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<br /> j th�erc;�t. !ho rentt+l payaht� tti�r�eundor, or t� c:h��ng�any rpnowAl pravis�ans thereir�contained; (d) walve�t�ty d�91e1�11
<br /> .:te�eunder or bree3�h ti�Er�t;(e��l�v�►e�►y consent,wal�er or apprpva#thereunde�or take any other uction in canrtoztib:�
<br /> f��erewith,or with�lessee therpuntier,whfch woulti havethe eftectaf impairing thevafua of lessarsinter�xtthereunderor
<br /> the prope:rty s�,ts�ect thereto,or ot Impal�ing Ilre po�ftion or Intere�t of the Trustee o►Beneficiary;or(f)seil,assifln,ptedge,
<br /> � mortflayguratherwisedlsposeof,OrBnCUr11b!l�ItsinbreStintiny981dIe�s90fAtlyr811t9,issue9orptofitslssueinflorri�ing
<br /> tt�ereundec
<br /> � QUTIES OF TNE TRUSTEE:Trustor�grees that;(a)the ck►tlaa and nbtlpalions of T�ustee shatt be determined aolefy by
<br /> thd exprese p►ovisfons ot th�s De�eq of Tru�l and the T�ustee shall not be Ilabte ex�ept fa►1l�e pertarm2�nce ot such dutles
<br /> and obli�dt�an�am a�e specttically set forth herein,and no implied covenant�o�obli4ationa shall be imposed upor�ihe
<br /> Tru�tee;(b)nQ proof thfs Deed of Trust�hall require Trustee to eMpend or risk its own lunde,or oth�nuise incu�8nanclal
<br /> � � obligation In the pe�formance ot arty o1 its dutie�heteunder,or in the exerclse o1 any oi its ti�hts or povyera,if it shall have
<br /> p�ound�to�believinp thet the repayment of such tundsa►adequate indemniry againalsuch N�k o�liability is not�easonably
<br /> asaured to it;(c y T�ustee may consult with cvunsel of its own chaosing and the advice Qf auch counsel shall be tull and
<br /> complets autho�ization e�d protection in the�e�pect ot any action taken or suftered by it hereunder in�ood faith a�d in
<br /> rNiencs thereon;(d)T�uatee shall nof be liebte tor any actior�teken by it in good taith and reaaonabty believed by it to be
<br /> auMorized or within the descretion o�►i�hts ot powe�s conterred upon it by this�eed of T�uat.
<br /> � TRUSTEE'S FEES: T�ustor expressly covenants and egrees to pay a�d discharga all cost,tees and expenses ot this
<br /> Deedof T►uat,includln9 in theevent o1 sate by the Trustee o!such praperty,the Trustee's costa,expenses and fe�a,which
<br /> fees ahall�ot exceed s500.00 plus 4,ot 146 of the amount secured he�eby and remaining unpaid. .
<br /> SUBSTITUTION OF TRl!STEE:That Beneticiary may,i�om time to time,by instrument in writing,subatitutee successoror
<br /> �ucCe�so�s to any Truatee named herein or acting hereunder. which instrumenf� executed end ack�owledyed by
<br /> 6eneficiary and�ecorded in the oflice of the�e�iste�of deeds o1 the county or countiw where auch properry is aituated.
<br /> shall be conctusive proof oi proper substitution of such Trustee or T�ustees who ahall withoutco�veyancehom theT�ustee
<br /> predeeessor,succeed to all ots titte,estate�ights,power end dut+ea ' ' ""
<br /> s NO WAIVER BY BENEFICIARY: Na waiver by Trustee or Beneficiary of any �ight under this De�d of T�ust shall be
<br /> effective unless in writing.Waiver by Trustae ar Beneficiary of any right granted to T�ustee or Beneticiary unde�th�s Deedot
<br /> Trust ar of any p�ovision ot tt�is Deed of Trust as to any transaction or occurrences shall not be deemed a waiver as to any
<br /> future tranaaction or occurences.By accept�ng payment o!any sum secured hereby after its due date�,or by makiny any �
<br /> payment or pe�forming any act on behalf o!Trusto�that T►e,stor was obligated hereunder,but tailed to make or pertorm o�
<br /> by addin�any payment so made by Trustee or 6enei�ciary to tne indebtedness secu�ed hereby,Beneficiary doea not waive
<br />, its�ight to�equire promptpayment when due of aIl oQher sums so secured or to requireprompt performance of etl aiher acts
<br /> �
<br /> required hereunde�,o�to declare hereunder,or to deC�a�e a detault for failure so to pay.
<br /> WAIVER OF STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS�Time is of the essence in all Trustor's obl�gations hereundec:and to the extent
<br /> . Qermitted h�lawr,jn�ctr�r w.niygg w.l1 nraenns�:J`{t.�q��:��..�ee..�t....v..�• :. �_�. -
<br /> r•��•• v�arv v�...��i�atia�i�o iiitti{i�jJa{.i i'v 8i�ji vese�t,a'nmtinci or e,�iig�l�iotl -�_
<br /> secuted her�by in�ny action or proceeding for the purpose ot enforcing this Trust or any right or temedies hereunder. �
<br /> INBPECTI�N AND BUSf�96E�S AECORDS:Beneficiary at any tim�during the cantinuation ot tS�is Trust may enter and • �
<br /> inspect such properry at ar��! ce3sonabte time. T►ustor ag�ees that,when requested by Beneficiary.Trustor will promptly �
<br /> deliver to Beneficiary such certitied financial statements and prolit and loss statements ots�ch rypes and atsuch intervals
<br /> as may be required by 8eneiiciary which will be in form and content prepared according to the usual and accepteble ;
<br /> accounting principles and p�actices, which stetements shall cover the tinancial operations relating to Trustor or such
<br /> prop�rty and Trustor further,agreps when requested by Benefic�ary to promptly del�ve�in writing suCh turther additionel �.� .
<br /> inb�c�siion as required by Beneii�lary relating to any; such tinancial statements. �
<br /> .•.
<br /> �� '
<br /> REMEOI�S:No remedy herein Qrov�ded shell be exclusive Qf a^y other remedy here+n or now or hereaRer e��sting by
<br /> law.but shall becumulative.Every power or remedy hereby given to Trustee or to 8eneficiary or to which either ot them�nay �
<br /> be atherwise entitled,may be exercised irom time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by them,artd either ot �
<br /> , them may pursue inconsistent remedles.H Beneficiary holds any additi�nal security}or any obligation seCured hereby,it
<br /> may enforCe the sale thereof at its opt�on,e�ther before,contemporaneously with,or after the sale is made hereunder and
<br /> on any default of T�ustor, Beneticiary may, at �ts option, ottset aga�nst any ind�btedness secured hereby, and tt�e
<br /> Beneficiary is hereby author�zed and empowered at its opt�on,wrtinout any abGgat�on so to do.and without eftecting the
<br /> oblig8tlons hereof,ta apply toward the payment of any mdebtedness of the Trustor to the BeneficFary,any and all sums ot
<br /> money of T�ustor which may have in ifs possessian�r under its control. �nctudmg withvut lim�t�reg the generality of the
<br /> foregoing any savings account,deposrt, i�vestment certii�cate,escrow or trust funds.
<br /> LAW APPLtCABtE:That this Deed of Trust shall be construed acco�di�g to the laws of the state ot yebraska
<br /> � � . .—.
<br /> iL�.EGAUTY:tn ths event LEaat any provision or ciaccse of this Oeed of Trust confl�cts wdh applicable law,such conftict
<br /> , shallnot�ffectoth�rprovisicav�soithis0eedofTrust�rhrChcanbegiveneflectv�ithoutlF�ec�nflictmgprov�sion.andtothis
<br /> � end the proviaions of this Deed ot Trust a►e decla►ed to be severable.
<br /> GENERAL PROVISIONS:�;a?This Deed oi Trustapplaes to,mures to fhg benef�t of,and bmds all pac�c�s hereto,their he�rs, ~
<br /> legatee�,devisees,administ�ators,executors,successors and assigns.��)the term"Benefic�aty"shaU mean the owner
<br /> and holder(includ'sng a ptedgee)ot any note secured hereby,whether or not named as Beneficiary herein.(c)Wherewer
<br /> the context so requ�res,the masculine gender includes the femimne and neuter,th�s�ngular number inCludes the plural,
<br /> and viCe versa. (d) Capt�os�s and paragraph headings used here�n are for convemence only, are not a part of this
<br /> agreemen4,and sheU not 60 vSOd in con,trumg �f.I}rv�ore then one person is named herein as Tru&tor,each obligatio� �1
<br /> Trustor shall be 4he joint an�'several obligation of each such Gersan The nghts or remedies granted hereunder,or by law, �
<br /> �� � shall not be exclus�ve.but s�al!be concurrent and cumulat�ve
<br /> _ �•s
<br /> TRUSTEE ACCEPTS this Trust wi�er R�rrs Oeed,duly executed and acknow►edgeti.�s rnade a publ�c�ecord as prov�ded �
<br /> by law.truStee is not obligated b nOUty any party hereto pf pend�ng sale under any olher Deed t�#Trust or any acUon or ���
<br /> proceeding in which Trustor. Be�et�c�ary or Trustee shal� be a party, unless brougnt by Tru steo
<br /> �� Ma�l�nq flddress 1tPr not�ces to 7rustor �
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