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<br /> NoN-UNIFORM COVENAM'S. Borrawet�fd l�ender fluther covenant snd agra as follows: �Q� �O'�°���
<br /> 19. Aeeekntlo�; Re�eiiM. I,tNder va1� �I�s wtice ro Borrower Mio� to scceter�tioa tollowtn� BoROwe�'s
<br /> ' rrwc�ot�p co�aut o�y��stoi i�trb Secvrity IattntaMeat(bt�t�at Prt�e to acceknttea aader par��r�pha 1�es�d!7
<br /> wdp��I{c�►1e I�w� 'ro�iiM otl�rite►. TMe �oticc�ba11 speclf�r: (�)tbe det�elh Ib)tbe�cttoa �evutred co cure the
<br /> ith�lt;te)a�t��wt Iw i�3ti risyi fio�n tlie diie i�auuet i��i:ea ta Basro:ss:.Dp r!!!sA s�e de�:�lt�r_�si M su�t�4;
<br /> � �i(i)tlat hil�re to c�e t�e dehrlt o�o�betare tbe d�te spedfled ie t6s notice msy result in screle��don a/the suiu
<br /> s�crrM ly t�S�entlty i�weiat uid sRle ot t1e Fro�ertyr.'f�e iwtlEe sball turthe�iniorm Bonower ot t�c�t�ht to
<br /> �ta1e arter�eeeltntioa a�!NK �Yt to briq� caut sctiaa ta aaert the nan�e:t�tsnce o[� detaalt or any othe�
<br /> dete�e of 8orrower to t�eei�ntio�aN pi{e.lf tha krfarlt h wot cYrad o�or eetore tbe date speclAed in tde aatice.LeAde�
<br /> �! ip o�tfa+�wty�1[e l��e�li�te M►�eert i�hU ot all s��ec�red ley thts See�rity Intru�eat wtthout furtl�er
<br /> i�w�i a�■�y i��oke d1e pwer ot��ud 1uy ot�e�re�ite��itted by aMiicable I�w.Le�der sWl be eatitled�o
<br /> coll�ct a11 e�Ms�a i�wreer i� wr�iw� Ne re�edia �rorided i■ tlis pinp��Rh 19. iaclwii��. Dut aat ii�nited to.
<br /> rwoaabk astoraers'ha au�cah otdtk e�rideece.
<br /> It tLe pwer ot ak b i��olced,Tn�tee srall record a�otke ot dehMlt ta acM rs�aty tn v�6kh ssy put o!the
<br /> Pro�ty b locatd aw�dl�all co�ia ot�el��odee iA!he nusae��criled by y�licable law to BoROwer and to t5e
<br /> otber��e�criiiei by a�liptile Itw.Afrer tMe d�requtrtd by�lieabk law.Trwta�Il�i�e widie�otice oI
<br /> � �ale to tie�erian and t�t�e su��reae�ltied by�Ucable I�w.Tnutee.witho�t de�aad o�Borrower.s6a11 aeU the
<br /> ProlertY at�btk as�cdoa ta tie N�at bidier at tMe dse and place a�d under t�e tenaa dai�ted�n tYe nodce otsak in
<br /> wie or u�ore�ueeb a�d i�s�y o=der Tnstee ktsrmi�a.Trustee�aay�at�oae sal=otdl o��Ny.p�rcel ot tYe Pro�ertv by
<br /> �nLlic aa�aceAest at t�e ti�e a�d olace of aey pre�ioasly acLedukd sale. Lender o� ib datsnee a+ay purchase the
<br /> Property at aay sde.
<br /> , . U� receirt of p��we�t of tk �rice bid.Trwtee aMall deliss�to tYe purchase� 'Trusta's deed con�eyin� the
<br /> Pro�erty. 7're recltal�iu tMe Tru�tee'�deed�all be �I�a tscie e�ideace of tYe truth of the atateaenb made thereln.
<br /> Trwtee sM�ll qply tLe Koceed�ot tre�ale i�tbe followiu�oeder.(aD to all expeaus ut the aale.iACludi��,Dut not li�nited
<br /> to,Trwtee's[ea a�er�i�ed by a�plkabk lsw a�d re�wnwbk attoneys'tea;(b)to d! wais secured by th,i�Securlty
<br /> t�stroa�e��aM(c)�wy exce�to t!e per�on or peno�s kplly e�tidld to It.
<br /> 20. Lender in Paaadon. Upon acceleration under paragnph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lertder(in
<br /> person.by agent or by judiciaUy appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon.take possession of and manage the
<br /> Property and to coltect the rents of the Property inciuding those past due.Any renu collected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> shall be spplied flrst to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents.including,but not
<br /> limited to. receiver's fees.prenyiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees.an�then to the snms secured by
<br /> tbis Security Instrament. "
<br /> . 21.Rtea�te�taace.Upon paymen�of all sams secured by this Security lnstrument. Lender shall reyuest Trustee to
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall surrend�r ttus Security Instrument and all nota evidencing deb�.secured by this SecusecX
<br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty End without chaige to the persan or persuns '
<br /> IeaaOy entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br /> 22.Sab�titate'Tn�stea Lender,u its option,may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trusta �
<br /> to any Tnistee appointed henunder by�n instrument recordod in the county in whir_h this Secnrity lnstrument is recorded. �
<br /> � `:'ithaut cozveyance af th:i'ra�r.rt;.th^st2�i`!'��T t�lst!'t shwll tuc�ee�l to all ihe tidt,power and duties conferred upnn -
<br /> - 3r.W:r.3i..-,:,iz::.3�;:�Yli:.�.a 1:�. -
<br /> �23. Requat for Nodees.Borrower requests that copia of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's - _
<br /> address which is the Property Address. _
<br /> 1a1.Riders to t6L Securlty Isst�usen�if ae�e or more riders are executed by Honower and tecorded together with _
<br /> this Secwity Instrument,the covcnants and agreements of each such reder shall be incorporated into and shall amend and '; _�
<br /> supplement the covensnts snd ageements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security �
<br /> Instrument.[Check spplicable box(es)J `
<br /> _ � Adjustsble Rate Rider ❑ Condaninium Rider ` 2-4 Fu�city Rider _ • �
<br /> s
<br /> ❑ Graduated Payment Rider � Planne� Unit Fkvelopment Ridcr `
<br /> � Other(s) [specifyJ Acknowledgement �
<br /> . BY SIGNiNCi B�l.ow, Borrower aceepts and a�rees to the tertns and covenants contained in this Security : i��
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by Bonower and recorded with it.
<br /> � �.,
<br /> ........................................................................................ ......... ... ........ ...�:l..,r.:C...�M+'�...�...._................... .(Scal)
<br /> —BOrrp�
<br /> � Rax lJiese �
<br /> ................................................................_... ............. __... ......��.....�....�U��............... .(Seal)
<br /> Irene . Wiese
<br /> —ea..ow..
<br /> STATE OF:�IEBRASKA. HA��► Coun�y ss: '
<br /> On this 2�th day o► April .�9yU . before me. the undersigned, a tvotary e�ubii�
<br /> duly commissioned and quali�ed for said county,personaUy came Ray i�iese and Irene Wi ese,
<br /> husband and wi.fe , to me know•n to be the
<br /> identical person(s) whose name(s) are s�bscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged rhe execu�een %=_°_ -
<br /> thereof to be Their �oluntary act and deed. '
<br />_ Witness my hand and notariai seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said roun�y, thc
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> `y.�d"�..Z� � a�
<br /> �K�M�h . . ... .. . . ... . . .... .. . . ... . . ....�=�-:.. . . . . . •
<br /> � aM1iLKNKIE ����.,r, �'�r��, �t`
<br /> lyara6�pu,�l,3�lp REQUEST FOR RECOyVEYAtiCL-
<br /> �t
<br /> Ta Tat:STEE n`
<br /> cA
<br />: The undersigned is the holder of the iwtr or nates �ecured hy !hi� Uerd ��t Tru�f. ti.i�d n�,tr��r n��;r�, t���rthcc �
<br /> ��•ith all other�ndebtedne�ti serured h�it���Dezd ot Tru��,h.i�c heen �atJ�st tull t ru,ir. IlttCh� �lfc'iIC�1 ti� .nli�t'I.,uJ '
<br /> TiC:iP Oi C�Otf�?n� i�!�: n�et� i►( Tiiiii. .'+�liili d(C�Cii�cfc�I llctc`I��, Aflu i�• tc���n�C�, �•�th��ut .t�r;atli�. di{ 1►li :•�dic ,
<br /> now hcid h� <<�u undcr thi, �)fCl� �tf riUtil lt� (fIt ri'(�t�fl ��f �Ct���tl• �cf311� t'tt•�i!C� rh�tt'1��
<br /> Da�e
<br /> �
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