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<br /> ( gp..�02222
<br /> j l�ic�!��UNlFC�qM Cov�tvANT�s Borrawcr and Gender fuirther cc+vennnt nncl�gree nc fnll�a•c:
<br /> 19. Acceler�tion; Remedies. i.ender shwll gtre notice to Borrower prior to arcefent�oe follorving BartoMer•e
<br /> breacA ot ony covenant o���reemtnt in 4hi9 Secu�i3y Inatrument(dut not prtor to sccclerntian unde�pars�raphs 13�nd 17
<br /> unle�x�ppiicable law provida otherwisel. '�6e notice e6a11 specitqs l�) the default; (b1 the�ctton required to rure the
<br /> � det�ult;(cl�d�te,not le�thm 30�ya from th�date the notica i�gi�en to Harrawer.by which the det�ult must be cured;
<br /> aad(d)tl�at fiilyre to cw�e tbe dcfA�lt un or before 4he datr apeclHtd in tho notict msg«sult ie accsltr�ttl�►n af tl�t auuls
<br /> se�wred by thb Securlty Insttumcnt�nd sak af the Property.7'he notlte sh�!! turihtr tntorm Borrower vt the�i�bt to
<br /> relwHte �iter�cceleration and t6e riQht to brin�a court actipn tQ u�rt the non•existence of� def�tult ar�ny ather
<br /> �et�ue ot Boreower to tccelention ind sals.Itttie det�vlt t�not cured on or betore the date specifled in the eotice.Lender
<br /> at ia option nuy rearire immediate p�ymeet in tull of dl sums secured by tl�ia Securdty Instrument without tartAer
<br /> daAU�d awd en�y inroke the Rowe�of sale and�ey othe�remedies permitted by�pplicahle law.Lender shall be entitled to
<br /> collect �l!exoenses incursed Ia punuteo the reaf�dte� provided in this ptrugraph 19, tacluding; but n�t limited to.
<br /> re�sne�ble�ttor�eys'fea�nd costs of title eridence.
<br /> It t1e power of�le i�iAroked,Trustee sWl record a notice ot default in ach coanty in Rhich any p�rt of the
<br /> 1'm'erty it locatrd and sha11 n�ail copies ot such notice in the m�nner prescrlbed Dy appliable lsw ta Borrower�nd to the
<br /> . ot�Yer�ersa�s�escrlbed by spplicable law.Atter the time required by�ppllptble law,Trustee shall gire publ�r notice of
<br /> s�k to the�enons�+d is tbe inanner prescribed by applicable law. Trustce.wtthout demAnd on Bonower,siull sell the
<br /> P'roperty at public�ucHon to tht bighat bidder�t the Hme and place and under the terms deslgnated in the notice ot aale in
<br /> �►ee ur�ore pucels snd tn any order Tru�tee�6etermines.T�sta may postpane sale ot all or any parcel of the Property by
<br /> �ublic asnouacement�t the time and place ot any pre�i�rmsiy acheduled sal�. I.ender or its daiRnee m:w qocazchase the
<br /> Proptrty at uny sale.
<br /> Upo� receipt of payment ot the p�ice bfd� Trustee shall delire� to the purch�ser Trustee's deed co�Teytng the
<br /> PropeMy.7Ue recitsls in the Tru�tee's deed siall be pNma tacie e�tdence of the truth ot the stateme�ts mpde therein.
<br /> 7'rwtee sh�ll a�ply tMe proceeds of the sale in the folloeing order.(a)to dl eapensa of the sale.including,but not limited
<br /> to�Tru:tee'�tees as permitted by applica6le law u�d reuonable attarney�'lees;(b1 to all sums secured by t6ts Security
<br /> � Inttru�nenh,and(c)any exce�,+to the person or pereoe�leg,ally snNtled to it.
<br /> 20.Lender in Pases�ion. Upon acceleration un�er paragraph IQ or ahandonment of the Property. Lender (in
<br /> pe�son,by agent or by judicialiy appointed �eceiver) shall be entitled to enter upon. take possession of and mana�e the
<br /> Property and to collect the rents of Ihe Propert�including those past due. Any rents collected tr�, Lender or the receiver
<br /> shall be applied first to payment of the costs c�f management of'the Property and callection of rents,inciuding. but not
<br /> limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys'fees,and then to the sums secured by
<br /> this Security lnstrument.
<br /> ZI.Reconreyance.Upon paymcnt oF aL�sams secured by this 5ecurity In�trument,Lender��all reqa�t Trustee ta �
<br /> reconvey the Property and shaU surrender this�ecurity Instrument and all notes evidertcing dcbc s..-�;ured by this Security .
<br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shatl recomr�•the Pro�+eny without warranty and without charge ta the person or persons '.
<br /> � l:g;.tty cr.:iit:.�ta ii.Such�rs�r_er Fe•��ns st�s!!Fsy Qtty�!V'nr�lati�n rnctc.
<br /> 22.Subtitute Trustee.Lender,at its oFtion.may from time to time remove Trustee and ap�int a successor trustee .
<br /> _ to anv Trustee ananinted herrunder bv an instcument recorded in the countv in which this Secuntt�Instrument is�ecordcd. �"__ �
<br /> Withoat conveyance of the Property,the sucressor trustee shall succced to all thc titte,power and�utics canferred upon � � -
<br /> Trustee herein and by applicable law.
<br /> 23.Request tor NoNees. Bonowet requests that c�pies of the notices of default and sale be cent to Borrower's
<br /> address which is the Property Address. _
<br /> 2�t.Riders to this Security Instrumeat,OF one nr more riders arc executed by Bonower and recorded together with �
<br /> ' , this Security Instrument,the covenants and a�re�ments of each such nder shall ix incorporated into and shall amend and '
<br /> supplement the covenants and agreements uf this Security lnstrurnent as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> instrument.[Check applicable t�x(es}J
<br /> � [� Adjustable Rate Ricfer r�]' Condominium R��er � 2� Family Rider ____ �
<br /> ,. .
<br /> ❑ Graduated Payment Rider i� Planned Unit De�elopment Rider
<br /> � Other(s) [specify] 1-G Family Rider ��
<br /> BY SIC3NING BELOw'. Borrower ac:septs and agrees to the terms and co��enants c��ntained in this Secunty '
<br /> Instrumont and in any rider(s)executed by�+eFruwer and rec:orded with it.
<br /> . ................................................................. ... . . ........ ... �. !.t,.t. . . ._ .. .�,.�rs:�:,�..h..�...�lwc��
<br /> T�r�,y��� Skibstead -�.,�w�,
<br /> ..................................................... . ........... ................. . .yJ`� `�1'4. C.�.....�.. .. ��-S.s[r'�l�{.+J......(Seal)
<br /> L� rin' ee Sic�d..... .... .. . . _e�«�e�
<br /> S�tA7E(�F Nk HRA�K A, H8j1 <'��unl� ��:
<br /> On lhiti 23Td �1ay c�f April , 1'7 9�, hrinrr m��, thr uncicr�i�ned, a '���tar} Puhl�i
<br /> duly rommis4ioncd and yual�fi��,i tor �aid roun�y, �cnu�i:yll� ramr Tl■othy QOI11�o Ski.bstead and Lynn Renee
<br /> t��. ..�.... ,—°�-
<br /> vwa.arsa�.co�' 'va�'�i �i= iilo vira'� �~va i�"�SCLi T3�t.� o^� �^1v Sai3US8 G'� @�f�.ii tTt'.�s^��t�Si�c::o::s: :.: h:• :It: ,
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<br /> ihcrcof lo he �iT �i�luntan art an�1 c1cr�1.
<br /> �1�'itncs� my harn.l anc.1 ni�►arial�c��l,�i �8r7d IS , braska �n •�+iJ+,,unn. �li�•
<br /> date afure�aid.
<br /> !�ty� t'c��t�tni5�ii�n c��+irc�: �-�--`1�1 .���� �
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