� ,� .
<br />'-��
<br /> _. � �
<br /> �
<br /> � (d) Benetrciary may efact to cause tho T�ust Properry or c�ny part thr�roof Io pe sold unde�the power ot sa1e, and in such avent,
<br /> ` BenaficlRry•or i7uslea shall glve.ruch nott�o of detauft end natice ot sale es may ba then requrrod by la►v. TheroARor,upon fhe
<br /> explrailon olsuch trme and tlie glving ol such not�ce ol saie ss irray tr�en be required by law,Trustea,at ths time and ptaCe soeci�ied
<br /> Dy Me not�ce o1 salt�,sha!!s�Jl such Tn�st Property, vr Any part thereof spacified Dy Beneticiary,at public auction t�tAa highest
<br /> btdder k�r casA in tawlul muney at tho unit�d Siatos ot Mtortcd. UpoR rsceipi ot paymant ot tha price bid, Trusiee shaU appty tAa
<br /> procseds in ths followtng order:(i)to thQ cost ancf Qxpenses ol eYercising tl►o pawer ol sa��and at tho sate,inc/uding DLt not limited
<br /> � to. trusiae's tees�r nat mcria t�ran SSUif.C�p1u�ona-ha�of ona par,;e.ri of the gras�sata price,anct raasaaab�a aKornok fc�s,(rl)to
<br /> tha lndebtedness,and(iii)the axcess,il any,to the person or pe�sons legalty entitted tAereto.
<br /> AN wosts and sxpt�rises tncurmd by 8enefrciary in enlorclnq any righl under this Deed of TrusL includin,q withcwt lim;tation, abstract or tiNe
<br /> h�s,appreisai fa�.s,pramiur�s hx titte lnsuranee,attaney taes a�c7 eouR eosts,shali�e and constituta/ndebtedness soeureii hereby.
<br /> 27. Out�es of Titrstse.Tiustor ayees that:
<br /> (a1 DcrMs ancl oWigatlons ol Tiusfee shaN be determined solety Dy the express pravlsions af this[Jeed of Treest and Truslee shall not ba
<br /> � kA�Q tXGejll IO�f M!��?@flpfIllARG!0I SlfGlf C�Uh9�aRC�QQlfl,j�NQRS 8S 8!B S�BCffIG81IjF'S8t iQKh h8!@tR, and no irrrptied covenants ar
<br /> �..� obAiqetions shaW be/mposed upon Trustee.
<br /> y (b) IYo provfseor►W tlNs Deed ol Tiust sAal!req�ire Trustee(o sxpend a risk its own funds,or otherwise rncu�any financial obligation in
<br /> � ths psrJb►mance ol any ot rts duties hereunder, or!n the exercise oi any ol its rights or powers.
<br /> I� 0 (c) Trtrst�e may consWt with cotlnsel ol its own choosing and the advise o/such counsel shall be full and complete authoriratl�an and
<br /> ; � prot�cdor�in fhe rospsct ot any actlon teken a stdtered by it hereunder in good/aith and relrance thereon,and
<br /> ; (d) Trustes shal!not ba tiabfe fa any action taken by!t in good faith and reasonabty Detieved by it to ba authorized w within its
<br /> i t�xntion a rights or powers conlerred�pon it by Nt1s Deed of Trust.
<br /> � � 28. S�curiry/Igreerr�ent and Fixture Filing.ThJs Deed ol Ticist shall consdtufe e security agreement artd lixture filing urtder the provisions of
<br /> : O tAe flMbraska Uniform Commerclal Code with respect to those Bxtures described in the preamb/es hereol as constituting a part of the
<br /> 0!, Tius[Fropeffy,bgeNter wrth a!!ofher properry of Trtrstor,eithar similar or disslmilar to the same,no►er or hereafter located ai or on the
<br /> ' Tiust Propeifj�.
<br /> i 29. Future Advances.Upon request of Tiustor,Beneficiary.at Beneflciary's option,prlor to ful!reconveyance of iAe Tr�st Properfy by
<br /> Tiustee b Tiustor,may make future advartces to Trusior.Such future advances, with inferest thereon,shalf be secured 6y ih1�Daed of
<br /> Tiust.At no time shaf!alre principal amount ot the/ndebtedness seca�ed by thls Deed of Tiust.not incl�ding sums advanced to proteci
<br /> the secuMy. exceed the total sum ol t .Advances of dlsbursements made Dy BeneNcisry to prpiect the secarrty,
<br /> , under the terms hereof, while discrebortary.shall not be deemed tp be optional advances.
<br /> , 30. Reconveyance.Upon payment of all lndebtedness secured by fhis Deed of Titist Benenciary shal!request Tiustee b reconvey the
<br /> ' Tiusi Property and shall surrender thls Deed of Tiust and all notes evidencing lndebiedness secured by this Deed of Trust to Trustee.
<br /> : . Ttistee sha//reconvey the Tiust Properry without warranry and wiihouf charge to the person or pe►sons IegaQy endded the�eto.Such
<br /> person a persons shall pay atl cosis o1 recordation,if any.
<br /> � 31. Substitu0e Tiustee.BeneNclary,at its opiion,may from time to time remove Tiusiee and appoinf a Successor Trustee to any Trustee
<br /> . appaie�ted hereunder by an inst�ument recoided in the county in which this Deed of Tir�st�S►ecaded. W'dhout conveyanCe of the Trust �
<br /> Pro�.the Successo�Trustee shat!succeed to all title,powe�and duties conterred upon Tiastee herein and by applicable law. ,
<br /> 32. IN�sceflaneous Righis ol Beneficiery. Benaficiary may at any time and from time to dme,without noUce,cortsev�t to the making o€any
<br /> . plat of tl�e Tit�st P�operty w the creaffon o1 any essement ihereon or any covertants restricting use w occupancy thereol or agcee to
<br /> a/te�or arnerrd the tenns of this Oeed of Trust.My personal prope►ty remaining upon the Tiust Property alter the Trusi Property has ,
<br /> � been possessed or occupied by Beneficiary, its ageni o�any purchaser to0owing Trustee's sa/e,foreclosu�e,or under any deed in lieu ,
<br /> 01 Trustee's sale or foreclosure,shall be concJuslvety presumed fo have been abandoned by Tiustor. �
<br /> 33. Nodce to Trusta. Trusior hereby requests that a copy of any notice of default and nafiae of sa/e made or execufed by Ti��cr�+���u� -±- _-
<br /> ' tn the nrovJsionc hereof 6e sent tn Tru.ctnr ar its mail{�on a�rfracc ca9 fnr�F�horc+in�hnya_ -
<br /> . IN WITNFSS WHERFOF,this Oeed of Tiust has been dufy exe uted ihe�ia and ear fi�si aboye wnnen.
<br /> . � ,�1, ,
<br /> D d L. ostka C r st ne Starv t `
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) anny . Starost anet . tarost �
<br /> 1sS-
<br /> , COUNTYOF )
<br /> . _
<br /> � Qn this day of , 19._, bef�re me, a notary public in and for seid counfy,persortalJy came .
<br /> � ,and
<br /> ` o/ ,known to me to be fhe identica!persons who �
<br /> � slgned the foiegang Deed of Trust and acknow/edged the execution thereni to be their voluntary act and deed,and the vo/untary aci and � �
<br /> dsed of sald corporation. �
<br /> WITNESS my hand and natarial seal on this the alay and yea�lasr above written.
<br /> (SEAL)
<br /> Norary PuD6c
<br /> ' My CAmm�ss+no Bxp�res
<br /> � )ss.
<br /> COUNTYOF flAI.L )
<br /> Ort this.��day of..��, 19�, before me, a nofary public;n and to�said county,persona/ly camo David L. , ` —
<br /> gnd. Chri atin _ A_� Dann� R_� .ianet taroatl� ,known to me to be the rdent�cai persons who
<br /> signed the fo�egdng Deed of Tiusi snd acknowledged the execution thereof to 6e therr vofuntary aci and deed.
<br /> W/TNESS my hand and notarial seal on fhis the day and year last above wotten.
<br /> (SEAL) �
<br /> ���M�i �- -� --- `� ���G�C<-_� wit
<br /> L 6•�rarr Pcb�c
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