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<br /> � �, frot�w0e�or Accekntloo ot De61. � �o�� ( �
<br /> (��[lef�ait.lenda maY,exct�t�s IimitcQ!+y rc�:l�tfons fs�utd by the Sesrecary in ehs cssr M p�yment dsCsults,require
<br /> immtcflate peyment in tUll of dl sum�securtd by �hls Security Instrument ii:
<br /> (i)Borcower det�ulta by f�fifn�ta p�y in lLI�anY mont�ly paymefit requlred by this Security Instrument�+rior to or on
<br /> � �ha due d�te ot the next monthly payment,or
<br /> (i3)Borrower dettulp by faillnj. for a period af thlrty d�y�.to perform�ny ather obli=ttion�contatned in thl�Security
<br /> in�trument.
<br /> !b)S�ie WUY�at t9tidit Appvvai.i.e�dar�u11,if @rnni�ed bY!O�+ie U►w u+d with tliee prinr apptav�l af the Secte,ury.n+�►ue
<br /> , irt�nodiMe Q�ymex+t in fi►il of�tl ehe��ecuced t+y iAis S�acunty Imaumeirt iF.
<br /> (7 AU a pat af Iha P�oQtrty is oMecwise tr�rofrrrod (cx?xr tlw�Dy�devise oo d�euent)Me the Bcurav�er.and
<br /> (ii)'il�o Pt�ope�ty i�nat oocvFic+d by the purch�aer or tf�ee�u hia ar hu prLn�y�r�oa�d�uy cesidenae,�r We p�urha�er or
<br /> =we�ee aoa ao aoaipy the Pmperty eut w or na cesd'r I�s nex been.ppwea in aoeotdr,ae wMn arc roqui,rma,ts ar tho sec�ry.
<br /> (e)Ne Wr.er.If ciccumst�ncw occur that wauld permit Lender to require immediate payment in full.but Lender doa not
<br /> ' require such p��rmenb,Leader does not wdve its �ts with respect to subsequent tvenu.
<br /> (�)R�tNrs�t HUD SaretMr. In u.any circumstancea rcsul�tiom issued by the Secretary witl limit Leader'a right��in
<br /> � the cae ot p�yment defaults,to require immedi�te q�nent iA full aad foreclosr if not paid.This Security tnstrument does
<br /> aat authain�ccekation or forxlosnre if not permitted Dy re�ulatlons of the Secrtury.
<br /> 1�. �YM�le�ert. Borrower hu a ri�ht to bs rcinatated if Lender hu required i�uniediate pAyment in full bccausr of
<br /> 9orro�rer's failure to py�n u�wuat due under the Note or thi�Security Instrument.This rijht applia even after forectosurc
<br /> prooeedinp ue in�tituted.To reiestate the Security Insirument,Bonower�haU tender in s lump sum all amounts rcquired to ,
<br /> bties Hotrower's�ccount rurrcnt includin�. to thr extent they are obliptiot�.+of Borrower under this Security Instrument.
<br /> Eorcclaurc cosa ux1 nasonabk aad cwtomary attorney's fea and enpenses properly auockted with the Poreclosure
<br /> prooeedia�.Upon rcinst�teawnt by Borrower.thts SecusitY Instrument and the obUSationa that it secura ahall remain in eftect u
<br /> . if Lerutes Mid aot required immodiate payment in tup.Howeva.Lender ia not required to permit reinstatemcnt if:(i)Lrnder hu
<br /> aooeptaf reinstatement tfter the commenamrnt of foreclosure proceedints within two yeu� immediatdy precedinj the
<br /> commea�a:meat o(R current foreclosure proceedinj, (u)rcinstuement wiil prulude forcclosure on differsnt grounds in the
<br /> future.oc(ui)rdnstateramt w�ll�dversely�ffect the prio�ity of the Uen crated by thi�Security Instrument.
<br /> 11. �ortower Not Rekued; Foriarnwce d� l.ewer Not a Wahtr. Extension of the time of��yment or modification of
<br /> ' amoctiratbn of the sum�Keuted by this Secudty Insttument�ranted by Lender to any successor in interat of Borrower shall not
<br /> � opeate w reiaae We li�6ility of the ori�iaal Borrower or BonoweNs successor in interest. Lender sR�ll not be required to
<br /> commence procadir�x y�inst any auccestor in ieterest o�refuse to eatend timt for payment or other�ise modify amortiution .
<br /> of the sum� secured by this Socurity Instrument by reuon of any demand m�de by the original Horrower or Borrower's .
<br /> . successan in interat. Any fortxarartce by Lender in exercisiRg any rlght or remedy shall not!x a waiver of or prectude the
<br /> exacise of any riiht or temedy. ,
<br /> L.g_�•�•.�a �►__..*...�n.�a;l.+a■1..a c�v�ea1 I,IarWtv:Co.Sy�a. The covenants and agramenu of this Securiry �--
<br /> � Instrumeat shali bind awd benetit the succasors and usisns of Lcttder and Bonower,subject to the provision�of paragraph 9.b. �
<br /> Borcow�er's wvenants and yreements shall be joint�nd several.Any Borrower who co-si�ns this Security Instrument but doa � �-�_-
<br /> aot execute the Note: (a)is co-sijnit�thi�Secvrity Ins�rument only to mort�sje,grant and convey that Borrower's interat in -
<br /> � c�e Yreperiy nnder te�terms or te�is�eruriry tnscramtn�;(d)Is�vt persanaity a'viiptai to pay the sums seeared'oy cnis Se�urity
<br /> Instrument; and (c) a{rees that Lender �r►d any other Bonower may a�ra to extend. modlfy, forbear or make any °_
<br /> accom�nodations with rt�ard to the term of thi.c Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's conseat.
<br /> 13.NNka.Any notia to Honower provided fot in this Security Instrument shall be gicen by ddivering it or by maiting it by •�.'
<br /> . firat ctas�mail unlas�pplicsbk!sw requires use of aaother method.The notice shW tx dirccted to the Property Address or any i�
<br /> otuer address Horruwts desi�nua by notice to Lender.Any�ritia to Lender shall be given by first clus mail to l,endu's address
<br /> stited hercin or any ac4dresa Leader dai�nates by notice to Borrower.Any noiia provided for in this Security Instrnment shall
<br /> be deemed to have tntrn�iven to Sonower or Lcnder when given xs provided in thi�paragraph.
<br /> 11.Go��I.ew:9erenbiiity.This Securisy instrumeat shall be governed by Federal law and the law of the lurisdiction in
<br /> • whk2�FLre Property is loc,�ted.ln the eveni that any pro�+ision cr clause of this Security instrument or the Noto conftiets with a�
<br /> pGcat�ie[aw.such eonflkt sh�ll aot affect other provisions of this Security Instrumena er the Note which can be g;vea effect
<br /> w{thout the contlictcnj provision. To this eac� tbe provisions of this Security Instrtccr.e�t and the `dote are deciued to be
<br /> severabk.
<br /> LS. iorrower's Capf.Borrower shall be�t�ven one conformed copy of this Security Ens:rument. ��f.
<br /> K.A���10[RnU. Borrower unconditionaily assigns and transfers to L,ender a11 the rents And revenua of the Propeny.
<br /> � Borrower authorius [.Xnder or Lender's agents to colisxt the rents and revenues and hereby directs ea�:h tenant of tht Property �
<br /> , to pay the rsnts to Leridu or Lender's ngents.However.prior to Lender's notice to Borrower of Bonower's breach of any covt-
<br /> n�nt ot aframetft in the Security Instrument.Bortower shail collect and receive all rents and revenues af the Property as trustee
<br /> for the beaefit of Lender tnd Borrower. This assignment of rents constitutes an absolute assignment ar.d not an a�.sisnment for
<br /> ' . , ' addltional seCUrity only.
<br /> If Lender�ives notiee of breach to Borrawer:(a)ail rents receivM by Bonower shaU be held by Barrawer a�.trustee for benefit
<br /> of Leader only,to be appUed to the sums secun�by the Security Instrument;(b)Lender shall be entitleri to colitct and receivt all
<br /> of the reats of the Propetty:And(c)ach ten�at Qi the Property shall piy a11 rents due and unpaid t��.,endcr or I..ender's agent
<br /> on Lender's wdtten d'mnnd to the tena�s.
<br /> Bonower hu not executed arry prior�signment of the rents and has not and will not perform any act that would prevent
<br /> Lender from excrcisin�its riphts under this paragraph l6.
<br /> ,. Lender shall not be required to en!er upon,take comtrol of ot maintain the Property before or after�ving notice of breach to
<br /> � Bottower.HOwever. Lendr, or a judicially appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a breach_ Any application of rents
<br /> ���►1�ne r��re�r waive gny detault nr invaiidate any ocher ru�ht or remedy of Lcnder. This assignment oi rents of the Propeny �--- - -�
<br /> shul ttrmintte when the debt ser�reQ by the Sec:urity Instrument is paid in full. •
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