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<br /> � �.a"`�.0213�
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<br /> � � d) T�uatar ahalt have procured, �e�mitted o� suffe►ed. volunlarily or ��valuntar�ly,Any 4�edito�to obtain a Ilen not
<br /> �,c��mitte�here�n upan a!i ar paN af sucii properry; 7►u�tor or t�ny gu�rAniot ot tho indebt2dness secuiad hersby sitail
<br /> becomc insolvQnt of ndmit in writin�its inAb�lity to pAy its cteGts as thay mature,ar m�ke An ASBignrrtent tor the beflCfit 01
<br /> creditor�or epply tar ar consont tc�the eppolntment of a recelver or tru�tee f�r it nr to�a sub�tantiat paN o1 such prope►t�,or
<br /> � 9uCh A reCelver or tru�t�ee ehall be�ppainted And shall not be dischargod within thirty(30)day�aRer appaintment;or
<br /> (e�A writ ot execution o�attitchment o►any simlla�p►oce��ahall be Is�ued or levied ageinsf a11 p�any part of or intereet
<br /> tn such�sroperty,or any jtrt�me+tt inva#vinp monetary dAnna�ss shati be enterot!againat Truato�which ahap became t�fien
<br /> pn such proFa��y�r p�rt;�n the�eof or inte�est thereln and such execution.ettaChment or similer procassor judgment i�not
<br /> reteased.bonded,satisfied,vacated or stayed within sixty(60)clays aRer its e�try or levy;or
<br /> (t)Be�krupt�y. insotvency. reo�ganizallo�, a�ranpQme�t, or liquidatlon proceedings or othe�p�oceeciin�s tor reUet
<br /> : under any bank�uptCy!aw o�ofher law for the reliet of debtors shall be inatituted by or a�ainst Trustor or any Guara�tor
<br /> hereof and if instituted a�ainst such party shall 6e aonsented to or shall not be diamissed wlthln slxty(60)daya after such
<br /> insdtution;or
<br /> (g) T�usto� or any successor in inte�est of Trusior. voluntarily ar involunta�ily should sell, exact,convey. tren�ter,
<br /> coMraci to aell,lease with option to purchase,aublease,dispose ot,change the characte�or use ot,or funiie�encumber
<br /> suCh p�opsrry.or any peth the�sof�or any inte�est thereln,o�it any said pahie�shall be divested of title to auch reel p�ope�ty
<br /> ot any paiM thereot,or any interest either voluntarily or involunta�ily�o�if title to such property be aubjected to a�y lieti�or
<br /> char�e voluntarily or i�votuntarlly, cantractual o► statutory, withaut the written consent o! 8en�aflclary beln� tirst Inad
<br /> pbtained.or '
<br /> (h)If T�u�tor ia a pa�tner�hip and the interest ota general partner te►minates,is assigned or t�anste�red,or i�diminished
<br /> i�any respecf,or if Trustor i�a corporation and a majority a}thevoting co�porate stock ist�ansler�ed,sold or assigned,o�i1
<br /> the Trustor i�a T�ustee ot a tru�t and the�e is s change o!any of the Beneflcial interest oi the trust;o�
<br /> (i )Truatorshali.withauttheconsentofBeneficiary,createorconsenttotheestablishmentotadlstrictwhichhastaxing
<br /> powers.
<br /> ACCEI.ERATIQN:UPON OEFAULT,ADDITIONAL REMEOIES:t�the event of any detault hereunder,Be�eficiary may.at -
<br /> its optlan.:
<br /> (a}�erminate additiona�advances,if any,to be made under or pursua�rt tQ the Promissory Note or any building Ioan
<br /> ag�eement or _ .-.
<br /> , (b)Declare any sum secured hereby immedlately due and payable and the same shall there upon become due and '
<br /> [fAVllhi�.w!fkZLu.:�.°.!!" ►°�a�!lm�� .�.w...w..d �....�..� ..�:.... �..__.�.: �. -
<br /> � - �—r-- ��•w..• q v...c...v.jrivavot vt �iv�wv vr etur n�iiY.Vi -. -..
<br /> (c)At any time,.v�Eih or without notice,either�n person,by agent,or by�eceive�to be appoi�ted by the Court without
<br /> reg$rd to the adeq�c�cy of any security tor the indebtedness secer�ed hereby,enter upon and take possession of such -
<br /> p�operty orany p�rtthe�eot,make,cancel,enforce or modify teases:obtaiR and eject tenae�t�,set or modify�ents;in ib own {�
<br /> namesue or otherwi�e coliectthe rents,income,issuesand profits tfiereof,ia�c��cding those pest due and unpaid;and appty
<br /> the same, leaa costs and expe�nses of oparetion,inctud;ng reasflnable attor�e�r's feeS,upon any indebtedneas secured
<br /> hereDy and in such order es 8e�eficiary may determine;and except for such axTptication,Beneflelery shall not be liabte to
<br /> arty person for thecollection Or noncollection of any rents,income,i5sues or proiits for the failure to essertor enforce any ot �
<br /> the foregoing rights.nor shell Beneficiary by c�arged with any af the duties and obligations oi a mortgagee in poataession. F �
<br /> Ti�e enteri ng upon and taking possession of such properry,the ca�lsction of such rents,income.isaues or profits,the doing
<br /> of other acts herein authorized,and the application thereof as aforesaid,shall not cure ar waive any default or notice ot ��
<br /> default hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such noi�ce;or ,��
<br /> � .
<br /> (d )Cause to befited on record,a written notice ot deiault and et�ct�on to sell such prca�terty.After the lapse o1 sacct►time
<br /> as then may be required by law tnllowing recordation of such notice of detac�Ft, and notice ot sale having been given as
<br /> �oquired by law,Trustee withoect demand on Trustor shall sell such property,e�ther as a whole or in separate parcets,and in
<br /> such order as it or Beneiiciary may determine at pubt�c suction to ihe highest bidder.The Trustee may postpone the sale of
<br /> all or any portion ot such property by pub��c announcsment at the time ot sale,and from time to time thereafter,may
<br /> poatpone the sate by public announceme�t at the time and place fixed�y the preceeding postponemenL Trust�ee shall
<br /> deliver to such purchas�er its deed conveyin�the prvperty so sold.without any covenan!or warranry,exp�ess a irnplied.
<br /> The recital in such deed of any matters of tact or other�rise shail be conclusive proof o4the truthiulness thereof.Any person,
<br /> including Truatar,Trustee or�eneficiary,may purchase et sa�d sale.T�ustee may also sell at any such sale and as a part
<br /> thereof,any shares af Co�porate stock sec3sing the oDligation s�c;:red her�by,and Tr+�star waives demand an�1 ratice ot
<br /> such s8t�. (g8n�i��iery at ii9 pptiort may aEso fweciose on suctt slnates by independec�t�:�edge sale,and Trustop waives
<br /> demand of notice�ol such sate.)Aiter deducting alf cosis,fees and expenses ot Trustee,and of this trust,including cost et
<br /> avidence ot title in connection with such sale,Trustee shall first appfy the��+aceeds of sale to t�he payment of att sums
<br /> experaded under th�terms hereof,not then repaid,with accrued interest at the rate then payable under the note or notes
<br /> secured hereby,aasd then to payment of all othe�sums secured hereby,and if thereaRer there be any Groceeds re�aining,
<br /> ��suib�:is:::�m!a tl;��:oa3i Gt N6i9fifiS ie�ifiiy etliRl@tl thQf@f0 ' -
<br /> It this Deed of Trust or any note secured hereby provides for any charge for prapayment of any indebtedness secured
<br /> hereby,Trustoi agrees to pay said charge,if ar►y ot said indebtedness shall be pa�d pnor to the maturity date thereof stated
<br /> in said note or tb�ts pg�d o1 Trust, e�en �! and notwithstanding Trustor shall have defaulted in payment theee•cf, or �n
<br /> performance ofanyagreement hereund�r,mrsd Benefic►�ry by reason thereot,shalt have declared all sums secured hereby t
<br /> immediately due and payable. �
<br /> � SCME�ULE O�L�ASES:Wi4hin ten( i0 )days after demand,Trustor sha,li twn�sh to Trustee or Benefic�ary a schedu le. ¢
<br /> certified by Trustor,setting torih all leases of such property.�ncludmg.�n each case,the name oi the tenants or occupants,a �`
<br /> descriptio� of the space occupied by such tenant and occupa�t. the rental payabMe tor such space and such other ���
<br /> mformation and documer�ts with respPCt to such Ieases and tenanc+es as the Trustee or Benef�c�ary may r�quest •
<br /> �OVEN�tVT$pf TRt}STOR 1rYITii iaESF'ECT 7O LEH5ES YVrthout ttse pripr wr�tten consent of TrUStee or Fleneficiary.
<br /> TruStor sh�lt not,dnectly or intf�rectly, w�th respect to any lease ot sR��e�n such pro��;rty, whether s�ch {��se�s nat c�r
<br /> herQattar�rv ex�st�ance (a )accept or perm�t any prppayment.�9�scuunt or acfvance payment ol renr ther�under,F b ►cancei
<br /> or term�natv the same.ar accept any ca�ncotiation, term�nat�on or surrender tnereot or uPrn��r��ny E�vter�t to c�ccur wh��t� � j
<br /> wouldc�nbt�elhc�fvssEeth�reundert�terrn�n�feorcanct•�thE•SE�me.( � iart�t•nUurnr�N.�fvtr,N<.;;rr�r�st>.i�,t�r�e•�3��{ertt�eter�--� .j
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