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<br /> iVOFI-UNIFORM t'A�`ENAN7'a. .°.orrowYr ux! �.et�drr f1�Nxr co�•etu�nt �nf ogtre as follows:
<br /> • 17.Fartcio�w�e lMocwd�re. lf l.gndtrropuircs irtunediate paynxM in full underp�r�gr�+h 9.4rrkier uiay invoi:�thc pox�r oP salc
<br /> • And�ty othe� mnadie�pernwtd bv�p�iic�Die tnw. Lenck.r ctull be e�tic;�to:.ollxt xtt exP.nc:-s inrurrrd in pursuisb the rrnxciirs
<br /> ptarkied in thisp�r� 17, inchding, bu1 ncx Iimiled to.►raxxrbfe xla�neys' Cees ancl c�ts oi titte cvidence.
<br /> Hfbe o�M1e�Ywkw1�71nMMt�M n+card�wotice d�df�lt 1�e�eort�r Y wfic��eqr prt of the P�ro�fy�i�b,a.,pit.e.d,�
<br /> iA��lOaM�!!��IIIIC!M!r!MM�'� i'b���tr1l!�N f0 dOrf'011!!Md t0(�IE�P«��d 1""""^"
<br /> � ��A�����r�t��M�!�Irs IIVr���C 110t�1'!Ot irC 10 L�!p!1lO�f iDd YI v!
<br /> Tl�• �I• i �d O��0�'1'0'RQ� �m!�1'0�N �IO�I01`!��lR
<br /> ��/1��!(�!��R Y��0��i�!'t�!b1'��1C 1�C OCWCC 0��t MI CO!0��l0�!�����'�
<br /> : i�twir.'i1�Mre �e�e a�k d r�r aey re+cd d t�e�p�6Ye ara�at tl�tl�ae�wd prce at a�r
<br /> _ ' �I�w�r�ciriri�M�.Ge�ir�r ils�i�ry'P�ti�e t�e at �le.
<br /> ' �Y����q�M�R IMt piae bii. iv direr b tk p�+cWer�'s do��Ye�!i��lM��p'��
<br /> _ '�i�i tiM#��dde e�Wace af Irrlr e�tre�als��ie tYe+ei.7tiMe�sw
<br /> ' �f drc tre b Ne �tder:(a)to a�espeeut af tie wk.���.b�t�ot Y�e�to.71r�M[e'�t�oe+�p�iqed b�aP
<br /> plie�i�hw�1� Wo�*eYs'te�;te)to r��w�ed b�tYi�Se�ekY I�t�t;rd(c)�q'esn'+�to tre pe�soo
<br /> �r 1�br dllid N M.
<br /> � 1��w�oe•UPo'o P!Y�of dl sums securod by dtis Sacurity Lmnrnen.Lender sh�l1 ne�uest Ttusae w r000nvey die PropertY
<br /> aad Qadl�urrtedix dwi Seninty lnttwnait md dl aoks evidarcios debt�Dy this Senirity L�trtunent to 7'rustx. Trtutee s1uU
<br /> neoo�vey�l�ie rritl�o�t w�rranty ard wilhaA c1u�rLe W tho pe�on or ptrsa�s k�ly erkkled to it.Such petsoo or peraa��lul1
<br /> �s�r � � ooMs.
<br /> ��1f.9�Iflwle 7��M�e. l,eaier,�t ib optioo,msY fiom time to w�e ranove Tru�ks aad�ppoint�s�x�oessor uuslce to my T�uaee
<br /> � be��errder by ae iden�meat roeotded in d�e catu�ty in which d�i+Sauriry Irnaune�t is ncordaf.Witl�art 000vry�ooe of the
<br /> ,d�e�tt�ee �hU we�.�eed 10�11 drc titk,poMer�d duties oo�fe�ted upon Tni+�ee lfatia and by appl�cable law.
<br /> ; • ���t IYr I�oticie�.Bo�mwer roquats that copies of the not'�crs of defwh aad sak be aent w Botrovrer'a address which is the
<br /> . ;
<br /> Pr�a�pertY Adde�s�.
<br /> Bo�towror Ktee�tAat sboald d�s SecuritY inet�urm�t atd dhe e�ote secnnd thereby tnt de tl�g�le for it►�utanoe�u�der tAe t3aRiarl Hauing .
<br /> � Aa w:d�in 90 days tmm d�d�te tkroot'.Lender m�y��1 icv oppa,md�aa�Mine in Pu�,gr�ph 9.�aNu'� —
<br /> ' i�mmodiMe p��aent in 1W1 otdl surtu eavirod by this SxuritY L�trument.A wripen�anmt of an�aiud�oti:�ed�gem of die Sect�ehry
<br /> dMed�a�b�oqueat to 90 days ����f,doclining t�o in�ue this Sauriry imtnune�t and tl�e nooe secumcf
<br /> !l+�a�eby�.�htl be deemed ooeclusive pcoof of wch indi6�bitity.NdhwitlataodinE the foteaoing,this optioo ary t�t Eo�e�asi+ed by La�dts
<br /> rtA�eo thc unavail�bility of inurac�ce �s eokly duo to Lencier'e failure to remit a mortgago inwtu�ce prtnilum ta cQ�e Socrelary.
<br /> iWtr�t�IMb See�rlq IwslwmeM. If one or mote c�de�s are earcuted by Borrowec anci recorded togethor wit h this Secu�ity r
<br /> ' lnstrument, che wvenants oP ach such ride�shal:be incorparated into and shall amend and supplemem the cavenan�s and
<br /> a=ramtnta of this Security b�strument as if thc rider(s)were in a part of this Security Instrument. �Check applicable t�ox(e�)�. '
<br /> :�:
<br /> - - r-� t.'� ;'_.�_
<br /> � L�I Cotxkm»nium Ridcr LJ Ad�ustahtc Katc Kakr I. J Vrrnvtng �.ywty Riurr =,
<br /> , ,.
<br /> ------ - - � Qlanrr+A I lni�I]evel��nftlent R�ciCI 1�1 Gl3dualetl P:ltimCnt Ridcr � Ch11Cr '°
<br /> • BY SIGNINa BELOV�',Bvrrower accepts and agre�s ro the terms contained in this Securil>• Instrument and in any rider�x�
<br /> czecuted by Borrower and recorded wict�it. =
<br /> �
<br /> ' � Witncss: � .,f
<br /> � __/� ,`�
<br /> .____^.��- -- --._ _�_ • /J� — --_.._____cseal)
<br /> Theodore J. Nie aus "•����•°��
<br /> , ��;
<br /> - -- --�_... -------- - (Sea11 �-
<br /> _ ___, .. _ __...--- - ,.�--
<br /> �.� .,,,,• ' �,
<br /> � _......_ . (Scal)
<br /> K„�.,,.,.. � .
<br /> i
<br /> ; ___._._.._- -- -. _ .--- ---.. - . . ._ t5ea11
<br /> i�::��., .•.
<br /> i
<br /> � STATE oF NEBitASKw. Nall �Y ss:
<br /> oe dus �Oth dY of April . �y g� . eefore mc.che unde�s,gnod.a Nauy Yubl;c
<br /> clulycommi�sioeod aodqwlified for sa;d councy, personally cune Theodore J. Niehaus• a single person
<br /> . to me Imuwn to be thc
<br /> identieal persos(t)wbose n�r,tc(s)ue subseribed to the fcmgoing u�ururt�cru ud xicnowkdgod the execvtion there+of to be
<br /> :ii3 veluetazy ict and aleod. � :`_-'__
<br /> . w� a A�nd"d�onr"1 s�eal at Grand Isl.a�, (�e r� `n `ounty. U" '
<br /> � � _
<br /> My � 9 2- .�
<br /> � � n��� ����
<br /> � �IZd�
<br /> R�Qi1Is5i FOR RECO:+�VEYANt'N
<br /> TO TRL�STE.E: �"
<br /> The w�dcrsigncd�s thr:hdder uf the note or rwtes secunYf by th�s t�eai��f 1'nut Said�xrte or�x�tes,[ogeLher N�th al{ othe:�n�letx�tiness
<br /> �ecurod by th�s Deect of Trusi,tta�t.been pa�d in full Yau are hereby du'er�od lu cat���!saed txxe or n��tes arxi th«I�vi c�f Tru.t.��huh
<br /> arr del�*ercd herchy,and cn rcr_m�•ey,with�wt warranty,ati ttie estate nntiv hetd by yiN�urxl:r thi�[Aaf;�f 7cu+t u�thc perKm��r pen��ns •
<br /> tcgally rntitle.� thercto •^ '
<br /> I)ate _ . .
<br /> --- - �---_ _. .. ..-- - �1
<br /> � . _ ,
<br /> �.::--- - - . -�w,,..,� -�,�re��a•�-�.—--- - -- _ — -._........,,_.�,- . -
<br /> �-.,. . -.-.�� . .
<br /> . . _ . -ra:aia1:. _ . . .. . --�—�---�----�^��+�.�._
<br /> • ' ' , t.�'y�5;�y • , . . , ,.�,a,,,.._ ,,. . .. h .._._., .�..._: '
<br />