd tenewals.IP Lender requires;Borrower sfidl promptly give to Lender
<br /> a11 neceipts Mpaid promiwns and renewa!notices.le Ihe event of toss�.8otrower shill give prompt�otia to the insurance
<br /> carrier and 1.ender•l.ender msy make prc�of of'loss if not made pramplly by Borrower. � �
<br /> Unlessl,ee�dtr and Borrower othe�+wise agree in wpt�ng,inwrance proceads shall be applied to restoration or re�air
<br /> of the Propert�daunaged,if the restofari,en ot cepair is economica�ly feasible artd Lender's security is not lessened.If the
<br /> ratontian or rcpair is not ecanomicalty feasible os Lender's socurity woutd bo�essened,�he insuiince pfviceeds-shaU be �-�-- -� � � -�-� � � ---�� �-- �� �
<br /> .. . spqlied to the suma socure�6y this Security Instrumrnt,whether or not thea c3Le,wiih�ny excess paid tu 8orrawer. lf
<br /> Horrower abandan�the Ptoperty,or d.oes not answet withiu 30 days a natice fsom Lcmdcr that the insutana carner has
<br /> . oRered to stttk a elsim.tben Lender may+colkct the in�urartce praceeds.Lender may use th,r�roceeds to repair or restore
<br /> the ProptAy or to p�y aums secured h�titis Security Instrument.whether or nei then dee. �'he 3�day penad will#xgin
<br /> ' �►hen the notice ia pven. -
<br /> , Unless Lender.and Borrawer otherwise sEree in weting,any apptic�ticr�of proceeds to pnnripal shall nat eatehd or
<br /> pastpone the due date of the monthly payments roferrrd to in paragraphs i ar.d l�r change tE�e amc�unt c�f the payments.tf
<br /> w�der piraanpb 19 the I'ropeny is acquired by LeaQer.Borrower's right to any 'rnsurancr pnJtc�es and proceeds resuityng
<br /> from dam�e to the Propetty prior to the acquisition shaU pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by tbis Secunty
<br /> inatrument immediateJy prior to the acquisitinn. ' �"�
<br /> - ' 6• Prettrtatio�aid Maietedance ot Proper�,Le�sebotds, Barrower sha0 aot destroy.damage or substantia7ly
<br /> � chan�e the Property,a11ow the Property to detenor�te or cammit waste. IP th�s Secur�ty Insttument �s on a leasehold.
<br /> Sorrower shall comply with the provisians of the leasr.an�!if&+rrowrr asquires fse tule so tt�,Pra€.crty:th���as�.:c,td sr,d - ;
<br /> �a titIe shaR aot merge unless Lender agrees to Ihe rrterger in writmg. �
<br /> ?. Protectio� ot Lrsder'R Ri�hts in tbe P�ooerty; Mort�tge insurance. If I3nrrower fa�1s to perform �he
<br /> wvenants and agraments containrd in this 5ecurity Instrument,ot there is a tegal pruceeding that may sigmfirantly affect �
<br /> ( Lender's rights in�the Prnpetty (su$�as e procctding in banicruptcy. probate, for condemnation or t�enfntre laws or .
<br /> rtguLtians).thm l.endes may da artd pay for whatever is neressary topratcct ehe�alue uf the properry and Lender's nghts �
<br /> � in tht�roperty. I,endu's actzoris mey incl�rde paying any sums secured by a 1►en which has pnardy over this Secunty �
<br /> Instrument,appearing in coutt,paying reas�nable attomeys'fets and entenng an the Prcrperty ta make repa�rc.Allhnugh ' �
<br /> Lertder may takt actio»under this patagrap�r 7,E,ender dns nat have�6 da s�►.
<br /> - ��4nyamountstiisbu�sed by Lertder uttder this patagtaph 7 shaii 6ecamc a�cf�tianai debt of fic�rrouer cecuted by Ih�s s:: -
<br /> Security lnstrument.Unless Borrawer and Lendrr agree to nther terms c,f paymcnt,fhrse am�unta shall hcar�ntereSt frt►m -
<br /> the_dat�af disburseirient at the Nate rate �nd shall 6e pay�ble. w��h �nterest. upon �at�ee from E.endrr te� liorrt�wcr
<br /> tcquesting payment.
<br /> �
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