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<br />�
<br />�
<br /> : ! �
<br /> ADJUSTASLE RATi� RIDER 90---���4 2,�
<br /> (!Year Tire�uty[ndex•Rate Caps)
<br /> TRISADJUSTABLB RATL RIDfiR i�mWe thL 2'�� �}ot t��:� .19�,
<br /> � �ad is iacorpnrued lnto and�!W! De deeexd to amend aad iupplement the Mort�e. Ikid of Tnut, or Security Deod(the •'Secudty
<br /> Ianru�a�t")of tbe aame d�te�iv�ea bv the undmyned(the"B�xrower'�)to�ecure Borcower'�Adjuu�bte Rata Note(the"Note")to F�Q�E
<br /> �,�,�„Y(�10!!LOAN AliOCiAT10N OF 01RAN0 ISLAND. NElIRASKA(tAe"Lendn"A of the umr dace an�covsrinj the
<br /> P���Y dacsiMd i�tl�e S�curity In�tsumaat and iocat�d�!:
<br /> 1311 Main Street. Wood I�ver, I� C�9883
<br /> (Property Addraf)
<br /> '1'rb NM co�t� �t�s�bioM trwviy ior ew� 1� q I�te�wt �fM ui qq �atN�
<br /> Ny�a.'I'ii�w1�wo!l�dq tM u�at y I�tetat ntte a�cM��e�t�q o�e t1��N
<br /> �No tM��aM tM M��nN t w�t�.
<br /> ADDITIONAL COV8NAN7'S.Ia additioa to the covenenn u�d�yra�enu made in tl�e Secudty Insuurtient,Horro�ra and Lenda
<br /> � 1Wtdt oovee�ot�ed yne a�fo8ow�:
<br /> i A. �E3T RA1E AND MONTRLY lAY11�NT CHANfaF�
<br /> � TM Nott pcovidM for aa iniWJ interat nu of 12•25 A1,Sectioa 4 of the Note p�ovidea tor cha�a in the interat rate�nd tue
<br /> � moothlY p►ymmq�a foUmv�:
<br /> (�U pMp D�1M
<br /> '['fie incecast rate 1 wlll P�Y�Y�h��the f 3r�t d�y of Ju n e ,19 91 �aad on that day every
<br /> (12) twel ve �����r,g.�ch du=on which my interat ran coWd chu�e��c�lled:"Ctun�e Due.•'
<br /> ' (S) 7'M IM�a�
<br /> jHe�lnNos rrlth the tint Ch�n�e Date,my interat nte wlll be twed on aa I:sdex.The'•Indea�"is tlie wakly aven�e yidd on United Stua
<br /> Trauury iecurida�wted to a con�taat nuturity af 1 year,a made�vdt�bk by the Feder�l Raerve Bard.The most reant Iada�fisure .
<br /> � awibbM w ottb�d�te 4S da�beface a�ch Chuue D�te i�called the"Current Index."
<br /> ; I!the Iadac D no lon�er av�k,the Note Holdec vrlll choase a new iadea whicl4 i9 b�sed upon comDu�ble inforaudon.7'ha Note •
<br /> � Holda will�lve me aotice of tt�cholcc. '
<br /> ' tG� CAedM{N of Ci��
<br /> � 8efore ad�Chan�e Dau,the Note Hoidee wW alculate my ne�v interai nte by�ddln= t h ree and one ha 1 f pa�� +
<br /> potnv t 3-5 qb)to the Currmt Iadac sad couadic�to tue rKasat 1/Sth of 1�.subJect to the lltaiti tttted in Section�(D)below.
<br /> Tf�raundwl�mwni wi�be my aew iacerai rsie uaui u,o�t C'u�n{e Laie. '---�-
<br /> � �.; �w ��. w w .w. . �.. a • ees..i ._ . �- -'--•-- • '
<br /> - - ��.� .?...::".�.«�..i'.....�." ...�1'�..i.w'�.Tiv.::.t:.�.....�Iv.,.ZL�Y�a'II'wi,�vw"i:.v�ia� .Z"v ida.,v..u.2'v acyij%w�iiL u�s'pruw�yo`1 +uu •
<br /> e�ected to owe on tbat Ch�n je Due ia�ubttoatt�Uy eqwl psymenti by the nuturlty due at my new interat rate.fie rault of thi�caiculttioa
<br /> wW be titie aew amount of my monthly payment.
<br /> � tDI IJ�ir o�I�anrt 1taM Ci�� � _
<br /> � • Tlje inta�a�t rate � am requfred to p�y �t the fint Chsnje Date wlll not be �rater chu� 14•2� 9Y or lar tl�an
<br /> + 1(1_�S �,���;��t rate wlll aever be incrwed or dec�atsed oa any sin�le Charye D�tt by more than two
<br /> i
<br /> ^�r,`..�^.=from tl�e rate of intecett I have ban psyla�for the preadins twet�a raonth�.The minimwn incerest rue on this lan wlit nerer be �
<br /> � las than 9•Q �lri an�i the maximum interat nte wlll neva br�rdter than 16.0 ,�.
<br /> � (a3 E[I�etlfe D�te ot A��s � F
<br /> iMy new lataat rate wlll become effective on eac.h Chanae Date.I will pay the amount of my new monthty payment be�intilna on the f rat
<br /> ;
<br /> nwntWy p�yment d�oe atta the Chia�e Due uacl tFx,e amount of my monthly p�ymmt chan�a apin. ,
<br /> � (E� Notlee of Ciaqe�
<br /> ; 7Le Note Holder w�ill mail or deliver to me a aotia before ach Chan;e Dtte.The notice wftl advise me of: �'��
<br /> ; (i) ehe new interat rue on my lou��of the Change Date; .
<br /> ; (U) the amount of my monthly payment following the Change Date;
<br /> � (iii) any addiuonal matters which the Note Holder is required to disclose;and
<br /> � (iv) the addras of tha ossociation you coold contact regarding sny quations about the adjustrtzent notia.
<br /> � S. CHAIlGFS:I.IENS
<br /> � Unifam Covenaat 4 of the Security Instrument is unended to read as tollows:
<br /> � 1. CIr��;Ler.Borraw�er shall pay all taxe�,assessmenu,and other chuga,�nes,and imposItlons�tuibuwble to the Propaty which may
<br /> attafn a prlar3ry over this Security I��'�ment,and l�esehold peymente of�round ra►ts,if any,in tht m�nrr provided unda para�aph 2 heteof
<br /> or�if not paid 1n such manner.by Boe�ower makinj paymrnt,whrn due,directly to che payee thereof. Borrow�r ah�ll promptIy furNsh Lender
<br /> a8 aoika oi�mounts due under tras pu�t�raph.and�n ttfe event Honower slull make payment dlrectly, Borrower ahall promptly furifish to
<br /> Lender reaipb evldendr�{ such p�ymenta. Bonowec sha11 �romptty dlschar�e any lien which has pdoriry over this Security Instrument;
<br /> boaever.Bottower sball not be rcquired to dischu�e�►ny such lien so lonj u Bonowtr: {a)shaU aaree in wricir�co the paymenc of the
<br /> obl�ation secur�ed by such llen in the�nanner acaptabie to Lender;(b)shall in Qood faith concest such lien by,or defend ayainst enforcement of ,-_-_�- -
<br /> such ika in,lepl procadinjs which in the opinion of Lender aperate to prevent the enforctment of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any �
<br /> a-s!it:�s�t;or (e)•..��li:ecuse f:om�����ld:r of s�ch iiez°sss aa,amce. ia a ic:m s�tisfpctory to Lender su6ordinating such lien to this
<br /> Sectuity Inswment.
<br /> !f Lender determines that ell or any part of the Praperty is subject ta a lien whith may attain a priority over this Se:urity Instrument,
<br /> Lender shall give Botrowet a notice identifying such lien. Borrouer shall satisfy such lien or take one or rnore of the actions set farih above
<br /> within ten days of thc giving af the notice. �
<br />� � C. NOTi�E �
<br /> tJniform Covenant 14 of the Security Instrument is amended to read as follou s: `t
<br /> R
<br /> 11. Notict.Except for any notice reqwred under applicaAle taw to bc gi�cn�n another manner,lal any� not:.e to Borrn..er prrnidcd for m tt�i. �
<br /> N
<br /> Sccurity lnst�ument shall De�cen by delicenng�t o:hy�ma�hng rt hy t�rct clas�mail to Rorroµer�{I the Nro��tti qddrec�or;,i�uch nihcr addre�. .►
<br /> as Borr�wer may des�gnaee by notice w t.cndcr as p:rnidcd hrrc�n, and 1h►any notne Io 1 endcr.haiE t+e�.��cn h. f�r,t �la�� ma�! �n t cnJer'�, .
<br /> addres>;sar�dhFre�nc�r[oiu�h:�il�trsu:9:�•-a�!x:i;ir::si�y..r,ignate�yr�:.�cci��k3orinucra4prmidcdht.*cin •�n�n�m:c�r.���Jcill��rinth.i�
<br />' Secunty inttrutnen�shall hc dcemrd to ha�e hcen E;i�en�o kur rowcr��t(cndrr��hru p..�cn in ti7r manncr de••:r.�!rJ hcrr�n
<br /> �
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