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<br /> Irrsurarrce premlums,ground r�nts,and a/J athe�charges whatsvever levled upon or assesseci,pl�ced or made against the Tiust
<br /> Properry,T�s1w fuKher agreas, upon wri�tan requsst by 8artafi;,�j�ry,to p;ompt�yr del�ver co�ene/icrary atl rscalpts lor tha payment ol
<br /> svcA cAar�es. Trustor Ir'kewise agrees to pap p�ll texes,e�sseasments and other chargas/avied upon or assessed,plaaed or made
<br /> agalnst,a me►aswad Dy,thls Deed ot�'rust ot Me�ecordefton he�eot.
<br /> 5. 11 pplicallon of Peymants.AN payments recelved by 6eneficlary�s to an y c�ebt,liability a oDUgation owed ta Qeneflciary by Trustw
<br /> � '!3� rrray t�e appked Oy 8eneliciAry(p the payment of tha lndeDtedness or to any sach other debt,«aai;ry or oa�r�a�on,in any ader w
<br /> �y m+�nnsr a ePpllcatk�n whlch Benelklary,in its ebsolute discretian,daems appmp�fete.Un/ess�Nrar►�;ise elactad by BeneNciary,any
<br /> � such payment shall be dea�med applied first to the payment o!eny debt,liab!lrty or obligelion other than the Note.
<br /> � 6� CMr��;Ue+is. Ti�sbr wiA keep the Trust properfy yse/rwn el!liens and enc�mbrances wAtch!n any wey may,in the jud8ment ol
<br /> �Q ����P��Y o���fmpair the sscu�ity ol,Nris Oaed o/Tiust but Trusbr need not discharge any sucA lien so long as
<br /> ,� ag.�se,!n wriNny,to pay ttte paHgatyarr secured by scrch►ien In s manner accepiabte to Beneficlary and shaN in good faith
<br /> coMsst such li�n by appropda0e/ege/prpceeallnps effective ro prevent the enl�nrcement ol the lien and the lass o1 any interest in a
<br /> Part ol the Trttist Proper[y.
<br /> 7. HRtard Insurance. Tnut�or shal/keep the baik/inys end otl�er improve.ments now exlsting or hereaftar erecfed on the Tiust Properfy
<br /> � lnsund by lnsurance cairle�s ssrAs/actay b Beneficlary agelnsf loss by fire,hazards inclu�ed in the term"extended coverage"and
<br /> s�ch oN�er hazerds,casua/dss And condnger�ccles as may be�equlred by Benefklary,in sucA amounts and for such pertods as ma
<br /> ^sWdred bY 9ene1Fclary. The policy ol insurance shall be in form acceptable to Beneficia y�
<br /> � cancelled a moWlFed wfMout fiReen 15 da s �Y.Rrovide that the same may not be
<br /> � in Ifom►acce aDJs tp genericla a( � y p�w�itten notice fo Benet'iclary,and shall have Mss payable provislons in/avor of and
<br /> . P� ry. premiums on rnsurance pa/icles shall be pald in the manner provlded under paragraph�hereol
<br /> � or.Nnot paid in such manner,6y Tiustq�making payment at least frfteen(15)days prioi to tha due date,dlrectfy b the lnsurartce
<br /> canier.Bsr�eHclary sAa/I have Me rfght to hold fhe policies and renewa/s the�eol and Tiustor shall promptly fumish fo Beneflcfary ail
<br /> renewel noafces artd all pald premium�eceipts received by it.In rto eveni shall Beneficiary or Tnrsfee be held responsible tor fallure fo
<br /> � paY�nsurence aremiums or for any loss a damage arising out of a defeci ia aRy pvlicy or eris/ng out of any failure ol any inswance
<br /> canpany to pay f�►any/oss or damaqe ins�red against or for lailaie by Trustvr to effect the insu�ance requlred he�eundar.!n the event
<br /> ol bss, Tiustar shall glve prompi no�ce by mail to the insurance ca�rier and Be:�erciary.Beneficiary may make proof o1 foss il not
<br /> made pr+ampf/y or rn prp�oe�brm by Trust�nr.All policles ol insurance and any and all refunds of uneamed premlums a�e hereby
<br /> ass/qned b Beneficlary as addidonal secuRty for the payment o!fhe/ndebtedness.!n the event of Beneficiary's exercise a1 the power
<br /> oi sale contained herein.or in the event ol foreclosure, all rrght,tit�e and fnterest of Trustor in and to any lnsurance polrcy then in for�ce
<br /> shall pass b rhe purohaser at the t�ustee's sale a fo�eclos�re sale. In case o1 any foss, the insurence proceeds may,at the op0on of
<br /> 6enelklary.be applled by Benefiaiary upon the/ndebtedness,or any part thereof.and in such order and amount as Beneflciary may
<br /> detem►iRe;a s8id Insurance proceeds.at the opflon of Beneficiary,may either be used in replacing or restodng the Tiust Propeity
<br /> paRielly or totally destroyed to a condition satisfacbry io Benefrclary;or said rnsurance proceeds,or any portion thereof,may be
<br /> �leased i�n Trustoi Unless Beneficiary and Tiusfor othenvise agree!n writing,any such sppficabon of Insurance proceeds shall not
<br /> ext�end or postpone the due date of the Note,or any installments called fo�therein,or change ihe amouof of such installments.If tire
<br /> Trust Properly is acquind by Beneficiary pu�suant ro the exerc/se of the power of sale or othe�foreclasure, a/l Rght,tide and inierest of
<br /> Tiustor ln and b any lnsurance proceecis payable as a result o/damage to the Tiust Property p�io�fo the sa/e oi acquisifion shal!pass
<br /> to Benefieiar�and sha!!be applied nrst to the costs and experrse�s, including atlorney/ees.rncu�red in collecting such p�oceeds,then
<br /> ln the rrranrte�a�td!n the orde�providect Rerein.
<br /> 8. PreservaSon and Maintenance of Tiust Property. Tiusior will keep the buildings and other improvements now or hereafter erected on
<br /> the Tiust Property in good repalr and conditlon and will not commit or permit waste,will not alter the deslgn or stnrciural chaiacter �
<br /> co»stitu�ing any bWlding now or herealter erected on and constifuting the Trust Properry without the prior wdlten consent of
<br /> !�neflcisr;,z:7!!rrat da any aci ar t:rir7g w�yicn would unduly�mpa�r or depreciafe he value of�hA T.,�cr����,�.�;;�,_j;;;,�,�a������ t-
<br /> �"r •°•°��='3' '�►.'�"'�:ry1i►rvi re►►�ove e►ry mctures consdtuting the Trust Property unless the same are lmmediatety replaced wfth
<br /> �lke p+opeity subfect to the/ien and security interest of this Deed of Tiust and of at/east equa!va/ue and�tility. Tiustor will comp/y with
<br /> all present and future adinances,regulafiars artd requiiements ol any governmentel body which are appJlcable to the Trust Prope�ty
<br /> and to the occupancy and use ihereof.lt th/s Deed of Tiust is on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit deve/opment, Trustor shall
<br /> peAam a/J of Tiustor's obligations under the declarations or covenants crea6ng or goveming the condominium or ihe planned unit ,
<br /> development,the bylaw+s and regulations o1 the condominlum or planned unit developmer�and the constituent documents. � `
<br /> : 9. Inspecbon.Berzef�cisry or its agents may,at a!I reasonable times,enter upon ihe Tiust ProReny for the purpose of rrts�tection.
<br /> Beneficisry sY;ali have no duty to make such inspaction and sha/i rtot be liabte�o Tiustor or to arry person in possession i1 ii makes or �
<br /> tails to make any such Inspection. —
<br /> ; 10• FmtecUon ot Security.!f Trustor falls to perform any of tha covenants and agieements contained in this Qeed of Tiust,or if any sction t�.
<br /> or proceeding Is oorrrmenced which does o�may adversely affect the Trust Property or the interest ol Trustor or Beneficisry therein oi �
<br /> the tit/e of Trasta thereto,than Bene�ciary,at its option, may peAorm such convenants and ag�eemenis,make such appearances,
<br /> defend againsi and invesUgafe such acLbn or proceed;ng and take such other action as Berre�rePary deems necessary to protect rts �
<br /> , interesf lncladirtg,br�t nQt dimiied to, disbursemenf of reasonabls attorney tees and entry upon the Trust Property to make repairs. Any
<br /> , amounis disbursed by Ber.eFC,'ary pursuant to this pa�agraph 10,with inferesi thereon,shall consUtute Indebtedness of Tiustor "�
<br /> • secured by this Oeed of Trcrst Un/ess Trustor and Beneficiary a,qree to oihe�terms of payirsent,such amounts shall be payabie upon
<br /> ' nofice from Becreficiary b Tiustor reques�ng paymeni thereof,andshall bea�lnterest fio�the date of disbu�sement at the defau/t rate, M
<br /> it any,set fortfa in the Note,or othenvise ai the highe5f rete permitted by law.Nolhing contained rn this pa�agraph shal/require
<br /> Beneflciary fo incur sny expense or take any action hereunder. Trustor inevocabfy aedhorizes end empowers Benefrciary fo enter upon
<br /> the Tiust Propeny as Trusto�'s agent and,in Tiustor's name or othe�wise to perlorm any and atl cover,arts and ag�eements to be
<br /> Rerformed by Tiustor as herein provided. Beneficiary shali,at its option,be subrogated io any encumtrrance, !len,claim or demand
<br /> and to all rights and securities for fhe payment thereaf paid or dischaiged by Benefrciary under the pro visions hereof and any such
<br /> ; subrogation rights shall be addidonal artd cumula�ve securiry for tAis Deed of Tiust.
<br /> 11. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim fo�damages,direct oi consequendal,in connection with any condemnation or
<br /> other taking of the Trust Prope►ry,or any pa�t thereof,or for conveyance in fieu of or in anticipation of condemnaUon,aie hereby
<br /> asslgned to and shall be paid to Bene/iclary. Trusror will/ite and prnsecute,in good teith�nr1 zvith Bue diligence,its c/aim for any such
<br /> , sward or payment,and wltl cause the same to be collected and pald to 8eneficiary,and,should it fail to do so, Tiusfor irrevocably
<br /> authorizes and empowers Beneficiary,!n the name of Trusior or oiherwise, to tile,prosecure.sett/e oi cnmpiom�cg��such�Jaim and
<br /> to Coll�ct,reCe/pF;o;af►d reiain the pioceeds.!f the Tiust Propa�ty Is abandoned by Trustor,or,after notice by Beneficiary to Tiustor
<br /> that the condemnor ofters[o make an award or sett/e a c1�im/or darnages, Tiustor lails to respond to Beneficiary within thirry(30)days
<br /> after the d8te Such nof;ce is mailed,Beneficiary is authorized to collect and app/y the proceeds in ti�e manner rndicated herein. The
<br /> A►o�eeds of any award o�claim may, after de�ducfing a!l reasonable costs and expenses.�ncludrng attorney/ees, wh�ch may have
<br /> been incurred by Beneficiary in the col/ectron thereof,at the sola discietiorr oJ Bene/iciary, be released t�Trustor,app/ied to , �T
<br /> . rastoiation of Tiust Prope�t}r,or appli�d to the payment ot the Indeb�aNnecc ��nlNCs gQnAj;�;ar�,��� T;J�tor oths;�rr;;e ayree in writ►ng,
<br /> eny sucir applicaeon of p�oceeds to/ndebtedness sha/I not extend or postpone the due dat�of the 11lote or the payment of any
<br /> instal/ments called lor thereundei.
<br /> 12. Tiustoi A'ot ReJeased. Exiension o/fhe time foi payment or moddicahon o/any amoRrzation o/the/ndebtedness granted by Bene/rcrary
<br /> to any successor/n interest of Tiustor sha!!not operate to ie!@ase,in any manner,the liability ol Trusto�an7 T�ustor"s successors rn
<br /> lnteresL Beneliciary shall not be required to commence p�oceed�ngs against such successor or refuse to extend hme lor payment oi ~
<br /> othenvise modily amortization of the lndebtedness by reason of any demand made by Trusto�and Trustor's successors f �
<br /> in rnte�est. J
<br /> 13. Finanelal lnlormation. Upon request ol Benefrc�ary, Trustor wrll p�ov�de to Benefic�ary, w,th�n nrnery(90/days o/the close o�eacl�f�scal �d
<br /> yea�o/Trustor,the Consolidatad balance sheet and statement o1 ea�nings o1 Trustor and any and ail guarantors o/the lndebtedness cD
<br /> secuied hereby,rf any, and wifl prov�de and del�ver to Berrehcrary such ofher financ�al,nformatron and m such manner as Berrebc,ary ��
<br /> may reasonabiy request Irom t�me tn time.
<br /> 14. F/nanCiaJ Covenants. In addit�on to any other 6nanaa�cou?n�,nts of Tr::stOr rnada fn Bny ofhCr ayreement. mSinimenl pr documen� �
<br /> Trustor sha/l comply wrth and shal!cause arly and all��,�raninr.;nf rhP MU�btelness se�u�ed h�;�.Cr to c�ar.����.w,fh. �v be m
<br /> compl�ance w�th, the following/manc�al covenants fln,s n���g��ph shannor a��,y,f coven�inta a�rd�f•qu����,•���•,rs.irr���,�t ti��
<br /> lorth here�n�
<br /> 15 Sch�du�eol Leases Wrthm fenllpl�pys affe�d�m�nd 7�uSfUr challli�rn,sh to BPnr!•C,,uy,, tic��•r•:ri,r• i f�:t,':c�1 fc�h, I�„�,!: � ,•ta,,:
<br />. lorth a!//eases ol the 7rust Property. o,any pon�on!h�,�,,�r. ,nNud�ng�n BBCh�•�{SE� rh(• n,�rr�•r�l�c�. •� � �.,r., . , � �
<br /> o!tha spaeo occup�ed by sueh tcn<u,t�r vc cup�nt tf�e r��n!,�!p� �h!e �nr su,h tir,,�� ,• ,,,, �''"�� ' �l' `• '' • �
<br /> rospect[o such Ivasc�s anci ttnanc��. y i "• ''' ''' ' ' ' • ' �'•� ' . � �
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