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<br /> � �IRE,('��SUALTY,AND OTMER INSURANGE: To iceap such property insurod ac�amst loss ar damage by fue and other
<br /> risk or ���ka whi�h, in tho sote opinian ot BeneticiAty should be insured against, under policies ot�nsuranco with lo�ts
<br /> payabt�to Benef�el�ry�n t�rm,amount ancl canpanies acceptable to 8�neficiary.Said policies shalt be delivered to and
<br /> �ema�n inpossessionof 8eneticiaryaslurthersecuritytorthetaithfulpe�iormanCeoltheseobliAetions,whiChdelive�ryehall
<br /> r conatituta en assignment by T�ustor to Benaficiary ot all rights thareunder. including all �eturn p�emiums;to deUver to
<br /> ! QeneHc+a��l a policy�or pnlicies�tenE+winq or exte�di�g any expiring insuranca Nrith a �oceipt showing premium� pald�t
<br /> leaat thi�ty(30)days Detore expiration.If Trustor tails to 5o deUver any►e��wal policies,Beneficiary may procu�e such
<br /> insure�ce as it may etect and may make payment ot premiums the�eon,which payment is repayabte on demand.Neiiher
<br /> T�ustec+nor 8eneficiary ahall be�esponsibte tor obtaining ar maintaining such insurance.Beneliciary.lrom time to tlme,
<br /> rttiay fuEnish to any insurance agency or company,or any ather pe�son,any into�mation contained in o�extracted from any
<br /> Insurance policy theretafo�e delivered to Beneficiary pursuant hereto,and any info�mation conceming the loan securc3d
<br /> hereby. In no event and whether or not default hereunder has occurred shall 6eneflciary, by the fact ot approving,
<br /> acceptinq or obtai�in�such insurance,incuc any Ilabillty tar the emou�t of such insu�ance,the fo�m or legal sutticiency ot
<br /> inaurence contracts,soJvency of insurers,o�payment of losses by insure�s,and Trustor hereby expressly assumes tull
<br /> responsibility theretore and lieb�ility,if any�thereunder.In the event ot toss.T�ustor shall give immediate written�otlCe to
<br /> L�eneticiary�and Beneficiary may,but is not obligated to,make proof of loss if not made promptly by Trustor.In case otany
<br /> loss the amount collected under any poticy of insura�ce on such property may,et the option of the 8eneticlary,be applied
<br /> by 8eneficiery upon any indebtedness and/or abtigation secured hereby and In such o�derand amou�t a�8eneficiary may
<br /> determine;or said amount o�any po►Nan thereeai may,at the option of the Bsneficiary,either be used in �eptaci�g or
<br /> restoring the improvement�pa�tially or tolally d�i��oyec!to a co�dition satisfactory to said 6eneticiary.or said amount a�
<br /> a�y po►tion thereof may be released to the Tru�t�: Crn�rty such event neither the Trustee nor the Beneficiary shall be
<br /> obligated to see to the proper apptication therecrf:r,cr shalP the amount so teleased or used be deemed a payment on any '
<br /> indebtedness secu�ed hereby.Such applicatioR,use andio��olease shall not cure or waive eny detault or notice of detault
<br /> hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice. Any unexpi�ed inaurance and all returnabte insurance
<br /> p�emlums ahall insureto the benefit of.end pass ta,the purchaser olthe properry covered the�etayat any Trustee's sale held
<br /> hereunder.11 said property is sold pursuant to the power ot sale contained herein or pursuant to any dec�ee of foreclosure,
<br /> all�ight,title and interest ot T►ustor in and to the proceeds uf fire and ather msurance policies tor damage prio�to the sale,
<br /> which p�ocee�s a�e not received p►ior to the date of said sale,shall belong to Beneticiary.Trustor will comply with such
<br /> other requlrements and provid8 suCh other rype o4 insurance as Benefic iary may require from time to time tor the proteCtio�
<br /> by insurance a1 the interest of the respeative pa�ties hereto.
<br /> TAXES AND OTHER SUMS DUE:To pay,satisfy and discharge,at least to ten(tQ)days before delinquency all general
<br /> and special taxes and asaessments and other public charges,and in no event later than the date such amounts become
<br /> d�e and to furthRr pay when due or�equeste�:(t ?all encumbrances,chArges and liens,with interest,on such property,or
<br /> any part thereof,which a�e,or eppear to benef iciary,in its sole discretion,to be prior to o�superior hereto.(2)all costs,fees
<br /> and expenses of this trust,whethet or�ot desCribed herein,�3)fees or chargesfor any statement re�ynrdi�g ii�euuiiyetiu�i --�
<br /> secu�ed hereby in eny amount demanded by Beneficiary,not to exceed the maximum amount allowed by law theretore a!
<br /> the time when such�equeat is made,�4)such olherchargesas the Beneficiary may deem reasonablefor services�e�dered
<br /> v"wRo�:Z�v:'vitv:Uiiiiaii&vn�i,ini iie"r�ivii►ii32�7i Gi Sii �YGGO�SVt�t1�fiiCiC2fli0 ttUStOf, ItSl7Cti rv irtciudesa -
<br /> teasehold estate,811 payments end bligations required o1 the Trt�stor or his successor in interest under tha erms o1 the �"
<br /> r
<br /> instrument or inst�uments creating such leasehald,(6)All payments and monetary obligations required of the owner o! �
<br /> suCh p�operty under any deClaratlan of covenants, conditions and rest�ictions pe�taining to such propetty or any � s
<br /> modification tE�eteof;(7)all mortgage insurance or guaranty fees,premiums,or charges ot any nature peRaining to such '
<br /> pr�perty.Trustoragrees tonotity Beneficiary imcrrediately upon receipt by Trustor ot noticeolnny increase in theassessed
<br /> vaF�e oi such property and agrees that Benefic�ary,in the name of Trustor,may contest by app�apviate proceedings such
<br /> �RCrease in assessmen�
<br /> In the event of the passage of any iaw deducting trom the value of real properry for the purposes of taxation any lien ' . `
<br /> thareon or changing in any way the laws for the taxat�on ot deeds of trust or debts secured by deeds of trust for state or local ..
<br /> purposes.or the manner Qtthe collect�on of any such taxes,so as to atfect this Deed of Trust,the holder of this Deed of Tr�st '�►
<br /> and oi the obligations v�h�ch it secures shall ha�e the r�ght to dec►are all sums secured hereby due as ot a date to be
<br /> specified by not less than 30 deys' w�itten notice to be giuen to Trustor by Benet��ia�y;provided, how�vet,that such ",�
<br /> eteCtion shaFd be+neftective if Trustor is permitted by law to pay the whole of such tax in addition to atl ather payments
<br /> required hereunder anc�it,prior to such spec�tiez�date,does pay such tax and agrees to pay any such tax when hereatter
<br /> tevied or assessed aga�rst such property,and s4ch agreement shall const�tute a modif�cation of this Oeed oi Trust.
<br /> FUNDS FOR TAXES ANO iNSURANCE: If 9enef�c�ary sha�!so►equ�st.Trustor agrees that there shalf be added tothe
<br /> periodical payment required to be made hereunder an amount est�mated by Trusfed to be sufficient to enabte Trustor to
<br /> pay,at least thirry (3a} days before delmQuency.all general and spec+al taxes, assessments,o� other public charges
<br /> againat such property,the Promissory Note,or upon or on account of the debt or the r�en of this D2ed of Trust,together with
<br /> premiums tor insurence required to be prov�ded under this Oeed of Trust and a!1 mortgage insurance or g�aranty tees.
<br /> premiums or similar charges and r.o interesi shaU he pzy�bfe ta Trussor �n res��«thereat. Upon dem.ar�� by Trustes.
<br /> 'i�ustor shaf€�etiverto Trustee such atlC�UOt�at sums of moneyas are ngcessary to rnake up any deficiency in Eheamounts
<br /> necessary to enabte Trustee to pay any oi the tcrego�ng�tems. ,
<br /> SUMS ADVAlVCED TO BEAR INTEREST:To p�y�mmediately upon Cemand ar.y sums advances or paid by Benefic�ary
<br /> av Trustee underany clause or provcsion of this Deed af Trust.Any such sums.u�t�E so repaid,shall be secured hereby and
<br /> f.�"__' ____
<br /> ear�nterest rom thE dateadvance�or paid at the sams rate as set turth fn suct►Prom�ssory Note and shall be secured by .
<br /> ihis Deed of T�ust.
<br /> ASSIGNME(�!T OF DEPOSITS:That as addit�onal sece,r�ty �t th�s be a co�s;ruct�on�oan. Trustor hereby transters and
<br /> assigns to Benefi�iary during contmuance of these Trusts,alt nght,trtfe an� �nte�est to any and aIi mon�es�epossted by
<br /> Trustor or depos�ted on behe�lf ot Trustor with any c�ry,county,public bad;�or agency.samtary d�stnct,gas arv�or eiectnc �t
<br /> com�any,telepho�e company and any other body or agency.for the�nsta;latron or to secure the mstallat�on ot any uL•srryby
<br /> � Trustor, penaming to th�s property ��
<br /> FAILUF�EOF THUST()R TOGOMPLY WITH DEE�OF TRUS'f.In eheevent Trustor shou►d ta�l to makear�y payment,orto �``
<br /> do any r�et as prowdod�n this DQed oi Tru�t,or farl to periorrn any o�l�gat�on secured by th�s Deed of Trust,or do any act ��
<br /> , Trustnr agreed noi to do. Beneftciary,but without obiigat�on so to do and w�tnout not�ce to or domand upon Trustor and
<br /> wiihoul�E�leasing Truslor�rom any obhgat�an hereol and without contestmg the val�d�t��ur artiount of ihe same.may f a)pay.
<br /> +i�6ke Ur rJU tt�te 5�n,e �n such manner and to SuCh extent �S rt may deerr� neGessary to proteCi the secunty hereof.
<br /> 8enolic��ry be�n,y author�zed to enter upon such property tor such pu�poses and !b) pay. �,u�chase. contest or
<br /> �!1!T?�?!0!fS1SP,;�fi�f�lTC�1tP.hlA/ll:R !'hAt(3P f)�i�P.n ►vhit'h in�1S�illjl3Y.R'1Ht�1+S!)��)�?�f�,llS 1r�t�u�r�ni{.r 5!y�E,f���l r1Qt1�17.�fnf�(!' 1
<br /> �n NrE.'r��:�ut(j�ilyy�;U(.h F).�wt�r.p;�y neGPSSAty COSiS.fE�.�5. �n� Cxpc't�St1S.@rYtptU� [.r,�iir yF�f�i��q p:iy r.!�ungE'I'S rc��tsCr�ab�t' �
<br /> �BE!5 7rusln► elf�ff.'E:5�f>fE(��lY illl� 11111UUf�1;,t�Exp�nd[�d tir, r�f��»;ih!; r�{ �-jE'flf�h( GI��
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