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<br /> !.!'sYas�t at l�iaclpl,l�tettst«�A Iale C�srir. Borrau•er shall pay wfien due the princlpal oi,and interest on.�he dcbt
<br /> ' c��idtnctA by tAe Notc and late char�os due under the Nate.
<br /> � 2.Mo�tMy N�yare�b ot Tua.Ia��w�ce wd Qlrtr C�af�.Banower ahdl include in each monthly paymen��to�ether with
<br /> the principal and ieterat a�set Farth In the Nnte iad any late chuQes.an instaUment of any(�)taxa a�d specl:�l ossessments
<br /> kvied ar ta�c levied yain�i the PrepertY.(b) ltax6old peymcats or�round rents on ths Propeny, artd(c)prcmiums far
<br /> insurance requlred by Puyr�ph 4.
<br /> �:ach monthlar inst�llment tor ittms(ay�(b)and(c)shall equal one-twelfth of the annud amounts.u reasonably acimated by
<br /> I.endtr.dw en�mount wtftcient to maiatain Rn addlt�onal balance of�ot more tha�n one-si�th of tAe estimated amounta.The
<br /> fu1! wnwl amouat for t�ch itcm ahal)br aceumuGtted�Y Lender within a period eadin�{one month before w item wouid ,
<br /> 6000me cklinqueat.Leader ihaU hold the amounts colkcted in ttust to p�y items(a)�(b)�nd(c)before they become deUnquent.
<br /> It�t Rny tlme the toul oi the psymrnts held by Lrnder for item�N),(b)�and(c).to�ether wIth Ehe future monthly paymenes
<br /> for such items p�yabk to i,ender prlor to the due data of auch iteiru.excads by mare tha�n anc-si�th tht estim�ted amount of
<br /> p��►ment�roquited to p�y�uch item�whm dx�and lf p�yments on the Note are curoent, thet��,ender ahall either reluad the
<br /> aca�over one•si�th ot tlrc atimated payrt�enu or ccedit the eucese over oee•slxth of the csti�ted psymenta to subseQuent
<br /> q�aneat�by 8orrawer��t the ap�io�of 8ono��er.If[he totv of the paymenta made by Bornr+�.-�er tor item(s).(b),or(c)is
<br /> inwft'�oknt to py the item wAen due.tAen Borrower shaU pay to Leader itny amount necessary cce m�ke up ttk deficiency on or
<br /> � betate t!rc date the item baoma due.
<br /> As u�ed in this Securlty Inurument, •'Secretary" mans the Secretary of Housins�ud Uraa Development or his or her
<br /> , desi�nee.Most Security[nstruments insured by the Secretuy uo i�sured under proErama which ce.�tiire advance psyment of the
<br /> enti.se mort�aje iniurance premium.If this Security Instrumeat i�or wa�insured under a prouam whkh did not require advance
<br /> p�yment of the entirc mon�ase insurana premium.then ach monthly psyment sh�ll also include eithet:(i)an installment of the •
<br /> wnawi!mort=ye insuranee prcmium to be pald by Lender to the Secretary� or(ii) a manthly chu�e instad of a mon�e
<br /> imurance premium if this Security Instrument is held by the Secreury. Each m�nthly installment of the mortjaje insur�uice
<br /> Pranium sha11 be in an�mount�niticient t�accumulate the tull annual marigaac insurtace premiam with Leador one month
<br /> pdor ta the date the full annual mort�e insurance premium 1�due t�the Secret�ry�or if thisSa�rity lnsirument i�held by the
<br /> S�cntary,each maathly chu�e shaU be in an amount equal to one•twelfth of ot►e-half pen�nc of the outsw�ding principal
<br /> batsnce due on the Note.
<br /> It Horrorver tenders to l.ender the full psyme�t of W sums secured by th4s Se�cur�ty Inttrument. Borrawer's acaouat shW be
<br /> crodited with she balanc� remainins for all instal(ments for items(a)� (b) az�ai (c? and any mort�aae insurance premium
<br /> instWmen!that Lender haa not become obli�ated to pay to the Secretuy.and Lender sh�l1 gremptly refund any eacess funds to
<br /> Horrower. Immediately prior to s forcelosure sak of the Property or its acquisition by Len�e�, Borrower's account sha[�be
<br /> credited with any batance remaininj fo�all installments tor items(a). (D)usd(c).
<br /> �.A�/Yatle�of ra�b. AO payment�under pua�raphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender�u fallows:
<br /> �,to the monp�e insuranee premium to be patd by Lender to the SecretAry or to ehe monthly charse by the Secrewy �
<br /> instead of the moathty mort�e Insursnce ptemium.unless Borrawer paid the entirt mortga�e lnsutonce premium whert chis � '
<br /> Secudty Instrument wa�aijned; ; �II
<br /> c��tL!°.!!� ��Lf.�'+�".!�.'.C«Sr.»�T�Z!l�..�.��`'r.iLhot�p:;:ssx:s oc�r�ur�3 r:�►t�.�.-►� iv .
<br /> R ifvw: i�n1 vt;�rr narxr�i insutance �,-,�<
<br /> premiumt.as required; ��,
<br /> �($Q�to interat due under the Note: �
<br /> F4URT}�,to�mor[iz�tion of the pdncip�l of the Note; ` ��'
<br /> - �,to Iate charaes due unider the Note. -=
<br /> �•FMe•l�1�M�N Ot�er Has�r�Idsra�ee.Borrower shW insun W improvemenu on the Property,whether now in cxista�ce '
<br /> or auMequentiy erected�apinst any huuds.casusltia.and co�ar►sencia�including fire,for which Lender reQuires insurxnce. -
<br /> 'This iosu�a:hall be maintained in t6e amounts and for the pe�iod�that Lender tequira. Borrower shaU aLso insure W
<br /> improvetnenta oe the Property�whethet now in euistence or subsequentty erected�a6siast loss by flooda to the extent required by
<br /> cLss Sa�retary.All insursncs ahall be carried witb comya�ies approved by Lender.Fhe insurance pviicies and any�enewat�shW
<br /> ` be heid bY L.ende:and aha11 include los�payabk clauses in favor of,and in a form aoceptabk to, Lender.
<br /> � ta the erent ot bs�.HorroMer shaU�ve Leader immodiate notice by mail.Lender may make proof of loss if not made p�aapt-
<br /> iy by BoROwer.Each insurana company c�narned is hereby authorized and directed to matce payment for�uch loss directly to
<br /> . l.eoder,instead of to Borrower and to Lender joinUy.All or any put of the insurance ptoceeds m�y be ippiied by Lender.at its �
<br /> c3ption, either(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness unda the Note and this Security instrumeni,Frst ca any de�inqurnt
<br /> amounts applkd in the order in Puasraph 3.and then to prepayment of principal.or(b)to the ratosapon or repair a€the
<br /> � . dama�ed propMy.Aay application ot the proceeds to the principat shaU not eatrnd or posipone the due date of the monthly
<br /> payments which ue referred to ia Pusaraph 2.or chante the amount of such paymenu.Any exass insunnce pra�eeds over an :��Y
<br /> anwuns requind to pay all out�tandina indebtednas under the Note and this Security lnsuumrnt shall be paid.to Lhe entity tegal-
<br /> ty rntitlod therao.
<br />• � In the event of foreclosure of this Secarity lnsttument or other transfer of titte to the Propeny thzt extinguishes the in-
<br /> debtedness.W right,title and interest of Borrowe�in and to insurance policies in for�e shall p�ss eo the purchaser.
<br /> S. �reaen�tio� pd Mabteaa�ce of tl�e tro�erry. I,eaurolds. Borrower shall not commit wsste�r destroy. damage or
<br /> aubsuntially chanse the Property or aUow the Propeny to detcriorate,rpsonabk weu and teu excepted. Leader may inspect
<br /> , the propertr if the property is vacant or abandoned or the loan is in defauli. Ltnder may take rasflntble activ�to protect and
<br /> : pRaerve such vscant or abandnned property.lf thls Security In�wmtnt is on a iezsehold.Borsow•a sh�ll corr,pty with the provi-
<br /> , sions of the kate. If Burrowet scqu'ues fa atk to the Property.the tessehold and fee tide sh�l.t not be mergeQ unless Ler_der
<br /> . yrees to thc merRer in writins.
<br /> f.L1�r�es to lorrower�M rniecUo�o/Le�/er's Rt�Yb i��Me pro'ert�,gorrower st�tU�ay aU governmtntal or municipal
<br /> ct�u�a.fines and impositions that ue not included in Puatrapb 2.Bonower shslb.pay these obtjgations on tisne directiy to the '
<br /> entity whicA i�owed the payment.If failute to pay would adversely aifect Lendrr's interest in the Pruperty,upon Lender's re•
<br /> Qnat Borrower shall ptomptly farnish to Lender receipts evidencin=these payments.
<br /> If Borro�rer fails to msYe these payments or the payments required by P'ua;raph 2.or faits to perlorm��y otber covenants and - --
<br /> �^L�L:L`II.:�lL�'�`Q S.^•l::1'1�L'!l:Stj:'i'ou3lniC[ft�^vt i=h'.ic i3��fjfai{�iA'tY.vii,g i�ai ri��y aig,�iiicanciy aieect[.ender's rignts in • - - -
<br /> the Property(such u a proceedinj in bankruptcy,for condemnuion or to enforce laws or regula�ion�),then Lender may do and
<br /> pay whatevet is necessuy to protect the value of the Ptapeny and Lender's rights in the Praperty,including payment oi tazes,
<br />' haurd insucance and other ittm�mentioned in Parngraph 2.
<br /> My unounts dis6ursed by tendcr under this Paragraph shall become an add�tional debt of Borrower and bt saured by this
<br /> Stcurity Znstrument.'Q'hese amoants shall bear interest trom tAe date of disbursement,at the Note rate, and at the option of
<br /> l.ender,sh�l! be ianmeGi�tely due and payabte. �
<br /> � 7.CoMe��atlos.The ptocteds of any award cu daim(or damagss,direct or consequential,in connect:on wnl�any condem-
<br /> nation or othu takin3 of any part at tRe Property,or for conveyance in p)g��of condemnation,are h�reby assigned and�hall be
<br /> paid to Lendet to thr estrnt of the full amount ot the indebtedncss that rema�rzs unpa�d undtr the Nate and th�s Secunty Inttru• tr-
<br /> meRt.Lender slull apply such proctedt to the reducuon of the irtdebtedness under the Note end this Secunty In�trumcnt, first to ��
<br /> ang delinyuent amounts anplied in tht order provided�n Paragtaph �,and then rn prepayment of prc nc�pal. Any apphcatian of
<br /> the procecd9 to the pnncipal shall not e�teRSi c�r �+c�ctpone the due date of the manthty p;�yrnen�s. Nhs,h are referred to m �"
<br /> F'aragtaph 2, ar change�he•rmc�unt�1 �uch pay�nentc �1n�ewre«�+rnceed5���er un amnunt reywrr.: to�-.iy ail i�ut�tandu�g�n `
<br /> debtedRess ut�dcr th� tiole und thiti Secunty Insuument �halt h� na�d tn 1hr e�it�ty !eeatly e^tu!:d t':;:e1<:
<br /> a. Fees. 1 ender�uay cr�1:r.�1 f:rti.inJ.hargee�iu�hor�reil h� ahe ticcrrt,.�n
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