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<br /> 1�4 FAMII.Y RIDER 90� 102222
<br /> � � Ase�nn�mt o!R+�ts
<br /> 1NIS l�+l FAIVQLY RIDER is �nade this 23rdday of April . 19 90
<br /> �ad 1� inoo�po[a0ed inlo �nd shall be doemod to ame�d and supptement the hlortgage. Deed af 'I�ust or Security Deed
<br /> (dre "Secudry L�.+�nt")of the same date given by the unciersig�ted (the "Borrower") ta secure Borsawer's NMe to
<br /> Tha Equitable Quilding end Loen Aasacietion. Grand Islend. Nebraska (the �•L.ender"�
<br /> , of Ihe sadie dule and covering the p+operry described in the Security Instrument and lacatod at:
<br /> �110 Msst Koenig, Grand Isla�d. Nebraska 68801
<br /> : tRoa•m�nda�ess�
<br /> 1-�FAMILY CONENANTS. In addition ta the covenants and agreements made in the Security l�strument, Borrawer
<br /> snd Lender fwther coven�nt and agnc as follows;
<br /> A.USE OF PAOPERTY; COMPLIANCE WI'1'H LAW. Borrower shall nat seek, ag�ce to Qr make a change in the
<br /> use of tlte Property or its zaning dassificatioa. unless l.ender has agreed i� writing to the change. Bonower shall comply
<br /> with all laws, ordinances. regulatians and reyuirements oF any gavemmental body applicable ta ttre Property.
<br /> B. SIJa�RDIIVATE LIENS. Exctpt as permitted by federal law. Borrower chall not allow• any lien inferior t�i the
<br /> Security Instrument to bc perfected against the Praperty w�itlraut Lendcr's prior written pertnis�ion.
<br /> C.RENT L06S lNSURANCE. Barrower shall maintai� insurance against rent lass in addition ta ihe other hazards
<br /> . for which insurance is rtquired by Unifurm Cuvenant S.
<br /> , D. "HORROWER'S WGI�T 'ff) REINSI'ATE" DELETEp. llniform Cavenant IA is deictcd.
<br /> E.AS�IGNIV�NT OF LEASES. Upon I.endcr'� rcquest, Borr��w•cr�hall as.cign tu i.ender 311 leases of�hc Property
<br /> � and al) securiry depc�sir,� made in connection �zst► lea�e+ uf the Prupcny�. UFx�n thc a�signment, Lcnder shall have the '
<br /> right to modify. exttnd or terminate the existing Q��ses and ta executc new teases, in l.ender's u��e�i:scretian. A. used in ,
<br /> this paragraph E. the wotd "lease" shall mean "�ubfeasr"' �E the Sccurit� In�trument i+ on :� lea,ehold.
<br /> . �. _
<br /> . F.ASS1GN11�NT OF RENTS. Bo;rower unconditii�na64y a�.ig�+and tran.fcrs t,�.l.cnder a!1 the rents and revenues
<br /> of the Prooertv. gorm+r�r authnri�rc l.ender nr I.en�r'c aoentc tn r��QF�t thr r��ntc and mvem��� and hcrehv �1in•�•tc Fach �
<br /> .. ..._ . , . .o .... . — -•--_ ..-- --_ __. ._ .. . . -- ---
<br /> tenant af the Prvperty to pay the mnts to Lender or Lender'� agents NoWe�•er, prior to Lcnder's Notice to Borrowcr of �_-
<br /> Borr+ovver's breach of any covenant or agreement in the Security� ln�trument, Borro�s: shall rnllect and receive all rents
<br /> and t+evenues of the Property as tru�tee far the benefit of Lcnder and Bonower. Thc• a.�ignment of rent� ron�titutes an =
<br /> absolute acsignment and not an assignment for additional stcurity �.nly. - '
<br /> : If Lender gives tuotece of breach to Borro�a•er,•.(i) all rents receiveai b}• Bvrrower shall tse hel�:F�� Borroa•er as trustec �
<br /> far benefit of Lender�anly, to be applied to the sumti .ecured by the Secunty lnstrumem: liil lxnder shall he entitled to
<br /> colloct and seeeiv� all of the rents of the Prupen�;and Ii�i) each tenant uf the Propen} shall pa} all rents due aa�t unpaid _
<br />.. to L.ender or Lender's agent on E.e�er's written demand co �hc tcnant. °.
<br /> Bortower has not executed any priur assignmen[ of the rents and has not and will nc�t perform any� aef that would �_
<br /> pnvent l.ender fmm cxercising its rights under th�s paragraph F.
<br /> l.ender shall not be required to enter upon, take contrnl of or maintain the Propem Fkforc ��r�fter g�ving notice uf .�.�.
<br /> breach to Borrower. However. L.ender or a�udicially app��inted recc�cer may du �.� �t aRy time thc� i, a hrexeh Any
<br />, application of rents shall not rure nr waive any default c+r imal►date any nther ng!~�t ��r remedy of L.ender. TMs ass�gn- �
<br /> ment of rents of the Property shall terminate when the debt .ecured by thc: Secunt} Intitrumcirt �� paid �n full.
<br /> G.CROS.S-DEFAULT PROYlSION. Boerower'� default ��r brra�h under:�ny m�te��r agrecr;�e�n: �n wh�rh Lcnder ha+
<br /> an interest sttall be a brcarh under the Securitc ln�trument .rn� L.ende� ma� in�oke sm of the �enud�e.perm�tted by the
<br /> Security Inswmcnt.
<br /> BY SIGNING �ELOW, Borrower arrepts and agrecti tu the term� and pru�i�iun� ronta�ncd in �hi. I-�l Famdy Rid.r
<br /> r
<br /> � �
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