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<br /> 90---10��22
<br /> � IP Lcntf�r_rcqui�cd m�ttRa�e insur�nre as a conditinn of m:�king the loan �erured b�� �h�s Securit�� Instrument,
<br /> 6orrower sha11'pay�he�remiums required ea maintuin the insurunce in cfFcrt unlil�uch timr as the requirement fo� the
<br /> �nsurance t�rminates m acrord�nce with Rorraw•rr's and I.endrr's w•ntten ag��ement or�ppti��bte fa�r.
<br /> 8, Ini�eetion. [.ender or its agcnt mAy make reas�mable cntrics up�n nnd inspcc�ions oP ihe Pr<�pert��. Lender
<br /> shall giie @orroKer notice at the t im�a!'or prior to an inspection s�sccify ing reasanablc rausc for the ins��tian.
<br /> 9, Condemnation. The proceeds oti any owurd or rlaim for damages,�lirect or c�n�e9uential,in conne.ction with
<br /> any en�tdernnation qr olhtr taking of any p:�rt of the Property, or Par com�e��ance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby
<br /> �assignc�i and sh31)be E�id to Lender.
<br /> In the e�ent of u total takinR of the ProF+erty,the prckerds shall be Applied to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> tnstrumcnt,whcihcr or nat thcn due,with any cxcess paid ta Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Prop�rty,
<br /> unlrss Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br /> the amourtt oP the proceeds multiplied by the follov��ing fraction: (�)the total amaunt of the sums secured immediatel�
<br /> before the taking.divided by(b)the Fair market value osthe Property immediatcly btf�re the taking.Any balAnre shall be
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> Iithe P'rtyaperty is abandaned by &�rrower.c�if:after notice by Lender to Be�rroH�er thAt the candemnor offers to
<br /> make an a�vard or setde a cT;3.�ir�for damages,BorroK 4r fails to res�+oad to Lender within 30 days�f'ter the date the notice is
<br /> ' giueer.,,Lender is authorized ta collect and apply ihe praeeds,at its option,either to rectorati��or rep�ir of the Propert�or
<br /> to the sums secured by this Security Instrumrnt.whether or not then due.
<br /> Unles,c I�ender and Borrower olherwise agree in writing,any application of prc�ceeds to prineippl shall nat eatend or
<br /> postponc the d��date of the monthly payments rcfened t�in paragrs+phs 1 and 2 or change the amount af such payments.
<br /> ; 10. Burrower Nut Rele�sed; Forbeuance By Lender Not A Wairer. Extension of the time fo� pa�ment or
<br /> modi8cation of amonization of �he sums secured b� this Security In�tn�ment granted by I.ender to any successar in
<br /> , interest of Borrower shaq not operate to release the Cc:�:]ity of the ariginal iiorrow�r or Bc�nawer's successors in interest.
<br /> L.snder shall not be requircd to commrnce proccectings against any sucressc►r in interest or refuse to extend time for
<br /> : payment or otherwise modify amortization of the surns secured by this Security Instrument by reascm of any demand made
<br /> � tsy tbe origina)Borrower or Borrower's successors in r.rtesest.Any fi�rt�earance by Lcnder in exercising any right ar remedy
<br /> � sha19 aot be a waiver of ar�ce;tude the excrcisc of un}��;ht or remcdc.
<br /> � 11. Successors�nd Asslgn�Bound;Joint snd SererAl Li:bility:Co-se�ners. Thc covenams and agreements uf
<br /> this 5ecurily Instrument shall bind and benefit the success�rs and:�w:+�gns of Lender and Borruw�er,subject to the pro�iseans '
<br /> , of paragraph 17- Harrawer's covenants and agreements snall be�oaezt and se�•eral.Any&�rrnw�er a•ho ca-signs this Sec�rity ;
<br /> � Instrument but da�not execute thc Nate:(al is co-cigning this Secunty lnstrument only�to mongage.grant and ronvey
<br /> . t�t Borrower's int�rest in the ProPerty under the tePSrts of th��Secunty Imtrumcnt:(b)is nat per�onally ubligated ta pay :_- -°
<br /> the sums sacur�d by thi�Security instrument;and �cl ugrees that ixnder and any��ther Barrower may agree to ext�nd, ��'r
<br /> modil'v. forbear or make anv accammodations H��th reaard to the terms uf thic Securit�• Instrument or the Note without
<br /> - - thai Bc�srowcr's cansent.. - - - ` -
<br /> �r
<br /> 12. Loan C1utr�es. If the loan secured by tfiis Security Inctrumcnt iti subject tn a law wh�ch sets max�mum loan ' .._
<br /> � charges. and thst law is finally interpreted so that the interrst or other Ician charges c�Uecteci or to be collected in �'- L
<br /> conncction with the loan exceed the permitted limits, then: �a) any such Ic�ar. charge shall be reduced h� the amount _ . �
<br /> necessary to redua the charge to the peranitted limit:and tb)any sums already callected from 8orrow•er u•hich exceeded �
<br /> permitted limiis will be refunded to Ronox•er. I,ender may chcx�sc to make this refund by reduc�ng the principal��exed
<br /> ; under ihe Note ca�by making a direct paymeut to Borrau•er. If a rrfutid reduces pnnciQal,the reduction w�ll be treated.�s a
<br /> partial prepayment without any prepayment chargc un�er the Notc.
<br /> 13. Le�slation ARecting Lender's Rtghta. If enactment �r cxp�ra;�on of applicable laws €tas 1he efTect of r
<br /> rendering any provision af the Note or this Security lnstrumem unenforceablr a�cnrding ta itc term�,l.e;s�er,ac its option. ;. ,
<br /> may require immediate payment in full of all sumc secured by th�� Serurny Instrument and may �n.�ke any remed�es �
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.li Lender eaen:�ses this option,l,ender tihall take the steps sper�fieci�n t hc second�+aragraph of '�`'��
<br /> paragraph 1�.
<br /> t4, Notied. Anv �LOiice to&�rroa•er proerided for�n th�ti Scrunty In�,c.rument�hall be g��en by deli�cr�ng u�r hy ��'��
<br /> rnailing it by first class mai( unless applicabte IaH• reqwre, uc� i,f.in��ther meth��ci. The notice tihall Fx� d�rerted tc� the � ��
<br /> Property Addre�s or any c�ther addretis Eiarr�wer c1�w�Knate�hy n��ti:e t�� I.ro�der. Any n��ticr t��l.ender cha�l he g��eta by
<br /> first class ma�E 2�.*Lendcr's addres�statcd herem ar any��ther;�ddr�^�.ti I.cn:lcr dr�tgnatcti hy ni�iicc tc�Hnrmw•er.Any rt�.ue
<br /> pre��idcd for m this Secunt}•Instrument�hall be dcrrned t��ha�c h.ren gitirn to 13c,rr��wrr��r Lcnder«hen gi�en�s pro�tded
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> 15. Governing l.aw;Sevenbility. Thi�Security In�trument�hall he go►erned b} fe�ieral law and Ihc law of the
<br /> }urisdiction in which the Property ic Ickated. In the e�em that any pmviwan ,+s cl.iu�r��f th��Sccu�uy lnttrument �r the
<br /> Note conflicts with applicable law,such ee�nfl�ci sha�l not affect othcr pro��u��m of thi�Sr�.•�nty Instrument �r the tiote
<br /> w�hich can be grven effert w•ithout ihe cc�nfl�cting pr��i5irns. 'To th�ti end the prnciti�nn+of th��Se�urity Instrument and the
<br /> '�Sate are declared to t•e ser�rahle.
<br /> 16. BorruNer's Copy. Be�trower shall tx R�ven nne ccmfi�rn►ed c<��� ��f Ihr 34��tr anJ rf Ihi�Securil}� Imttumer+t
<br /> f7. Tnnsfer of the 1'raperty ut � Beneficial Interest in IiorroNer. !f all ��r any part nf thr Yroprrty ctir any
<br /> i:�terest in it is�1d or transferrccl(�r if a brnrfirial tnterc�t m Barn��scr i�udJ i�r tran�ferrcd anJ F3��tn�aer i�nnt a natural
<br /> �er5on) without Lender's pricv wr�tten cantient, I.ender ma�•,at �t. ��pu�m. readu�re�mmedi�tr�+ayment m('uU ��fall wms
<br /> s�bu:ed by tf�is Security inctrument. f�owe�er, th�� ��pt�ou �h�ill ni�t tx cxerc��ed b) Lcndes it excrc�rc �ti �+n�hihited h�
<br /> fedcral law•asof thedateof'thisSecunty ln�trumrnt r'"-�"
<br /> [f i.enaer exercises rni�o�cion.Lender snai{���e iii�rrc�w�er nc�tt�e c�i acccicratu.n i he n��t�ce Snaii�r�n�ae a rerind '
<br /> e>fnnt teFStha�i?Odays from the date the nut:ce t�dets�erec9 vr maiie.i within w hirh 13��rr��HCr mu�t�•ay;�il�umti Sc�u�rcS h}
<br /> th�,Sc�untg Insttrume�u. If B!:rrouct fa�l�to p�y Ihc.�r wmti pr�ut t<�thc c��irat��m��f thiti penvd, f cndcr rnay in���Mc,�m
<br /> temecfie�.perm�ttedb�•th�s Secuntc Instrument with�ut further nnti�e�or dem�nei��n R�ur��urr
<br /> !8.�3orrower`s Ri(;ht to Reinstate. !f Horri�a•�r n:ez�,certam ��md�tum�. Bc�rrc,ucr,h.�ll l�a•e thr n�:h� u�he�c
<br /> enforcernent u'FthtsSr�urity In�trument dic��mt�nueci at am timr�rir�r��,the•r:�rher��f (.�)<<'.��•i�,r`uch„thrr pen��ci �. �
<br /> L asplica�te lau ma�•�per�f� fiu rei�ntatetnent 1 he:frre �:�Ie nf tlie Yn,prrt� �ur�ucuit t�� .�m r����er�:f �:�le.�mt.unr�l in th„
<br /> �.cur�t; Instrument. ur Ib1 rntr} :�Ca auclFn:rnt enl:-r�mg tFu�Si•e��nn lri.tns:sien► !!i«r.:a:�h��:•u.:�r�• th.�r l3s,rsu�:rr
<br /> (u) pa}s lr►ider all�uni� «huh then «<�u1d he due undcr thi. 5e�un�} in.trumrr�t :,!i�i ilic \�,sc 1i,a.1 r��, .+...cicr.itu,n •'t
<br /> n�
<br /> t2CCU(iCij.IR1Ji11�C\;itlti (�ffitU�1 Y+�:1A} ,�thcr Ct��Lfl:tfllC ut drfCCTllt't1�ti ��� ('.!'.ti .1�) Cl�•c'I�.['� �It..tl(t'ii !1� rlll�•!U(iF' �Ftl� �
<br /> �•cunty Ir.�trumcnt. �n.luding. hut nnt lirn�tcJ tn. ree���nahlr .�t��+rnc•�.' f�c, .�n,i ��i� �.�kc, .;,, l, .:.����r .�• 1 �r��ir� �•,.+� �j
<br /> r��ztivti�hl} :cyuire tn ���ute th3t the I�rn i�f thi� 4r.unt� lu�trut��.iit I cu�1�•� � ri:i�i. .i� rh� 1'• ���rt� .�n�t li�,ir��w.•r'. �
<br /> c•bllc�U�m '.�� �.ay 1hr rum� �e.�etrc:i ht ti��� tir.iirs�•. In.tn�m,�t�t .h�II . :,+.+:r,u: •,�i.�i•�.:.•.f I S.,.i. •� �n.t.�ti in�u! 1�� .
<br /> }�flf�f�NC'f.t�th ti�.ull[� Intiirumrrit.+mt rhr.�hl�,•.�h�•ti��c, �:Y�tj hc r�,-h� .fi ci� �. �,•u�� 1.� �� :�1, t•�, .�.,il •:. i.�, i�* :I� -t�4 .�.{
<br /> .rilUlffi� ��.�ql'CCf.�fll�!I��Illntc'lIh1Y1C��l,ti�li. !.�j ���� nitiiC�.l.: ' . �.�t . ' � ���.' , �. i:r_f�.�:. ; , � .
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