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<br /> L:NIFt�RM Cu�•1'tinv�ti tia�roH�cr and Lc�idcr r�,�en;ant�nd a�;�cc a.fi�llna. vo������
<br /> i. P�ymeM uf Prtnripk! w►d lnter�st;1'repaf�ment Rad LAte t'AarRcs, t�c,rrowrc.haU pn�mptl�� p.►S «hr:� �iur
<br /> IhC�PIRCI�;II O�Gilt�IIIICiCtiI P11 FF1C(ICI1!CYIl�C11�ClI h�'IFiC N��I�und ui�� prcra�men�.md I�ur rhargc,�1 uc undcr thc Nnt�
<br /> 2. �unds far 1'�xr��nd Insur�rt¢t. Subjeit t�a�phrnhic la�� or tn:�a•nttcn a•an er b��I.cncler,f3orma�cr shall p;►y
<br /> t��Lrndrr nn the d:�} m��nlhly�+ayments flre due undrr the Note,until the \ote is �+aid in full,u sum f'Fund.")equai a+
<br /> � one-tw•ciflh c+f: (n) y�eart�• taac� and a�sccsments HNich mny ��lain pnarit�� ��er ihiv Securit}� In�trument; (h► }�earh�
<br /> le+�sehold pa}•men�ti or �round rrn�� �m the Property, iF any: (c) ycurly hazard insur3n�c premiums; and 1•�) y�arl}
<br /> martgage insurancr premium�,if any. Thes�items arr called "esciow itenls."�ender rriay estimate t he Fe�nds d►te a»the
<br /> t+asis af cutrent data and rrasnnabtr esrimates af Puturc escraw items.
<br /> 'fhe Funds shall be hcid ic�aa institutimi the deposits or accaunts nf which are insured ar guarunteed by a Pederal or
<br /> st�te agency (ineluding Lende� if l.endrr is such an institution). I.ender shnll apply the Funds to priy the escrow items.
<br /> Lender may not eharge for holding anci applying the Funds,'anulyzing the account ar veriP��ing the esrroK items,unless
<br /> Lendtr pays I3orrc�wer interest an ihc Funds and applicable law permits I.ender ta mAkc such a chargr. Borrawer und
<br /> Lender may agtcc in writing that intetat shall be paid on the �unds. Unless an agreement is made ar applirAble !aw
<br /> requira intcresl ta be paid,Lcnder shall nrn bc required ta pay&�rrow•er any interest or c�rnings on the Funds. Le�dcr
<br /> sh�ll give ta Borrawer,without charge,un annual accounting oP the Funds showing c;redits and debiis to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose for whicfi each debit to the Funds was made.The Fund�are pledgcd as additional cecurity For the�ums secured br
<br /> this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> IP the amount oP the Funds held by 1.ender. together w•ith the future manthly payments oP Funds pay�able prior to
<br /> � the due dates of the cscrow items,shaU e�ceed the amaunt required to pay ihe escraw items w•hen due,the excess shall be,
<br /> at Borrower's aption,either pramptly rcpaid to Aorrower or credited t��Barrower�n morrthly�payments of Funds. lf the
<br /> amwmt af the Fu�ds held by Lender is not suff'icient tn pay�he escrow items when due,Fic�rrower shall pay to Lcnder any
<br /> amount�ecessary to make up the deficiency in arte�r more payments:�s required by Lender.
<br /> Upon payment i�full of all sum�secured by thic Security Insirument,Lender shall promptly rePund to Borrower
<br /> any Funds held by l.ender.if under paragraph 19 the Pro�+erty i�sald or acquired by Ler.dcr. Lender shall apply.no later
<br /> than immediately prior ta the sate of the Propen�• or�t�acquisition by Lender.Any f'unds held hy Lendcr at the time oP
<br /> app]icationasacreditagainstthesum�securedby�thisSecunt�Imirument.
<br /> 3. Application ot Payment�, Unle�s applicablc IaW p*ovidec otherwi�e,all payment�recei�ed by Lender under
<br /> patagraphs 1 and 2`hall bt applied:first,to late chargc�duc under thc Notc;second,to prcpayment charges due under the
<br /> Note;third,to amounts payable under paragraph 2:fourth,to interat due;and last,to principal duc.
<br /> 4. Clarges; I.ites. Horroa�er shail pay a�U taxes,a�sccsmentc, charges,fines and impositions attri6utable to the
<br /> Property which ma}� attain pnority over this Security Instrument, and Ica�ehi�td payment� or ground rents, if any.
<br /> Barrower shal)pay these obligatic�ns in the manner prc+vided i�paragraph 2,nr if n��t pa�d in that atanner. Borr�wer shall � �
<br /> pay them on time directly to�hr person ow�ed paymcnt. H��rr�wer,hall pr��mptly furni�h t��Lender all nauces af amuunts �
<br /> to bc paid under this parpgraph. if&�rrower make�these pay�ment�d�recth•,Horr�wer shall pmmptly fuinish to Lcndcr
<br /> receiptsevidenc�ng the�ay�ments.
<br /> _ Rnn�wer chall rocs�mntic siiceharge an� lien whuh hnc nnonri� u��e this Secunri� In�trument unless Horrow•er: (a)
<br /> agtees in writing to the payment of the obligatton;ecured by the I�en m a manner acceptahle t�►Lende�;(b)contr�ts in gex�d ---:.
<br /> faith the Gen�v,ar defends ajtuinst enforccment of the lien u�, leRal prc►ceedings which in the t.ender's upinion operate to
<br /> prevent tk:rrforcrmrnt of thr iirn or forfeiture of an�ps:t of the Pro�+eny:or(c)s�ure.from the hnlder nf:he lien an � .
<br /> agreemeRC satisfactory to Lender subord�nating the lien ta thti.Security Instrument. If Lender determ�ne�tha�.aar part of =
<br /> tht Property is subject to a lien v►•hich may attatn pnor�ty aver th�� Security [n�trument, l.ender ma�� g��e Sorrou•er a --
<br /> nolice identifying the lien.Bottowershall�atisfy the lien c�r take une or r.zere of the achum.et fi�rth ubo�e withi�� 10 days =
<br /> of the giving af notice. � '
<br /> . S. Hazud Insurance. Rc+te��wer�hall krep Ihe�mps.:emrnts nuw�ex�sting un c�teafter erected on the Propett�• } .
<br /> insured againsl los.s by fire,harards ir,�.Euded wuhin the trrm"e�:ended c��•erAge"and:�ny other hmtard�fiu wh�ch Ixnder
<br /> requir�s insuranca This insurance sFtatl be maintamed in the amounts and fc►t the �x:nnd� that Lender reywrec. The
<br /> �nsurance carrier pro�•�ding the �nsur�RCC shal�� chosen by� Rrrrrue*cufi�ect to I_ender'c app:a�tial whuh shall nat he ,
<br /> unrcasonably withheld. +
<br /> All insuranee policies and renewals �hall t-.e acceptahle to Lender�,nd shell �nclude a .tandard mortgage clau.e. !
<br /> I.ender shalt have the right to hotd the poiicies and renewals. lf Lender requ�rec.Bc�rrow•er,hall pramptly gn•e t+i I_endcr
<br /> al)reeeiptsof paid�+rem�ums and renewal nrn�ce�. In the e4ent c�f insc, Horri.wer.h�ll gne prnmpt nc�t�re to the�nyu�ance
<br /> carrier and L.ender. L.c�der may make proaf of lo�c�f not rnadr promptfy B��Rorrow er �
<br /> l nles�Lenderand Noru�wer othcrw•ise agrer m�ti nt�n�.�nturan�c pr��rrcd��hall he applird ir r�wt��r:�uon ur repair "� '
<br /> uf the Ffiog+erty damaged.if the �t's4o:atiun c�r repa�r i�econom�cxlly� fea�ihle.ind[.ender'�.ecurit�•�, not lec.eneci. If the
<br /> restoration or repair i�not eecmw�r�i.3lly fe:tcible nr Lender'c serunty ��c+ulei he Ie�scttrd. the �n�urance prckeed�tiha11 Ix
<br /> applicd to thc sums sccured by th�:Secunty li��trument, whether a�r nvt then�tuc. v�•ith .im eRer�s paid �u B�rr��wer. If
<br /> Dorrower abandon�the Prop�:rt_•,�,or da.�not antiwer a•ithm ;0 days a nuucc fron� i.ender that th� �nsurance c:irner has
<br /> c4lt'ered!o settle a claim,then Lender may coltect thc intiurancr prekeeds.Lrnder ma�•use the�ruceec�+t��repair or rcytarc�
<br /> ihe Pro�criy vt to pay�ums secured hy this Sccur�ty InSteu+rent, ��hcthcr�r nc�t thc►i.iuc. I'hc 30-eiay pe:ric�d wrll hcgm
<br /> when�he e�rotice ts g�ven. ,
<br /> L.�ntcKS Lender and Burruwer��therw�se agrce m u•r:trn�,any�applicani�n��f prexeed�tc�rnncipal�hail nor ertend or
<br /> postpane the+�ue date��f the ninfzthly pa}mentti re�erred tE>>n�aragraphs I and���r changc the amou�i of the{�a�mcnt� If
<br /> under paragraph 19 the Fruperty is acyuirec9 by Le��der,t3urrc�w�e�'�rigflt t�>.trp in.uranrr�x�tiL�cti nrui proceedti retiulting
<br /> from dama$e to�he i'roperty pnor t��the ucyui�nu.n shaH pasti t�.T Lendrr�n�he e�,trne r,f the�umti+e�urcd b}�this Secunty
<br /> ,, ln�trumentirnmrdiatel���+rii�t to the��cquis►tian
<br /> 6_ Preservation and�laintena�ceof Nroperty;1.cascholds. F3cxu•��cr�h:,lf n��:dc�tr���.d:ir.tnge vr tiun�t:�nt�afl}
<br /> change the Yropert}. aflc�w• the Ps�tperty tu dcteniyrace ��r a�mm�� u;�titr,. If thi,Se�uruy Iii�trurne:�I iti cm � lra�ch��ld,
<br /> $orrawer shall comply w�th the rrnri��ons of ihe lea�e.�nd if Horr��uer u.qu�rer ler.*�tic ti�nc�Pr���-�.`ta'.the lcatinc�+ld and ,-_,�-_T-
<br /> feelitle shall nat mr�ge unlr�.I.endrr.ygree�to the mergrr iu�.r�ung •
<br /> • �. Pratection ot Ixndcr's RiRhts in tt�e Propert�: �tortRaue Insurancc. !f liurrr�tier ra�lti w perfnrm thr
<br /> c�venaius and agreerncnt�c�mt�ameJ�n thi��erur�t� in.►ru►nent,nr thcrr i.a le�;al�r��irr.�mg th.i1 mny Sicn�fica�itly affect
<br /> L.ettder's nghrs�ti the F'rnperty (�uch ati;� pri�crealro�: it� hankru�+tr�, pmhate. fc�r �rnelrmn.�tinn<�r tc� enfi+rtr• la«� ��r
<br /> regul:ti�onc),thcn[.r��dcr may do<md T ay fnr��hatr�er i,nrres�.+r� t���r�ur�t thr�aluc��f thr Nr�+�,rt� and I endcr'�nght� �
<br /> irs thr F'rnpe►t� l.endcr'ti artir�s� m.i� �ncludr r.�ying :,n} ,umti�crurrd h� .� lien ��hi�h h.�� rn��nt. �+�rr th�. tir.unty �
<br /> � Inslrument,a�+pe.ir�nf:ui«+urt.ra�•ut�:rea�+mahie �tt��feic«fcr�and en�erin}•��n ihr Prn��rrt� h�m.�i�e rer.ur, •1)th�,u►;h
<br /> I.encier ma��t:ske:t::s��n u:uies th����:�r.►�iapts'.1 r:s=irr �l�x�n��t h:t�e t��d��.:+
<br /> /1 n�aru,ont�d�tihurscd b� i cn�ler undcr ih,��.ira�:t:i�h "'�h.ii!hc�,�rnr,i.fdit�.�n.�l�1�ht .,1 H,,r r.�u�•r •c.urr.l hy t tit� �t
<br /> Sccunty Instrument L 11i1�G�;OJiG�t�l'f dll(�� til���l ��trr F����it�er t�rnr.��t(�d�Il:t LI 'Tu a: .tl11 •�111:�t�i.t:i�`l'.tf IIi1CIt�t if.`1!1 h'
<br /> thc datc uf dichuc�rmu�t .�t thc `utr t.itr .in.t .h.iH hc• ��.i►.ihlr. ���!h �n�t ir�• , t ,�� �� t,��_ tr, �n 2 �n,1•.� � �i �+� ����r ��(
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