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<br /> �T IS Ml1TllALIY qCHFFt]THAT:
<br /> E.I?lGATIOPl:Trustor shall detand t�l�Tru�t in anyection or proceeding purpoftinpto ettect auch properry,whether or not
<br /> � i1 aflecta the security her�t,or purportiRg to afiect the �iflhts o�powers of 6eneftciary of Truatee,and shall Iile and
<br /> prosecute all necessary cleima and�ctions ta preveRt or recover tor any damage to or destruction o1 auch properry,and
<br /> eitltet Ttustee or 8enet+ciary is here�y authoritesf,without o0ligaRion sQ todo,tQ Fommenc�,�pp�ar In pr detand any 4uch
<br /> � actiort,whethav brou�ht by oragainst Truato►,Be�etici8ry or T�ustee o�Mti�ar withQUt suit,to exercise or entorce any other
<br /> rfght.remedy or poweravailabte orGanferred hereu�dor,whether o�npE judgment be ente�ed in any aclion or p�oceedinq;
<br /> artd Trustor or Beneficiary mey appsar o►iratervene in any action or p�oceedin�,snd retain counsel therein;end take auch
<br /> action fherein,es either may be advise�d and may settle.compromise o�pay the same o�any othe�ciaims and.in that behaif
<br /> and 10�any o1 said pu�pose9,may expend and edvance auch sums of money aa either may deem�ecessary.Whether or not
<br /> T�uator so appears ar detends,Tru�tor an demand shali pay all costs and expenses of Beneflciary and T�ustee,includinp
<br /> cost of evlde�ce ottitle and atto�ney'�fees in e reasonable sum,i�any such actian or proceedin�in which 6eneflaiary or
<br /> 7rustee m�y e�ppe�r by vlMue of bei�g made a party defenda�t o�otherwise and itre�pective of whether the intsrest of
<br /> Bsneticiary o�Trustee in such p�operry i�di�ectly questioned by such actian,inctuding but notlimited to,any action to�the
<br /> foreclosure at, ar eale proceedinps ur.der,any secondary lien on such property, cnndemnation or partitton of s�ch
<br /> property.and any suit braught by Benaficiary t�toreclose Mia Deed ot TrusL
<br /> CONDEMNATIDN:AI!aums due,�aid o� payable to Tru�tas,or any succ�►ssor in interest Qf Trustor,whether by way of
<br /> judyment,settlement or a�therwise,f�)for injury or damage ta�such praperty,or�b►in connectlon with any condemnation
<br /> to�public use or injury to such property or any pah the�eol,or(c)in Gonnection with the transaction Hnanced by the loan •
<br /> secu�ed hereby or(d)erising out of a!I causea of action,whether acc�uing befo�e or aite�the date of thia Deed of T�ust,
<br /> aounding in tort or contracl,including causes oi action for ir�ud or conceatment o1 a material tact tcrgether with the
<br /> , settlementa.proceed�,ewardsanddamage�,directandconsequent�al,Inconnectiontherewithareherebyabaolutelyand
<br /> irrevacablY assigned and shail be pa�d to Beneflciary.Beneticiary shall bee�titled,atitsoption,tocommence.intervene i�,
<br /> appear in and prosecute in ita own name, any action or p�oCeeding,o� to make any compromise or aettiement, �n
<br /> cannection with any such taking or damege.Trusto�agree�to execute such furthe�assignments of a�y compensati�,
<br /> award,damages.rights of action and proceeda as Beneficiary may require.
<br /> All amounts received by 8enefic�ary pursuant to this Deed ot Trust under any tire orother insuranCe policy.�c�connection
<br /> wl.th any condem�atian for public use of or i nJury to such propeRy,ior i�jury or damage to suchl��reby areto be applied at •
<br /> t�option of 8eneficiary upon any Indebtednes�secu�ed hereby.The application,use or release r,ct�uch amaunt shall not .
<br /> cute or wa��e any default or notice ot cfeta�ll he�eunder or inval�date any act done pursuant to such not�ce.
<br /> --- ��� s „�oT,nL oe�r���!fY�N�E, �TG.:?r!��te�►may,At any time,nr from time to time.withOUt IiBtD"e[�ty thetetore.
<br /> CC sV�l�7,• I\1\ M __
<br /> and without notice, upon written request ot Beneficiary, and without attecting the personal liability of any person ior -
<br /> payment ot the indebted�ess aecured hereby,or the lien ot this Qeed of Trust upon the remainder of�uch pr�perty tor the
<br /> tull amQUnt ot the indebtedness then or ihereaftet,secured harebv,or the tiAhts Or powe�s of the 88neficiary or the Trustpe
<br /> with respect ta the remainder of suct�property,�a)roconvoy any part o!auch prg�er.ty,(b�COl1SSRt t0 th8 Rl8kIR9 Q18Ry - ,�
<br /> mep o�plat thereot,(c)jain in granti ng any easement thereon,or(d)join in any e.�nsion ag�eement or any a�reement _
<br /> subo�dinating the Ilen or charge hereot. _
<br /> ;,�_; —
<br /> FUI.L RECONVEYAtVCE:Tha�upon written request of 8enef�ciary stating that all sums secured hereby h�ve been paid ���'�
<br /> and all otrkf�tlons sesured hervby have been sat�siactorily pe�tormed,Trustee sha8 reconv�y, w+thout warranty, the
<br /> property then held hereunder.The recitals �n such reconveyance of any matters o1 fact shall be co�c�usive proot of the ;.
<br /> t�uthfulness thereof. The grentee in such reconveyance may be desi�nated es "the pe►aon ar pessons legally entitled t
<br /> the►eto". Such �equests a�d �econveyance shall operate as a reas�rgnment o1 the renta. income, issues and protits `
<br /> hereinbetore assigned to the Beneficiary. `'�
<br /> �
<br /> RIGHT TO COLLECT AND RECEIVE RENTS AND PROFITS:Notw�thstanding any other p►ov�sions he�eof,8eneficiary �
<br /> hereby grants permi�sion to Trustor to cof Eect and retain the rents,incame.issues and prafits of such property as they �.
<br /> mecome dua a�d payable.but reseroes the right to revoke such permiss+on at any time,with or without cause,by natice in
<br /> wr+ting tp T�ustor, mailed to Trustor at h�s last known address. In any event, such permission to T�ustor shall be
<br /> automa�i�a�E1y revoked upon default hereunder by Trustor.
<br /> FINANCIAL INFORMATION:Trustor w�p provide to Benef�c�ary,within 90days of the close of each fiscal year of Trustar,a
<br /> Cvn3olidated bt�t8nce sheet and statement of earnings of Trustor and any and all guarantors of the obligations seccc�ed
<br /> herebyand will provide and deliverta Beneficiary such othert�nancial informet�on and in such manner aa Beneficiary may
<br /> direct from time to time.
<br /> � FINANCIAL COVEl�lAMT: Ttusior shall c�mp{y w�th end sha!#cause any and a�4 g�lara�t�rQ ot the o�fig�tiort secured
<br /> hereby ta comply witfn,ar be in compi iance witf�,t�e foiiowing f�nanaaF c�venants:t?his para�re�►h shati be non-appiicabfe
<br /> it covenants and requ�rements a�enol filled inbetow.3
<br /> � .
<br /> �
<br /> � � EVENTS CI� GEFAULT• Any of ihe follow sng evenis shall be deemed an eve�s of detault hereunder �
<br /> (a j Defaultshall be made in th�payment csf any installmentof pr�nc�pa�or interes'or any other sum sec��red hereby�nrhen [h
<br /> � due;or �
<br /> ��
<br /> _ �
<br /> (b) Trustor should breach or olh�rw�se be in default urider �ny terrn, cover,a��t FigrE°em8n(. CGnd�bOn. Gr prpv�S�On ,
<br /> - contained herein or sn any buildinp taan agreement or �n any other aqreement secured he�eb�, o►
<br /> —�rt
<br /> dr�r.
<br /> �+�l• (c t Any repres�,ntat�on ar covena��rnade her��n. �r any bu�ld�ng io�n,zyreerr•er�t �r fn dny OthE�r �{�tf�emtnt sec.ured
<br /> !'�'•,,;,;;4�+ hE�rc�hy nr g�vPn �n�nnnRt�f�pn h�F,rOwdh or :any inrlftkitE:(lnci5, ¢HC.�in�(1 t,F�rPt)y �h:�uld L��� 1;�;ye�.�r m��1F�:ecfinc�. ��r .�
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