.�... ._.. .........._�
<br />:t. T _
<br />,:�
<br /> � �
<br /> 16. Covsrtants al Trastor wilA Raspec.�fo Loases. Witl►out thA prior writien consent of Benel/ciery, Trustor sh�U nat,diroctty�r indirecfly,
<br /> wlth re5pect fo any lease ai s�+ace ln tha T►ust P�operty,or any po�tion thereol, whether such feass�s now o�hereaflor in exlstenCe:
<br /> (� AaCepi a pe�m;t any prepayment discounl ar advance payment u�rent he�vunder!ji excess of orre mvnth,
<br /> ' (0) Canca!or terminate tha sama,ar acc�pt any canceUation,tartrtinador�ot surtender thE�teof, or perst�it Anp ovent[o oCCUi wh/ch would
<br /> • occvr thereunder fo te�m/aafe a cancel the same,other than termination for nonpayment of ront,
<br /> (C) flrnsnd or modi'ry the same sd as td recluce the tsrrtt thsreof,fha rantal payab/e thsreunda�,or tu c�`re�iye a�iy rarewat pruvls/ons
<br /> � thereln cortt�ined,
<br /> (d) Waivs eny dafauk Mereunder a breach thereol,
<br /> (a) Giv�any cansenr,weiver oj ap ave!t+7ereunder or fake any other ection In connection therewlth, ar with a lessee theraunder, which
<br /> '• wrwld haw tiw oR►act ot impWr�y ihe velue oi the/essor's lnierest the�eander or the prope�tyr subject tttereM,or ot�mpalring th�
<br /> pasld�+�w In[�nPFt o16w�P�ary theretn,w
<br /> ' (� Sewl,s�n,pMdq�.matQays w othsnvlse dispose of,w encumber its inferest!n any sa�d/ease or eny rents,lssues,profits lssuing
<br /> .`w a aN�ng Msneunciei
<br /> ;� 17. Wehrer o�Statutw o/Limitet�ns. 71m�!s of the esser►ce!n all of Trusior's abliga�ons end duties hereunder;artd ro the extent permlrted
<br /> � bylaiw,Tiustor weives all presenf a tuture statutes ol/imitatl�ons with respect to any debf,demand or obligadon secured hereby and
<br /> � 1v►y actkn a proCSeding!a the parpose ol entorcing thls Deed of TNSt or any r�ghts w remedles contalned hereln.
<br /> 18. As�rtynment ol Qsposits./n the event constructlon of Improvemertts is contemplated by the toan evidenced by tAe Note secured
<br /> i � hsroby,as addldona/securiy therefore, Tiustor he►eby Gansfers ar�d asslgns ro Beneficlery. all right. 6tle and interest to any and a/l
<br /> mo�nlss dspositsd by a on behall of Tieutor with any ciry,counry.publlc Oody or agency.sanitary disMct.udlity company.and
<br /> any otl!er body a agency,loi tAe/nstallallon or to secure the insiallation o/any udl'rry by Trusta,pertarning ro the Trust Property.
<br /> � 1A CapaatTnn or PaRnership Exlstence. N Trusbr is a caporafion,gener�/partnership,or ltmiied partne►ship,it will do all thJngs
<br /> n�cessary to preserve!is caporate or partr�ership exlstence,as the case may be,and all rights and pd�i/eges under the/aws of the
<br /> , stats oflts incorporatlor►or aganira6on.
<br /> � 20. Fabsarance by BerteBciery Not a Weiver.My l�nrbearance by BeneBciary in exerclsing any�gh!os remedy hereu�der,or otherwise
<br /> � aAbnJed by spplk8ble law.shall not 6e a w�iver of or preclude the exercise of any such right a remedy. The procaiement of
<br /> lnswancs or the payment o1 taxes a!he�f�.seharge ol liens or charges by Beneficiary shall�P bs a watver ol Beneficiary's rJght ro
<br /> accekreM tAe matur/ty o/the/ndebtednes�
<br /> . ! 21. RsntsdJes Cr�mWaNve.AJl remedles provided in thls Deed of Tiust are disUnct and cumWaa�e to any othe�rlgh!or remedy under this
<br /> � D�eed ol Tiust or Afl�Orded by/aw a equity,and may be exercisad concuaenily,ccadepencter:�y or successivey.
<br /> 22. Successors and Asslgns Bound;Jolni and Severel Liadliy;Capho»s.The co�ser:ar.is and agreemenis hereln conta/ned shall dnd,and
<br /> ! fhe�ghts hereunder shal!rnure b,the respecbve successars and asslgns of Beneficiary, Trcc�tee,and Tiustor.Ali covenants and
<br /> � aQresments ot Tntistor shal/be Jolnf and several. The captlons and headings of the parag�F,s of this Deed ol Trust ere for
<br /> � convenlence on/y and are not to be used to inie�pret or de�rne the prorlsions hereof.
<br /> i 23. Abdce.Except fa any notice required under appllcat�le law to be given in anoilre�manner,(a)any noUce to Tiustor provided for+n t�"s
<br /> D�eed or tit�st shall be given Dy rrr�iling such no�ice by CeRified mail,�etum recei,;t requested addressed to Tiustor at its mailing
<br /> addi+ess set lorth above or at such ott�er address as Trustor may deslgnate by notice to Bene�Fciary as provided herein,and(b)any
<br /> nodce ro Beneficlary or Tnrsiee sha:�be g;ven by certified mail,retum receipi requesied, to Benefrciary's and Tiusree's mailing
<br /> address stated herein or to such other address as Beneficiary or Tiustea may desigrtate by nobce to Trustor as providetf Ererein.My
<br /> nodce provided for/n Mis Deed o1 Trust shal!be deemed to hava been given to Trustor.Beneflciary or Trustee when given in the � �:�,.
<br /> � manner deslgnated he�eln. � .'.'� .
<br /> � 2�. QoveminD Lew;Severabllily. Thls O�eed of Tiust shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Nebraska./n the evant any p�ovislon o� .
<br /> . clawa of ttr�Gaa,�d,�o,f Trusi c�ntlicia w1&7 applica�le,law,sucn co��.'11cis.�all r�oi aYecF athar p:�7�151�rr�r Ol Fir/s Deau vi Trusi wi�1Ci�van =-_
<br />. - /�nl���..��.w.iii""'wv��i.4 w:.N'vi i � 1 ..1 N. • M.t s �---
<br /> �- - ...+y• i�j'fjS�i'i7viwn�air�it�i��v v:w tr�v'/�lOr.oi�ri$v���rr$�ityv�V�7iii§i rnn dacfdn�d iv ve severa+ole.
<br /> 25. Evsnts ol Delault Each of the following occunences shall constltute an event of default hereunder,(herelnafter called an"Event •t�
<br /> ave�aun•�: _
<br /> ; �
<br /> (a) Tiusbr sha/l fail to pay when due any pNnclpal.interest o�principal and inferesi on the Indebtedne�ss, •�:
<br /> (b) My warrenty oi 6tle made by Tr,�star herein shall be unUue, ;
<br /> � (c) Trusta shalf fall to observe or perto�rrr any of the covenants,agreements,w cond'rtions in M�s Deed ol Tiust _
<br /> + (d) My represeniatlon w warranty made by Trustor on any tinancia!statements or repoKs subrr.rited to BeRe�rciary b y or on behatl o/ —
<br /> � Trust�a shalf prove false w m�teria/ly misleading, �
<br /> t (e) Tiustor shall fall to perform or observe any of the covenanis,condiilans or agreea:ents contained in,or binding upon Trustor under � +�
<br /> any buiiding loan agreement,security agreement,loan sgreement,Bnancing sta:emenL or any othei agreement,insirument or 4 '
<br /> ; document exeCUted by Tiusta in connecAion with the loan evidenced by the Note,
<br /> (� A hustee,receiver or liquidatoi of the Tiust Prope�ty or of Tiustor shall be apparrted,or any of the creditors of Trustor slia/l rJe a
<br /> ` peUifion In bankruptcy agairtst Tiustw,or for fhe reorganizadon of Tiustoi pursua�i to the federal Barrkruptcy Code,or any simr'lar �
<br /> s /aw�whether federal or slat�;and if such order or peGtion shall noi be dischargect or dismissed within thirry(30)days a/ter the date �
<br /> � an which such ader or pefi0ion was liled, �
<br /> � (g) Tiustor shall�i1e a pefition pursuant to the Federa/Bankruptcy Gade or any similar law,federal or state,or i1 Tiustor sha/l be •
<br /> ' adjudged e bankiupL or be deClared inso/vent or shall make an assignment for the benelit of c�editors, or shall admit rn writing its
<br /> inabiliry t+�pay its debts as they become due,or sha/I consent ro the appointment o1 a rece;ver of a//o►ac�y paR of the Tiust P�operty,
<br /> , (h� Fina!judgment for the payment of money sha!l De rendered against Trustor a►rd Tiustor sha//no1 discharge•the same,or cause it to
<br /> be�Ischarged,within thirty(30)days a/ter the ent�thereol,or sha11 not appea!therefrom or Irom the order,decree or process upon
<br /> whlch or pursuant to which said%udgment was granted,based,o�ente�ed,and secure a stay ol execution perrdirrg such appeal,
<br /> (i) Tiust�wshall sell a convey ihe Tiust Property.or any paR thereof, or ar►y interest therein, or shal!be divesled of lis tnte,or any interesi
<br /> , . therein,�rr eny manner or way, whether voluntarily or involuntarity, wi(hout the written consent of Beneficiary being fiisl had and
<br /> obtained,a
<br /> _ (j) ff Tle�sto/rs e CotporaUon or pa�tnership and more than fiffy percenf(5p%J of fhe shares o�beneficiaE lnteresis in suah corpar�fion or
<br /> paRnership,as the CBSe may be,shaJl be t�ensfened or conveyed, whether voluntarily oi invo!untarr/�,without the wiitten consent o/
<br /> Beneficiary being Nrst had and obteined. `
<br /> ` 26. Aece/erabon o/Debt;Foreclosure. Uppn the occurrence of any Event ol Default,or any tima thereaRer.Beneficiary may,at its option,
<br /> declar�a/l the/ndebtedness secured hereby immediafely due and payable and the same sha/i bear interest at the delault rate,if any,
<br />, sat forih!rt the l4fote,or other►Yise at the highest rate pe�mitted by law,end,►rrespective of whether Beneficiary exercises said opfion, it �- - --
<br /> may,at its opfion snd!n its sole discretion,withouf any fu►ther notice or demand to or upon Trustor,do one or more of the fopowing: �
<br /> (a) Bane�ciary may entei upon, take possession of,manage and operate the Tiust Propeiry or any pari theieol,•make repai�s and
<br /> AitBietiW►S aR0 d0 8ny BCfs whiCh BenBhCiery deBms prop@�to p�ofeCt fAe seCUiiry the�eol,and eithe�with or without takrng
<br /> possession,in!fs own rtame,sue for or otherwise col/ect and rece�ve rents,issues and prolrts,mcluding thvse past due and unpaid,
<br /> and apply the same,less costs and expe►cses of operation and coliection,including reasonable attorney fees and�enefrciary's
<br /> costs,upon the lndebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Benelrcrary may determ�ne. Upon request o1 Benefrc�ary, Trustor
<br /> shal!essemble and Shall make eveilable to BenerCiBry any ot the Tiust Properry whiCh has been removed. The entering upon and �
<br /> ( taking possession of ih8 Trust Prope�iy, the collectron ol any rents, rssues and p�ofits.and the appl�cahorr thereof as aloresard,shall
<br /> L not cuie o�waive any delaU�t t/ie�erofore or therealte�occumng,ar aKect any nonce of de►ault or notrce of se/e hereunder or �
<br /> inva�id9te any aCt done pu�su8nt to 8ny suCh nohce.NOtwithstanding Beneficrary's conUnuance�n possess�on or rece�pt and �
<br /> a�pllcation of rents,issues o►pro�its. Benel�c�ary shall be enbt/ed to exe.rc�se every r�ght prov�ded for m rh,s Deed ol 7�ust or by law �
<br /> upon er alter the occurrence of an Event of Defauit.�nc/ud�ng the r�ght to exe�c,se the pawer ol sa/e Any ol the actrons relerre0 to�n �1!
<br /> tAis parag�aph m�y be taken by Benolic�ary at such tune as BenQl�c�ary may determ,ne wdr,�ut rayd�d�o tne adequacy ol an y "•�
<br /> seCU►iry lo�the Indebfednvss secured he�eby. .,
<br /> (b) BoneliGary ShA/l, w�lhnitt regard to the adequany o!�ny spcuv�ry f��the Indebtedness secur�d r.e;e�.y.be en,�,�eU 'o the
<br /> apporntmenf�f a recerver by any court hawng�unsd�chon. Ni�tnou� nut�c e.!o take possess�on ��r.p��rer.r �i�d�ian�ty��h� t�uti�
<br /> Propaity and operat�the samo and collecl tno ren�s. +ssues end prahrs rne•elrom '
<br /> (C1 Bvne!.ciary may bnng any�ctran ir.any coun ot competerl/,�nSdrChOn '��lo�t�L�vcC„r,�S OPBCI r,r i.u�1���e.•,/U�e �!dt•;cre.rl,. —�
<br /> COV@n�nfS hplQAf
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